Example #1
        public void T402_ChangeState()
            TcoStateTest ts = tc._tcoObjectTest_A._tcoStateTest_A;

            short initState;
            short newState;
            short ccc = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                              //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().


            initState = ts._myState.Synchron;                                                           //Store the previous state of the ts
            newState  = TestHelpers.RandomNumber((short)(initState + 1), (short)(5 * (initState + 1))); //Generate new random value of the new state.
            Assert.AreNotEqual(initState, newState);                                                    //New state should be different as the initial state.


            ts.TriggerChangeState(newState);                                                            //Change state of the ts to the new value newState.


            Assert.AreEqual(newState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                            //Check if the state of the ts has been changed to the newState.
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.
            Assert.AreEqual("My state has been change from " + initState.ToString()                     //Check if overiden method OnStateChange() generate expected message.
                            + " to the new state " + newState.ToString() + ".", ts.GetMessage());
Example #2
        public void T404_Restore()
            TcoStateTest ts = tc._tcoObjectTest_A._tcoStateTest_A;

            short newState = TestHelpers.RandomNumber(20, 100);                                         //Generate new random value of the newState
            short ccc      = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                         //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerChangeState(newState);                                                        //Initiate change the state of the ts to the new value newState

            Assert.AreEqual(newState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                            //Check if the state of the ts has been changed to the newState
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.

            ccc = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                                    //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().
            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerRestore();                                                                    //By calling the Restore() method state of the ts should change to -1

            Assert.AreEqual(-1, ts._myState.Synchron);                                                  //Check if Restore() method change the state of the ts to -1.
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.
Example #3
        public void T403_OnStateChange()
            TcoStateTest ts      = tc._tcoObjectTest_A._tcoStateTest_A;
            string       message = TestHelpers.RandomString(20);
            short        initState;
            short        newState;
            short        ccc = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                       //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.PostMessage(message);                                                                //Force test instance to post randomly generated message.

            Assert.AreEqual(message, ts.GetMessage());                                                  //Check if the randomly generated message has been appeared in mime.


            initState = ts._myState.Synchron;                                                           //Store the previous state of the ts
            newState  = TestHelpers.RandomNumber((short)(initState + 1), (short)(5 * (initState + 1))); //Generate new random value of the new state.
            Assert.AreNotEqual(initState, newState);                                                    //New state should be different as the initial state.

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerChangeState(initState);                                                       //Change state initiated to the same value as the actual state was before. From initState to initState.

            Assert.AreEqual(initState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                           //State of the ts should stay the same.
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                    //OnStateChange() method should not call, as there was no real change of the state of the ts.
            Assert.AreEqual(message, ts.GetMessage());                                                  //Message should stay the same, as there was no real change of the state of the ts and therefor no OnStateChange() method should be performed.

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerChangeState(newState);                                                        //Change state initiated to the different value as before. From initState to newState.

            Assert.AreEqual(newState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                            //Check if the state of the ts has been changed from initState to newState.
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.
            Assert.AreEqual("My state has been change from " + initState.ToString()                     //Check if overiden method OnStateChange() generate expected message and overwrite the message randomly generated.
                            + " to the new state " + newState.ToString() + ".", ts.GetMessage());
Example #4
        public void T405_ChangeStateWithObjectRestore()
            TcoStateTest ts = tc._tcoObjectTest_A._tcoStateTest_A;
            short        initState;
            short        newState;
            short        ccc = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                       //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().

            initState = ts._myState.Synchron;                                                           //Store the previous state of the ts
            newState  = TestHelpers.RandomNumber((short)(initState + 1), (short)(5 * (initState + 1))); //Generate new random value of the new state.

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerChangeState(newState);                                                        //Initiate change the state of the ts to the new value newState
                ts.CallTaskInstancies();                                                                //Call instancies of the tasks that are childs of the ts

            Assert.AreEqual(newState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                            //Check if the state of the ts has been changed from initState to newState.
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.
            Assert.IsFalse(ts._tcoTaskTest_A._isBusy.Synchron);                                         //Task A should be in Idle state, as it was not started
            Assert.IsFalse(ts._tcoTaskTest_B._isBusy.Synchron);                                         //Task B should be in Idle state, as it was not started

            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerTaskInvoke();                                                                 //Calling the Invoke() methods on the both instancies of the task, should get them into the Request state
                ts.CallTaskInstancies();                                                                //Following call of theirs body should get them into the Executing state.

            Assert.IsTrue(ts._tcoTaskTest_A._isBusy.Synchron);                                          //Task A should be in the Execution state.
            Assert.IsTrue(ts._tcoTaskTest_B._isBusy.Synchron);                                          //Task B should be in the Execution state.

            initState = ts._myState.Synchron;                                                           //Store the previous state of the ts
            newState  = TestHelpers.RandomNumber((short)(initState + 1), (short)(5 * (initState + 1))); //Generate new random value of the new state.

            ccc = ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron;                                                    //Store the actual value of the calls of the method OnStateChange().
            tc.SingleCycleRun(() =>
                ts.TriggerChangeStateWithObjectRestore(newState);                                       //Changing state of the ts with manual object restore using fluent syntax: ts.ChangeState(newState).ObjectRestore(TaskA).ObjectRestore(TaskB);

            Assert.AreEqual(newState, ts._myState.Synchron);                                            //Check if the state of the ts has been changed to the newState
            Assert.AreEqual(ccc + 1, ts._onStateChangeCounter.Synchron);                                //OnStateChange() method should be called just once, as the only one change of the state has been performed on the ts.

            Assert.IsFalse(ts._tcoTaskTest_A._isBusy.Synchron);                                         //Task A should be in Idle state, as it was restored.
            Assert.IsFalse(ts._tcoTaskTest_B._isBusy.Synchron);                                         //Task B should be in Idle state, as it was restored.