private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { LbInfo.Text = ""; LbAlert.Text = ""; LbReturn.Text = ""; lblReturn.Text = ""; pbMain.Hide(); TbReturnValue.Clear(); timer2.Enabled = false; }
private void TbReturnValue_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TbReturnValue.TextLength == 12) { string sqlCmd = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer WHERE Barcode = '" + TbReturnValue.Text + "'"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand CommandCheck = new MySqlCommand(sqlCmd, connection); int Exist = Convert.ToInt32(CommandCheck.ExecuteScalar()); if (Exist > 0) { LbReturn.Text = TbReturnValue.Text; LbAlert.ForeColor = Color.Green; LbAlert.Text = "Scan a new RFID."; pbMain.Image = Properties.Resources.Check; pbMain.Show(); } else { LbAlert.ForeColor = Color.Red; LbAlert.Text = "Ticket does not exist."; TbReturnValue.Clear(); playaudiofail(); pbMain.Image = Properties.Resources.Error; pbMain.Show(); timer1.Enabled = true; } } catch (MySqlException) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to reach the database. Check your connection."); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.Close(); connection.Close(); } } } }