Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper Method to set a Taxonomy Field on a list item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Authenticated ClientContext</param>
        /// <param name="listItem">The listitem to modify</param>
        /// <param name="model">Domain Object of key/value pairs of the taxonomy field & value</param>
        public static void SetTaxonomyField(ClientContext ctx, ListItem listItem, Hashtable model)
            FieldCollection _fields = listItem.ParentList.Fields;

            foreach(var _key in model.Keys)
               var _termName = model[_key].ToString();
               TaxonomyField _field = ctx.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(_fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(_key.ToString()));
               Guid _id = _field.TermSetId;
               string _termID = AutoTaggingHelper.GetTermIdByName(ctx, _termName, _id );
               var _termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue()
                   Label = _termName,
                   TermGuid = _termID,
                   WssId = -1

               _field.SetFieldValueByValue(listItem, _termValue);
		internal static void AddOrder
					(this ClientContext ctx, string title, string customerId, string ProductId, string price) {
			var orders = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Order");
			ListItem li = orders.AddItem(new ListItemCreationInformation());

			li["Title"] = title;
			li["Customer"] = new FieldLookupValue() { LookupId = customerId.ToInt32()};
			li["Product_2"] = new TaxonomyFieldValue() { TermGuid = ProductId, Label="", WssId=-1};
			li["Price"] = price;

Example #3
        public static void AddAccusseDeLecture(string webUrl, int docID, string docName, User lecteur, string taxLabel = null, string termGuid = null)
            using (ClientContext ctx = SPConnection.GetSPOLContext(webUrl))
                List itemList = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Accusés de lecture");
                ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation();
                ListItem itemtoADD = itemList.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
                itemtoADD["Title"] = docName;
                FieldUserValue usrValue = new FieldUserValue();
                usrValue.LookupId    = lecteur.Id;;
                itemtoADD["Lecteur"] = usrValue;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxLabel))
                    var termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
                    termValue.Label    = taxLabel;
                    termValue.TermGuid = termGuid;
                    termValue.WssId    = -1;

                    itemtoADD["UF_x0020_du_x0020_lecteur"] = termValue;
                FieldLookupValue val = new FieldLookupValue();
                val.LookupId                   = docID;
                itemtoADD["Document"]          = val;
                itemtoADD["Document_x0020_lu"] = false;
                itemtoADD["Commentaires_x0020__x0028_inform"] = "";

Example #4
        private static string GetTaxonomyFieldValidatedValue(TaxonomyField field, string defaultValue)
            string res         = null;
            object parsedValue = null;

            field.EnsureProperty(f => f.AllowMultipleValues);
            if (field.AllowMultipleValues)
                parsedValue = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(field.Context, defaultValue, field);
                TaxonomyFieldValue taxValue = null;
                if (TryParseTaxonomyFieldValue(defaultValue, out taxValue))
                    parsedValue = taxValue;
            if (parsedValue != null)
                var validateValue = field.GetValidatedString(parsedValue);
                res = validateValue.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper Method to set a Taxonomy Field on a list item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Authenticated ClientContext</param>
        /// <param name="listItem">The listitem to modify</param>
        /// <param name="model">Domain Object of key/value pairs of the taxonomy field & value</param>
        public static void SetTaxonomyField(ClientContext ctx, ListItem listItem, Hashtable model)
            FieldCollection _fields = listItem.ParentList.Fields;


            foreach (var _key in model.Keys)
                var           _termName = model[_key].ToString();
                TaxonomyField _field    = ctx.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(_fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(_key.ToString()));
                Guid   _id        = _field.TermSetId;
                string _termID    = AutoTaggingHelper.GetTermIdByName(ctx, _termName, _id);
                var    _termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue()
                    Label    = _termName,
                    TermGuid = _termID,
                    WssId    = -1

                _field.SetFieldValueByValue(listItem, _termValue);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a single ListItem, making sure only to update fields in the cType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        private void UpdateListItem(SPListItem item)
                SPContentType ctId = item.ContentType;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, string> keyValue in _fieldValues.Where(keyValue => ctId.Fields.Contains(keyValue.Key)))
                    if (item.Fields[keyValue.Key].TypeAsString.StartsWith("TaxonomyFieldType", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        var field      = item.Fields[keyValue.Key] as TaxonomyField;
                        var fieldValue = item[keyValue.Key] != null ? item[keyValue.Key].ToString() : "";
                        var newValues  = keyValue.Value;

                        if (field != null)
                            if (field.AllowMultipleValues)
                                var values = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(field);

                                if (TaxonomyAppending.Checked)

                                field.SetFieldValue(item, values);
                                var taxValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
                                field.SetFieldValue(item, taxValue);
                    else if (item.Fields[keyValue.Key].TypeAsString.StartsWith("DateTime", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        var field = item.Fields[keyValue.Key] as SPFieldDateTime;
                        if (field != null)
                            CultureInfo ci       = new CultureInfo(Convert.ToInt32(SPContext.Current.Web.CurrencyLocaleID));
                            DateTime    fldValue = Convert.ToDateTime(keyValue.Value);
                            field.ParseAndSetValue(item, fldValue.ToString(ci.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern, ci));
                        item[keyValue.Key] = keyValue.Value;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _messages += ex.Message + "<br/>";
                SPCriticalTraceCounter.AddDataToScope(67, "SP2010 BatchEdit", 1, ex.Message + ": " + ex.StackTrace);
Example #7
        public static void SetTaxonomyFieldValue(this ListItem item, Guid fieldId, string label, Guid termGuid)
            ClientContext clientContext = item.Context as ClientContext;

            List list = item.ParentList;


            IEnumerable <Field> fieldQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(
                    fieldArg => fieldArg.TypeAsString,
                    fieldArg => fieldArg.Id,
                    fieldArg => fieldArg.InternalName
                ).Where(fieldArg => fieldArg.Id == fieldId);


            TaxonomyField taxField = fieldQuery.Cast <TaxonomyField>().FirstOrDefault();


            TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();

            fieldValue.Label    = label;
            fieldValue.TermGuid = termGuid.ToString();
            fieldValue.WssId    = -1;
            taxField.SetFieldValueByValue(item, fieldValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a taxonomy field value to a SPListItem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The SharePoint List Item</param>
        /// <param name="fieldValueInfo">The field and value information</param>
        public override void WriteValueToListItem(SPListItem item, FieldValueInfo fieldValueInfo)
            var termInfo = fieldValueInfo.Value as TaxonomyValue;
            TaxonomyFieldValue newTaxonomyFieldValue = null;

            TaxonomyField taxonomyField = (TaxonomyField)item.Fields.GetField(fieldValueInfo.FieldInfo.InternalName);

            newTaxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);

            var noteField = item.Fields[taxonomyField.TextField];

            if (termInfo != null && termInfo.Term != null)
                string labelGuidPair = TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(termInfo.Term.Label) + TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter + termInfo.Term.Id.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();

                // PopulateFromLabelGuidPair takes care of looking up the WssId value and creating a new item in the TaxonomyHiddenList if needed.
                // Main taxonomy field value format: WssID;#Label
                // TODO - Make sure we support sub-level terms with format: WssID;#Label|RootTermGuid|...|ParentTermGuid|TermGuid
                // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee567833.aspx

                // Must write associated note field as well as the main taxonomy field.
                // Note field value format: Label|Guid
                // Reference: http://nickhobbs.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/sharepoint-2010-how-to-set-taxonomy-field-values-programmatically/
                item[noteField.InternalName] = labelGuidPair;
                // No taxonomy value, make sure to empty the note field as well
                item[noteField.InternalName] = null;

            item[fieldValueInfo.FieldInfo.InternalName] = newTaxonomyFieldValue;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a field value from a DataRow returned by a CAML query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The context's web</param>
        /// <param name="dataRowFromCamlResult">The CAML-query-result data row we want to extract a field value from</param>
        /// <param name="fieldInternalName">The key to find the field among the data row cells</param>
        /// <returns>The value extracted from the data row's corresponding cell</returns>
        public override TaxonomyValue ReadValueFromCamlResultDataRow(SPWeb web, DataRow dataRowFromCamlResult, string fieldInternalName)
            var fieldValue = dataRowFromCamlResult[fieldInternalName];

            if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue != System.DBNull.Value)
                var site  = web.Site;
                var field = (TaxonomyField)site.RootWeb.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(fieldInternalName);

                var taxFieldVal = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);

                var taxValue = new TaxonomyValue(taxFieldVal);

                // Watch out! Here, we're going to use the Site Collection's site column to determine
                // the taxonomy context. This means that if the item comes from a list where the
                // TermStoreMapping on the list column is different than on the site column, we're
                // going to initialize the wrong context for the item here.
                InitTaxonomyContextForValue(taxValue, field, site);


Example #10
        public Advertisment GetDeatils(ClientContext context, string listTitle, int id)
            Advertisment adDetails = new Advertisment();

            if (context != null)
                List     list    = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
                ListItem newItem = list.GetItemById(id);

                TaxonomyFieldValue taxFieldValue = newItem["Kategorier"] as TaxonomyFieldValue;
                FieldUserValue     user          = (FieldUserValue)newItem["S_x00e4_ljare"];
                adDetails = new Advertisment
                    ID           = Convert.ToInt32(newItem["ID"]),
                    ProductTitle = newItem["Title"].ToString(),
                    Description  = Convert.ToString(newItem["ubza"]),
                    Created      = Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Created"]),
                    Price        = Convert.ToDecimal(newItem["Pris"]),
                    Category     = taxFieldValue.Label,
                    ImageUrl     = ((FieldUrlValue)(newItem["Bild"])).Url,
                    Seller       = user.Email,
                    SellerToken  = VerifyUser(user),

Example #11
        public List <Advertisment> GetItems(ClientContext context, string listTitle)
            ListItemCollection  listItems = RetriveList2(context, listTitle);
            List <Advertisment> products  = new List <Advertisment>();

            foreach (var items in listItems)
                TaxonomyFieldValue taxFieldValue = items["Kategorier"] as TaxonomyFieldValue;
                FieldUserValue     user          = (FieldUserValue)items["S_x00e4_ljare"];
                Advertisment       product       = new Advertisment
                    ID           = Convert.ToInt32(items["ID"]),
                    ProductTitle = items["Title"].ToString(),
                    Description  = Convert.ToString(items["ubza"]),
                    Created      = Convert.ToDateTime(items["Created"]),
                    Price        = Convert.ToDecimal(items["Pris"]),
                    Category     = taxFieldValue.Label,
                    Seller       = user.Email,
                    SellerToken  = VerifyUser(user),

Example #12
        public static void SetDefaultValue(SPSite site, TaxonomyField field, string defaultValue, bool addIfDoesNotExist /*, out bool newTermAdded*/)
            if (field.AllowMultipleValues)
                TaxonomyFieldValueCollection oTaxonomyFieldValues = GetTaxonomyFieldValues(site, field, new[] { defaultValue }, addIfDoesNotExist /*, out newTermAdded*/);

                string validatedString = field.GetValidatedString(oTaxonomyFieldValues);

                if (field.DefaultValue != validatedString)
                    field.DefaultValue = validatedString;
                TaxonomyFieldValue oTaxonomyFieldValue = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(site, field, defaultValue, addIfDoesNotExist /*, out newTermAdded*/);

                //string validatedString = field.GetValidatedString(oTaxonomyFieldValue);

                if (field.DefaultValue != oTaxonomyFieldValue.ValidatedString)
                    field.DefaultValue = oTaxonomyFieldValue.ValidatedString;
Example #13
        public static TaxonomyFieldValueCollection GetTaxonomyFieldValues(TermSet termSet, IEnumerable <string> values, bool addIfDoesNotExist, out bool newTermsAdded)
            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection termValues = TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyCollection("");

            newTermsAdded = false;

            if (values != null && values.Count() > 0)
                bool[] newTermAddedResult = new bool[values.Count()];
                termValues.AddRange(values.Where(termValue => termValue != null)
                                    .Select((value, i) =>
                    bool newTermAdded;
                    TaxonomyFieldValue val = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(termSet,
                                                                   out newTermAdded);
                    newTermAddedResult[i] = newTermAdded;
                newTermsAdded = newTermAddedResult.Any(newTermAdded => newTermAdded);

        private static TaxonomyFieldValueCollection CreateSharePointTaxonomyFieldValue(
            TaxonomyField sharepointTaxonomyField,
            TaxonomyValueCollection dynamiteCollection,
            List <string> labelGuidPairsListOutParam)
            if (labelGuidPairsListOutParam == null)
                labelGuidPairsListOutParam = new List <string>();

            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection sharePointValueCollection = null;

            foreach (var TaxonomyValue in dynamiteCollection)
                string labelGuidPair = TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(TaxonomyValue.Term.Label) + TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter
                                       + TaxonomyValue.Term.Id.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();


            if (labelGuidPairsListOutParam.Count >= 1)
                sharePointValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(sharepointTaxonomyField);

                labelGuidPairsListOutParam.ForEach(labelGuidPair =>
                    TaxonomyFieldValue taxoFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(sharepointTaxonomyField);


        public static void SetMetadataFields(ClientContext cc, JObject inputFields, FieldCollection fields, ListItem item)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> inputField in inputFields)
                var field = fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(inputField.Key);


                if (field.TypeAsString.Equals("TaxonomyFieldType"))
                    var taxKeywordField = cc.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(field);

                    Guid   _id     = taxKeywordField.TermSetId;
                    string _termID = TermHelper.GetTermIdByName(cc, inputField.Value.ToString(), _id);

                    TaxonomyFieldValue termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue()
                        Label    = inputField.Value.ToString(),
                        TermGuid = _termID,
                        //WssId = -1
                        //WssId = (int)taxObj["WssId"]

                    taxKeywordField.SetFieldValueByValue(item, termValue);
                else if (field.TypeAsString.Equals("User"))
                    var user = FieldUserValue.FromUser(inputField.Value.ToString());
                    item[inputField.Key] = user;
                else if (field.TypeAsString.Equals("DateTime") && inputField.Value.ToString() != "")
                    string dateTimeStr = inputField.Value.ToString();
                    dateTimeStr          = dateTimeStr.Replace("~t", "");
                    item[inputField.Key] = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimeStr);
                else if (inputField.Value.ToString() == "")
                    item[inputField.Key] = inputField.Value.ToString();

                // This method works but not practical
                //string termValue = "-1;#" + taxObj["Label"].ToString() + "|" + taxObj["TermGuid"].ToString();
                //item[inputField.Key] = termValue;

Example #16
        public static void SettingAndGettingFieldValues(ClientContext ctx)
            List     list = ctx.Web.GetListByUrl("lists/books");
            ListItem item = list.GetItemById(1);



            //// setting /////

            // lookup field

            ListItem lookUpItem = list.GetItemById(4);


            item["OD1_Book"] = lookUpItem.Id;

            // tax field

            Term term = ctx.Site.GetTermByName("02806e1e-aeb7-4542-bf7e-0d1a3fdbc9d3".ToGuid(), "Romance");

            item.SetTaxonomyFieldValue("{FB53E9CD-CC30-432C-95F1-E64CE1B4F2A1}".ToGuid(), term.GetDefaultLabel(1033).Value, term.Id);

            //// getting /////

            // lookup field

            FieldLookupValue lookupval = item["OD1_Book"] as FieldLookupValue;


            TaxonomyFieldValue taxval = item["OD1_TaxCode"] as TaxonomyFieldValue;


            // alternate way of setting taxonomy item.
            //TaxonomyField taxField = list.Fields.GetById("{FB53E9CD-CC30-432C-95F1-E64CE1B4F2A1}".ToGuid()) as TaxonomyField;
            //taxField.SetFieldValueByTerm(item, term, 1033);
 private TermInfo ConvertToTermInfo(TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue) =>
 new TermInfo
     Label     = taxonomyFieldValue.Label,
     TermGuid  = taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid,
     WssId     = taxonomyFieldValue.WssId,
     TermSetId = _termSetId.ToString()
Example #18
 public static string TaxonomyValueToString(TaxonomyFieldValue value)
     if (value == null)
        public static List <Log> UpdateSite(ClientContext ctx, DefaultFields defaultFields)
            const string TaxonomyFieldType      = "TaxonomyFieldType";
            const string TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti = "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti";
            Web          web = ctx.Web;


                FieldCollection fields = web.Fields;
                ctx.Load(fields, tcol => tcol.Where(t => t.TypeAsString == TaxonomyFieldType || t.TypeAsString == TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti));

                /// Update Columns

                foreach (var column in defaultFields)
                    Field field = GetField(column.InternalName, fields);
                    if (field == null)
                        Log.Error(web.Url, "", column.InternalName, "Invalid Field Name");
                        TaxonomyField taxonomyField = ctx.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(field);
                        if (taxonomyField.AllowMultipleValues)
                            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection taxonomyFieldValues = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(ctx, "", field);
                            taxonomyFieldValues.PopulateFromLabelGuidPairs(column.TermLabel + "|" + column.Guid);

                            var validatedValues = taxonomyField.GetValidatedString(taxonomyFieldValues);
                            taxonomyField.DefaultValue = validatedValues.Value;
                            TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
                            taxonomyFieldValue.WssId    = -1;
                            taxonomyFieldValue.Label    = column.TermLabel;
                            taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = column.Guid;
                            var validatedValue = taxonomyField.GetValidatedString(taxonomyFieldValue);
                            taxonomyField.DefaultValue = validatedValue.Value;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(web.Url, "", "", ex.Message);
Example #20
        public static string ToNormalString(this TaxonomyFieldValue value)
            if (value == null)

        private static string FormatTaxonomyString(TaxonomyField sharePointField, TaxonomyValue valueToApply)
            var    sharePointTaxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(sharePointField);
            string path = TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(valueToApply.Term.Label) + TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter
                          + valueToApply.Term.Id.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();


Example #22
        private static void addTaxonomyFieldValue(DataRow newRow, Property prop, object FieldValue)
            TaxonomyFieldValue taxanomyValue = FieldValue as TaxonomyFieldValue;

            if (taxanomyValue != null)
                newRow[prop.Name] = taxanomyValue.TermGuid;
                newRow[prop.Name + Constants.InternalProperties.Suffix_Value] = taxanomyValue.Label;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets value to a Taxonomy field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
        /// <param name="value">A <see cref="Term"/> object to set.</param>
        public virtual void SetTaxonomy(string fieldName, Term value)
            TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue("");

            taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = value.Id.ToString();
            taxonomyFieldValue.Label    = value.Name;
            taxonomyFieldValue.WssId    = value.EnsureWssId(this.Site, fieldName.Equals("TaxKeyword"));
            this[fieldName]             = taxonomyFieldValue;
            SetTaxonomyTextValue(fieldName, new[] { value });
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The converted value.
        /// </returns>
        public override object Convert(object value, DataRowConversionArguments arguments)
            if (value == System.DBNull.Value)
                return null;

            TaxonomyValue convertedValue = null;

            var taxonomyFieldValue = value as TaxonomyFieldValue;

            if (taxonomyFieldValue == null)
                var stringValue = value as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue))
                    var fieldObject = arguments.FieldCollection.Cast<SPField>()
                        .FirstOrDefault(f => f.InternalName == arguments.ValueKey);

                    if (fieldObject != null)
                        taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldObject);
                        return null;

            if (taxonomyFieldValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid))
                if (SPContext.Current != null)
                    // Resolve the Term from the term store, because we want all Labels and we want to
                    // create the TaxonomyValue object with a label in the correct LCID (we want one with
                    // LCID = CurrentUICUlture.LCID
                    Term underlyingTerm = this.taxonomyService.GetTermForId(SPContext.Current.Site, new Guid(taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid));

                    if (underlyingTerm != null)
                        convertedValue = new TaxonomyValue(underlyingTerm);
                    // We don't have access to a SPContext (needed to use the TaxonomyService), so we need to
                    // fall back on the non-UICulture-respecting TaxonomyValue constructor
                    convertedValue = new TaxonomyValue(taxonomyFieldValue);

            return convertedValue;
Example #25
        public static SPTerm ToSPTerm(this TaxonomyFieldValue value, IEnumerable <SPTerm> terms)
            if (value == null)
                return(new SPTerm());

            var guid = new Guid(value.TermGuid);

            return(terms.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == guid));
Example #26
        public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(SPSite site, TaxonomyField field, string value, bool addIfDoesNotExist /*, out bool newTermAdded*/)
            TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
            TaxonomyFieldValue tempValue          = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(site, field.SspId, field.TermSetId, value, addIfDoesNotExist /*, out newTermAdded*/);

            if (tempValue != null)

Example #27
        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            // Get the workflow context for the workflow activity.
            NWWorkflowContext ctx = NWWorkflowContext.GetContext(
                new Guid(this.__ListId),

            string resolvedFieldValue = ctx.AddContextDataToString(this.TaxFieldValue);
            string resolvedListID     = ctx.AddContextDataToString(this.lookupList);
            int    resolvedItemID     = int.Parse(ctx.AddContextDataToString(this.itemID));


                "Updating '" + TaxonomyFieldName + "' Value '" + TaxFieldValue + "' ",

                SPList             list               = ctx.Web.Lists.GetList(new Guid(resolvedListID), false);
                SPListItem         item               = list.GetItemById(resolvedItemID);
                TaxonomyField      taxonomyField      = list.Fields[TaxonomyFieldName] as TaxonomyField;
                TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);

                String[] TermValues = resolvedFieldValue.Split('|');
                if (TermValues[0].Length > 0)
                    // value|GUID
                    if (TermValues.Length == 2)
                        taxonomyFieldValue.Label    = TermValues[0];
                        taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = TermValues[1];
                    taxonomyField.SetFieldValue(item, taxonomyFieldValue);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    "Error occured while updating '" + TaxonomyFieldName + "' Value '" + resolvedFieldValue + "' " + ex.Message,

            base.LogProgressEnd(ctx, executionContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a default for a field at a location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides the method to set the default value for the field</param>
        /// <param name="folder"><see cref="SPFolder"/> location at which to set the default value</param>
        /// <param name="list">List of the TaxonomyField containing the validatedString corresponding to the default value.</param>
        public void ApplyFieldOnMetadata(MetadataDefaults metadata, SPFolder folder, SPList list)
            var term = this.Term;
            var labelGuidPair = term.GetDefaultLabel((int)list.ParentWeb.Language) + "|" + term.Id;
            var taxonomyField = list.Fields.GetField(this.FieldName) as TaxonomyField;
            var newTaxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);

            // PopulateFromLabelGuidPair takes care of looking up the WssId value and creating a new item in the TaxonomyHiddenList if needed.
            // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee567833.aspx

            metadata.SetFieldDefault(folder, this.FieldName, newTaxonomyFieldValue.ValidatedString);
Example #29
        public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(SPSite site, TaxonomyField field, string value, out List <int> wssIds)
            TaxonomySession taxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(site);
            TermStore       termStore       = taxonomySession.TermStores[field.SspId];
            TermSet         termSet         = termStore.GetTermSet(field.TermSetId);

            wssIds = new List <int>();
            TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyValue(value);

            wssIds.AddRange(TaxonomyField.GetWssIdsOfTerm(site, termStore.Id, termSet.Id,
                                                          new Guid(taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid), true, 100));

Example #30
        private void OnTaxonomyMultiValueChanged(object sender, string fieldName)
            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection collection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection("");

            foreach (Term term in (IEnumerable)sender)
                TaxonomyFieldValue value = new TaxonomyFieldValue("");
                value.Label    = term.Name;
                value.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
                value.WssId    = term.EnsureWssId(this.Site, fieldName.Equals("TaxKeyword"));
            this[fieldName] = collection.ToString();
            SetTaxonomyTextValue(fieldName, (IEnumerable <Term>)sender);
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a <see cref="TermInfo"/> instance from a taxonomy field value and definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The list field from which the TaxonomyFieldValue was extracted. This is needed to extract the full TaxonomyContext.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldValue">The actual taxonomy field value.</param>
        /// <returns>The easily serializable <see cref="TermInfo"/> object</returns>
        public TermInfo CreateFromTaxonomyFieldValue(TaxonomyField field, TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue)
            if (field == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("field");

            if (fieldValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldValue");

            var termInfo = new TermInfo();

Example #32
        //public static string GetUrl(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    object value = GetValue(item, fieldName);

        //    return GetUrl(value);

        //public static string GetUrl(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    object value = GetValue(item, fieldId);

        //    return GetUrl(value);

        //public static int GetRating(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    object value = GetValue(item, fieldName);

        //    return GetRating(value);

        //public static int GetRating(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    object value = GetValue(item, fieldId);

        //    return GetRating(value);

        //public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyValue(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    var value = item[fieldId];

        //    TaxonomyFieldValue ret = value != null
        //                                ? (TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyValue(value.ToString())
        //                                   ?? new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty))
        //                                : new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty);

        //    return ret;

        //public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyValue(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    var value = item[fieldName];

        //    TaxonomyFieldValue ret = value != null
        //                                 ? (TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyValue(value.ToString())
        //                                    ?? new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty))
        //                                 : new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty);

        //    return ret;

        //public static TaxonomyFieldValueCollection GetTaxonomyValues(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    var value = item[fieldId];

        //    TaxonomyFieldValueCollection ret = value != null
        //                                           ? (TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyCollection(value.ToString())
        //                                              ?? new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(string.Empty))
        //                                           : new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(string.Empty);

        //    return ret;

        //public static TaxonomyFieldValueCollection GetTaxonomyValues(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    var value = item[fieldName];

        //    TaxonomyFieldValueCollection ret = value != null
        //                                           ? (TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyCollection(value.ToString())
        //                                              ?? new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(string.Empty))
        //                                           : new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(string.Empty);

        //    return ret;

        //public static string GetTaxonomyLabel(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    return GetTaxonomyValue(item, fieldId).Label;

        //public static string GetTaxonomyLabel(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    return GetTaxonomyValue(item, fieldName).Label;

        //public static string[] GetTaxonomyLabels(this SPListItem item, Guid fieldId)
        //    return GetTaxonomyValues(item, fieldId).Where(@tax => tax.Label != null).Select(@tax => tax.Label).ToArray();

        //public static string[] GetTaxonomyLabels(this SPListItem item, string fieldName)
        //    return GetTaxonomyValues(item, fieldName).Where(@tax => tax.Label != null).Select(@tax => tax.Label).ToArray();

        public static void SetTaxonomyValue(this SPListItem item, string fieldName, string value, bool addIfDoesNotExist)
            TaxonomyField taxonomyField = (TaxonomyField)item.Fields[fieldName];

            if (taxonomyField.AllowMultipleValues)
                TaxonomyFieldValueCollection taxValue =
                    TaxonomyHelper.GetTaxonomyFieldValues(item.Web.Site, taxonomyField, new[] { value }, addIfDoesNotExist);
                taxonomyField.SetFieldValue(item, taxValue);
                TaxonomyFieldValue taxValue = TaxonomyHelper.GetTaxonomyFieldValue(item.Web.Site, taxonomyField, value, addIfDoesNotExist);
                taxonomyField.SetFieldValue(item, taxValue);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a <see cref="TermInfo"/> instance from a taxonomy field value and definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The list field from which the TaxonomyFieldValue was extracted. This is needed to extract the full TaxonomyContext.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldValue">The actual taxonomy field value.</param>
        /// <returns>The easily serializable <see cref="TermInfo"/> object</returns>
        public TermInfo CreateFromTaxonomyFieldValue(TaxonomyField field, TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue)
            if (field == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("field");

            if (fieldValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldValue");

            var termInfo = new TermInfo();

            return termInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaxonomyValue"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This constructor will not ensure the label respect the CurrentUICulture</remarks>
        /// <param name="taxonomyValue">The taxonomy value.</param>
        public TaxonomyValue(TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyValue)
            Guid termGuid;

            if (taxonomyValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("taxonomyValue");

            if (!GuidExtension.TryParse(taxonomyValue.TermGuid, out termGuid))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse the Taxonomy field value's TermGuid.", "taxonomyValue");

            this.Id = termGuid;
            this.Label = taxonomyValue.Label;
Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaxonomyValue"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This constructor will not ensure the label respect the CurrentUICulture</remarks>
        /// <param name="fieldValue">The actual taxonomy field value.</param>
        public TaxonomyValue(TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue)
            Guid termGuid;

            if (fieldValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldValue");

            if (!Guid.TryParse(fieldValue.TermGuid, out termGuid))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse the Taxonomy field value's TermGuid.", "fieldValue");

            this.Term = new TermInfo(termGuid, fieldValue.Label, null);
            this.Context = null;
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaxonomyValue"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This constructor will not ensure the label respect the CurrentUICulture</remarks>
        /// <param name="fieldValue">The actual taxonomy field value.</param>
        public TaxonomyValue(TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue)
            Guid termGuid;

            if (fieldValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldValue");

            if (!Guid.TryParse(fieldValue.TermGuid, out termGuid))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse the Taxonomy field value's TermGuid.", "fieldValue");

            this.Term    = new TermInfo(termGuid, fieldValue.Label, null);
            this.Context = null;
Example #37
        public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(string termName, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Field mmField, ClientContext clientContext)
            //Cast field to TaxonomyField to get its TermSetId
            TaxonomyField taxField = clientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(mmField);
            //Get term ID from name and term set ID
            string termId = GetTermIdForTerm(termName, taxField.TermSetId, clientContext);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(termId))
                //Set TaxonomyFieldValue
                TaxonomyFieldValue termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
                termValue.Label    = termName;
                termValue.TermGuid = termId;
                termValue.WssId    = -1;
Example #38
 public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(string termName, Field mmField, ClientContext clientContext)
     //Ref: Steve Curran - http://sharepointfieldnotes.blogspot.com/2013_06_01_archive.html
     //Cast field to TaxonomyField to get its TermSetId
     TaxonomyField taxField = clientContext.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(mmField);
     //Get term ID from name and term set ID
     string termId = GetTermIdForTerm(termName, taxField.TermSetId, clientContext);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(termId))
         //Set TaxonomyFieldValue
         TaxonomyFieldValue termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
         termValue.Label = termName;
         termValue.TermGuid = termId;
         termValue.WssId = -1;
         return termValue;
     return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The converted value.
        /// </returns>
        public override object Convert(object value, SharePointListItemConversionArguments arguments)
            TaxonomyValue convertedValue = null;

            if (value == DBNull.Value)
                return null;

            var taxonomyFieldValue = value as TaxonomyFieldValue;

            if (taxonomyFieldValue == null)
                var stringValue = value as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue))
                    taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(stringValue);

            if (taxonomyFieldValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid))
                if (SPContext.Current != null)
                    // Resolve the Term from the term store, because we want all Labels and we want to
                    // create the TaxonomyValue object with a label in the correct LCID (we want one with
                    // LCID = CurrentUICUlture.LCID
                    Term underlyingTerm = this.taxonomyService.GetTermForId(SPContext.Current.Site, new Guid(taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid));

                    if (underlyingTerm != null)
                        convertedValue = new TaxonomyValue(underlyingTerm);
                    // We don't have access to a SPContext (needed to use the TaxonomyService), so we need to
                    // fall back on the non-UICulture-respecting TaxonomyValue constructor
                    convertedValue = new TaxonomyValue(taxonomyFieldValue);

            return convertedValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a taxonomy value for a SPListItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The SPListItem.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name to update.</param>
        /// <param name="termGroupName">Term group name.</param>
        /// <param name="termSetName">Term Set Name.</param>
        /// <param name="termLabel">Term Label.</param>
        public void SetTaxonomyFieldValue(SPWeb web, SPListItem item, string fieldName, string termGroupName, string termSetName, string termLabel)
            var term = this._taxonomyService.GetTaxonomyValueForLabel(web.Site, termGroupName, termSetName, termLabel);

            var taxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(web.Site);
            TermStore termStore = taxonomySession.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;

            var termGroup = termStore.Groups[termGroupName];
            var termSet = termGroup.TermSets[termSetName];

            var taxField = item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(fieldName);

            if (term != null)
                var taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxField);
                string path = TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(term.Label) + TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter
                              + term.Id.ToString();


                int[] ids = TaxonomyField.GetWssIdsOfTerm(web.Site, termStore.Id, termSet.Id, term.Id, true, 1);

                if (ids.Length == 0)
                    taxonomyFieldValue.WssId = -1;

                ((TaxonomyField)taxField).SetFieldValue(item, taxonomyFieldValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// Set default value for a taxonomy site column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field.</param>
        /// <param name="termGroupName">The term group name.</param>
        /// <param name="termSetName">the term set name.</param>
        /// <param name="termLabel">The term label.</param>
        public void SetDefaultTaxonomyValue(SPWeb web, SPField field, string termGroupName, string termSetName, string termLabel)
            var term = this._taxonomyService.GetTaxonomyValueForLabel(web.Site, termGroupName, termSetName, termLabel);

            var taxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(web.Site);
            TermStore termStore = taxonomySession.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;

            var termGroup = termStore.Groups[termGroupName];
            var termSet = termGroup.TermSets[termSetName];

            if (term != null)
                var statusTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
                string path = TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(term.Label) + TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter
                              + term.Id.ToString();

                int[] ids = TaxonomyField.GetWssIdsOfTerm(web.Site, termStore.Id, termSet.Id, term.Id, true, 1);

                if (ids.Length == 0)
                    statusTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue.WssId = -1;

                statusTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue.TermGuid = statusTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue.TermGuid.ToUpperInvariant();
                field.DefaultValue = statusTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue.ValidatedString;
        /// <summary>
        /// OnSubmitFile method for the content organizer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentOrganizerWeb">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="recordSeries">Record series.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">Submitting user name.</param>
        /// <param name="fileContent">File content.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">File properties.</param>
        /// <param name="finalFolder">The final folder.</param>
        /// <param name="resultDetails">Result processing details.</param>
        /// <returns>The CustomRouterResult.</returns>
        public override CustomRouterResult OnSubmitFile(EcmDocumentRoutingWeb contentOrganizerWeb, string recordSeries, string userName, Stream fileContent, RecordsRepositoryProperty[] properties, SPFolder finalFolder, ref string resultDetails)

                var web = new SPSite(contentOrganizerWeb.DropOffZoneUrl).OpenWeb();

                // Get routed document properties
                var documentProperties = EcmDocumentRouter.GetHashtableForRecordsRepositoryProperties(
                    properties, recordSeries);

                // Example: Get a conventional field (8553196d-ec8d-4564-9861-3dbe931050c8 = FileLeafRef)
                string originalFileName = documentProperties["8553196d-ec8d-4564-9861-3dbe931050c8"].ToString();

                // EncodedAbsUrl field
                string originalFileUrl = documentProperties["7177cfc7-f399-4d4d-905d-37dd51bc90bf"].ToString();

                // Example: Get the SharePoint user who perform the action
                var user = web.EnsureUser(userName);

                // Example: Deal with errors
                if (originalFileName.ToLower().Contains("error"))
                    // Display error message
                        string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "This is an error message"));

                    // Save the error file in the Drop Off Library

                    return CustomRouterResult.SuccessCancelFurtherProcessing;

                // Here is the business logic

                // Example: get a taxonomy field from document properties
                string confidentialityTaxValue = documentProperties[MyFields.MyTaxField.InternalName].ToString();
                string confidentiality = new TaxonomyFieldValue(confidentialityTaxValue).Label;

                // Example: Set a new field to the item
                var indexDate =
                        DateHelper.GetSharePointDateUtc(web, DateTime.Now));

                // Be careful, if you want to add or modify some properties, use internal GUID instead of InternalName
                if (!documentProperties.ContainsKey(MyFields.MyIndexDate.ID.ToString()))
                    documentProperties.Add(MyFields.MyIndexDate.ID.ToString(), indexDate);
                    documentProperties[MyFields.MyIndexDate.ID.ToString()] = indexDate;

                // Save the file in the final destination. You can get the newly created file here and apply further actions.
                var file = EcmDocumentRouter.SaveFileToFinalLocation(


                return CustomRouterResult.SuccessContinueProcessing;
 private static void SetProductCategory(ListItem item, Guid termID)
     TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
       taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = termID.ToString();
       fieldProductCategory.SetFieldValueByValue(item, taxonomyFieldValue);
Example #44
        // This function reads the CSV file and applies the tags to the
        // taxonomy fields in the SharePoint list
        static void ImportTemplate(List list, List<TaxonomyField> taxonomyFields)
            // Load TermSet for each field
            Dictionary<string, TermSetLookup> termSetsByInternalName
              = GetTermSetsByInternalName(taxonomyFields);

            // Load the Excel file
            Dictionary<string, ExcelRow> excelRowsByUrl = GetExcelRowsByUrl(termSetsByInternalName);

            // STEP 3: Update the list items
            List<string> fieldNames = taxonomyFields.Select(f => f.InternalName).ToList();

            ProcessListItems(list, fieldNames,
              delegate(ListItem listItem)
                  // Does the CSV file contain a row matching this list item?
                  ExcelRow excelRow;
                  if (!excelRowsByUrl.TryGetValue((string)listItem["ServerUrl"], out excelRow))
                      return; // no it does not

                  excelRow.Processed = true;

                  bool updated = false;
                  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Guid> pair in excelRow.Pairs)
                      TaxonomyField taxonomyField = taxonomyFields.First(f => f.InternalName == pair.Key);

                      TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
                      // (to clear the tag, you would specify the empty GUID here)
                      taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = pair.Value.ToString();

                      TaxonomyFieldValue oldValue = (TaxonomyFieldValue)listItem.FieldValues[taxonomyField.InternalName];
                      if (oldValue == null || oldValue.TermGuid != taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid)
                          taxonomyField.SetFieldValueByValue(listItem, taxonomyFieldValue);
                          updated = true;

                  if (updated)
                      Log("Updating item: " + listItem["ServerUrl"]);


            // Were any items missed?
            List<ExcelRow> missedRows = excelRowsByUrl.Values.Where(row => !row.Processed).ToList();
            if (missedRows.Count > 0)
                Log("Failed to match these rows");
                foreach (ExcelRow row in missedRows)
                    Log("  " + row.ListItemUrl);
Example #45
        public static void SetTaxonomyFieldValue(this ListItem item, Guid fieldId, string label, Guid termGuid)
            ClientContext clientContext = item.Context as ClientContext;

            List list = item.ParentList;


            IEnumerable<Field> fieldQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(
                fieldArg => fieldArg.TypeAsString,
                fieldArg => fieldArg.Id,
                fieldArg => fieldArg.InternalName
            ).Where(fieldArg => fieldArg.Id == fieldId);


            TaxonomyField taxField = fieldQuery.Cast<TaxonomyField>().FirstOrDefault();


            TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
            fieldValue.Label = label;
            fieldValue.TermGuid = termGuid.ToString();
            fieldValue.WssId = -1;
            taxField.SetFieldValueByValue(item, fieldValue);
Example #46
        public void EnsureField_WhenTaxonomySingleOrMultiAndListField_AndGlobalTermSet_ShouldApplyDefaultValue()
            using (var testScope = SiteTestScope.BlankSite())
                // Arrange
                Guid testGroupId = new Guid("{B7B56932-E191-46C7-956F-4C6E5E4F6020}");
                var testTermSet = new TermSetInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test Term Set") // keep Ids random because, if this test fails midway, the term
                    // must specify group, otherwise we would be describing a term set belonging to a site-specific group
                    Group = new TermGroupInfo(testGroupId, "Dynamite Test Group")

                // set will not be cleaned up and upon next test run we will
                // run into a term set and term ID conflicts.
                var levelOneTermA = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A", testTermSet);
                var levelOneTermB = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term B", testTermSet);
                var levelTwoTermAA = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A-A", testTermSet);
                var levelTwoTermAB = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A-B", testTermSet);

                TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(testScope.SiteCollection);
                TermStore defaultSiteCollectionTermStore = session.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;

                // Cleanup group (maybe the test failed last time and the old group ended up polluting the term store
                this.DeleteGroupIfExists(defaultSiteCollectionTermStore, testGroupId);

                Group testGroup = defaultSiteCollectionTermStore.CreateGroup("Dynamite Test Group", testGroupId);
                TermSet newTermSet = testGroup.CreateTermSet(testTermSet.Label, testTermSet.Id);
                Term createdTermA = newTermSet.CreateTerm(levelOneTermA.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelOneTermA.Id);
                Term createdTermB = newTermSet.CreateTerm(levelOneTermB.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelOneTermB.Id);
                Term createdTermAA = createdTermA.CreateTerm(levelTwoTermAA.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelTwoTermAA.Id);
                Term createdTermAB = createdTermA.CreateTerm(levelTwoTermAB.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelTwoTermAB.Id);

                TaxonomyFieldInfo taxoFieldInfo = new TaxonomyFieldInfo(
                    new Guid("{0C58B4A1-B360-47FE-84F7-4D8F58AE80F6}"),
                    DefaultValue = new TaxonomyValue(levelOneTermA),
                    TermStoreMapping = new TaxonomyContext(testTermSet)     // choices limited to all terms in test term set

                TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo taxoMultiFieldInfo = new TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo(
                    new Guid("{B2517ECF-819E-4F75-88AF-18E926AD30BD}"),
                    DefaultValue = new TaxonomyValueCollection(
                        new List<TaxonomyValue>()
                                new TaxonomyValue(levelTwoTermAA),
                                new TaxonomyValue(levelTwoTermAB)
                    TermStoreMapping = new TaxonomyContext(levelOneTermA)   // choices limited to children of a specific term, instead of having full term set choices

                ListInfo listInfo = new ListInfo("sometestlistpath", "DynamiteTestListNameKey", "DynamiteTestListDescriptionKey");

                using (var injectionScope = IntegrationTestServiceLocator.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    IListHelper listHelper = injectionScope.Resolve<IListHelper>();
                    var list = listHelper.EnsureList(testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb, listInfo);

                    IFieldHelper fieldHelper = injectionScope.Resolve<IFieldHelper>();
                    var fieldsCollection = list.Fields;

                    // Ensure one of the two on the root web (tweak the definition a little bit on the list def)
                    fieldHelper.EnsureField(testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Fields, taxoMultiFieldInfo);
                    taxoMultiFieldInfo.Required = RequiredType.Required;

                    // Act
                    SPField fieldSingle = fieldHelper.EnsureField(fieldsCollection, taxoFieldInfo);
                    SPField fieldMulti = fieldHelper.EnsureField(fieldsCollection, taxoMultiFieldInfo);

                    var fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldSingle.DefaultValue);
                    var fieldMultiValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(fieldMulti.DefaultValue);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldValue.WssId);   // a lookup ID to the TaxonomyHiddenList should be properly initialized at all times (lookup ID == -1 means you're depending on too much magic)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A", fieldValue.Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelOneTermA.Id, new Guid(fieldValue.TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[0].WssId);     // lookup ID to TaxoHiddenList should also be initialized on multi-values
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-A", fieldMultiValueCollection[0].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAA.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[0].TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[1].WssId);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-B", fieldMultiValueCollection[1].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAB.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[1].TermGuid));


                    // Same asserts, but on re-fetched field (to make sure DefaultValue was persisted properly)
                    SPField fieldSingleRefetched = testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Lists[list.ID].Fields[taxoFieldInfo.Id];
                    SPField fieldMultiRefetched = testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Lists[list.ID].Fields[taxoMultiFieldInfo.Id];

                    fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldSingle.DefaultValue);
                    fieldMultiValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(fieldMulti.DefaultValue);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldValue.WssId);   // a lookup ID to the TaxonomyHiddenList should be properly initialized at all times (lookup ID == -1 means you're depending on too much magic)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A", fieldValue.Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelOneTermA.Id, new Guid(fieldValue.TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[0].WssId);     // lookup ID to TaxoHiddenList should also be initialized on multi-values
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-A", fieldMultiValueCollection[0].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAA.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[0].TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[1].WssId);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-B", fieldMultiValueCollection[1].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAB.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[1].TermGuid));


                // Cleanup term group so that we don't pollute the metadata store
                this.DeleteGroupIfExists(defaultSiteCollectionTermStore, testGroupId);
Example #47
        public void EnsureField_WhenTaxonomySingleOrMultiAndWebField_AndSiteCollectionSpecificTermSet_ShouldApplyDefaultValue()
            using (var testScope = SiteTestScope.BlankSite())
                // Arrange
                var testTermSet = new TermSetInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test Term Set"); // keep Ids random because, if this test fails midway, the term
                // set will not be cleaned up and upon next test run we will
                // run into a term set and term ID conflicts.
                var levelOneTermA = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A", testTermSet);
                var levelOneTermB = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term B", testTermSet);
                var levelTwoTermAA = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A-A", testTermSet);
                var levelTwoTermAB = new TermInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), "Term A-B", testTermSet);

                TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(testScope.SiteCollection);
                TermStore defaultSiteCollectionTermStore = session.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;
                Group defaultSiteCollectionGroup = defaultSiteCollectionTermStore.GetSiteCollectionGroup(testScope.SiteCollection);
                TermSet newTermSet = defaultSiteCollectionGroup.CreateTermSet(testTermSet.Label, testTermSet.Id);
                Term createdTermA = newTermSet.CreateTerm(levelOneTermA.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelOneTermA.Id);
                Term createdTermB = newTermSet.CreateTerm(levelOneTermB.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelOneTermB.Id);
                Term createdTermAA = createdTermA.CreateTerm(levelTwoTermAA.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelTwoTermAA.Id);
                Term createdTermAB = createdTermA.CreateTerm(levelTwoTermAB.Label, Language.English.Culture.LCID, levelTwoTermAB.Id);

                TaxonomyFieldInfo taxoFieldInfo = new TaxonomyFieldInfo(
                    new Guid("{0C58B4A1-B360-47FE-84F7-4D8F58AE80F6}"),
                    DefaultValue = new TaxonomyValue(levelOneTermA),
                    TermStoreMapping = new TaxonomyContext(testTermSet)     // choices limited to all terms in test term set

                TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo taxoMultiFieldInfo = new TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo(
                    new Guid("{B2517ECF-819E-4F75-88AF-18E926AD30BD}"),
                    DefaultValue = new TaxonomyValueCollection(
                        new List<TaxonomyValue>()
                                new TaxonomyValue(levelTwoTermAA),
                                new TaxonomyValue(levelTwoTermAB)
                    TermStoreMapping = new TaxonomyContext(levelOneTermA)   // choices limited to children of a specific term, instead of having full term set choices

                using (var injectionScope = IntegrationTestServiceLocator.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    IFieldHelper fieldHelper = injectionScope.Resolve<IFieldHelper>();
                    var fieldsCollection = testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Fields;

                    // Act
                    SPField fieldSingle = fieldHelper.EnsureField(fieldsCollection, taxoFieldInfo);
                    SPField fieldMulti = fieldHelper.EnsureField(fieldsCollection, taxoMultiFieldInfo);

                    var fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldSingle.DefaultValue);
                    var fieldMultiValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(fieldMulti.DefaultValue);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldValue.WssId);   // a lookup ID to the TaxonomyHiddenList should be properly initialized at all times (lookup ID == -1 means you're depending on too much magic)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A", fieldValue.Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelOneTermA.Id, new Guid(fieldValue.TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[0].WssId);     // lookup ID to TaxoHiddenList should also be initialized on multi-values
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-A", fieldMultiValueCollection[0].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAA.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[0].TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[1].WssId);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-B", fieldMultiValueCollection[1].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAB.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[1].TermGuid));

                    // Same asserts, but on re-fetched field (to make sure DefaultValue was persisted properly)
                    SPField fieldSingleRefetched = testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Fields[taxoFieldInfo.Id];
                    SPField fieldMultiRefetched = testScope.SiteCollection.RootWeb.Fields[taxoMultiFieldInfo.Id];

                    fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldSingleRefetched.DefaultValue);
                    fieldMultiValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(fieldMultiRefetched.DefaultValue);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldValue.WssId);   // a lookup ID to the TaxonomyHiddenList should be properly initialized at all times (lookup ID == -1 means you're depending on too much magic)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A", fieldValue.Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelOneTermA.Id, new Guid(fieldValue.TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[0].WssId);     // lookup ID to TaxoHiddenList should also be initialized on multi-values
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-A", fieldMultiValueCollection[0].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAA.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[0].TermGuid));

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, fieldMultiValueCollection[1].WssId);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Term A-B", fieldMultiValueCollection[1].Label);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelTwoTermAB.Id, new Guid(fieldMultiValueCollection[1].TermGuid));

                // Cleanup term set so that we don't pollute the metadata store
        public static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(SPSite site, TaxonomyField field, string value, bool addIfDoesNotExist/*, out bool newTermAdded*/)
            TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
            TaxonomyFieldValue tempValue = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(site, field.SspId, field.TermSetId, value, addIfDoesNotExist/*, out newTermAdded*/);

            if (tempValue != null)

            return taxonomyFieldValue;
Example #49
        private static bool TryParseTaxonomyFieldValue(string value, out TaxonomyFieldValue taxValue)
            bool res = false;
            taxValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                string[] split = value.Split(new string[] { ";#" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                int wssId = 0;

                if (split.Length > 0 && int.TryParse(split[0], out wssId))
                    taxValue.WssId = wssId;
                    res = true;

                if (res && split.Length == 2)
                    var term = split[1];
                    string[] splitTerm = term.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    Guid termId = Guid.Empty;
                    if (splitTerm.Length > 0)
                        res = Guid.TryParse(splitTerm[splitTerm.Length - 1], out termId);
                        taxValue.TermGuid = termId.ToString();
                        if (res && splitTerm.Length > 1)
                            taxValue.Label = splitTerm[0];
                        res = false;
                    res = true;
                else if (split.Length == 1 && int.TryParse(value, out wssId))
                    taxValue.WssId = wssId;
                    res = true;
            return res;
Example #50
        public TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyField(ClientContext ctx, ListItem listItem, string fieldName, string term)
            FieldCollection _fields = listItem.ParentList.Fields;

            TaxonomyField _field = ctx.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(_fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(fieldName));

            Guid _id = _field.TermSetId;
            string _termID = AutoTaggingHelper.GetTermIdByName(ctx, term, _id);

            var _termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue()
                Label = term,
                TermGuid = _termID,
                WssId = -1

            return _termValue;

Example #51
 public static string TaxonomyValueToString(TaxonomyFieldValue value)
     if (value == null) return string.Empty;
     return value.Label;
        private TaxonomyFieldValueCollection GetTaxonomyFieldValueCollection(TaxonomyField fieldToSet)
            byte someData = 0;

            // Create a temporary item to create the proper TaxonomyHiddenList items necessary to initialize the WSSids for the folder metadata defaults
            string tempPageName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Temp-{0}.aspx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            SPFile tempFile = ((SPDocumentLibrary)fieldToSet.ParentList).RootFolder.Files.Add(tempPageName, new byte[1] { someData });
            SPListItem tempItem = tempFile.Item;

            SPContentType contentTypeWithField = FindContentTypeWithField(fieldToSet.ParentList.ContentTypes, fieldToSet);
            SPContentTypeId contentTypeId = contentTypeWithField.Id;

            tempItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.ContentTypeId] = contentTypeId;

            // re-fetch temp item, now with proper content types
            tempItem = fieldToSet.ParentList.GetItemById(tempItem.ID);

            var itemField = tempItem.Fields[fieldToSet.Id] as TaxonomyField;

            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection fieldValues = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(fieldToSet);

            foreach (Term term in this.Terms)
                TaxonomyFieldValue fieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(fieldToSet);

                fieldValue.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
                fieldValue.Label = term.Name;

            // Force population of field values to hit the TaxonomyHiddenList and generate some WSSid's
            itemField.SetFieldValue(tempItem, fieldValues);

            // Those taxonomy field values in the collection don't have a proper ValidatedString, but their WSSid's have been populated
            TaxonomyFieldValueCollection finalValue = tempItem[itemField.InternalName] as TaxonomyFieldValueCollection;

            // Clean up the temporary item

            return finalValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the default value for a managed metadata field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">Field to be wired up</param>
        /// <param name="taxonomyItem">Taxonomy TermSet or Term</param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue">default value for the field</param>
        public static void SetTaxonomyFieldDefaultValue(this Field field, TaxonomyItem taxonomyItem, string defaultValue)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue))
                throw new ArgumentException("defaultValue");

            var clientContext = field.Context as ClientContext;


            var anchorTerm = taxonomyItem as Term;

            if (anchorTerm != default(Term) && !anchorTerm.IsPropertyAvailable("TermSet"))

            var termSet = taxonomyItem is Term ? anchorTerm.TermSet : taxonomyItem as TermSet;

            if (termSet == default(TermSet))
                throw new ArgumentException("Bound TaxonomyItem must be either a TermSet or a Term");

            // set the SSP ID and Term Set ID on the taxonomy field
            var taxField = clientContext.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(field);

            if (!termSet.IsPropertyAvailable("Terms"))

            Term defaultValTerm = termSet.Terms.GetByName(defaultValue);
            if (defaultValTerm != null)

                TaxonomyFieldValue taxValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
                taxValue.WssId = -1;
                taxValue.TermGuid = defaultValTerm.Id.ToString();
                taxValue.Label = defaultValTerm.Name;
                //get validate string
                var validateValue = taxField.GetValidatedString(taxValue);

                taxField.DefaultValue = validateValue.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified value back.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The converted value.
        /// </returns>
        public override object ConvertBack(object value, SharePointListItemConversionArguments arguments)
            var term = value as TaxonomyValue;
            TaxonomyFieldValue newTaxonomyFieldValue = null;

            TaxonomyField taxonomyField = (TaxonomyField)arguments.ListItem.Fields.GetField(arguments.ValueKey);
            newTaxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);

            var noteField = arguments.ListItem.Fields[taxonomyField.TextField];

            if (term != null)
                string labelGuidPair = term.Label + "|" + term.Id;

                // PopulateFromLabelGuidPair takes care of looking up the WssId value and creating a new item in the TaxonomyHiddenList if needed.
                // Main taxonomy field value format: WssID;#Label
                // TODO - Make sure we support sub-level terms with format: WssID;#Label|RootTermGuid|...|ParentTermGuid|TermGuid
                // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee567833.aspx

                // Must write associated note field as well as the main taxonomy field.
                // Note field value format: Label|Guid
                // Reference: http://nickhobbs.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/sharepoint-2010-how-to-set-taxonomy-field-values-programmatically/
                arguments.FieldValues[noteField.InternalName] = labelGuidPair;
                // No taxonomy value, make sure to empty the note field as well
                arguments.FieldValues[noteField.InternalName] = null;

            return newTaxonomyFieldValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the validated string for a Taxonomy Field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">Web to look for</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Field to search</param>
        /// <param name="termSet">The term set</param>
        /// <param name="termLabel">The term label</param>
        /// <param name="termGroup">The term group</param>
        /// <returns>The validated string.</returns>
        public string GetTaxonomyFieldValueValidatedString(SPWeb web, string fieldName, string termGroup, string termSet, string termLabel)
            SPField field = web.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(fieldName);

            TaxonomyValue term = this._taxonomyService.GetTaxonomyValueForLabel(web.Site, termGroup, termSet, termLabel);

            if (term != null)
                // Must be exist in the Taxonomy Hidden List
                var taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
                taxonomyFieldValue.PopulateFromLabelGuidPair(TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName(term.Label) + "|" + term.Id);

                return taxonomyFieldValue.ValidatedString;

            return string.Empty;