public string GetPointsInCircleRegion(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, double radius, LatLong centroid, int queryFor)
            using (TaxiDataEntities context = new TaxiDataEntities())
                //build the centroid out of the latlong object given
                SqlGeography sqlPoint = CreatePoint(centroid);

                //kick off the stored procedure and return the data
                List<QueryDto> returnVal = context.RegionQueryCircle(startDate, endDate, radius, sqlPoint.ToString(), queryFor)
                        .Select(x => new QueryDto
                                Pickup = new LatLong
                                    Latitude = (double)x.pickup_latitude,
                                    Longitude = (double)x.pickup_longitude
                                Dropoff = new LatLong
                                    Latitude = (double)x.dropoff_latitude,
                                    Longitude = (double)x.dropoff_longitude
                                FareTotal = x.total_amount,
                                TravelTime = x.trip_time_in_secs,
                                NumOfPassenger = x.passenger_count,
                                TripDistance = x.trip_distance

                return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnVal);