public void Valid_evaluation_context_successfull_tax_calculation() { //arrange var logService = new Mock <ILogger <AvaTaxRateProvider> >(); var options = new Mock <IOptions <AvaTaxSecureOptions> >(); options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(Options); var avaTaxRateProvider = new AvaTaxRateProvider(logService.Object, CreateAvaTaxClient, options.Object); avaTaxRateProvider.Settings = Settings; var context = new TaxEvaluationContext { Address = GetValidAddress(), Customer = new Customer() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }, Lines = GetContextTaxLines(), Currency = "USD", Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; //act var rates = avaTaxRateProvider.CalculateRates(context); //assert Assert.NotEmpty(rates); }
public virtual AvaCreateTransactionModel FromContext(TaxEvaluationContext context, string requiredCompanyCode) { code = context.Id; // TODO: customerCode is required by AvaTax API, but using stub values when the customer is not specified doesn't seem right... customerCode = context.Customer?.Id ?? Thread.CurrentPrincipal?.Identity?.Name ?? "undef"; companyCode = requiredCompanyCode; date = DateTime.UtcNow; type = DocumentType.SalesOrder; currencyCode = context.Currency; if (context.Lines != null) { lines = new List <LineItemModel>(); foreach (var taxLine in context.Lines.Where(x => !x.IsTransient())) { var avaLine = AbstractTypeFactory <AvaLineItem> .TryCreateInstance(); avaLine.FromTaxLine(taxLine); lines.Add(avaLine); } } if (context.Address != null) { var avaAddress = AbstractTypeFactory <AvaAddressLocationInfo> .TryCreateInstance(); avaAddress.FromAddress(context.Address); addresses = new AddressesModel { // TODO: set actual origin address (fulfillment center/store owner)? shipFrom = avaAddress, shipTo = avaAddress }; } return(this); }
public virtual coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContextDto(TaxEvaluationContext taxContext) { var retVal = new coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext(); retVal.InjectFrom <NullableAndEnumValueInjecter>(taxContext); if (taxContext.Address != null) { retVal.Address = taxContext.Address.ToCoreAddressDto(); } if (taxContext.Customer != null) { retVal.Customer = taxContext.Customer.ToCoreContactDto(); retVal.Customer.MemberType = "Contact"; } if (taxContext.Currency != null) { retVal.Currency = taxContext.Currency.Code; } retVal.Lines = new List <coreDto.TaxLine>(); if (!taxContext.Lines.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var line in taxContext.Lines) { var serviceModelLine = new coreDto.TaxLine(); serviceModelLine.InjectFrom <NullableAndEnumValueInjecter>(line); serviceModelLine.Amount = (double)line.Amount.Amount; serviceModelLine.Price = (double)line.Price.Amount; retVal.Lines.Add(serviceModelLine); } } return(retVal); }
public static TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(this ShoppingCart cart, Store store) { var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(cart.StoreId) { Id = cart.Id, Code = cart.Name, Currency = cart.Currency, Type = "Cart", Customer = cart.Customer, StoreTaxCalculationEnabled = store.TaxCalculationEnabled, FixedTaxRate = store.FixedTaxRate }; foreach (var lineItem in cart.Items) { result.Lines.Add(new TaxLine(lineItem.Currency) { Id = lineItem.Id, Code = lineItem.Sku, Name = lineItem.Name, TaxType = lineItem.TaxType, //Special case when product have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value Amount = lineItem.ExtendedPrice.Amount > 0 ? lineItem.ExtendedPrice : lineItem.SalePrice }); } foreach (var shipment in cart.Shipments) { var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(shipment.Currency) { Id = shipment.Id, Code = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode, Name = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption, TaxType = shipment.TaxType, //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value Amount = shipment.Total.Amount > 0 ? shipment.Total : shipment.Price }; result.Lines.Add(totalTaxLine); if (shipment.DeliveryAddress != null) { result.Address = shipment.DeliveryAddress; } } foreach (var payment in cart.Payments) { var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(payment.Currency) { Id = payment.Id, Code = payment.PaymentGatewayCode, Name = payment.PaymentGatewayCode, TaxType = payment.TaxType, //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value Amount = payment.Total.Amount > 0 ? payment.Total : payment.Price }; result.Lines.Add(totalTaxLine); } return(result); }
public void Valid_evaluation_context_successfull_tax_calcualtion() { //arrange var memberService = new Mock <IMemberService>(); memberService.Setup(s => s.GetByIds(It.IsAny <string[]>(), It.IsAny <string[]>())).Returns <string[], string[]>((ids, types) => { return(new[] { new Contact() }); }); var logService = new Mock <ILog>(); var avaTaxRateProvider = new AvaTaxRateProvider(memberService.Object, logService.Object, _settings.ToArray()); var context = new TaxEvaluationContext { Address = GetValidAddress(), Customer = new Contact { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }, Lines = GetContextTaxLines(), Currency = "USD", Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), }; //act var rates = avaTaxRateProvider.CalculateRates(context); //assert Assert.NotEmpty(rates); }
public static coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContextDto(this TaxEvaluationContext taxContext) { var retVal = new coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext(); retVal.Code = taxContext.Code; retVal.Id = taxContext.Id; retVal.Type = taxContext.Type; if (taxContext.Address != null) { retVal.Address = taxContext.Address.ToCoreAddressDto(); } retVal.Customer = taxContext?.Customer?.Contact?.ToCoreContactDto(); if (retVal.Customer != null) { retVal.Customer.MemberType = "Contact"; } if (taxContext.Currency != null) { retVal.Currency = taxContext.Currency.Code; } retVal.Lines = new List <coreDto.TaxLine>(); if (!taxContext.Lines.IsNullOrEmpty()) { retVal.Lines = taxContext.Lines.Select(x => x.ToTaxLineDto()).ToList(); } return(retVal); }
public virtual void EvaluateTaxes(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { IList <coreService.TaxRate> taxRates = new List <coreService.TaxRate>(); if (context.StoreTaxCalculationEnabled) { taxRates = _coreModuleApiClient.Commerce.EvaluateTaxes(context.StoreId, context.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto()); } InnerEvaluateTaxes(taxRates, owners); }
private List <TaxRate> GetTaxRates(TaxEvaluationContext evalContext) { List <TaxRate> retVal = new List <TaxRate>(); LogInvoker <AvalaraLogger.TaxRequestContext> .Execute(log => { if (IsEnabled && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountNumber) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LicenseKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceUrl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyCode)) { var request = evalContext.ToAvaTaxRequest(CompanyCode, false); if (request != null) { log.docCode = request.DocCode; log.docType = request.DocType.ToString(); log.customerCode = request.CustomerCode; var taxSvc = new JsonTaxSvc(AccountNumber, LicenseKey, ServiceUrl); var getTaxResult = taxSvc.GetTax(request); if (!getTaxResult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success)) { //if tax calculation failed create exception with provided error info var error = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, getTaxResult.Messages.Select(m => m.Summary)); throw new Exception(error); } foreach (var taxLine in getTaxResult.TaxLines ?? Enumerable.Empty <AvaTaxCalcREST.TaxLine>()) { var rate = new TaxRate { Rate = taxLine.Tax, Currency = evalContext.Currency, TaxProvider = this, Line = evalContext.Lines.First(l => l.Id == taxLine.LineNo) }; retVal.Add(rate); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to create get tax request"); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to create get tax request"); } }) .OnError(_logger, AvalaraLogger.EventCodes.TaxCalculationError) .OnSuccess(_logger, AvalaraLogger.EventCodes.GetSalesInvoiceRequestTime); return(retVal); }
public virtual TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(ShoppingCart cart) { var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(cart.StoreId); result.Id = cart.Id; result.Code = cart.Name; result.Currency = cart.Currency; result.Type = "Cart"; result.Customer = cart.Customer; foreach (var lineItem in cart.Items) { result.Lines.Add(new TaxLine(lineItem.Currency) { Id = lineItem.Id, Code = lineItem.Sku, Name = lineItem.Name, TaxType = lineItem.TaxType, Amount = lineItem.ExtendedPrice }); } foreach (var shipment in cart.Shipments) { var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(shipment.Currency) { Id = shipment.Id, Code = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode, Name = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption, TaxType = shipment.TaxType, Amount = shipment.Total }; result.Lines.Add(totalTaxLine); if (shipment.DeliveryAddress != null) { result.Address = shipment.DeliveryAddress; } } foreach (var payment in cart.Payments) { var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(payment.Currency) { Id = payment.Id, Code = payment.PaymentGatewayCode, Name = payment.PaymentGatewayCode, TaxType = payment.TaxType, Amount = payment.Total }; result.Lines.Add(totalTaxLine); } return(result); }
public async Task Run(TaxEvaluationContext parameter, Func <TaxEvaluationContext, Task> next) { var cartAggregate = await _cartAggregateRepository.GetCartAsync("default", parameter.StoreId, parameter.CustomerId, Language.InvariantLanguage.CultureName, parameter.Currency); if (cartAggregate != null) { _mapper.Map(cartAggregate, parameter); } await next(parameter); }
public QuoteRequestTotals CalculateTotals(QuoteRequest quote) { var retVal = new QuoteRequestTotals(); var cartFromQuote = quote.ToCartModel(); var store = _storeService.GetById(quote.StoreId); if (store != null) { //Calculate shipment total //firts try to get manual amount retVal.ShippingTotal = quote.ManualShippingTotal; if (retVal.ShippingTotal == 0 && quote.ShipmentMethod != null) { //calculate total by using shipment gateways var evalContext = new ShippingEvaluationContext(cartFromQuote); var rate = store.ShippingMethods.Where(x => x.IsActive && x.Code == quote.ShipmentMethod.ShipmentMethodCode) .SelectMany(x => x.CalculateRates(evalContext)) .Where(x => quote.ShipmentMethod.OptionName != null ? quote.ShipmentMethod.OptionName == x.OptionName : true) .FirstOrDefault(); retVal.ShippingTotal = rate != null ? rate.Rate : 0m; } //Calculate taxes var taxProvider = store.TaxProviders.Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderBy(x => x.Priority).FirstOrDefault(); if (taxProvider != null) { var taxRequest = quote.ToTaxRequest(); var taxEvalContext = new TaxEvaluationContext(taxRequest); retVal.TaxTotal = taxProvider.CalculateRates(taxEvalContext).Select(x => x.Rate).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(x => x); } } //Calculate subtotal var items = quote.Items.Where(x => x.SelectedTierPrice != null); if (quote.Items != null) { retVal.OriginalSubTotalExlTax = items.Sum(x => x.SalePrice * x.SelectedTierPrice.Quantity); retVal.SubTotalExlTax = items.Sum(x => x.SelectedTierPrice.Price * x.SelectedTierPrice.Quantity); if (quote.ManualSubTotal > 0) { retVal.DiscountTotal = retVal.SubTotalExlTax - quote.ManualSubTotal; retVal.SubTotalExlTax = quote.ManualSubTotal; } else if (quote.ManualRelDiscountAmount > 0) { retVal.DiscountTotal = retVal.SubTotalExlTax * quote.ManualRelDiscountAmount * 0.01m; } } return(retVal); }
public async Task Run(TaxEvaluationContext parameter, Func <TaxEvaluationContext, Task> next) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.CustomerId)) { var member = await _memberIdResolver.ResolveMemberByIdAsync(parameter.CustomerId); if (member != null && member is Contact contact) { parameter.Customer = _mapper.Map <Customer>(contact); } } await next(parameter); }
public async Task <ActionResult <TaxRate[]> > EvaluateTaxes(string storeId, [FromBody] TaxEvaluationContext evalContext) { var result = new List <TaxRate>(); var storeTaxProviders = await _taxProviderSearchService.SearchAsync(new TaxProviderSearchCriteria { StoreIds = new[] { storeId } }); var activeTaxProvider = storeTaxProviders.Results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsActive); if (activeTaxProvider != null) { evalContext.StoreId = storeId; result.AddRange(activeTaxProvider.CalculateRates(evalContext)); } return(Ok(result)); }
public virtual async Task EvaluateTaxesAsync(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { IList <coreService.TaxRate> taxRates = new List <coreService.TaxRate>(); if (context.StoreTaxCalculationEnabled) { var cacheKey = CacheKey.With(GetType(), context.GetCacheKey()); taxRates = await _memoryCache.GetOrCreateExclusiveAsync(cacheKey, (cacheEntry) => { cacheEntry.AddExpirationToken(TaxCacheRegion.CreateChangeToken()); return(_commerceApi.EvaluateTaxesAsync(context.StoreId, context.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto())); }); } ApplyTaxRates(taxRates, owners); }
public async Task <IActionResult> EvaluateTaxes(string storeId, [FromBody] TaxEvaluationContext evalContext) { var retVal = new List <TaxRate>(); var store = await _storeService.GetByIdAsync(storeId); if (store != null) { var activeTaxProvider = store.TaxProviders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsActive); if (activeTaxProvider != null) { evalContext.StoreId = store.Id; retVal.AddRange(activeTaxProvider.CalculateRates(evalContext)); } } return(Ok(retVal)); }
public virtual TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContext(WorkContext workContext, IEnumerable <Product> products = null) { var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(workContext.CurrentStore.Id); result.Id = workContext.CurrentStore.Id; result.Currency = workContext.CurrentCurrency; result.Type = ""; result.Address = workContext.CurrentCustomer.DefaultBillingAddress; result.Customer = workContext.CurrentCustomer; if (products != null) { result.Lines = products.SelectMany(x => x.ToTaxLines()).ToList(); } return(result); }
protected virtual List <TaxRate> GetTaxRates(TaxEvaluationContext evalContext) { var retVal = new List <TaxRate>(); LogInvoker <AvalaraLogger.TaxRequestContext> .Execute(log => { var avaSettings = AvaTaxSettings.FromSettings(Settings, _options); Validate(avaSettings); var companyCode = avaSettings.CompanyCode; var createTransactionModel = AbstractTypeFactory <AvaCreateTransactionModel> .TryCreateInstance(); createTransactionModel.FromContext(evalContext, companyCode); createTransactionModel.commit = false; log.docCode = createTransactionModel.code; log.docType = createTransactionModel.type.ToString(); log.customerCode = createTransactionModel.customerCode; if (createTransactionModel.IsValid) { var avaTaxClient = _avaTaxClientFactory(avaSettings); var transaction = avaTaxClient.CreateTransaction(string.Empty, createTransactionModel); if (!transaction.lines.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var taxLine in transaction.lines) { var rate = new TaxRate { Rate = ?? 0.0m, Currency = evalContext.Currency, TaxProvider = this, Line = evalContext.Lines.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == taxLine.lineNumber) }; if (rate.Line != null) { retVal.Add(rate); } } } } }) .OnError(_logger, AvalaraLogger.EventCodes.TaxCalculationError) .OnSuccess(_logger, AvalaraLogger.EventCodes.GetSalesInvoiceRequestTime); return(retVal); }
public static coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContextDto(this TaxEvaluationContext taxContext) { var retVal = new coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext(); retVal.Code = taxContext.Code; retVal.Id = taxContext.Id; retVal.Type = taxContext.Type; if (taxContext.Address != null) { retVal.Address = taxContext.Address.ToCoreAddressDto(); } retVal.Customer = taxContext?.Customer?.Contact?.ToCoreContactDto(); if (retVal.Customer != null) { retVal.Customer.MemberType = "Contact"; } if (taxContext.Currency != null) { retVal.Currency = taxContext.Currency.Code; } retVal.Lines = new List <coreDto.TaxLine>(); if (!taxContext.Lines.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var line in taxContext.Lines) { var serviceModelLine = new coreDto.TaxLine { Id = line.Id, Code = line.Code, Name = line.Name, Quantity = line.Quantity, TaxType = line.TaxType, Amount = (double)line.Amount.Amount, Price = (double)line.Price.Amount }; retVal.Lines.Add(serviceModelLine); } } return(retVal); }
public static TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContext(this WorkContext workContext, IEnumerable <Product> products = null) { var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(workContext.CurrentStore.Id); result.Id = workContext.CurrentStore.Id; result.Currency = workContext.CurrentCurrency; result.Type = ""; result.Customer = workContext.CurrentUser; result.StoreTaxCalculationEnabled = workContext.CurrentStore.TaxCalculationEnabled; result.Address = workContext.CurrentUser?.Contact?.DefaultBillingAddress; if (products != null) { result.Lines = products.SelectMany(x => x.ToTaxLines()).ToList(); } return(result); }
public async Task Run(SearchProductResponse parameter, Func <SearchProductResponse, Task> next) { if (parameter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameter)); } var query = parameter.Query; if (query == null) { throw new OperationCanceledException("Query must be set"); } var responseGroup = EnumUtility.SafeParse(query.GetResponseGroup(), ExpProductResponseGroup.None); // If tax evaluation requested if (responseGroup.HasFlag(ExpProductResponseGroup.LoadPrices)) { //Evaluate taxes var storeTaxProviders = await _taxProviderSearchService.SearchTaxProvidersAsync(new TaxProviderSearchCriteria { StoreIds = new[] { query.StoreId } }); var activeTaxProvider = storeTaxProviders.Results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsActive); if (activeTaxProvider != null) { var taxEvalContext = new TaxEvaluationContext { Currency = query.CurrencyCode, StoreId = query.StoreId, CustomerId = query.UserId }; await _pipeline.Execute(taxEvalContext); taxEvalContext.Lines = parameter.Results.SelectMany(x => _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <TaxLine> >(x)).ToList(); var taxRates = activeTaxProvider.CalculateRates(taxEvalContext); if (taxRates.Any()) { parameter.Results.Apply(x => x.AllPrices.Apply(p => p.ApplyTaxRates(taxRates))); } } } await next(parameter); }
public TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(TaxEvaluationContext target) { target.Id = Id; target.Code = Number; target.Currency = Currency; target.Address = Addresses?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToTaxModel(AbstractTypeFactory <TaxModule.Core.Model.Address> .TryCreateInstance()); target.Type = GetType().Name; foreach (var quoteItem in Items) { var line = new TaxLine { Id = quoteItem.Id, Code = quoteItem.Sku, Name = quoteItem.Name, TaxType = quoteItem.TaxType, Amount = quoteItem.SelectedTierPrice.Price * quoteItem.SelectedTierPrice.Quantity }; target.Lines.Add(line); } return(target); }
public virtual async Task EvaluateTaxesAsync(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } if (owners == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(owners)); } IList <coreService.TaxRate> taxRates = new List <coreService.TaxRate>(); if (context.StoreTaxCalculationEnabled) { //Do not execute platform API for tax evaluation if fixed tax rate is used if (context.FixedTaxRate != 0) { foreach (var line in context.Lines ?? Enumerable.Empty <TaxLine>()) { var rate = new coreService.TaxRate() { Rate = (double)(line.Amount * context.FixedTaxRate * 0.01m).Amount, Currency = context.Currency.Code, Line = line.ToTaxLineDto() }; taxRates.Add(rate); } } else { var cacheKey = CacheKey.With(GetType(), context.GetCacheKey()); taxRates = await _memoryCache.GetOrCreateExclusiveAsync(cacheKey, (cacheEntry) => { cacheEntry.AddExpirationToken(TaxCacheRegion.CreateChangeToken()); return(_commerceApi.EvaluateTaxesAsync(context.StoreId, context.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto())); }); } } ApplyTaxRates(taxRates, owners); }
public void EvaluateTaxes(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { var taxRates = _coreModuleApiClient.Commerce.EvaluateTaxes(context.StoreId, context.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto()); InnerEvaluateTaxes(taxRates, owners); }
public virtual void EvaluateTaxes(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateTaxesAsync(context, owners), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public static coreDto.TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvaluationContextDto(this TaxEvaluationContext taxContext) { return(TaxConverterInstance.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto(taxContext)); }
private void CalculateCartTotals(CartChangeEvent cartChangeEvent) { var cart = cartChangeEvent.ModifiedCart; var store = _storeService.GetById(cart.StoreId); cart.Total = 0; cart.SubTotal = 0; cart.TaxTotal = 0; cart.ShippingTotal = 0; cart.DiscountTotal = 0; if (store != null) { //Calculate taxes var taxProvider = store.TaxProviders.Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderBy(x => x.Priority).FirstOrDefault(); if (taxProvider != null) { var taxRequest = cart.ToTaxRequest(); var taxEvalContext = new TaxEvaluationContext(taxRequest); cart.TaxTotal = taxProvider.CalculateRates(taxEvalContext).Select(x => x.Rate).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(x => x); } } if (cart.Items != null) { foreach (var item in cart.Items) { CalculateLineItemTotal(item); cart.DiscountTotal += item.DiscountTotal; cart.SubTotal += item.PlacedPrice * item.Quantity; cart.TaxTotal += item.TaxTotal; } } if (cart.Shipments != null) { foreach (var shipment in cart.Shipments) { CalculateShipmentTotals(shipment); cart.ShippingTotal += shipment.Total; cart.DiscountTotal += shipment.DiscountTotal; cart.TaxTotal += shipment.TaxTotal; } } if (cart.Discounts != null) { foreach (var discount in cart.Discounts) { cart.DiscountTotal += discount.DiscountAmount; } } if (cart.TaxTotal > 0) { cart.TaxIncluded = true; } cart.Total = cart.SubTotal + cart.ShippingTotal + cart.TaxTotal - cart.DiscountTotal; }
public async Task EvaluateTaxesAsync(TaxEvaluationContext context, IEnumerable <ITaxable> owners) { var taxRates = await _coreModuleApiClient.Commerce.EvaluateTaxesAsync(context.StoreId, context.ToTaxEvaluationContextDto()); InnerEvaluateTaxes(taxRates, owners); }
public static GetTaxRequest ToAvaTaxRequest(this TaxEvaluationContext evalContext, string companyCode, bool commit = false) { if (evalContext.Address != null && evalContext.Lines != null && evalContext.Lines.Any()) { // Document Level Elements // Required Request Parameters var getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest { CustomerCode = evalContext.Customer.Id, DocDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CompanyCode = companyCode, Client = "VirtoCommerce,2.x,VirtoCommerce", DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax, Commit = commit, DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice, DocCode = evalContext.Id, CurrencyCode = evalContext.Currency.ToString() }; // Best Practice Request Parameters // Situational Request Parameters // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G"; // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345"; // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243"; // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50; // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef(); // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate"; // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return"; // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01"; // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0"; // Optional Request Parameters //getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = order.Number; //getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "ref123456"; //getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09"; //add customer tax exemption code to cart if exists getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = evalContext.Customer.GetDynamicPropertyValue("Tax exempt", string.Empty); string destinationAddressIndex = "0"; // Address Data var addresses = new List <Address> { new Address { AddressCode = destinationAddressIndex, Line1 = evalContext.Address.Line1, City = evalContext.Address.City, Region = evalContext.Address.RegionName ?? evalContext.Address.RegionId, PostalCode = evalContext.Address.PostalCode, Country = evalContext.Address.CountryName } }; getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses.ToArray(); // Line Data // Required Parameters getTaxRequest.Lines = evalContext.Lines.Select(li => new Line { LineNo = li.Id, ItemCode = li.Code, Qty = li.Amount, Amount = li.Price * li.Amount, OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?) DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex, Description = li.Name, TaxCode = li.TaxType } ).ToList(); return(getTaxRequest); } return(null); }