static void Main(string[] args) { // Instantiate a new task list var taskList = new TasksList(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// TEST TASKS /////////////////////// Task task1 = new Task("mike", "mike's task", "01/01/19"); Task task2 = new Task("erik", "erik's task", "02/02/19"); Task task3 = new Task("mike", "mike's task 2", "01/20/20"); Task task4 = new Task("mike", "mike's task 3", "01/03/19"); taskList.Add(task1); taskList.Add(task2); taskList.Add(task3); taskList.Add(task4); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flag for main loop bool isRunning = true; // Main program loop while (isRunning) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; // Display main menu string mainMenu = taskList.MainMenu(); Console.WriteLine(mainMenu); // Ask user to choose an option Console.Write("What would you like to do? "); string option = Console.ReadLine(); // validate that input is an intgeter if (int.TryParse(option, out int validOption)) { // Options from the main menu switch (validOption) { // If option 1 display sub menu with listing options case 1: // sub menu with listing options(see TaskList.cs -> ListDisplayMenu()) taskList.ListDisplayMenu(); break; // If option 2 ask user to input task members and add a new task to the list case 2: taskList.AddTask(); break; // If option 3 ask user to choose a task to delete, ask user to confirm, delete task case 3: taskList.DeleteTask(); break; // If option 4 ask which task user would like to mark complete, ask user to confirm, mark task complete case 4: taskList.MarkTaskComplete(); break; // If option 5 ask which task user would like to edit, ask user to confirm, input new task members, edit task case 5: taskList.EditTask(); break; // If option 6 say goodbye and end program case 6: Console.WriteLine("Have a Great Day!!"); Console.ReadKey(); isRunning = false; break; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose and option from the list"); break; } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose and option from the list"); } } }