public void Delete(int id) { TasksInfo tasksInfo = new TasksInfo(); = id; this.control.DeleteEntity(tasksInfo); }
protected void Complete_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); byId.Status = 2; byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_6C = byId; string records = expr_6C.Records; expr_6C.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#ff0000'>[管理者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<strong style='color:#006600'>任务完成!</strong> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "操作成功,任务已完成!", "TaskMenu.aspx"); } }
protected void Complete_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); byId.Status = 2; byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_6C = byId; string records = expr_6C.Records; expr_6C.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#ff0000'>[管理者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<strong style='color:#006600'>任务完成!</strong> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!操作成功,任务已完成!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //constructor public ProjectGenerator(ControllerInfo controllerInfo, DataTypesInfo dataTablesInfo, ModulesInfo modulesInfo, AddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo addOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo, TagsInfo tagsInfo, ProgramsInfo programsInfo, TasksInfo tasksInfo) { var initControllerInfo = new InitControllerInfo(controllerInfo); ControllerInfo = initControllerInfo.InitializedData(); var initDataTypesInfo = new InitDataTypesInfo(dataTablesInfo); DataTypesInfo = initDataTypesInfo.InitializedData(); var initModulesInfo = new InitModulesInfo(modulesInfo); ModulesInfo = initModulesInfo.InitializedData(); var initAddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo = new InitAddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo(addOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo); AddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo = initAddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo.InitializedData(); var initGlobalTagsInfo = new InitTagsInfo(tagsInfo); TagsInfo = initGlobalTagsInfo.InitializedData(); var initProgramsInfo = new InitProgramsInfo(programsInfo); ProgramsInfo = initProgramsInfo.InitializedData(); var initTasksInfo = new InitTasksInfo(tasksInfo); TasksInfo = initTasksInfo.InitializedData(); }
public virtual TasksInfo GetJobTasks(HttpServletRequest hsr, string jid, string type ) { Init(); Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job job = AMWebServices.GetJobFromJobIdString (jid, ctx); CheckAccess(job, hsr); TasksInfo allTasks = new TasksInfo(); foreach (Task task in job.GetTasks().Values) { TaskType ttype = null; if (type != null && !type.IsEmpty()) { try { ttype = MRApps.TaskType(type); } catch (YarnRuntimeException) { throw new BadRequestException("tasktype must be either m or r"); } } if (ttype != null && task.GetType() != ttype) { continue; } allTasks.Add(new TaskInfo(task)); } return(allTasks); }
private void Get(string mode = "", string sortby = "") { TaskInfoManager mgr = new TaskInfoManager(); List <TaskInfo> SortedProjectList; TasksInfo = mgr.Get(SearchEntity, TasksInfo, mode); string sortbycommand = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortby) ? "" : Convert.ToString(sortby).ToLower(); switch (sortbycommand) { case "startdate": SortedProjectList = TasksInfo.OrderBy(o => o.StartDate).ToList(); TasksInfo = SortedProjectList; break; case "enddate": SortedProjectList = TasksInfo.OrderBy(o => o.EndDate).ToList(); TasksInfo = SortedProjectList; break; case "priority": SortedProjectList = TasksInfo.OrderBy(o => o.Priority).ToList(); TasksInfo = SortedProjectList; break; default: break; } //projectsInfo = students.OrderByDescending(s => s.LastName); }
private void Show(string tid) { this.ti = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(tid)); if (this.Uid == string.Concat(this.ti.CreatorID) || this.ti.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || this.ti.ExecuteUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || this.Modules.Contains("51")) { this.DetailShow(); this.RptShow(); this.displays.Visible = false; this.exetables.Visible = false; this.s1.Visible = false; this.s2.Visible = false; this.b3.Visible = false; if (this.ti.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#")) { this.displays.Visible = true; if (this.ti.Status == 1) { this.b3.Visible = true; } } if (this.ti.ExecuteUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#")) { IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "TaskID=",, " and UserID=", this.Uid }), null); if (all.Count > 0 && this.ti.Status == 1) { Hashtable tasks_UserHash = this.GetTasks_UserHash(all); string a = string.Concat(tasks_UserHash["noaccept"]); string a2 = string.Concat(tasks_UserHash["accept"]); string text = string.Concat(tasks_UserHash["submit"]); if (a == "1" && a2 == "0" && text == "0") { this.displays.Visible = true; this.exetables.Visible = false; this.s1.Visible = false; this.s2.Visible = true; } if (a2 == "1" && a == "0" && text == "0") { this.displays.Visible = true; this.exetables.Visible = true; this.s1.Visible = true; this.s2.Visible = false; } if (Convert.ToInt32(text) > 0 && a == "0" && a2 == "0" && this.ti.OnceSubmit == 1) { this.displays.Visible = true; this.exetables.Visible = true; this.s1.Visible = true; this.s2.Visible = false; } } } } }
private void Show(string tid) { Tasks_UserInfo byId = Tasks_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(tid)); TasksInfo byId2 = Tasks.Init().GetById(byId.TaskID); if (this.Uid == string.Concat(byId.UserID) || (byId2.IsOtherSee == 1 && byId2.ExecuteUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#")) || byId2.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || this.Modules.Contains("51")) { this.pizhu1s.Visible = false; this.pizhu3.Visible = false; if (byId2.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") && byId2.Status == 1) { this.pizhu1s.Visible = true; this.pizhu3.Visible = true; } this.TaskUser.InnerText = byId.RealName + "(" + byId.DepName + ")"; this.TaskName.InnerText = byId2.TaskName; this.WorkTitle.InnerText = byId.WorkTitle; this.AddTime.InnerText = byId.AddTime; byId.WorkNotes = (byId.WorkNotes ?? ""); if (byId.WorkNotes.ToLower().Contains("script")) { this.Notes.InnerHtml = byId.WorkNotes.ToLower().Replace("script", "scrript"); } else { this.Notes.InnerHtml = byId.WorkNotes; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.FilePath)) { string[] array = byId.FilePath.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string arg = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string s = array[i].Replace("~", ""); this.fjs += string.Format(, base.Server.UrlEncode(s), arg); } } } byId.Instruction = (byId.Instruction ?? ""); if (byId.Instruction.ToLower().Contains("script")) { this.Instruction.InnerHtml = byId.Instruction.ToLower().Replace("script", "scrript").Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); } else { this.Instruction.InnerHtml = byId.Instruction.Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); } } else { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "您没有权限查看!", "TaskMenu.aspx"); } }
public IActionResult Index() { var model = new HomeOutputViewModel { Tasks = TasksInfo.GetAvailableTasks() }; return(View(model)); }
private void DeleteTasks(int rid) { try { IList all = Tasks.Init().GetAll("TypeID=" + rid, null); if (all != null && all.Count > 0) { foreach (object current in all) { TasksInfo tasksInfo = current as TasksInfo; Help.DeleteFiles(tasksInfo.FilePath); } } } catch { } string cmdText = "delete from Tasks where typeid=" + rid; MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, cmdText, new SqlParameter[0]); }
protected void Accept_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "TaskID=",, " and UserID=", this.Uid, " and WorkTag=-1" }), null); if (all.Count == 1) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = all[0] as Tasks_UserInfo; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 1; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); Tasks_User.Init().Update(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_FE = byId; string records = expr_FE.Records; expr_FE.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#2828ff'>接收了任务!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!操作成功,任务已接收!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } } }
protected void Accept_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "TaskID=",, " and UserID=", this.Uid, " and WorkTag=-1" }), null); if (all.Count == 1) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = all[0] as Tasks_UserInfo; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 1; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); Tasks_User.Init().Update(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_FE = byId; string records = expr_FE.Records; expr_FE.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#2828ff'>接收了任务!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "操作成功,任务已接收!", "TaskMenu.aspx"); } } }
protected void Del_Btn(object obj, EventArgs e) { LinkButton linkButton = obj as LinkButton; RepeaterItem repeaterItem = linkButton.Parent as RepeaterItem; HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = repeaterItem.FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; int id = Convert.ToInt32(htmlInputCheckBox.Value); TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(id); IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll("TaskID=" +, null); if (all.Count > 0) { int i = 0; int count = all.Count; while (i < count) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = all[i] as Tasks_UserInfo; try { Help.DeleteFiles(tasks_UserInfo.FilePath); } catch { } i++; } string cmdText = "delete from Tasks_User where TaskID=" +; MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, cmdText, new SqlParameter[0]); } try { Help.DeleteFiles(byId.FilePath); } catch { } Tasks.Init().Delete(id); this.Show(base.Request.QueryString["type"]); }
public void Update(TasksInfo Tasks_) { this.control.UpdateEntity(Tasks_,; }
protected void Submit_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "TaskID=",, " and UserID=", this.Uid, " and WorkTag=1" }), null); if (all.Count == 1) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = all[0] as Tasks_UserInfo; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 2; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID =; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = this.RealName; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = this.DepName; tasks_UserInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTitle = base.Request.Form["WorkTitle"]; tasks_UserInfo.WorkNotes = base.Request.Form["Bodys"]; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Update(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_188 = byId; string records = expr_188.Records; expr_188.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#006600'>首次提交了执行情况!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!操作成功,执行情况已提交!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = new Tasks_UserInfo(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 2; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID =; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = this.RealName; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = this.DepName; tasks_UserInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTitle = base.Request.Form["WorkTitle"]; tasks_UserInfo.WorkNotes = base.Request.Form["Bodys"]; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Add(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_320 = byId; string records = expr_320.Records; expr_320.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#006600'>提交了执行情况!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!操作成功,执行情况已提交!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } } }
private void AddTasksUser(string ulist, int tid, TasksInfo tk) { if (ulist.Contains(",")) { string[] array = ulist.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = new Tasks_UserInfo(); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID = tid; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0]; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[2]; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = ""; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = -1; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Add(tasks_UserInfo); string title = "[系统通知] : " + tasks_UserInfo.RealName + ", 您好! 您有新工作任务需要执行!"; string content = string.Concat(new string[] { "任务名称:<strong>", tk.TaskName, "</strong><br>任务分类:", tk.TypeName, " <br>任务级别:", tk.Important, "<br>任务管理者:", tk.ManageNameList, "<br>" }); int userID = tasks_UserInfo.UserID; string text = string.Concat(new object[] { tasks_UserInfo.RealName, "#",, "#", tasks_UserInfo.DepName, "," }); string text2 = tasks_UserInfo.RealName + "(" + tasks_UserInfo.DepName + "),"; Help.AdminSendMail(title, content, userID, text, text2); } i++; } } }
private void SendManageMail(bool isadd, string old_str, string new_str, TasksInfo tk) { if (isadd) { if (old_str.Contains(",")) { string[] array = old_str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { string title = "[系统通知] : " + array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0] + ", 您好! 您有新工作任务需要管理!"; string content = string.Concat(new string[] { "任务名称:<strong>", tk.TaskName, "</strong><br>任务分类:", tk.TypeName, " <br>任务级别:", tk.Important, "<br>任务管理者:", tk.ManageNameList, "<br>" }); int receiverid = Convert.ToInt32(array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]); string text = string.Concat(new string[] { array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0], "#", array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1], "#", array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[2], "," }); string text2 = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0] + "(" + array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[2] + "),"; Help.AdminSendMail(title, content, receiverid, text, text2); } i++; } } } else { List<string> list = new List<string>(); List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); List<string> list3 = new List<string>(); if (old_str.Contains(",")) { string[] array = old_str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { list.Add(array[i]); } i++; } } if (new_str.Contains(",")) { string[] array = new_str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { list2.Add(array[i]); } i++; } } string text3 = string.Join("!", list.ToArray()); string.Join("!", list2.ToArray()); string[] array2 = list2.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { if (text3.IndexOf(array2[i]) == -1) { list3.Add(array2[i]); } } foreach (string current in list3) { if (current.Contains("#")) { string title = "[系统通知] : " + current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[0] + ", 您好! 您有新工作任务需要管理!"; string content = string.Concat(new string[] { "任务名称:<strong>", tk.TaskName, "</strong><br>任务分类:", tk.TypeName, " <br>任务级别:", tk.Important, "<br>任务管理者:", tk.ManageNameList, "<br>" }); int receiverid = Convert.ToInt32(current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]); string text = string.Concat(new string[] { current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[0], "#", current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[1], "#", current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[2], "," }); string text2 = current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[0] + "(" + current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[2] + "),"; Help.AdminSendMail(title, content, receiverid, text, text2); } } } }
public static async Task <TaskInfo[]> ProjectTasks(int projectId) { TasksInfo inf = await Read <TasksInfo>($"Projects({projectId})/SE2.SimpleProject/Tasks?$expand=Parent($select=Id)&$select=Id,Parent,Order"); return(inf.Infos); }
private void UpdateTasksUser(string old_str, string new_str, TasksInfo tk) { List<string> list = new List<string>(); List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); List<string> list3 = new List<string>(); List<string> list4 = new List<string>(); if (old_str.Contains(",")) { string[] array = old_str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { list.Add(array[i]); } i++; } } if (new_str.Contains(",")) { string[] array = new_str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { list2.Add(array[i]); } i++; } } string text = string.Join("!", list.ToArray()); string text2 = string.Join("!", list2.ToArray()); string[] array2 = list.ToArray(); string[] array3 = list2.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { if (text2.IndexOf(array2[i]) == -1) { list4.Add(array2[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < array3.Length; i++) { if (text.IndexOf(array3[i]) == -1) { list3.Add(array3[i]); } } foreach (string current in list3) { if (current.Contains("#")) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = new Tasks_UserInfo(); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID =; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[0]; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[2]; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = ""; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = -1; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Add(tasks_UserInfo); string title = "[系统通知] : " + tasks_UserInfo.RealName + ", 您好! 您有新工作任务需要执行!"; string content = string.Concat(new string[] { "任务名称:<strong>", tk.TaskName, "</strong><br>任务分类:", tk.TypeName, " <br>任务级别:", tk.Important, "<br>任务管理者:", tk.ManageNameList, "<br>" }); int userID = tasks_UserInfo.UserID; string text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { tasks_UserInfo.RealName, "#",, "#", tasks_UserInfo.DepName, "," }); string text4 = tasks_UserInfo.RealName + "(" + tasks_UserInfo.DepName + "),"; Help.AdminSendMail(title, content, userID, text3, text4); } } foreach (string current in list4) { if (current.Contains("#")) { IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll("UserID=" + current.Split(new char[] { '#' })[1], null); foreach (object current2 in all) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = current2 as Tasks_UserInfo; try { Help.DeleteFiles(tasks_UserInfo.FilePath); } catch { } Tasks_User.Init().Delete(; } } } }
public InitTasksInfo(TasksInfo tasksInfo) { TasksInfo = tasksInfo; }
private void Show() { SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter.ParameterName = "@uid"; sqlParameter.Size = 50; sqlParameter.Value = this.Uid; SqlParameter sqlParameter2 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter2.ParameterName = "@pt0"; sqlParameter2.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter3 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter3.ParameterName = "@pt1"; sqlParameter3.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter4 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter4.ParameterName = "@pt2"; sqlParameter4.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter5 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter5.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter5.ParameterName = "@pt3"; sqlParameter5.Size = 4; SqlParameter[] cmdParms = new SqlParameter[] { sqlParameter2, sqlParameter3, sqlParameter4, sqlParameter5, sqlParameter }; MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Tasks_GetTaskCount", cmdParms); this.t_all.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter2.Value); this.t_exeute.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter3.Value); this.t_manage.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter4.Value); this.t_create.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter5.Value); this.GetFirtNode(); this.TypeID.DataSource =; this.TypeID.DataTextField = "Sh"; this.TypeID.DataValueField = "ID"; this.TypeID.DataBind(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { this.user_manager.Disabled = true; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])); if (byId.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#")) { this.ViewState["ti"] = byId; this.TaskName.Value = byId.TaskName; this.TypeID.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.TypeID); this.userlist.Value = byId.ManageUserList; this.namelist.Value = byId.ManageNameList; this.userlist_cc.Value = byId.ExecuteUserList; this.namelist_cc.Value = byId.ExecuteNameList; this.Bodys.Value = byId.Notes; this.ExpectTime.Value = byId.ExpectTime; this.Important.Value = byId.Important; this.IsOtherSee.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.IsOtherSee); this.OnceSubmit.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.OnceSubmit); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.FilePath) && byId.FilePath.Contains("|")) { this.Attachword.Visible = true; List<TmpInfo> list = new List<TmpInfo>(); string[] array = byId.FilePath.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { TmpInfo tmpInfo = new TmpInfo(); int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string tmp = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string tmp2 = array[i].Replace("~", ""); tmpInfo.Tmp1 = array[i]; tmpInfo.Tmp2 = tmp; tmpInfo.Tmp3 = tmp2; list.Add(tmpInfo); } } this.rpt.DataSource = list; this.rpt.DataBind(); } } } }
public GenerateTasks(TasksInfo tasksInfo) { _tasksInfo = tasksInfo; }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { TasksInfo tasksInfo = new TasksInfo(); tasksInfo.TaskName = this.TaskName.Value; tasksInfo.TypeID = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.Form["TypeID"]); tasksInfo.TypeName = this.ClearLeaf(this.TypeID.Items[this.TypeID.SelectedIndex].Text); tasksInfo.Important = base.Request.Form["Important"]; tasksInfo.Status = 1; tasksInfo.IsOtherSee = Convert.ToInt32(this.IsOtherSee.Checked); tasksInfo.OnceSubmit = Convert.ToInt32(this.OnceSubmit.Checked); tasksInfo.CreatorID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); tasksInfo.CreatorRealName = this.RealName; tasksInfo.CreatorDepName = this.DepName; tasksInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tasksInfo.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasksInfo.ExpectTime = this.ExpectTime.Value; tasksInfo.Notes = this.Bodys.Value; tasksInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); TasksInfo expr_161 = tasksInfo; string records = expr_161.Records; expr_161.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#006600'>[创建人]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " <strong style='color:#ff0000'>创建了任务</strong> <br><br>" }); tasksInfo.ManageUserList = this.userlist.Value; tasksInfo.ManageNameList = this.namelist.Value; tasksInfo.ExecuteUserList = this.userlist_cc.Value; tasksInfo.ExecuteNameList = this.namelist_cc.Value; Tasks.Init().Add(tasksInfo); this.SendManageMail(true, tasksInfo.ManageUserList, tasksInfo.ManageUserList, tasksInfo); this.AddTasksUser(tasksInfo.ExecuteUserList,, tasksInfo); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!工作任务已新建成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { TasksInfo tasksInfo = this.ViewState["ti"] as TasksInfo; if (tasksInfo.ManageUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#")) { tasksInfo.TaskName = this.TaskName.Value; tasksInfo.TypeID = Convert.ToInt32(this.TypeID.SelectedValue); tasksInfo.TypeName = this.ClearLeaf(this.TypeID.Items[this.TypeID.SelectedIndex].Text); tasksInfo.Important = base.Request.Form["Important"]; tasksInfo.Status = 1; tasksInfo.IsOtherSee = Convert.ToInt32(this.IsOtherSee.Checked); tasksInfo.OnceSubmit = Convert.ToInt32(this.OnceSubmit.Checked); tasksInfo.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasksInfo.ExpectTime = this.ExpectTime.Value; tasksInfo.Notes = this.Bodys.Value; tasksInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); TasksInfo expr_3AF = tasksInfo; string records = expr_3AF.Records; expr_3AF.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#006600'>[管理者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " <strong style='color:#ff0000'>重新编辑了任务</strong> <br><br>" }); string executeUserList = tasksInfo.ExecuteUserList; string manageUserList = tasksInfo.ManageUserList; tasksInfo.ManageUserList = this.userlist.Value; tasksInfo.ManageNameList = this.namelist.Value; tasksInfo.ExecuteUserList = this.userlist_cc.Value; tasksInfo.ExecuteNameList = this.namelist_cc.Value; Tasks.Init().Update(tasksInfo); this.SendManageMail(false, manageUserList, tasksInfo.ManageUserList, tasksInfo); this.UpdateTasksUser(executeUserList, this.userlist_cc.Value, tasksInfo); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!工作任务已重新编辑!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } } }
public void Add(TasksInfo com) { Tasks.dal.Add(com); }
protected void Submit_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["tid"])) { string value = base.Request.QueryString["tid"]; TasksInfo byId = Tasks.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); IList all = Tasks_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "TaskID=",, " and UserID=", this.Uid, " and WorkTag=1" }), null); if (all.Count == 1) { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = all[0] as Tasks_UserInfo; tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 2; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID =; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = this.RealName; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = this.DepName; tasks_UserInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTitle = "从手机提交的执行情况.."; tasks_UserInfo.WorkNotes = base.Request.Form["Bodys"]; tasks_UserInfo.WorkNotes = ""; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Update(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_184 = byId; string records = expr_184.Records; expr_184.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#006600'>首次提交了执行情况!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "操作成功,任务已提交!", "TaskMenu.aspx"); } else { Tasks_UserInfo tasks_UserInfo = new Tasks_UserInfo(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTag = 2; tasks_UserInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); tasks_UserInfo.TaskID =; tasks_UserInfo.RealName = this.RealName; tasks_UserInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); tasks_UserInfo.DepName = this.DepName; tasks_UserInfo.FilePath = this.UpdateFiles(); tasks_UserInfo.WorkTitle = "从手机提交的执行情况.."; tasks_UserInfo.WorkNotes = this.Bodys.Value; tasks_UserInfo.Instruction = ""; Tasks_User.Init().Add(tasks_UserInfo); byId.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-M-dd HH:mm"); TasksInfo expr_2D0 = byId; string records = expr_2D0.Records; expr_2D0.Records = string.Concat(new string[] { records, "<font color='#2828ff'>[执行者]</font> <strong>", this.RealName, "(", this.DepName, ")</strong> 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate3(DateTime.Now), " 操作:<font color='#006600'>提交了执行情况!</font> <br><br>" }); Tasks.Init().Update(byId); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "操作成功,任务已提交!", "TaskMenu.aspx"); } } }
private XElement Generate() { var userName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); var xmlDB = new XMLDatabase(userName, _context.Users.First(c => c.Name == userName).ActProject); String pageName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { pageName = ""; } else { pageName = _context.Users.First(c => c.Name == userName).ActProject; } var controllerInfo = new ControllerInfo(); var datatypesInfo = new DataTypesInfo { Components = xmlDB.Components.ToList(), Standards = xmlDB.Standards.ToList(), Locations = xmlDB.Locations.ToList(), IOs = xmlDB.IOs.ToList(), //DIPulseSetups = _context.DIpulses.ToList(), Modules = xmlDB.Modules.ToList(), //MotFrqSetups = _context.MotFrqs.ToList(), //DIAlarmSetups = _context.DIAlarms.ToList(), //AIAlarmSetups = _context.AIAlarms.ToList(), ApplyLocationFilter = false }; var modulesInfo = new ModulesInfo { modules = xmlDB.Modules.ToList(), controller = new ControllerInfo { name = "StdPLC", description = "Standard controller" //TODO From database }, IOs = xmlDB.IOs.ToList(), Components = xmlDB.Components.ToList(), //MotFrqSetups = xmlDB.MotFrqs.ToList() }; var tagsInfo = new TagsInfo(); var programsInfo = new ProgramsInfo { IOs = xmlDB.IOs.ToList(), Modules = xmlDB.Modules.ToList(), //AIAlarmSetups = xmlDB.AIAlarms.ToList(), //DIAlarmSetups = xmlDB.DIAlarms.ToList(), //DIPulseSetups = xmlDB.DIpulses.ToList(), //MDirSetups = xmlDB.MDirs.ToList(), //MRevSetups = xmlDB.MRevs.ToList(), //MotFrqSetups = xmlDB.MotFrqs.ToList(), //StdVlvSetups = xmlDB.StdVlvs.ToList(), Components = xmlDB.Components.ToList() }; var tasksInfo = new TasksInfo(); var addOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo = new AddOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo { Components = xmlDB.Components.ToList(), Standards = xmlDB.Standards.ToList() }; var generator = new ProjectGenerator(controllerInfo, datatypesInfo, modulesInfo, addOnInstructionDefinitionsInfo, tagsInfo, programsInfo, tasksInfo); return(generator.GenerateProject()); }
public void Update(TasksInfo com) { Tasks.dal.Update(com); }
public void Add(TasksInfo Tasks_) { this.control.AddEntity(Tasks_); }