Example #1
 public ActionResult PublicDetails(int?id)
     if (id == null)
         return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
         //a request will be sent to the database here.
         Task tasks = db.Tasks.Find(id);
         if (tasks == null)
         TaskVolunteer tskvol = new TaskVolunteer();
         Volunteer     apn    = new Volunteer();
         apn.Task_id        = (int)id;
         tskvol.task        = tasks;
         tskvol.application = apn;
         //ViewBag.Task_id = db.Tasks.Where(j => j.Id==id && j.Status == true);
         //ViewBag.Task_id = db.Tasks.Where(j =>j.Status == true);
         return(View("Public/Details", tskvol));
     catch (Exception dex) //this catch is finding a server error.
         ViewBag.Message = "Something went wrong: " + dex.Message;
     return(RedirectToAction("PublicIndex")); //if the try was successful, then the return above would execute.
                                              //this return would execute if catch was needed
        public IActionResult LeaveTask(int TaskId, int EventId)
            User          ConfirmedUser    = GetUserInfo();
            TaskVolunteer RetrievedTaskVol = _context.task_volunteers.SingleOrDefault(Task => Task.TaskId == TaskId && ConfirmedUser.UserId == Task.UserId);

            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", new { id = EventId }));
        public IActionResult JoinTask(int TaskId, int EventId)
            User          ConfirmedUser = GetUserInfo();
            TaskVolunteer NewTaskVol    = new TaskVolunteer
                UserId = ConfirmedUser.UserId,
                TaskId = TaskId

            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", new { id = EventId }));
Example #4
        //[Bind(Include = "Id,Job_id,Name,Email,Phone,CV,Text")]
        public ActionResult PublicDetails(TaskVolunteer tskvol)
            try //if you auto build the controllers, visual studio will NOT include a try/catch
            {   //a try/catch will try what you want to do, then "catch" what goes wrong. Try/catch can even catch server errors such as if the database server is down
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    tskvol.application.Date = DateTime.Now;
            catch (DataException dex)                                                                     //you can create an Exception/DataException object here and set it to a variable. I've called it dex here.
                ViewBag.Message = "Whoops! Something went wrong. Here's what went wrong: " + dex.Message; //One of the properties of these objects is Message which is a string of what went wrong.

            tskvol.task = db.Tasks.Find(tskvol.application.Task_id);
            // ViewBag.Type = new SelectList(db.Job_types, "Id", "Title", jobs.Type);
            return(View("Public/Details", tskvol));