Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Waits for all tasks under the specified job to complete and then prints each task's output to the console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">The BatchClient to use when interacting with the Batch service.</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">The ID of the job.</param>
        /// <returns>An asynchronous <see cref="Task"/> representing the operation.</returns>
        private static async Task WaitForJobAndPrintOutputAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string jobId)
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for all tasks to complete on job: {0} ...", jobId);

            // We use the task state monitor to monitor the state of our tasks -- in this case we will wait for them all to complete.
            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            List <CloudTask> ourTasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId).ToListAsync();

            // Wait for all tasks to reach the completed state.
            // If the pool is being resized then enough time is needed for the nodes to reach the idle state in order
            // for tasks to run on them.
            bool timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WhenAllAsync(ourTasks, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

            if (timedOut)
                throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for tasks");

            // dump task output
            foreach (CloudTask t in ourTasks)
                Console.WriteLine("Task {0}", t.Id);

                //Read the standard out of the task
                NodeFile standardOutFile = await t.GetNodeFileAsync(Constants.StandardOutFileName);

                string standardOutText = await standardOutFile.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Waits for all tasks under the specified job to complete and then prints each task's output to the console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">The BatchClient to use when interacting with the Batch service.</param>
        /// <param name="tasks">The tasks to wait for.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The timeout.  After this time has elapsed if the job is not complete and exception will be thrown.</param>
        /// <returns>An asynchronous <see cref="Task"/> representing the operation.</returns>
        public static async Task WaitForTasksAndPrintOutputAsync(BatchClient batchClient, IEnumerable <CloudTask> tasks, TimeSpan timeout)
            // We use the task state monitor to monitor the state of our tasks -- in this case we will wait for them all to complete.
            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            // Wait until the tasks are in completed state.
            List <CloudTask> ourTasks = tasks.ToList();

            await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(ourTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // dump task output
            foreach (CloudTask t in ourTasks)
                Console.WriteLine("Task {0}", t.Id);

                //Read the standard out of the task
                NodeFile standardOutFile = await t.GetNodeFileAsync(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                string standardOutText = await standardOutFile.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                //Read the standard error of the task
                NodeFile standardErrorFile = await t.GetNodeFileAsync(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                string standardErrorText = await standardErrorFile.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                Console.WriteLine("Standard error:");

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors the specified task for completion and whether errors occurred.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A BatchClient object.</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">ID of the job containing the task to be monitored.</param>
        /// <param name="taskId">ID of the task to be monitored.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The period of time to wait for the tasks to reach the completed state.</param>
        private static async Task MonitorSpecificTaskToCompleteAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string jobId, string taskId, TimeSpan timeout)
            // List the task which we track
            ODATADetailLevel detail = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id", filterClause: $"id eq '{taskId}'");
            List <CloudTask> monitoredCloudTasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId, detail).ToListAsync();

            // Task Monitor will be watching a single task
            TaskStateMonitor monitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                // Waiting for the task to get to state Completed
                await monitor.WhenAll(monitoredCloudTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);
            catch (Exception e)
                Shared.Logger.Error($"AzureFitness.MonitorSpecificTaskToCompleteAsync(): {e.Message}");

            // All tasks have reached the "Completed" state, however, this does not guarantee all tasks completed successfully.
            // Here we further check for any tasks with an execution result of "Failure".

            // Update the detail level to populate only the executionInfo property.
            detail.SelectClause = "executionInfo";
            // Filter for tasks with 'Failure' result.
            detail.FilterClause = "executionInfo/result eq 'Failure'";

            List <CloudTask> failedTasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId, detail).ToListAsync();

            if (failedTasks.Any())
                Shared.Logger.Error($"{taskId} failed.");
Example #4
        private async Task <string> WaitForReducerTaskToCompleteAsync(BatchClient batchClient)
            //Get the bound reducer task and monitor it for completion.
            CloudTask boundReducerTask = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetTaskAsync(this.jobId, Constants.ReducerTaskId);

            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            string stdOut;

                await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(new List <CloudTask> {
                }, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
            catch (TimeoutException)
                Console.WriteLine("Reducer task did not complete within expected timeout.");
                //Refresh the reducer task to get the most recent information about it from the Batch Service.
                await boundReducerTask.RefreshAsync();

                //Dump the reducer tasks exit code and scheduling error for debugging purposes.
                stdOut = await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundReducerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true);

Example #5
        public void Bug2338301_CheckStreamPositionAfterFileRead()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    JobOperations jobOperations = batchCli.JobOperations;
                        string jobId = "Bug2338301Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                            const string taskId = "hiWorld";

                            // Create the job
                            CloudJob unboundJob = jobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation()
                                PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId

                            CloudJob  boundJob = jobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                            CloudTask myTask   = new CloudTask(taskId, "cmd /c echo hello world");


                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job commit()");

                            // Wait for task to go to completion
                            Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                            CloudTask boundTask = boundJob.GetTask(taskId);

                            //Get the task file
                            const string fileToGet = "stdout.txt";
                            NodeFile     file      = boundTask.GetNodeFile(fileToGet);

                            //Download the file data
                            string result = file.ReadAsString();
                            Assert.True(result.Length > 0);

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #6
        public async Task TaskStateMonitorCancelled_ThrowsCancellationException()
            TimeSpan     timeout    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            const string dummyJobId = "Dummy";

            using (BatchClient batchCli = BatchClient.Open(ClientUnitTestCommon.CreateDummySharedKeyCredential()))
                List <string> taskIds = new List <string>()

                //Create some tasks which are "bound"
                IEnumerable <Protocol.Models.CloudTask> protocolTasks = taskIds.Select(CreateProtocolCloudTask);
                IEnumerable <CloudTask> taskList = protocolTasks.Select(protoTask => CreateBoundCloudTask(batchCli, dummyJobId, protoTask));

                TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchCli.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
                    await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>(async() => await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(
                                                                              additionalBehaviors: InterceptorFactory.CreateListTasksRequestInterceptor(protocolTasks)));
Example #7
        public async Task TaskStateMonitorTimedOut_ThrowsTimeoutException()
            TimeSpan     timeout    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            const string dummyJobId = "Dummy";

            using (BatchClient batchCli = BatchClient.Open(ClientUnitTestCommon.CreateDummySharedKeyCredential()))
                List <string> taskIds = new List <string>()

                //Create some tasks which are "bound"
                IEnumerable <Protocol.Models.CloudTask> protocolTasks = taskIds.Select(CreateProtocolCloudTask);
                IEnumerable <CloudTask> taskList = protocolTasks.Select(protoTask => CreateBoundCloudTask(batchCli, dummyJobId, protoTask));

                TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchCli.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                TimeoutException e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <TimeoutException>(async() => await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(
                                                                                     additionalBehaviors: InterceptorFactory.CreateListTasksRequestInterceptor(protocolTasks)));

                Assert.Contains(string.Format("waiting for resources after {0}", timeout), e.Message);
                Assert.IsType <OperationCanceledException>(e.InnerException);
        private async Task <string> WaitForReducerTaskToCompleteAsync(BatchClient batchClient)
            //Get the bound reducer task and monitor it for completion.
            CloudTask boundReducerTask = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetTaskAsync(this.jobId, Constants.ReducerTaskId);

            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            bool timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <CloudTask> {
            }, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

            //Refresh the reducer task to get the most recent information about it from the Batch Service.
            await boundReducerTask.RefreshAsync();

            //Dump the reducer tasks exit code and scheduling error for debugging purposes.
            string stdOut = await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundReducerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true);

            //Handle the possibilty that the reducer task did not complete in the expected timeout.
            if (timedOut)
                const string errorMessage = "Reducer task did not complete within expected timeout.";

                Console.WriteLine("Task {0} is in state: {1}", boundReducerTask.Id, boundReducerTask.State);

                throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors the specified tasks for completion and whether errors occurred.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A BatchClient object.</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">ID of the job containing the tasks to be monitored.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The period of time to wait for the tasks to reach the completed state.</param>
        private static async Task <bool> MonitorTasks(BatchClient batchClient, string jobId, TimeSpan timeout)
            bool         allTasksSuccessful = true;
            const string completeMessage    = "All tasks reached state Completed.";
            const string incompleteMessage  = "One or more tasks failed to reach the Completed state within the timeout period.";
            const string successMessage     = "Success! All tasks completed successfully. Output files uploaded to output container.";
            const string failureMessage     = "One or more tasks failed.";

            // Obtain the collection of tasks currently managed by the job.
            // Use a detail level to specify that only the "id" property of each task should be populated.
            // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-efficient-list-queries

            ODATADetailLevel detail = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id");

            List <CloudTask> addedTasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId, detail).ToListAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout.ToString());

            // We use a TaskStateMonitor to monitor the state of our tasks. In this case, we will wait for all tasks to
            // reach the Completed state.

            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(jobId);

            await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(jobId);


            // All tasks have reached the "Completed" state, however, this does not guarantee all tasks completed successfully.
            // Here we further check for any tasks with an execution result of "Failure".

            // Update the detail level to populate only the executionInfo property.
            detail.SelectClause = "executionInfo";
            // Filter for tasks with 'Failure' result.
            detail.FilterClause = "executionInfo/result eq 'Failure'";

            List <CloudTask> failedTasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId, detail).ToListAsync();

            if (failedTasks.Any())
                allTasksSuccessful = false;

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Waits for the specified task to complete
        /// </summary>
        public static void WaitForTaskCompletion(BatchController controller, BatchAccountContext context, string jobId, string taskId)
            BatchClient client = new BatchClient(controller.BatchManagementClient, controller.ResourceManagementClient);

            ListTaskOptions options = new ListTaskOptions(context, jobId, null)
                TaskId = taskId
            IEnumerable <PSCloudTask> tasks = client.ListTasks(options);

            // Save time by not waiting during playback scenarios
            if (HttpMockServer.Mode == HttpRecorderMode.Record)
                TaskStateMonitor monitor = context.BatchOMClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                monitor.WaitAll(tasks.Select(t => t.omObject), TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), null);
        private async Task WaitForMapperTasksToCompleteAsync(BatchClient batchClient)
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the mapper tasks to complete...");

            //List all the mapper tasks using an id filter.
            DetailLevel mapperTaskIdFilter = new ODATADetailLevel()
                FilterClause = string.Format("startswith(id, '{0}')", Constants.MapperTaskPrefix)

            IEnumerable <CloudTask> tasksToMonitor = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(
                detailLevel: mapperTaskIdFilter);

            // Use the task state monitor to wait for the tasks to complete.  Monitoring the tasks
            // for completion is necessary if you are using KillJobOnCompletion = TRUE, as otherwise when the job manager
            // exits it will kill all of the tasks that are still running under the job.
            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            bool timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(tasksToMonitor, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            //Get the list of mapper tasks in order to analyze their state and ensure they completed successfully.
            IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> asyncEnumerable = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(
                detailLevel: mapperTaskIdFilter);

            await asyncEnumerable.ForEachAsync(async cloudTask =>
                Console.WriteLine("Task {0} is in state: {1}", cloudTask.Id, cloudTask.State);

                await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(cloudTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess: false);


            //If not all the tasks reached the desired state within the timeout then the job manager
            //cannot continue.
            if (timedOut)
                const string errorMessage = "Mapper tasks did not complete within expected timeout.";

                throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a job and add two simple tasks to it. Wait for completion using the Task state monitor
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddJobTwoTasks(BatchClient client, string sharedPoolId)
            string jobId = CreateJobId("HelloWorldTwoTaskJob");

            Console.WriteLine("Creating job: " + jobId);
            CloudJob boundJob = CreateBoundJob(client.JobOperations, sharedPoolId, jobId);

            // add 2 quick tasks. Each task within a job must have a unique ID
            List <CloudTask> tasksToRun = new List <CloudTask>(2);

            tasksToRun.Add(new CloudTask("task1", "hostname"));
            tasksToRun.Add(new CloudTask("task2", "cmd /c dir /s"));

            client.JobOperations.AddTask(boundJob.Id, tasksToRun);

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for all tasks to complete on Job: {0} ...", boundJob.Id);

            //We use the task state monitor to monitor the state of our tasks -- in this case we will wait for them all to complete.
            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

            // blocking wait on the list of tasks until all tasks reach completed state or the timeout is reached.
            // If the pool is being resized then enough time is needed for the VMs to reach the idle state in order
            // for tasks to run on them.
            IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> ourTasks = boundJob.ListTasks();
            bool timedOut = taskStateMonitor.WaitAll(ourTasks, TaskState.Completed, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0));

            if (timedOut)
                throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for tasks");

            // dump task output
            foreach (CloudTask t in ourTasks)
                Console.WriteLine("Task " + t.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("stdout:\n" + t.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString());
                Console.WriteLine("\nstderr:\n" + t.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString());

            //Delete the job to ensure the tasks are cleaned up
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting job: {0}", boundJob.Id);
        public void TestContainerTask()
            void test()
                using BatchClient client = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                string jobId = "ContainerJob" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                    CloudJob job = client.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation {
                        PoolId = poolFixture.PoolId

                    CloudTask newTask = new CloudTask("a", "cat /etc/centos-release")
                        ContainerSettings = new TaskContainerSettings("centos")
                    client.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, newTask);

                    IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> tasks = client.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId);

                    TaskStateMonitor monitor = client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                    monitor.WaitAll(tasks, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(7));

                    CloudTask task = tasks.Single();

                    Assert.Equal("ContainerPoolNotSupported", task.ExecutionInformation.FailureInformation.Code);
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(client, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
        public void Bug1665834TaskStateMonitor()
            void test()
                using BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                string jobId = "Bug1665834Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                    CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                    unboundJob.PoolInformation.PoolId = poolFixture.PoolId;

                    CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    // add some noise tasks
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        CloudTask unboundTaskQuick = new CloudTask((10 + j).ToString(), "cmd /c hostname");



                    // wait for fast tasks to complete
                        bool repeat = true;

                        while (repeat)
                            CloudPool boundPool = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetPool(poolFixture.PoolId);

                            repeat = false;

                            foreach (CloudTask curTask in boundJob.ListTasks())
                                if (curTask.State != TaskState.Completed)
                                    repeat = true;

                                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Manual Wait Task Id: " + curTask.Id + ", state = " + curTask.State);
                                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("   poolstate: " + boundPool.State + ", currentdedicated: " + boundPool.CurrentDedicatedComputeNodes);
                                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("      compute nodes:");

                                    foreach (ComputeNode curComputeNode in boundPool.ListComputeNodes())
                                        testOutputHelper.WriteLine("           computeNode.Id: " + curComputeNode.Id + ", state: " + curComputeNode.State);

                    // add some longer running tasks

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Adding longer running tasks");

                    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                        CloudTask unboundTask = new CloudTask(i.ToString() + "_a234567890a234567890a234567890a234567890a234567890a234567890", "cmd /c ping -n 4");


                    Utilities        utilities = batchCli.Utilities;
                    TaskStateMonitor tsm       = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                    IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> taskList = boundJob.ListTasks();

                    // try to set really low delay
                    ODATAMonitorControl odmc = new ODATAMonitorControl {
                        DelayBetweenDataFetch = new TimeSpan(0)

                    // confirm the floor is enforced
                    Assert.Equal(500, odmc.DelayBetweenDataFetch.Milliseconds);

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Calling TaskStateMonitor.WaitAll().  This will take a while.");

                    TimeSpan timeToWait = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                    Task     whenAll    = tsm.WhenAll(taskList, TaskState.Completed, timeToWait, controlParams: odmc);

                    //This could throw, if it does the test will fail, which is what we want

                    foreach (CloudTask curTask in boundJob.ListTasks())
                        Assert.Equal(TaskState.Completed, curTask.State);
                    // cleanup
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #15
        public void TestGetNodeFileByTask()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    JobOperations jobOperations = batchCli.JobOperations;

                    string jobId = Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-" + nameof(TestGetNodeFileByTask);
                        // Create the job
                        CloudJob job = jobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                            PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job schedule commit()");


                        // Wait for the job
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Waiting for job");
                        CloudJob boundJob = jobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                        // Add task to the job
                        const string taskId      = "T1";
                        const string taskMessage = "This is a test";

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Adding task: {0}", taskId);
                        CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, string.Format("cmd /c echo {0}", taskMessage));

                        // Wait for the task to complete
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Waiting for the task to complete");
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                        //Wait for the task state to be running

                        //Download the data
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Downloading the stdout for the file");
                        NodeFile file = jobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);
                        string   data = file.ReadAsString();
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Data: {0}", data);
                        Assert.Contains(taskMessage, data);

                        // Download the data again using the JobOperations read file content helper
                        data = batchCli.JobOperations.CopyNodeFileContentToString(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Data: {0}", data);
                        Assert.Contains(taskMessage, data);

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #16
        public void Bug1480491NodeFileFileProperties()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "Bug1480491Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                        const string taskId = "hiWorld";

                        // Create the job
                        CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                        unboundJob.PoolInformation.PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId;

                        CloudJob  boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                        CloudTask myTask   = new CloudTask(taskId, "cmd /c echo hello world");


                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job commit()");

                        // Wait for task to go to completion
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();


                        const int expectedFileSize = 13; //Magic number based on output generated by the task

                        // NodeFile by task
                        NodeFile file = batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has content length: {1}", Constants.StandardOutFileName, file.Properties.ContentLength);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has content type: {1}", Constants.StandardOutFileName, file.Properties.ContentType);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has creation time: {1}", Constants.StandardOutFileName, file.Properties.CreationTime);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has last modified time: {1}", Constants.StandardOutFileName, file.Properties.LastModified);

                        Assert.Equal(expectedFileSize, file.Properties.ContentLength);
                        Assert.Equal("text/plain", file.Properties.ContentType);

                        // NodeFile by node
                        CloudTask boundTask     = boundJob.GetTask(taskId);
                        string    computeNodeId = boundTask.ComputeNodeInformation.AffinityId.Split(':')[1];

                        ComputeNode computeNode = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetComputeNode(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task ran on compute node: {0}", computeNodeId);

                        List <NodeFile> files = computeNode.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true).ToList();
                        foreach (NodeFile nodeFile in files)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found file: {0}", nodeFile.Path);

                        string filePathToGet = string.Format("workitems/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", jobId, "job-1", taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);
                        file = computeNode.GetNodeFile(filePathToGet);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has content length: {1}", filePathToGet, file.Properties.ContentLength);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has content type: {1}", filePathToGet, file.Properties.ContentType);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has creation time: {1}", filePathToGet, file.Properties.CreationTime);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("File {0} has last modified time: {1}", filePathToGet, file.Properties.LastModified);

                        Assert.Equal(expectedFileSize, file.Properties.ContentLength);
                        Assert.Equal("text/plain", file.Properties.ContentType);

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #17
        public void Bug1480489NodeFileMissingIsDirectory()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "Bug1480489Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                        // here we show how to use an unbound Job + Commit() to run millions of Tasks
                        CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation()
                            PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId

                        // Open the new Job as bound.
                        CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                        CloudTask myTask = new CloudTask(id: "Bug1480489Task", commandline: @"md Bug1480489Directory");

                        // add the task to the job

                        // wait for the task to complete
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();


                        CloudTask myCompletedTask = new List <CloudTask>(boundJob.ListTasks(null))[0];

                        string stdOut = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                        string stdErr = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("TaskId: " + myCompletedTask.Id);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdOut: ");

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdErr: ");

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task Files:");

                        bool foundAtLeastOneDir = false;

                        foreach (NodeFile curFile in myCompletedTask.ListNodeFiles())
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Filepath: " + curFile.Path);
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("       IsDirectory: " + curFile.IsDirectory.ToString());

                            // turns out wd is created for each task so use it as sentinal
                            if (curFile.Path.Equals("wd") && curFile.IsDirectory.HasValue && curFile.IsDirectory.Value)
                                foundAtLeastOneDir = true;

                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #18
        public void TestNode_GetListDeleteFiles()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "TestNodeGetListDeleteFiles-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                        const string taskId = "hiWorld";

                        const string directoryCreationTaskId1 = "dirTask1";
                        const string directoryCreationTaskId2 = "dirTask2";

                        const string directoryNameOne = "Foo";
                        const string directoryNameTwo = "Bar";

                        // Create the job
                        CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                        unboundJob.PoolInformation.PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId;

                        CloudJob  boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                        CloudTask myTask   = new CloudTask(taskId, "cmd /c echo hello world");
                        CloudTask directoryCreationTask1 = new CloudTask(directoryCreationTaskId1, string.Format("cmd /c mkdir {0} && echo test > {0}/testfile.txt", directoryNameOne));
                        CloudTask directoryCreationTask2 = new CloudTask(directoryCreationTaskId2, string.Format("cmd /c mkdir {0} && echo test > {0}/testfile.txt", directoryNameTwo));


                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job commit()");

                        // Wait for task to go to completion
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();


                        CloudTask boundTask = boundJob.GetTask(taskId);
                        //Since the compute node name comes back as "Node:<computeNodeId>" we need to split on : to get the actual compute node name
                        string computeNodeId = boundTask.ComputeNodeInformation.AffinityId.Split(':')[1];

                        ComputeNode computeNode = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetComputeNode(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task ran on compute node: {0}", computeNodeId);

                        //Ensure that ListFiles done without a recursive option, or with recursive false return the same values
                            List <NodeFile> filesByComputeNodeRecursiveOmitted = batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(

                            List <NodeFile> filesByComputeNodeRecursiveFalse = batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(
                                recursive: false).ToList();

                            AssertFileListsMatch(filesByComputeNodeRecursiveOmitted, filesByComputeNodeRecursiveFalse);

                            List <NodeFile> filesByTaskRecursiveOmitted = batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(

                            List <NodeFile> filesByTaskRecursiveFalse = batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(
                                recursive: false).ToList();

                            AssertFileListsMatch(filesByTaskRecursiveOmitted, filesByTaskRecursiveFalse);

                        // List all node files from operations -- recursive true
                        //TODO: Detail level?
                        List <NodeFile> fileListFromComputeNodeOperations = batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, recursive: true).ToList();

                        foreach (NodeFile f in fileListFromComputeNodeOperations)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found file: {0}", f.Path);
                        //Check to make sure the expected folder named "Shared" exists
                        Assert.Contains("shared", fileListFromComputeNodeOperations.Select(f => f.Path));

                        // List all node files from the compute node -- recursive true
                        List <NodeFile> fileListFromComputeNode = computeNode.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true).ToList();
                        foreach (NodeFile f in fileListFromComputeNodeOperations)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found file: {0}", f.Path);
                        //Check to make sure the expected folder named "Shared" exists
                        Assert.Contains("shared", fileListFromComputeNode.Select(f => f.Path));

                        // Get file from operations
                        string filePathToGet = fileListFromComputeNode.First(f => !f.IsDirectory.Value && f.Properties.ContentLength > 0).Path;
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Getting file: {0}", filePathToGet);
                        NodeFile computeNodeFileFromManager = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetNodeFile(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Successfully retrieved file: {0}", filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("---- File data: ----");
                        var computeNodeFileContentFromManager = computeNodeFileFromManager.ReadAsString();

                        // Get file directly from operations (bypassing the properties call)
                        var computeNodeFileContentDirect = batchCli.PoolOperations.CopyNodeFileContentToString(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("---- File data: ----");

                        // Get file from compute node
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Getting file: {0}", filePathToGet);
                        NodeFile fileFromComputeNode = computeNode.GetNodeFile(filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Successfully retrieved file: {0}", filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("---- File data: ----");
                        var computeNodeFileContentFromNode = fileFromComputeNode.ReadAsString();

                        // Get file from compute node (bypassing the properties call)
                        computeNodeFileContentDirect = computeNode.CopyNodeFileContentToString(filePathToGet);
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("---- File data: ----");

                        // NodeFile delete
                        string   filePath = Path.Combine(@"workitems", jobId, "job-1", taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);
                        NodeFile nodeFile = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetNodeFile(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, filePath);


                        //Ensure delete succeeded

                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => nodeFile.Refresh());

                        //Delete directory

                        NodeFile directory = batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, recursive: true).First(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameOne));
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => directory.Delete(recursive: false));
                        directory.Delete(recursive: true);

                        Assert.Null(batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, recursive: true).FirstOrDefault(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameOne)));

                        // PoolManager delete node file
                        filePath = Path.Combine(@"workitems", jobId, "job-1", taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName);

                        NodeFile file = batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName);
                        batchCli.PoolOperations.DeleteNodeFile(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, filePath);

                        //Ensure delete succeeded
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName));

                        //Delete directory
                        directory = batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, recursive: true).First(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameTwo));
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => batchCli.PoolOperations.DeleteNodeFile(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, directory.Path, recursive: false));
                        batchCli.PoolOperations.DeleteNodeFile(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, directory.Path, recursive: true);

                        Assert.Null(batchCli.PoolOperations.ListNodeFiles(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId, recursive: true).FirstOrDefault(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameTwo)));

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #19
        public void Bug230385SupportDeleteNodeFileByTask()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "Bug230285Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                        const string taskId = "hiWorld";
                        const string directoryCreationTaskId1 = "dirTask1";
                        const string directoryCreationTaskId2 = "dirTask2";

                        const string directoryNameOne = "Foo";
                        const string directoryNameTwo = "Bar";

                        const string directory2PathOnNode = "wd/" + directoryNameTwo;

                        // Create the job
                        CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                        unboundJob.PoolInformation.PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId;

                        CloudJob  boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                        CloudTask myTask   = new CloudTask(taskId, "cmd /c echo hello world");
                        CloudTask directoryCreationTask1 = new CloudTask(directoryCreationTaskId1, string.Format("cmd /c mkdir {0} && echo test > {0}/testfile.txt", directoryNameOne));
                        CloudTask directoryCreationTask2 = new CloudTask(directoryCreationTaskId2, string.Format("cmd /c mkdir {0} && echo test > {0}/testfile.txt", directoryNameTwo));


                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job commit()");

                        // Wait for task to go to completion
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();


                        // NodeFile delete

                        //Delete single file
                        NodeFile file = batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName);

                        //Ensure delete succeeded
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardOutFileName));

                        //Delete directory

                        NodeFile directory = batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId1, recursive: true).First(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameOne));
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => directory.Delete(recursive: false));
                        directory.Delete(recursive: true);

                        Assert.Null(batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId1, recursive: true).FirstOrDefault(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameOne)));

                        // JobScheduleOperations delete task file
                        batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName);
                        batchCli.JobOperations.DeleteNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName);

                        //Ensure delete succeeded
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => batchCli.JobOperations.GetNodeFile(jobId, taskId, Constants.StandardErrorFileName));

                        //Delete directory
                        directory = batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId2, recursive: true).First(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameTwo));
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => batchCli.JobOperations.DeleteNodeFile(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId2, directory2PathOnNode, recursive: false));
                        batchCli.JobOperations.DeleteNodeFile(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId2, directory2PathOnNode, recursive: true);

                        Assert.Null(batchCli.JobOperations.ListNodeFiles(jobId, directoryCreationTaskId2, recursive: true).FirstOrDefault(item => item.Path.Contains(directoryNameTwo)));
                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #20
        public void Bug2329884_ComputeNodeRecentTasksAndComputeNodeError()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "Bug2329884Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                    Protocol.RequestInterceptor interceptor = null;

                        const string taskId = "hiWorld";

                        // Create the job
                        CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                        unboundJob.PoolInformation.PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId;


                        CloudJob  boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                        CloudTask myTask   = new CloudTask(taskId, "cmd /c echo hello world");


                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Initial job commit()");

                        // Wait for task to go to completion
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                            new TimeSpan(0, 3 /*min*/, 0));

                        CloudTask boundTask = boundJob.GetTask(taskId);

                        //Since the compute node name comes back as "Node:<computeNodeId>" we need to split on : to get the actual compute node name
                        string computeNodeId = boundTask.ComputeNodeInformation.AffinityId.Split(':')[1];

                        // Check recent tasks
                        ComputeNode computeNode = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetComputeNode(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId);

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Recent tasks:");

                        foreach (TaskInformation recentTask in computeNode.RecentTasks)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Compute node has recent task Job: {0}, Task: {1}, State: {2}, Subtask: {3}",

                        TaskInformation myTaskInfo = computeNode.RecentTasks.First(taskInfo => taskInfo.JobId.Equals(
                                                                                       jobId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                                                                   taskInfo.TaskId.Equals(taskId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                        Assert.Equal(TaskState.Completed, myTaskInfo.TaskState);
                        Assert.Equal(0, myTaskInfo.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                        // Check compute node Error
                        const string expectedErrorCode    = "TestErrorCode";
                        const string expectedErrorMessage = "Test error message";
                        const string nvpValue             = "Test";

                        //We use mocking to return a fake compute node object here to test Compute Node Error because we cannot force one easily
                        interceptor = new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((req =>
                            if (req is ComputeNodeGetBatchRequest)
                                var typedRequest = req as ComputeNodeGetBatchRequest;

                                typedRequest.ServiceRequestFunc = (token) =>
                                    var response = new AzureOperationResponse <Protocol.Models.ComputeNode, Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeGetHeaders>();

                                    List <Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError> errors =
                                        new List <Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError>();

                                    //Generate first Compute Node Error
                                    List <Protocol.Models.NameValuePair> nvps =
                                        new List <Protocol.Models.NameValuePair>();
                                    nvps.Add(new Protocol.Models.NameValuePair()
                                        Name = nvpValue, Value = nvpValue

                                    Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError error1 = new Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError();
                                    error1.Code = expectedErrorCode;
                                    error1.Message = expectedErrorMessage;
                                    error1.ErrorDetails = nvps;


                                    //Generate second Compute Node Error
                                    nvps = new List <Protocol.Models.NameValuePair>();
                                    nvps.Add(new Protocol.Models.NameValuePair()
                                        Name = nvpValue, Value = nvpValue

                                    Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError error2 = new Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeError();
                                    error2.Code = expectedErrorCode;
                                    error2.Message = expectedErrorMessage;
                                    error2.ErrorDetails = nvps;


                                    Protocol.Models.ComputeNode protoComputeNode = new Protocol.Models.ComputeNode();
                                    protoComputeNode.Id = computeNodeId;
                                    protoComputeNode.State = Protocol.Models.ComputeNodeState.Idle;
                                    protoComputeNode.Errors = errors;

                                    response.Body = protoComputeNode;



                        computeNode = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetComputeNode(this.poolFixture.PoolId, computeNodeId);

                        Assert.Equal(computeNodeId, computeNode.Id);
                        Assert.Equal(2, computeNode.Errors.Count());

                        foreach (ComputeNodeError computeNodeError in computeNode.Errors)
                            Assert.Equal(expectedErrorCode, computeNodeError.Code);
                            Assert.Equal(expectedErrorMessage, computeNodeError.Message);
                            Assert.Equal(1, computeNodeError.ErrorDetails.Count());
                            Assert.Contains(nvpValue, computeNodeError.ErrorDetails.First().Name);

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Example #21
        public void TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError()
            string jobId = "TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError-" + CraftTimeString() + "-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
            Action test  = () =>
                using (BatchClient client = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()))
                        // create job schedule with prep that succeeds and release the triggers scheduling error
                            PoolInformation poolInfo = new PoolInformation()
                                PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId
                            CloudJob unboundJob = client.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInfo);

                            // add the jobPrep task to the job
                                JobPreparationTask prep = new JobPreparationTask("cmd /c echo the quick job prep jumped over the...");
                                unboundJob.JobPreparationTask = prep;

                                prep.WaitForSuccess = false; // we don't really care but why not set this

                            // add a jobRelease task to the job
                                JobReleaseTask relTask = new JobReleaseTask("cmd /c echo Job Release Task");
                                unboundJob.JobReleaseTask = relTask;

                                ResourceFile[] badResFiles = { ResourceFile.FromUrl("https://not.a.domain.invalid/file", "bob.txt") };

                                relTask.ResourceFiles = badResFiles;

                                relTask.Id = "jobRelease";

                            // add the job to the service

                        // add a trivial task to force the JP
                        client.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, new CloudTask("ForceJobPrep", "cmd /c echo TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError"));

                        // wait for the task to complete

                        TaskStateMonitor tsm = client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                            // spam/logging interceptor
                            new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) =>
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Issuing request type: " + x.GetType().ToString());

                                // print out the compute node states... we are actually waiting on the compute nodes
                                List <ComputeNode> allComputeNodes = client.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(this.poolFixture.PoolId).ToList();

                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    #compute nodes: " + allComputeNodes.Count);

                                allComputeNodes.ForEach((icn) =>
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("  computeNode.id: " + icn.Id + ", state: " + icn.State);

                        // ok terminate job to trigger job release
                        client.JobOperations.TerminateJob(jobId, "BUG: Server will throw 500 if I don't provide reason");

                        // the victim compute node.  pool should have size 1.
                        List <ComputeNode> computeNodes = client.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(this.poolFixture.PoolId).ToList();


                        // now we have a job that should be trying to run the JP
                        // poll for the JP to have been run, and it must have a scheduling error
                        bool releaseNotCompleted = true;

                        // gotta poll to find out when the jp has been run
                        while (releaseNotCompleted)
                            List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> jrStatusList =

                            JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation prepAndReleaseStatus = jrStatusList.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (prepAndReleaseStatus != null && null != prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation)
                                if (JobReleaseTaskState.Completed == prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.State)
                                    releaseNotCompleted = false; // we see a JP has been run

                                    // now assert the failure info
                                    Assert.Equal(TaskExecutionResult.Failure, prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.Result);

                                    // spew the failure info
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Job Release tasks still running (waiting for blob dl to timeout).");

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, LongTestTimeout);
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and
        /// submits the job to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");

            CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
                new StorageCredentials(
                useHttps: true);

            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles",

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter  splitter        = new FileSplitter();
                List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(

                List <string> files = Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles.Union(mapperTaskFiles).ToList();

                await SampleHelpers.UploadResourcesAsync(

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = SampleHelpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(credentials))
                // Construct the job properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                //Allow enough compute nodes in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                int numberOfPoolComputeNodes = 1 + this.textSearchSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                //Define the pool specification for the pool which the job will run on.
                PoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                    TargetDedicated    = numberOfPoolComputeNodes,
                    VirtualMachineSize = "small",
                    //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                    OSFamily        = "4",
                    TargetOSVersion = "*"

                //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the job is created.
                //This creates a new pool for each job which is added.
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "TextSearchPool",
                    KeepAlive          = false,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                    PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification

                //Define the pool information for this job -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                    AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                //Define the job manager for this job.  This job manager will run first and will submit the tasks for
                //the job.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                List <ResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = SampleHelpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                const string        jobManagerTaskId        = "JobManager";

                JobManagerTask jobManagerTask = new JobManagerTask()
                    ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                    CommandLine   = Constants.JobManagerExecutable,

                    //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits.
                    KillJobOnCompletion = true,
                    Id = jobManagerTaskId

                //Create the unbound job in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                string jobId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInformation);
                unboundJob.JobManagerTask = jobManagerTask; //Assign the job manager task to this job

                    //Commit the unbound job to the Batch Service.
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding job: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundJob.Id);
                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the job which was defined above.

                    // Wait for the job manager task to complete.

                    //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                    CloudJob boundJob = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    CloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await boundJob.GetTaskAsync(jobManagerTaskId);

                    TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                    // Monitor the current tasks to see when they are done.
                    // Occasionally a task may get killed and requeued during an upgrade or hardware failure, including the job manager
                    // task.  The job manager will be re-run in this case.  Robustness against this was not added into the sample for
                    // simplicity, but should be added into any production code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for job's tasks to complete");

                    TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                    bool             timedOut         = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <CloudTask> {
                    }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                    await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                    //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                    await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : false);

                    if (timedOut)
                        throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));

                    // Download and write out the reducer tasks output

                    string reducerText = await SampleHelpers.DownloadBlobTextAsync(cloudStorageAccount, this.textSearchSettings.BlobContainer, Constants.ReducerTaskResultBlobName);

                    Console.WriteLine("Reducer reuslts:");
                    //Delete the job.
                    //This will delete the auto pool associated with the job as long as the pool
                    //keep alive property is set to false.
                    if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldDeleteJob)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting job {0}", jobId);

                    //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the
                    //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
Example #23
        public static async Task MainAsync()
            const string poolId = "MultiInstanceSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "MultiInstanceSampleJob";
            const string taskId = "MultiInstanceSampleTask";

            const int numberOfNodes = 5;

            //jmeno package kterou uploaduju na azure s polu s MSMpiSetup
            const string appPackageId      = "Parallel";
            const string appPackageVersion = "1.0";

            TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);

            AccountSettings accountSettings = SampleHelpers.LoadAccountSettings();

            //nakonfigurované batch accounty abych se mohl připojit ke svému účtu
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                // Vytvoření fondu výpočetních uzlů a úlohu, do které přidáme úlohu s více instancemi.
                await CreatePoolAsync(batchClient, poolId, numberOfNodes, appPackageId, appPackageVersion);
                await CreateJobAsync(batchClient, jobId, poolId);

                //batch vytvoří jednu hlavní a několik dílčích úkolů
                CloudTask multiInstanceTask = new CloudTask(id: taskId,
                                                            commandline: $"cmd /c mpiexec.exe -c 1 -wdir %AZ_BATCH_TASK_SHARED_DIR% %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_{appPackageId.ToUpper()}#{appPackageVersion}%\\ParallelMpiApp.exe");

                // příkaz SPMD = více samostatných procesorů současně spouští stejný program
                multiInstanceTask.MultiInstanceSettings =
                    new MultiInstanceSettings(@"cmd /c start cmd /c smpd.exe -d", numberOfNodes);

                //zadání úkolů, vytvoří se jeden primární a několik dílčích,
                //aby odpovídaly počtu uzlů a naplánuje se jejich provedení v uzlech
                Console.WriteLine($"Adding task [{taskId}] to job [{jobId}]...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, multiInstanceTask);

                //verze úlohy
                CloudTask mainTask = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetTaskAsync(jobId, taskId);

                // sledování stavu úkolů,čekáme až bude úloha dokončena
                Console.WriteLine($"Awaiting task completion, timeout in {timeout}...");
                TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(new List <CloudTask> {
                }, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                //aktualizace úlohy
                await mainTask.RefreshAsync();

                string stdOut = mainTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                string stdErr = mainTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                Console.WriteLine($"Main task [{mainTask.Id}] is in state [{mainTask.State}] and ran on compute node [{mainTask.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId}]:");
                Console.WriteLine("---- stdout.txt ----");
                Console.WriteLine("---- stderr.txt ----");

                // par sekund čas aby se stačily dílčí úlohy dokončit
                TimeSpan subtaskTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
                Console.WriteLine($"Main task completed, waiting {subtaskTimeout} for subtasks to complete...");

                Console.WriteLine("---- Subtask information ----");

                //kolekce dílčích úlohů a tisk informací o každém
                IPagedEnumerable <SubtaskInformation> subtasks = mainTask.ListSubtasks();
                await subtasks.ForEachAsync(async (subtask) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("subtask: " + subtask.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("\texit code: " + subtask.ExitCode);

                    if (subtask.State == SubtaskState.Completed)
                        //získání souborů z uzlů
                        ComputeNode node =
                            await batchClient.PoolOperations.GetComputeNodeAsync(subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.PoolId,

                        string outPath = subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory + "\\" + Constants.StandardOutFileName;
                        string errPath = subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory + "\\" + Constants.StandardErrorFileName;

                        NodeFile stdOutFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync(outPath.Trim('\\'));
                        NodeFile stdErrFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync(errPath.Trim('\\'));

                        stdOut = await stdOutFile.ReadAsStringAsync();
                        stdErr = await stdErrFile.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine($"\tnode: " + node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("\tstdout.txt: " + stdOut);
                        Console.WriteLine("\tstderr.txt: " + stdErr);
                        Console.WriteLine($"\tSubtask {subtask.Id} is in state {subtask.State}");

                // vymazání zdrojů které jsme vytvořili, abychom to nemuseli dělat manuálně(fondy,úlohy)
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(jobId);

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
        public static void HelloWorld(
            BatchClient batchCli,
            ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper,
            CloudPool sharedPool,
            out string jobId,
            out string taskId,
            bool deleteJob = true,
            bool isLinux   = false)
            jobId = "HelloWorldJob-" + GetMyName() + "-" + GetTimeStamp();

                // here we show how to use an unbound Job + Commit() to run a simple "Hello World" task
                // get an empty unbound Job
                CloudJob quickJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                quickJob.Id = jobId;
                quickJob.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                    PoolId = sharedPool.Id

                // Commit Job

                // get an empty unbound Task
                taskId = "dwsHelloWorldTask";

                const string winPaasHWTaskCmdLine   = "cmd /c echo Hello World";
                const string linuxIaasHWTaskCmdLine = "echo Hello World";

                string winnerTaskCmdLine = isLinux ? linuxIaasHWTaskCmdLine : winPaasHWTaskCmdLine;

                CloudTask hwTask = new CloudTask(id: taskId, commandline: winnerTaskCmdLine);

                // Open the new Job as bound.
                CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                // add Task to Job

                // wait for the task to complete

                Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();


                CloudTask myCompletedTask = new List <CloudTask>(boundJob.ListTasks(null))[0];

                string stdOut = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                string stdErr = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                // confirm that stdout includes correct value
                Assert.Contains("Hello World", stdOut);

                testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdOut: ");

                testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdErr: ");
                // delete the job to free the Pool compute nodes.
                if (deleteJob)
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();
        public void CanAddTaskWithFilesToStage()
            StagingStorageAccount storageCreds = TestUtilities.GetStorageCredentialsFromEnvironment();

            using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()))
                string jobId = "TestTaskWithFilesToStage-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                    CloudJob job = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation()
                        PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId
                    CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    CloudTask myTask = new CloudTask(id: "CountWordsTask", commandline: @"cmd /c dir /s .. & dir & wc localwords.txt");

                    myTask.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>
                        new FileToStage(Resources.LocalWordsDotText, storageCreds)

                    // add the task to the job
                    var artifacts        = boundJob.AddTask(myTask);
                    var specificArtifact = artifacts[typeof(FileToStage)];
                    SequentialFileStagingArtifact sfsa = specificArtifact as SequentialFileStagingArtifact;


                    // Open the new Job as bound.
                    CloudPool boundPool = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetPool(boundJob.ExecutionInformation.PoolId);

                    // wait for the task to complete
                    TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchCli.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                        controlParams: null,
                        additionalBehaviors: new[]
                        // spam/logging interceptor
                        new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) =>
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Issuing request type: " + x.GetType().ToString());

                                // print out the compute node states... we are actually waiting on the compute nodes
                                List <ComputeNode> allComputeNodes = boundPool.ListComputeNodes().ToList();

                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    #compute nodes: " + allComputeNodes.Count);

                                    (icn) =>
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("  computeNode.id: " + icn.Id + ", state: " + icn.State);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // there is a race between the pool-life-job and the end of the job.. and the ListComputeNodes above
                                Assert.True(false, "SampleWithFilesAndPool probably can ignore this if its pool not found: " + ex.ToString());

                    List <CloudTask> tasks           = boundJob.ListTasks().ToList();
                    CloudTask        myCompletedTask = tasks.Single();

                    foreach (CloudTask curTask in tasks)
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task Id: " + curTask.Id + ", state: " + curTask.State);


                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Pool Id: " + boundPool.Id + ", state: " + boundPool.State);

                    string stdOut = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                    string stdErr = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdOut: ");

                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdErr: ");

                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task Files:");

                    foreach (NodeFile curFile in myCompletedTask.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true))
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    File path: " + curFile.Path);

                    var files = myCompletedTask.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true).ToList();

                    // confirm the files are there
                    Assert.True(files.Any(file => file.Path.Contains("localWords.txt")), "missing file: localWords.txt");
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();
        public void LongRunning_Bug1965363Wat7OSVersionFeaturesQuickJobWithAutoPool()
            void test()
                using BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                string jobId = "Bug1965363Job-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                    PoolInformation poolInfo = new PoolInformation()
                        AutoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                            PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                            PoolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification()
                                CloudServiceConfiguration   = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily),
                                VirtualMachineSize          = PoolFixture.VMSize,
                                TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = 1

                    CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInfo);

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Commiting quickjob");

                    CloudTask task     = new CloudTask("Bug1965363Wat7OSVersionFeaturesQuickJobWithAutoPoolTask", "cmd /c echo Bug1965363");
                    CloudJob  boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Getting pool name: {0}", boundJob.ExecutionInformation.PoolId);

                    CloudPool           boundPool = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetPool(boundJob.ExecutionInformation.PoolId);
                    TaskStateMonitor    tsm       = batchCli.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                    ODATAMonitorControl odControl = new ODATAMonitorControl();

                    // we know that the autopool compute nodes will take a long time to become scheduleable so we slow down polling/spam
                    odControl.DelayBetweenDataFetch = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Invoking TaskStateMonitor");

                        new[] {
                        // spam/logging interceptor
                        new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) =>
                            testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Issuing request type: " + x.GetType().ToString());

                            // print out the compute node states... we are actually waiting on the compute nodes
                            List <ComputeNode> allComputeNodes = boundPool.ListComputeNodes().ToList();
                            testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    #comnpute nodes: " + allComputeNodes.Count);

                            allComputeNodes.ForEach((icn) => { testOutputHelper.WriteLine("  computeNode.id: " + icn.Id + ", state: " + icn.State); });

                    // confirm the task ran by inspecting the stdOut
                    string stdOut = boundJob.ListTasks().ToList()[0].GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();

                    Assert.Contains("Bug1965363", stdOut);
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, LongTestTimeout);
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors the specified tasks for completion and returns a value indicating whether all tasks completed successfully
        /// within the timeout period.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A <see cref="BatchClient"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">The id of the job containing the tasks that should be monitored.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The period of time to wait for the tasks to reach the completed state.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if all tasks in the specified job completed with an exit code of 0 within the specified timeout period, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
        private static async Task <bool> MonitorTasks(BatchClient batchClient, string jobId, TimeSpan timeout)
            bool         allTasksSuccessful = true;
            const string successMessage     = "All tasks reached state Completed.";
            const string failureMessage     = "One or more tasks failed to reach the Completed state within the timeout period.";

            // Obtain the collection of tasks currently managed by the job. Note that we use a detail level to
            // specify that only the "id" property of each task should be populated. Using a detail level for
            // all list operations helps to lower response time from the Batch service.
            ODATADetailLevel detail = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id");
            List <CloudTask> tasks  = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId, detail).ToListAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Awaiting task completion, timeout in {0}...", timeout.ToString());

            // We use a TaskStateMonitor to monitor the state of our tasks. In this case, we will wait for all tasks to
            // reach the Completed state.
            TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(tasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(jobId, failureMessage);


            await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(jobId, successMessage);

            // All tasks have reached the "Completed" state, however, this does not guarantee all tasks completed successfully.
            // Here we further check each task's ExecutionInfo property to ensure that it did not encounter a scheduling error
            // or return a non-zero exit code.

            // Update the detail level to populate only the task id and executionInfo properties.
            // We refresh the tasks below, and need only this information for each task.
            detail.SelectClause = "id, executionInfo";

            foreach (CloudTask task in tasks)
                // Populate the task's properties with the latest info from the Batch service
                await task.RefreshAsync(detail);

                if (task.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError != null)
                    // A scheduling error indicates a problem starting the task on the node. It is important to note that
                    // the task's state can be "Completed," yet still have encountered a scheduling error.

                    allTasksSuccessful = false;

                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Task [{0}] encountered a scheduling error: {1}", task.Id, task.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError.Message);
                else if (task.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode != 0)
                    // A non-zero exit code may indicate that the application executed by the task encountered an error
                    // during execution. As not every application returns non-zero on failure by default (e.g. robocopy),
                    // your implementation of error checking may differ from this example.

                    allTasksSuccessful = false;

                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Task [{0}] returned a non-zero exit code - this may indicate task execution or completion failure.", task.Id);

            if (allTasksSuccessful)
                Console.WriteLine("Success! All tasks completed successfully within the specified timeout period.");

Example #28
        public static async Task MainAsync()
            const string poolId = "MultiInstanceSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "MultiInstanceSampleJob";
            const string taskId = "MultiInstanceSampleTask";

            const int numberOfNodes = 3;

            // The application package and version to deploy to the compute nodes.
            // It should contain your MPIHelloWorld sample MS-MPI program:
            // https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowshpc/2015/02/02/how-to-compile-and-run-a-simple-ms-mpi-program/
            // And the MSMpiSetup.exe installer:
            // https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=52981
            // Then upload it as an application package:
            // https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/batch-application-packages/
            const string appPackageId      = "MPIHelloWorld";
            const string appPackageVersion = "1.0";

            TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

            // Configure your AccountSettings in the Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(AccountSettings.Default.BatchServiceUrl,

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                // Create the pool of compute nodes and the job to which we add the multi-instance task.
                await CreatePoolAsync(batchClient, poolId, numberOfNodes, appPackageId, appPackageVersion);
                await CreateJobAsync(batchClient, jobId, poolId);

                // Create the multi-instance task. The MultiInstanceSettings property (configured
                // below) tells Batch to create one primary and several subtasks, the total number
                // of which matches the number of instances you specify in the MultiInstanceSettings.
                // This main task's command line is the "application command," and is executed *only*
                // by the primary, and only after the primary and all subtasks have executed the
                // "coordination command" (the MultiInstanceSettings.CoordinationCommandLine).
                CloudTask multiInstanceTask = new CloudTask(id: taskId,
                                                            commandline: $"cmd /c mpiexec.exe -c 1 -wdir %AZ_BATCH_TASK_SHARED_DIR% %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_{appPackageId.ToUpper()}#{appPackageVersion}%\\MPIHelloWorld.exe");

                // Configure the task's MultiInstanceSettings. Specify the number of nodes
                // to allocate to the multi-instance task, and the "coordination command".
                // The CoordinationCommandLine is run by the primary and subtasks, and is
                // used in this sample to start SMPD on the compute nodes.
                multiInstanceTask.MultiInstanceSettings =
                    new MultiInstanceSettings(@"cmd /c start cmd /c smpd.exe -d", numberOfNodes);

                // Submit the task to the job. Batch will take care of creating one primary and
                // enough subtasks to match the total number of nodes allocated to the task,
                // and schedule them for execution on the nodes.
                Console.WriteLine($"Adding task [{taskId}] to job [{jobId}]...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, multiInstanceTask);

                // Get the "bound" version of the multi-instance task.
                CloudTask mainTask = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetTaskAsync(jobId, taskId);

                // We use a TaskStateMonitor to monitor the state of our tasks. In this case,
                // we will wait for the task to reach the Completed state.
                Console.WriteLine($"Awaiting task completion, timeout in {timeout}...");
                TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(new List <CloudTask> {
                }, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                // Refresh the task to obtain up-to-date property values from Batch, such as
                // its current state and information about the node on which it executed.
                await mainTask.RefreshAsync();

                string stdOut = mainTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                string stdErr = mainTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                Console.WriteLine($"Main task [{mainTask.Id}] is in state [{mainTask.State}] and ran on compute node [{mainTask.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId}]:");
                Console.WriteLine("---- stdout.txt ----");
                Console.WriteLine("---- stderr.txt ----");

                // Need to delay a bit to allow the Batch service to mark the subtasks as Complete
                TimeSpan subtaskTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
                Console.WriteLine($"Main task completed, waiting {subtaskTimeout} for subtasks to complete...");

                Console.WriteLine("---- Subtask information ----");

                // Obtain the collection of subtasks for the multi-instance task, and print
                // some information about each.
                IPagedEnumerable <SubtaskInformation> subtasks = mainTask.ListSubtasks();
                await subtasks.ForEachAsync(async (subtask) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("subtask: " + subtask.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("\texit code: " + subtask.ExitCode);

                    if (subtask.State == SubtaskState.Completed)
                        // Obtain the file from the node on which the subtask executed. For normal CloudTasks,
                        // we could simply call CloudTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName), but the
                        // subtasks are not "normal" tasks in Batch, and thus must be handled differently.
                        ComputeNode node =
                            await batchClient.PoolOperations.GetComputeNodeAsync(subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.PoolId,

                        string outPath = subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory + "\\" + Constants.StandardOutFileName;
                        string errPath = subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory + "\\" + Constants.StandardErrorFileName;

                        NodeFile stdOutFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync(outPath.Trim('\\'));
                        NodeFile stdErrFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync(errPath.Trim('\\'));

                        stdOut = await stdOutFile.ReadAsStringAsync();
                        stdErr = await stdErrFile.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine($"\tnode: " + node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("\tstdout.txt: " + stdOut);
                        Console.WriteLine("\tstderr.txt: " + stdErr);
                        Console.WriteLine($"\tSubtask {subtask.Id} is in state {subtask.State}");

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(jobId);

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// calls the two new get-status REST APIs and asserts their values
        /// 1: add a single quick task (quick because we don't need it to run very long)
        /// 2: this forces a victim compute node to run the JobPrep
        /// 3: poll for this compute node, ignore others (sharedPool.size probably > 1)
        /// 4: check status of JobPrep
        /// 4a: assert as many values as makes sense... this is not a retry test
        /// 5: JobPrep succeeds, task runs
        /// 6: poll for JobRelease.. it is long running
        /// 7: assert as many values as makes sense.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchCli"></param>
        private void TestGetPrepReleaseStatusCalls(BatchClient batchCli, CloudJobSchedule boundJobSchedule, string sharedPool, IEnumerable <ResourceFile> correctResFiles)
            // need this often enough lets just pull it out
            string jobId = boundJobSchedule.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob.Id;

            PoolOperations        poolOps = batchCli.PoolOperations;
            JobScheduleOperations jobScheduleOperations = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations;
                DateTime beforeJobPrepRuns = DateTime.UtcNow;  // used to test start time

                // need a task to force JobPrep
                CloudTask sillyTask = new CloudTask("forceJobPrep", "cmd /c hostname");

                // add the task
                batchCli.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, sillyTask);

                bool keepLooking = true;

                while (keepLooking)
                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Waiting for task to be scheduled.");

                    foreach (CloudTask curTask in batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId).ListTasks())
                        if (curTask.State != TaskState.Active)
                            keepLooking = false;



                List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> jobPrepStatusList = new List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation>();
                while (jobPrepStatusList.Count == 0)
                    jobPrepStatusList = batchCli.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(jobId).ToList();
                JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation jptei = jobPrepStatusList.First();

                ComputeNode victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease = poolOps.GetComputeNode(sharedPool, jptei.ComputeNodeId);

                // job prep tests
                    Assert.Equal(0, jptei.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.RetryCount);
                    Assert.True(beforeJobPrepRuns < jptei.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.StartTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));  // test that the start time is rational -- 10s of wiggle room

                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("listing files for compute node: " + victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.Id);

                    // fiter the list so reduce noise
                    List <NodeFile> filteredListJobPrep = new List <NodeFile>();

                    foreach (NodeFile curTF in victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true))
                        // filter on the jsId since we only run one job per job in this test.
                        if (curTF.Path.IndexOf(boundJobSchedule.Id, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    name:" + curTF.Path + ", size: " + ((curTF.IsDirectory.HasValue && curTF.IsDirectory.Value) ? "<dir>" : curTF.Properties.ContentLength.ToString()));


                    // confirm resource files made it
                    foreach (ResourceFile curCorrectRF in correctResFiles)
                        bool found = false;

                        foreach (NodeFile curTF in filteredListJobPrep)
                            // look for the resfile filepath in the taskfile name
                            found |= curTF.Path.IndexOf(curCorrectRF.FilePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;
                        Assert.True(found, "Looking for resourcefile: " + curCorrectRF.FilePath);

                    // poll for completion
                    while (JobPreparationTaskState.Completed != jptei.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.State)
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("waiting for jopPrep to complete");

                        // refresh the state info
                        ODATADetailLevel detailLevel = new ODATADetailLevel()
                            FilterClause = string.Format("nodeId eq '{0}'", victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.Id)
                        jobPrepStatusList = batchCli.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(jobId, detailLevel: detailLevel).ToList();

                        jptei = jobPrepStatusList.First();

                    // need success
                    Assert.Equal(0, jptei.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                    // check stdout to confirm prep ran

                    //Why do I have to use the hardcoded string job-1 here...?
                    string stdOutFileSpec = Path.Combine("workitems", boundJobSchedule.Id, "job-1", boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask.Id, Constants.StandardOutFileName);
                    string stdOut         = victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.GetNodeFile(stdOutFileSpec).ReadAsString();

                    string stdErrFileSpec = Path.Combine("workitems", boundJobSchedule.Id, "job-1", boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask.Id, Constants.StandardErrorFileName);

                    string stdErr = string.Empty;

                        stdErr = victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.GetNodeFile(stdErrFileSpec).ReadAsString();
                    catch (Exception)
                        //Swallow any exceptions here since stderr may not exist


                    Assert.Contains("jobpreparation", stdOut.ToLower());

                // jobPrep tests completed.  let JobPrep complete and task run and wait for JobRelease

                TaskStateMonitor tsm = batchCli.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                // spam/logging interceptor
                Protocol.RequestInterceptor consoleSpammer =
                    new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) =>
                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("TestGetPrepReleaseStatusCalls: waiting for JobPrep and task to complete");

                    ODATADetailLevel detailLevel = new ODATADetailLevel()
                        FilterClause = string.Format("nodeId eq '{0}'", victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.Id)
                    jobPrepStatusList = batchCli.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(jobId, detailLevel: detailLevel).ToList();
                    JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation jpteiInterceptor =

                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    JobPrep.State: " + jpteiInterceptor.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.State);


                // waiting for the task to complete means so JobRelease is run.
                    batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId).ListTasks(additionalBehaviors: new[] { consoleSpammer }),
                    additionalBehaviors: new[] { consoleSpammer });

                // trigger JobRelease
                batchCli.JobOperations.TerminateJob(jobId, terminateReason: "die! I want JobRelease to run!");

                // now that the task has competed, we are racing with the JobRelease... but it is sleeping so we can can catch it
                while (true)
                    ODATADetailLevel detailLevel = new ODATADetailLevel()
                        FilterClause = string.Format("nodeId eq '{0}'", victimComputeNodeRunningPrepAndRelease.Id)
                    jobPrepStatusList = batchCli.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(jobId, detailLevel: detailLevel).ToList();
                    JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation jrtei = jobPrepStatusList.FirstOrDefault();

                    if ((jrtei == null) || (null == jrtei.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation))
                        if (jrtei.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.State != JobReleaseTaskState.Completed)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("JobReleaseTask state is: " + jrtei.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.State);

                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("JobRelease commpleted!");

                            // we are done
        public void TestSampleWithFilesAndPool()
            Action test = () =>
                StagingStorageAccount storageCreds = TestUtilities.GetStorageCredentialsFromEnvironment();

                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobId = "SampleWithFilesJob-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                        CloudJob quickJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                        quickJob.Id = jobId;
                        quickJob.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                            PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId
                        CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                        CloudTask myTask = new CloudTask(id: "CountWordsTask", commandline: @"cmd /c dir /s .. & dir & wc localwords.txt");

                        // first we have local files that we want pushed to the compute node before the commandline is invoked
                        FileToStage wordsDotText = new FileToStage(Resources.LocalWordsDotText, storageCreds);                // use "default" mapping to base name of local file

                        myTask.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>();


                        // add the task to the job
                        var artifacts        = boundJob.AddTask(myTask);
                        var specificArtifact = artifacts[typeof(FileToStage)];
                        SequentialFileStagingArtifact sfsa = specificArtifact as SequentialFileStagingArtifact;


                        // add a million more tasks...

                        // test to ensure the task is read only
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <InvalidOperationException>(() => myTask.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>());

                        // Open the new Job as bound.
                        CloudPool boundPool = batchCli.PoolOperations.GetPool(boundJob.ExecutionInformation.PoolId);

                        // wait for the task to complete
                        Utilities        utilities        = batchCli.Utilities;
                        TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                            controlParams: null,
                            // spam/logging interceptor
                            new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) =>
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Issuing request type: " + x.GetType().ToString());

                                    // print out the compute node states... we are actually waiting on the compute nodes
                                    List <ComputeNode> allComputeNodes = boundPool.ListComputeNodes().ToList();

                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    #compute nodes: " + allComputeNodes.Count);

                                        (icn) =>
                                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("  computeNode.id: " + icn.Id + ", state: " + icn.State);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    // there is a race between the pool-life-job and the end of the job.. and the ListComputeNodes above
                                    Assert.True(false, "SampleWithFilesAndPool probably can ignore this if its pool not found: " + ex.ToString());

                        List <CloudTask> tasks           = boundJob.ListTasks(null).ToList();
                        CloudTask        myCompletedTask = tasks[0];

                        foreach (CloudTask curTask in tasks)
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task Id: " + curTask.Id + ", state: " + curTask.State);


                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Pool Id: " + boundPool.Id + ", state: " + boundPool.State);

                        string stdOut = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString();
                        string stdErr = myCompletedTask.GetNodeFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString();

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdOut: ");

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("StdErr: ");

                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Task Files:");

                        foreach (NodeFile curFile in myCompletedTask.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true))
                            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Filename: " + curFile.Name);

                        // confirm the files are there
                        Assert.True(FoundFile("localwords.txt", myCompletedTask.ListNodeFiles(recursive: true)), "mising file: localwords.txt");

                        // test validation of StagingStorageAccount

                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { new StagingStorageAccount(storageAccount: " ", storageAccountKey: "key", blobEndpoint: "blob"); });
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { new StagingStorageAccount(storageAccount: "account", storageAccountKey: " ", blobEndpoint: "blob"); });
                        TestUtilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { new StagingStorageAccount(storageAccount: "account", storageAccountKey: "key", blobEndpoint: ""); });

                        if (null != sfsa)
                            // TODO: delete the container!
                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);