public void TestEndTask() { bool actualResult = false; bool expectedResult = true; Entities.Task itemToEnd = new Entities.Task(); TaskLogic businessObject = new TaskLogic(); List <Entities.Task> taskList = new List <Entities.Task>(); taskList = businessObject.GetAll(); itemToEnd = taskList.Where(item => item.Is_End_Task.Equals(false)).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemToEnd != null) { businessObject.EndTask(itemToEnd.Task_Id); taskList = businessObject.GetAll(); itemToEnd = taskList.Where(item => item.Task_Id.Equals(itemToEnd.Task_Id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemToEnd.Is_End_Task ?? true) { actualResult = true; } } Assert.AreEqual(actualResult, expectedResult); }
// // GET: /Account/Register public List <SelectListItem> GetUserTypesList() { TaskLogic logic = new TaskLogic(); //List<SelectListItem> list = logic.GetUserTypes().Select(x => // new SelectListItem() // { // Text = x.Name, // Value = x.UserTypeId.ToString() // } // ).ToList(); List <SelectListItem> list2 = new List <SelectListItem>(); list2.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Исполнитель", Value = "Исполнитель" }); list2.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Заказчик", Value = "Заказчик" }); return(list2); }
public TaskBasicsTests() { var mockMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(new MappingProfile())); _mapper = mockMapper.CreateMapper(); taskLogic = new TaskLogic(new TaskContextMock(), _mapper); }
public void TestUpdate() { bool actualResult = true; bool expectedResult = true; Entities.Task itemToUpdate = new Entities.Task(); TaskLogic businessObject = new TaskLogic(); List <Entities.Task> taskList = new List <Entities.Task>(); taskList = businessObject.GetAll(); itemToUpdate = taskList.FirstOrDefault(); itemToUpdate.Task_Name = "UpdatedTaskName_Nunit"; businessObject.Update(itemToUpdate); itemToUpdate = businessObject.GetTaskById(itemToUpdate.Task_Id); if (!itemToUpdate.Task_Name.Equals("UpdatedTaskName_Nunit")) { actualResult = false; } itemToUpdate.Parent_Task = "UpdatedParentTask_Nunit"; businessObject.Update(itemToUpdate); itemToUpdate = businessObject.GetTaskById(itemToUpdate.Task_Id); if (!itemToUpdate.Parent_Task.Equals("UpdatedParentTask_Nunit")) { actualResult = false; } Assert.AreEqual(actualResult, expectedResult); }
private async void SaveTaskBtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName.Text)) { await DisplayAlert("Greška!", "Naziv zadatka je obavezan", "OK"); return; } taskActivityIndicator.IsVisible = true; saveTaskBtn.IsEnabled = false; DateTime date = taskDueDate.Date; date.Add(taskDueTime.Time); string taskPriorityStr; if (taskPriority.SelectedIndex == -1) { taskPriority.SelectedIndex = 0; taskPriorityStr = "Niski"; } else { taskPriorityStr = taskPriority.SelectedItem.ToString(); } TaskItem taskItem = new TaskItem() { Name = taskName.Text, Priority = taskPriority.SelectedIndex, PriorityText = taskPriorityStr, DueDate = date, RemindMe = taskReminder.IsToggled }; bool success = false; if (_taskItem != null) { success = await TaskLogic.EditTask(taskItem, _taskItem); } else { success = await TaskLogic.AddTask(taskItem); } if (success) { await Navigation.PopAsync(false); } else { await DisplayAlert("Greška!", "Zadatak nije spremljen", "OK"); } taskActivityIndicator.IsVisible = false; saveTaskBtn.IsEnabled = true; }
public TaskIntegrationTests() { var mockMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(new MappingProfile())); _mapper = mockMapper.CreateMapper(); taskLogic = new TaskLogic(new TaskRepository(new DatabaseTask(new DatabaseConnection("Server = mssql.fhict.local; Database = dbi409997; User Id = dbi409997; Password = Ikbencool20042000!;"))), _mapper); }
private async void TasksListRefreshing(object sender, EventArgs e) { Constants.TasksList = await TaskLogic.GetTasks(); tasksListView.IsRefreshing = false; SetItemsSource(); }
private async void RefreshTasks_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { tasksListView.IsRefreshing = true; Constants.TasksList = await TaskLogic.GetTasks(); SetItemsSource(); tasksListView.IsRefreshing = false; }
void Start() { _functionCaller = new FunctionCaller(); //[TO DO]: Avoid "new" (D in SOLID) _taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); //[TO DO]: Avoid "new" (D in SOLID) _taskLogic.LoadNumbers(); StartCoroutine(_functionCaller.CallFunctionAfterDelay(0.5f, GenerateTask)); //give time to read file }
public void returnTaskId_CanReturnTaskID_ReturnNotNull() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); taskIDTest = taskLogic.returnTaskId(); Assert.IsNotNull(taskIDTest); }
/*without above HTTP get wilkl get error → No webpage was found for the web address: https://localhost:5001/api/Employee/getcurrentuser*/ public string GetCurrentUser() { string currentUser; TaskLogic t = new TaskLogic(_context); currentUser = t.GetEmployee().UserId; return(currentUser); }
public async void OnDelete(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem menuItem = ((MenuItem)sender); TaskItem taskItem = (TaskItem)menuItem.CommandParameter; await TaskLogic.DeleteTask(taskItem); SetItemsSource(); }
public async Task Test_Get_User_Tasks_No_Tasks_Integration() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_taskRepo, _fieldRepository, _answerRepo, _userRepo, _studyRepo, _taskDelegationRepository, _phaseRepository); // Act var userTasks = await taskLogic.GetUserTasks(study1.Id, 9); // Not a user with any tasks // Assert Assert.Equal(0, userTasks.Count()); }
public IHttpActionResult GetTaskByID(int taskId) { TaskLogic blTask = new TaskLogic(); var task = blTask.GetTaskById(taskId); if (task != null) { return(Ok(task)); } return(NotFound()); }
public async Task Test_Get_User_Tasks_Success_Integration() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_taskRepo, _fieldRepository, _answerRepo, _userRepo, _studyRepo, _taskDelegationRepository, _phaseRepository); // Act var userTasks = await taskLogic.GetUserTasks(study1.Id, 16); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, userTasks.Count()); // There's two tasks, but only one for this user Assert.Equal(11, userTasks.First().Id); }
public async Task Test_Submit_Task_Success_Integration() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_taskRepo, _fieldRepository, _answerRepo, _userRepo, _studyRepo, _taskDelegationRepository, _phaseRepository); // Act var submitted = await taskLogic.SubmitTask(task1); // Assert Assert.True(submitted); Assert.True(task1.IsSubmitted); }
public void A_removeTask() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); Task task = new Task(); task.TaskID = 1; task.ProjectCode = "AAA111"; var result = taskLogic.removeTask(task); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public bool UpdateStatusTask(Task obj) { TaskLogic tskSrv = new TaskLogic(); Task tsk = tskSrv.UpdateTask(obj); if (tsk.Dirty) { //Non è stato modificato // Loggare errore return false; } else { //E' stato modificato return true; } }
public void Test_Get_User_Tasks_No_Tasks() { // Arrange _mockStudyRepo.Setup(r => r.ReadAsync(study1.Id)).ReturnsAsync(study1); var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_mockTaskRepo.Object, _mockFieldRepo.Object, _mockAnswerRepo.Object, _mockUserRepo.Object, _mockStudyRepo.Object, _mockTaskDelegationRepo.Object, _mockPhaseRepo.Object); // Act var userTasks = taskLogic.GetUserTasks(study1.Id, 9).Result; // Not a user with any tasks // Assert Assert.Equal(0, userTasks.Count()); }
public void Test_Submit_Task_Failure() { // Arrange var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_mockTaskRepo.Object, _mockFieldRepo.Object, _mockAnswerRepo.Object, _mockUserRepo.Object, _mockStudyRepo.Object, _mockTaskDelegationRepo.Object, _mockPhaseRepo.Object); // Act var submitted_null = taskLogic.SubmitTask(null).Result; // Null var submitted_empty_task = taskLogic.SubmitTask(new ReviewTaskDTO()).Result; // Empty task // Assert Assert.False(submitted_null); Assert.False(submitted_empty_task); // TODO We would expect it to return false, but the program crashes }
public IHttpActionResult EndTask(int taskId) { TaskLogic blTask = new TaskLogic(); try { blTask.EndTask(taskId); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(ex.Message)); } return(Ok(blTask.GetAll())); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateTask(Task item) { TaskLogic blTask = new TaskLogic(); try { blTask.Update(item); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(ex.Message)); } return(Ok()); }
public void Test_Get_User_Tasks_Success() { // Arrange _mockStudyRepo.Setup(r => r.ReadAsync(study1.Id)).ReturnsAsync(study1); var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_mockTaskRepo.Object, _mockFieldRepo.Object, _mockAnswerRepo.Object, _mockUserRepo.Object, _mockStudyRepo.Object, _mockTaskDelegationRepo.Object, _mockPhaseRepo.Object); // Act var userTasks = taskLogic.GetUserTasks(study1.Id, 16).Result; // Assert Assert.Equal(1, userTasks.Count()); // There's two tasks, but only one for this user Assert.Equal(11, userTasks.First().Id); }
public async Task Test_Submit_Task_Failure_Integration() { // Arrange var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_taskRepo, _fieldRepository, _answerRepo, _userRepo, _studyRepo, _taskDelegationRepository, _phaseRepository); // Act var submitted_null = await taskLogic.SubmitTask(null); // Null var submitted_empty_task = await taskLogic.SubmitTask(new ReviewTaskDTO()); // Empty task // Assert Assert.False(submitted_null); Assert.False(submitted_empty_task); // TODO We would expect it to return false, but the program crashes }
public void TestGetAll() { bool actualResult = false; bool expectedResult = true; TaskLogic businessObject = new TaskLogic(); List <Entities.Task> taskList = new List <Entities.Task>(); taskList = businessObject.GetAll(); if (taskList.Count > 0) { actualResult = true; } Assert.AreEqual(actualResult, expectedResult); }
public void returnAllTasksForProject_CanGetAllTasksForProject() { DBBroker broker = new DBBroker(); var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); Project project = new Project() { ProjectCode = projectCodeTest }; List <Task> expected = (List <Task>)broker.returnAllTasksForProject(project); List <Task> result = (List <Task>)taskLogic.returnAllTasksForProject(project); Assert.AreEqual(result.Count, expected.Count); }
public void Test_Submit_Task_Success() { // Arrange _mockTaskRepo.Setup(r => r.ReadAsync(task1.Id)).ReturnsAsync(task1); _mockTaskRepo.Setup(r => r.UpdateAsync(task1)).ReturnsAsync(true); _mockStudyRepo.Setup(r => r.ReadAsync(study1.Id)).ReturnsAsync(study1); var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(_mockTaskRepo.Object, _mockFieldRepo.Object, _mockAnswerRepo.Object, _mockUserRepo.Object, _mockStudyRepo.Object, _mockTaskDelegationRepo.Object, _mockPhaseRepo.Object); // Act var submitted = taskLogic.SubmitTask(task1).Result; // Assert Assert.True(submitted); Assert.True(task1.IsSubmitted); }
public void updateTask_CanUpdateTask_ReturnTrue() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); Task task = new Task(); task.TaskID = taskIDTest; task.ProjectCode = projectCodeTest; task.Assignee = "masa1235"; task.Status = 1; task.Progress = Convert.ToDecimal(0.6); task.Deadline = DateTime.Now; task.Description = "sasa11"; var result = taskLogic.updateTask(task); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public void U_createTask_CanCreateTask_ReturnTrue() { var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(); Task task = new Task(); task.TaskID = taskIDTest; task.ProjectCode = projectCodeTest; task.Assignee = "jovanjovic"; task.Status = 1; task.Progress = Convert.ToDecimal(0.5); task.Deadline = DateTime.Now; task.Description = "sasa"; var result = taskLogic.createTask(task); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public bool UpdateStatusTask(int taskid, int status) { Task tst = new Task(); tst = HibernateHelper.SelectIstance<Task>(new string[] { "Id" }, new object[] { taskid }, new Operators[] { Operators.Eq }); tst.Status = status; tst.DateUpd = DateTime.Now; TaskLogic tskSrv = new TaskLogic(); tst = tskSrv.UpdateTask(tst); if (tst.Dirty) { //Non è stato modificato // Loggare errore return false; } else { //E' stato modificato return true; } }
public void TestAdd() { Entities.Task itemToAdd = new Entities.Task(); itemToAdd.Task_Name = "TestName_Nunit_1"; itemToAdd.Parent_Task = "TestParent_Nunit_1"; itemToAdd.Priority = 4; itemToAdd.Start_Date = DateTime.Now; itemToAdd.End_Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(15); itemToAdd.Is_End_Task = false; TaskLogic businessObject = new TaskLogic(); int actualCount = businessObject.GetAll().Count + 1; businessObject.Add(itemToAdd); int expectedCount = businessObject.GetAll().Count; Assert.AreEqual(actualCount, expectedCount); }
public void Should_GetTasksFromTheList_WhenGettingTasks() { //Arrange var taskLogic = new TaskLogic(new TaskContextMock(), _mapper); TaskModel task = new TaskModel { Id = 10, TaskType = "GetTest" }; taskLogic.AddTask(task); bool found = false; //Act if (taskLogic.GetTasks()[4].Id == 10 && taskLogic.GetTasks()[4].TaskType == "GetTest") { found = true; } //Assert Assert.True(found); }
public List<Task> GetTasks(string where) { TaskLogic tskSrv = new TaskLogic(); return tskSrv.GetTasks(where); }
public List<Task> GetTasks() { TaskLogic tskSrv = new TaskLogic(); return tskSrv.GetTasks(); }