static void Main(string[] args) { //Load a project ProjectReader rdr = new ProjectReader(); FileStream St = new FileStream("Project.mpp", FileMode.Open); Project prj = rdr.Read(St); St.Close(); //Link the tasks TaskLink tsklnk = new TaskLink(prj.RootTask.Children[0] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, prj.RootTask.Children[1] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); prj.AddTaskLink(tsklnk); tsklnk = new TaskLink(prj.RootTask.Children[1] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, prj.RootTask.Children[2] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); prj.AddTaskLink(tsklnk); tsklnk = new TaskLink(prj.RootTask.Children[2] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, prj.RootTask.Children[3] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); prj.AddTaskLink(tsklnk); tsklnk = new TaskLink(prj.RootTask.Children[3] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, prj.RootTask.Children[4] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); prj.AddTaskLink(tsklnk); tsklnk = new TaskLink(prj.RootTask.Children[1] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, prj.RootTask.Children[4] as Aspose.Tasks.Task, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); prj.AddTaskLink(tsklnk); //Display links among the tasks ArrayList allinks = new ArrayList(prj.TaskLinks); foreach (TaskLink tasklnk in allinks) { Console.WriteLine("From ID = " + tasklnk.PredTask.Id + "=>To ID = " + tasklnk.SuccTask.Id); Console.WriteLine("________________________________________"); } //Save the project prj.Save("Project1.mpp", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.MPP); }
/// <summary> /// Removes all parameters from the task. /// Does not remove any "special" parameters: ContinueOnError, Condition, etc. /// </summary> public void RemoveAllParameters() { if (Link != null) { TaskLink.RemoveAllParameters(); return; } lock (_locker) { _parameters = null; List <XmlAttribute> toRemove = null; // note this was a long standing bug in here (which would make this only work if there is no attributes to remove). // calling XmlElement.RemoveAttributeNode will cause foreach to throw ArgumentException (collection modified) foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in XmlElement.Attributes) { if (!XMakeAttributes.IsSpecialTaskAttribute(attribute.Name)) { toRemove = toRemove ?? new List <XmlAttribute>(); toRemove.Add(attribute); } } if (toRemove != null) { foreach (var attribute in toRemove) { XmlElement.RemoveAttributeNode(attribute); } MarkDirty("Remove all task parameters on {0}", Name); } } }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:ApplyCalculationModeManual // Create empty project and set calculation mode to Manual Project project = new Project(); project.CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Manual; // Set project start date and add new tasks project.Set(Prj.StartDate, new DateTime(2015, 4, 15)); Task task1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task task2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); // The necessary properties are set in manual mode Console.WriteLine("Task1.Id Equals 1 : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Id).Equals(1)); Console.WriteLine("Task1 OutlineLevel Equals 1 : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.OutlineLevel).Equals(1)); Console.WriteLine("Task1 Start Equals 15/04/2015 08:00 AM : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Start).Equals(new DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 8, 0, 0))); Console.WriteLine("Task1 Finish Equals 15/04/2015 05:00 PM : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Finish).Equals(new DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 17, 0, 0))); Console.WriteLine("Task1 Duration Equals 1 day : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Duration).ToString().Equals("1 day")); Console.WriteLine("Task2 Start Equals 15/04/2015 08:00 AM : {0} ", task2.Get(Tsk.Start).Equals(new DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 8, 0, 0))); Console.WriteLine("Task2 Finish Equals 15/04/2015 05:00 PM : {0} ", task2.Get(Tsk.Finish).Equals(new DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 17, 0, 0))); Console.WriteLine("Task2 Duration Equals 1 day : {0} ", task2.Get(Tsk.Duration).ToString().Equals("1 day")); // When we link two tasks together their dates are not recalculated in manual mode TaskLink link = project.TaskLinks.Add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); // Task 2 Start has not been changed Console.WriteLine("Task1 Start Equals Task2 Start : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Start).Equals(task2.Get(Tsk.Start))); Console.WriteLine("Task1 Finish Equals Task2 Finish : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Finish).Equals(task2.Get(Tsk.Finish))); // ExEnd:ApplyCalculationModeManual }
public ITask CreatTask(string path, Action <string, Object> finish_cb) { var dependencies = manifest.GetAllDependencies(path); var length = dependencies.Length; var tasks = new ITask[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var ab_path = dependencies[i]; if (task_dic.ContainsKey(ab_path)) { tasks[i] = new TaskLink(task_dic[ab_path]); } else { var tsk = CreatTask(ab_path, finish_cb); tasks[i] = tsk; } } var task = new Task(tasks, path); task.Finish_CB = finish_cb; task_dic.Add(path, task); return(new Task(tasks, path)); }
public NewRedisClient0(IPEndPoint point) { _protocalStart = (byte)43; _store = new TaskLink <bool>(); _taskLink = _store; _head = _taskLink; SocketConnectionFactory client = new SocketConnectionFactory(new SocketTransportOptions()); _connection = client.ConnectAsync(point).Result; _sender = _connection.Transport.Output; _reciver = _connection.Transport.Input; RunReciver(); //Task.Run(async () => { // await Task.Delay(30000); // Console.WriteLine(total); // Console.WriteLine(_receiverQueue.Count); // await Task.Delay(20000); // Console.WriteLine(total); // Console.WriteLine(_receiverQueue.Count); // await Task.Delay(10000); // Console.WriteLine(total); // Console.WriteLine(_receiverQueue.Count); //}); //RunSender(); }
public void RemoveLink(TaskLink link) { var query = Delete(TasksLinksTable) .Where((Exp.Eq("task_id", link.DependenceTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.ParentTaskId)) | (Exp.Eq("task_id", link.ParentTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.DependenceTaskId))); Db.ExecuteNonQuery(query); }
/// <summary> /// 捕获异常线程 /// </summary> /// <param name="onException">异常处理委托</param> /// <param name="callerFilePath">调用文件路径</param> /// <param name="callerLineNumber">所在文件行数</param> /// <param name="callerMemberName">调用成员名称</param> protected CatchTask(Action <AggregateException> onException, string callerFilePath, int callerLineNumber, string callerMemberName) { CallerLineNumber = callerLineNumber; CallerFilePath = callerFilePath; CallerMemberName = callerMemberName; this.onException = onException; TaskLink.PushNotNull(this); }
public bool IsExistLink(TaskLink link) { var query = Query(TasksLinksTable) .SelectCount() .Where((Exp.Eq("task_id", link.DependenceTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.ParentTaskId)) | (Exp.Eq("task_id", link.ParentTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.DependenceTaskId))); return(Db.ExecuteScalar <long>(query) > 0); }
public void AddLink(TaskLink link) { var query = Insert(TasksLinksTable) .InColumnValue("task_id", link.DependenceTaskId) .InColumnValue("parent_id", link.ParentTaskId) .InColumnValue("link_type", link.LinkType); Db.ExecuteNonQuery(query); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:UpdateProjectAndRescheduleUncompletedWork // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithProjects(); Project project = new Project(); project.Set(Prj.StartDate, new DateTime(2014, 1, 27, 8, 0, 0)); Task task1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task task2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); task2.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task3 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 3"); task3.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task4 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 4"); task4.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task5 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 5"); task5.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); TaskLink link12 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link23 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task2, task3, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); link23.LinkLag = 4800; // one day lag TaskLink link34 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task3, task4, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link45 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task4, task5, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); Task task6 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 6"); Task task7 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 7"); task7.Set(Tsk.Duration, task7.ParentProject.GetDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task8 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 8"); task8.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task9 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 9"); task9.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task10 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 10"); TaskLink link67 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task6, task7, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link78 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task7, task8, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link89 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task8, task9, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link910 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task9, task10, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); task6.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task7.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task8.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task9.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task10.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); project.Save(dataDir + "not updated.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); project.UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete(new DateTime(2014, 1, 28, 17, 0, 0), false); project.Save(dataDir + "updated_out.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); project.RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(new DateTime(2014, 2, 7, 8, 0, 0)); project.Save(dataDir + "rescheduled_out.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); // ExEnd:UpdateProjectAndRescheduleUncompletedWork }
public void RemoveLink(TaskLink link) { using (var db = new DbManager(DatabaseId)) { var query = Delete(TasksLinksTable) .Where((Exp.Eq("task_id", link.DependenceTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.ParentTaskId)) | (Exp.Eq("task_id", link.ParentTaskId) & Exp.Eq("parent_id", link.DependenceTaskId))); db.ExecuteNonQuery(query); } }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:CreateTaskLinks // Create new project and add tasks Project project1 = new Project(); Task pred = project1.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task succ = project1.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); // Links tasks TaskLink link = project1.TaskLinks.Add(pred, succ); // ExEnd:CreateTaskLinks }
public void AddLink(TaskLink link) { using (var db = new DbManager(DatabaseId)) { var query = Insert(TasksLinksTable) .InColumnValue("task_id", link.DependenceTaskId) .InColumnValue("parent_id", link.ParentTaskId) .InColumnValue("link_type", link.LinkType); db.ExecuteNonQuery(query); } }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:SetTaskLinkType // Create new project and add tasks Project project = new Project(); Task pred = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task succ = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); // Link tasks with link type set to Start to Start TaskLink link = project.TaskLinks.Add(pred, succ); link.LinkType = TaskLinkType.StartToStart; // ExEnd:SetTaskLinkType }
/// <summary> /// Removes any parameter on this task with the specified name. /// If there is no such parameter, does nothing. /// </summary> public void RemoveParameter(string name) { if (Link != null) { TaskLink.RemoveParameter(name); return; } lock (_locker) { _parameters = null; XmlElement.RemoveAttribute(name); MarkDirty("Remove task parameter {0}", name); } }
public override Task <bool> SetAsync(string key, string value) { var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"SET {key} {value}\r\n"); var taskSource = new TaskLink <bool>(); WaitSend(); if (_taskLink == null) { _taskLink = _store; _head = _store; } _taskLink.Next = taskSource; _taskLink = _taskLink.Next; _sender.WriteAsync(bytes); return(taskSource._task); }
/// <summary> /// 任务完成检测 /// </summary> internal void OnCompleted() { TaskAwaiter TaskAwaiter = task.GetAwaiter(); if (TaskAwaiter.IsCompleted) { if (TaskLink.PopNotNull(this)) { checkException(task.Exception, onException); } } else { TaskAwaiter.OnCompleted(OnCompleted); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds (or modifies the value of) a parameter on this task /// </summary> public void SetParameter(string name, string unevaluatedValue) { if (Link != null) { TaskLink.SetParameter(name, unevaluatedValue); return; } lock (_locker) { ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(name, nameof(name)); ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(unevaluatedValue, nameof(unevaluatedValue)); ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgument(!XMakeAttributes.IsSpecialTaskAttribute(name), "CannotAccessKnownAttributes", name); _parameters = null; XmlElement.SetAttribute(name, unevaluatedValue); MarkDirty("Set task parameter {0}", name); } }
public void AddLink(Task parentTask, Task dependentTask, TaskLinkType linkType) { CheckLink(parentTask, dependentTask, linkType); var link = new TaskLink { ParentTaskId = parentTask.ID, DependenceTaskId = dependentTask.ID, LinkType = linkType }; if (taskDao.IsExistLink(link)) { throw new Exception("link already exist"); } ProjectSecurity.DemandEdit(dependentTask); ProjectSecurity.DemandEdit(parentTask); taskDao.AddLink(link); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value of the parameter with the specified name, /// or empty string if it is not present. /// </summary> public string GetParameter(string name) { if (Link != null) { return(TaskLink.GetParameter(name)); } lock (_locker) { ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(name, nameof(name)); EnsureParametersInitialized(); if (_parameters.TryGetValue(name, out Tuple <string, ElementLocation> parameter)) { return(parameter.Item1); } return(String.Empty); } }
public static void Run() { try { string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); // ExStart:LinkTasks Project project = new Project(dataDir + "SampleProject.mpp"); Task task1 = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(1); Task task2 = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(2); Task task3 = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(3); Task task4 = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(4); Task task5 = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(5); // Link the tasks TaskLink tsklnk = project.TaskLinks.Add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); tsklnk = project.TaskLinks.Add(task2, task3, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); tsklnk = project.TaskLinks.Add(task3, task4, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); tsklnk = project.TaskLinks.Add(task4, task5, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); tsklnk = project.TaskLinks.Add(task2, task5, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); // Display links among the tasks TaskLinkCollection allinks = project.TaskLinks; foreach (TaskLink tasklnk in allinks) { Console.WriteLine("From ID = " + tasklnk.PredTask.Get(Tsk.Id) + "=>To ID = " + tasklnk.SuccTask.Get(Tsk.Id)); Console.WriteLine("________________________________________"); } // Save the project project.Save(dataDir + "LinkTasks_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP); // ExEnd:LinkTasks } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from"); } }
public void TestPostTaskLink() { TasksApi target = new TasksApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH); StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH); string name = "sample-project-2.mpp"; string storage = null; string folder = null; string fileName = null; TaskLink body = new TaskLink(); body.Index = 2; body.PredecessorUid = 1; body.SuccessorUid = 2; storageApi.PutCreate(name, null, null, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("\\temp\\tasks\\resources\\" + name)); SaaSposeResponse actual; actual = target.PostTaskLink(name, storage, folder, fileName, body); Assert.AreEqual("200", actual.Code); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(new SaaSposeResponse(), actual.GetType()); }
public static void Run() { //ExStart:ApplyCalculationModeAuto // Create empty project and set calculation mode to Automatic Project project = new Project(); project.CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Automatic; // Set project start date and add new tasks project.Set(Prj.StartDate, new DateTime(2015, 4, 15)); Task task1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task task2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); // Link tasks TaskLink link = project.TaskLinks.Add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); // Verify dates have been recalculated Console.WriteLine("Task1 Start + 1 Equals Task2 Start : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Start).AddDays(1).Equals(task2.Get(Tsk.Start))); Console.WriteLine("Task1 Finish + 1 Equals Task2 Finish : {0} ", task1.Get(Tsk.Finish).AddDays(1).Equals(task2.Get(Tsk.Finish))); Console.WriteLine("RootTask Finish Equals Task2 Finish : {0} ", task2.Get(Tsk.Finish).Equals(project.RootTask.Get(Tsk.Finish))); Console.WriteLine("Project Finish Date Equals Task2 Finish : {0} ", task2.Get(Tsk.Finish).Equals(project.Get(Prj.FinishDate))); //ExEnd:ApplyCalculationModeAuto }
public TaskLinkWrapper(TaskLink link) { DependenceTaskId = link.DependenceTaskId; ParentTaskId = link.ParentTaskId; LinkType = link.LinkType; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Read a table from sql server via a query, then make an exact copy // of that table. // Step 1. Read source table schema // Step 2. Create exact same schema on destination // Step 3. Copy Data // Prepare reflow engine ReflowEngine engine = new ReflowEngine(); // Test DB Path string test = "text"; // "access"; string sourceConnectionString = string.Empty; ILinkProvider sourceProvider = null; if (test == "access") { string accessDBPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "db1.accdb"; sourceConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Persist Security Info=False;", accessDBPath); sourceProvider = new Provider.Access.AccessLinkProvider(); } else if (test == "text") { // TODO: Test and implement text driver string txtDBPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "text\\HumanResources_Employee.txt"; sourceConnectionString = "@File=" + txtDBPath + ";@Type=Delimited;RowSeperator=\r\n;ColumnSeperator=,;FirstRowHasNames=True"; // TODO: Fixed length - Need to implement //sourceConnectionString = "@File="+txtDBPath + ";@Type=Fixed;"; sourceProvider = new Provider.Text.TextProvider(); } IDataLink linkSource = sourceProvider.CreateLink(sourceConnectionString); ILinkProvider sqlProvider = new Provider.SqlServer.SqlLinkProvider(); string destConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=REflow;Trusted_Connection=True;"; IDataLink linkDestination = sqlProvider.CreateLink(destConnectionString); // Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=c:\txtFilesFolder\;Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt; string selectQuery = "Select * from HumanResources_Employee"; // First lets discover the schema of the query [source table] DiscoverSchemaTask task1 = new DiscoverSchemaTask(); task1.Name = "DiscoverSchema"; task1.Query = selectQuery; task1.Link = linkSource; // Then we need to create a table in the destinaton database. TableCreateTask task2 = new TableCreateTask(); task2.Name = "CreateTableAbc"; task2.TableName = "abc"; task2.Link = linkDestination; task2.ShouldDropExisting = true; // Now we need to map task1 output to be the input of task2 since // task1 will discover column names and we need to map discovered // columns to the Columns property of task 2. We can do this one of // two way. // First, we can use a delegate to call onbeforeexecute for task2 and // assign task result of task 1 to the column property of task 2. But that // would be problematic for the scenario where we want to serialize the task // and deserialize. // Second, We can we task link object map output of task1 to go into certain // properties of task 2. This can be serialized. We would use this technique TaskLink link = new TaskLink(); link.LastTask = task1; link.NextTask = task2; // Map the output called DiscoveredColumns ( found in TaskResult.Output["DiscoveredColumns"]) to // task2.Columns once task1 has been executed link.TaskPipe["Columns"] = "Columns"; link.Bind(); // Now we will execute the data copy task. Will need to do the column mapping // Interestingly, since our output columns are same as input columns at source, // we can use the automap property to map the columns automatically. DataFlowTask task3 = new DataFlowTask() { Name = "DataCopyTask" }; ILinkReader reader = sourceProvider.CreateReader(linkSource, selectQuery); // Since we are using same query ILinkWriter writer = sqlProvider.CreateWriter(linkDestination, task2.TableName); // Dest table task3.Input = reader; task3.Output = writer; /* We would notmally create column mapping here and and map source and * destination and put custom expressions if needed. But since we are doing a * direct table copy, we can just use Automap property. */ // ColumnMappings maps = new ColumnMappings(); task3.IsAutoMap = true; task3.TableName = task2.TableName; // TODO: Add column mapping support // Add scripting transformation ColumnMap map = new ColumnMap(); map.Destination = "Title"; Expression exp = new Expression() { Code = "NationalIDNumber & \" \" & UCASE(Title) & CSTR(LEN(Title))" }; map.TransformExpression = exp; task3.Mapping.Add(map); engine.Tasks.Add(task1); engine.Tasks.Add(task2); engine.Tasks.Add(task3); ExecutionEventListener eventListener = new ExecutionEventListener(); eventListener.OnTaskExecutionEvent += delegate(string taskname, string eventName, string description) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,15} |{1,10} | {2}", taskname, eventName, description)); }; eventListener.LoggingLevel = ExecutionEventListener.LogLevel.Verbose; engine.Execute(eventListener); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:UpdateProjectAndRescheduleUncompletedWork // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); // Create a new project and set start date Project project = new Project(); project.Set(Prj.StartDate, new DateTime(2014, 1, 27, 8, 0, 0)); // Add new tasks Task task1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); Task task2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); task2.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task3 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 3"); task3.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task4 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 4"); task4.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task5 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 5"); task5.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); // Add links between tasks TaskLink link12 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link23 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task2, task3, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); // One day lag link23.LinkLag = 4800; TaskLink link34 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task3, task4, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link45 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task4, task5, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); // Add new tasks Task task6 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 6"); Task task7 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 7"); task7.Set(Tsk.Duration, task7.ParentProject.GetDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task8 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 8"); task8.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task9 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 9"); task9.Set(Tsk.Duration, task2.ParentProject.GetDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour)); Task task10 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 10"); // Add links between tasks TaskLink link67 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task6, task7, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link78 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task7, task8, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link89 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task8, task9, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); TaskLink link910 = project.TaskLinks.Add(task9, task10, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); task6.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task7.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task8.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task9.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); task10.Set(Tsk.IsManual, true); // Save project before and after updating work as completed project.Save(dataDir + "RescheduleUncompletedWork_not updated_out.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); project.UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete(new DateTime(2014, 1, 28, 17, 0, 0), false); project.Save(dataDir + "RescheduleUncompletedWork_updated_out.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); // Save project after rescheduling uncompleted work project.RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(new DateTime(2014, 2, 7, 8, 0, 0)); project.Save(dataDir + "RescheduleUncompletedWork_rescheduled_out.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); // ExEnd:UpdateProjectAndRescheduleUncompletedWork }