Example #1
            /*public void stabilize()
             * {
             *      AsyncCallback getPredecessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processGetPredecessorForStabilize);
             *      successor.beginGetPredecessor(getPredecessorCallBack);
             *      //if(((Node)self<x) && ((Node)x<successor))
             *      // successor = x;
             *      //successor.notify(self);
             * }*/

            public void beginStabilize(AsyncCallback beginStabilizeCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize ENTER");
                lock (successorLock)
                    if (successor == self)
                        if (beginStabilizeCallBack != null)
                            IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(appState, true, true);

                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                thisAppState.callBack = beginStabilizeCallBack;
                thisAppState.obj      = appState;

                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize successor != self");
                AsyncCallback getPredecessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processGetPredecessorForStabilize);

                lock (successorLock)
                    successor.beginGetPredecessor(getPredecessorCallBack, thisAppState);

                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize EXIT");
Example #2
            void processFingerTableFindSuccessorForJoin(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::processFingerTableFindSuccessorForJoin ENTER");

                ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object       iNode_Object = (ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object)(result.AsyncState);
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(iNode_Object.obj);

                finger[((ObjectInt)(thisAppState.obj)).i] = iNode_Object.node;
Example #3
            void processCheckPredecesorForOnClockTick(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::processCheckPredecesorForOnClockTick ENTER");
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(result.AsyncState);

                //AsyncCallback callBack = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)thisAppState).callBack;
                //Object appState1 = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)thisAppState).obj;

                AsyncCallback stabilizeCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processStabilizeForOnClockTick);

                engine.beginStabilize(stabilizeCallBack, thisAppState);
Example #4
            void processStabilizeForOnClockTick(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::processStabilizeForOnClockTick ENTER");
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(result.AsyncState);

                AsyncCallback callBack  = null;
                Object        appState1 = null;

                if (thisAppState != null)
                    callBack  = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)thisAppState).callBack;
                    appState1 = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)thisAppState).obj;
                engine.beginFixFingers(callBack, appState1);
Example #5
            void processFindSuccessorForJoin(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::processFindSuccessorForJoin ENTER");

                ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object       iNode_Object = (ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object)(result.AsyncState);
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(iNode_Object.obj);
                lock (successorLock)
                    successor = iNode_Object.node;
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::processFindSuccessorForJoin successor has been set");

                lock (successorLock)
                    successor.beginGetFingerTable(new AsyncCallback(processGetFingerTableForJoin), thisAppState);

                //we have found the successor, and a request has been made for its finger table
                //once the finger table comes in, a findSiccessor call will be made to each of them
                //do we need to wait till all of them respond? wat if a few of them go down
                // we can't hang forever... better to return back, and allow the client to query
                // if the queries happen immediately, tey will fail because the finger table is still empty
                // as the finger table starts filling up, the queries will get answered better
                // other possible solutions: wait for some time (and not indefinitely), and then allow
                // the client to query. But how long should we wait? In the literature do we have any such
                // approximate times by which quesries will come back? totally unpredictable I feel... depends
                // on whether the n/w is the intyernet or a LAN, etc,.
                // maybe we could wait till a certain number of entries inthe finger table get filled up ...
                // maybe 60% .... but how do we decide on this number ... perhaps ChordCylinder will have
                // data on Churn rates and can set this. Will require significant chanes to the architecture,
                // because here the client is deciding on how long we should wait

                AsyncCallback callBack  = thisAppState.callBack;
                Object        appState1 = thisAppState.obj;

                if (!(callBack == null))
                    IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(appState1, true, true);

Example #6
            void processFindSuccessorForFixFingers(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::ChordRealNode::Engine processFindSuccessorForFixFingers ENTER");
                ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object iNode_Object = (ChordCommon.IChordNode_Object)(result.AsyncState);

                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(iNode_Object.obj);
                ObjectInt fingerState = (ObjectInt)(thisAppState.obj);

                finger[fingerState.i] = iNode_Object.node;

                AsyncCallback callBack     = thisAppState.callBack;
                Object        origAppState = fingerState.appState;

                if (!(callBack == null))
                    IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(origAppState, true, true);
Example #7
            public void beginFixFingers(AsyncCallback beginStabilizeCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginFixFingers ENTER");
                //static int next = -1;
                if (fingerNext >= 160)
                    fingerNext = 0;
                //bit wise addition is required
                //will require some effort

                byte[] byteVal = getByteArrayOfValue(fingerNext);

                /*		byte[] C = new byte[20];
                 *              int bitPos = Int32.MaxValue;
                 *              int bytePos = Math.DivRem(fingerNext - 1,8, out bitPos);
                 *              C[19-bytePos] = (byte) (1 << bitPos);

                ObjectInt fingerState = new ObjectInt();

                fingerState.appState = appState;
                fingerState.i        = fingerNext;

                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                thisAppState.callBack = beginStabilizeCallBack;
                thisAppState.obj      = fingerState;

                AsyncCallback findSuccessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processFindSuccessorForFixFingers);

                beginFindSuccessor(Tashjik.Common.UtilityMethod.moduloAdd1(selfNodeBasic.getHashedIP(), byteVal), null, findSuccessorCallBack, thisAppState, new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Example #8
            void processGetFingerTableForJoin(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::processFindFingerTableForJoin ENTER");

                ChordCommon.IChordNodeArray_Object  iNodeArray_Object = (ChordCommon.IChordNodeArray_Object)(result.AsyncState);
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState      = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(iNodeArray_Object.obj);
                IChordNode[] successorFingerTable = iNodeArray_Object.nodeArray;

                for (int i = 0; i < successorFingerTable.Length; i++)
                    IChordNode chordNode = successorFingerTable[i];
                    if (chordNode != null)
                        ObjectInt fingerState = new ObjectInt();
                        fingerState.appState = thisAppState;
                        fingerState.i        = i;

                        byte[] jumpVal = getByteArrayOfValue(i);

                        successorFingerTable[i].beginFindSuccessor(Common.UtilityMethod.moduloAdd1(self.getHashedIP(), jumpVal), self, new AsyncCallback(processFingerTableFindSuccessorForJoin), fingerState, new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Example #9
            /* This is the method that the node uses to initilize its own state based on a supplied
             * bootstrap node here, it has been suppied with a bootstrap node which will be used to
             * initilize itself as well as tell other nodes in n/w of its existence
             * ALGO(from Chord TR):   n.join(n′)
             *                        predecessor = nil;
             *                        s = n′.find successor(n);
             *                        build fingers(s);
             *                        successor = s;
            internal void beginJoin(IChordNode joinNode, AsyncCallback joinCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin ENTER");

                predecessor = null;

                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                thisAppState.callBack = joinCallBack;
                thisAppState.obj      = appState;

                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin before calling beginFindSuccessor ahem ahem");
                if (joinNode == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin joinNode ==null");

                //queryingNode is passed as null, because it is of no use to beginFindSuccessor
                //if we were to pass 'self', then the system would hang. This is because Engine is part of
                //ChordRealNode. We haven't yet constructed ChordRealNode fully, and are in the process
                //of constructing Engine, and we want to send the partially constructed ChordRealNode
                // on a call to beginFindSuccessor
                //What are the alternatives?
                //1. Make JoinNode as a public method tht needs to be called after construction of ChordRealNode
                //This may lead to maintainance issues of the calling code. What if at some later stage, someone
                //constructs the object, but forgets to call joinNode(..). This is typical of init(..) methods
                //which are supposed to be called by the user after constructor. Many a times, coders forget to do it.
                //2.Have a flag internal to ChordRealNode that will signal whether the object is ready for operation.
                //This would mean joinNode(..) has been called after construction. If this is not the case, throw an
                //excetion. This will easily be caught during basic testing. However, it may be a maintainance problem
                //for the maintainers of ChordRealNode itself> What if a new operation is added, and the engineer
                //forgets to check the flag before proceeding?
                //We are fortunate here to have a hack (a nifty solution for me), that solves a larger design problem.

                joinNode.beginFindSuccessor(selfNodeBasic.getHashedIP(), null, new AsyncCallback(processFindSuccessorForJoin), thisAppState, new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Example #10
            void processPingForCheckPredecessor(IAsyncResult result)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::ChordRealNode::Engine processPingForCheckPredecessor ENTER");
                Tashjik.Common.Bool_Object          thisAppState             = (Tashjik.Common.Bool_Object)(result.AsyncState);
                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object checkPredecessorAppState = (Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)(thisAppState.obj);

                if (!(thisAppState.b))
                    predecessor = null;

                //AsyncCallback callBack = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)appState).callBack;
                //Object appState1 = ((Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object)appState).obj;

                if (!(checkPredecessorAppState.callBack == null))
                    Console.WriteLine("Chord::ChordRealNode::Engine processPingForCheckPredecessor callBack!=null");
                    IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(checkPredecessorAppState.obj, true, true);
Example #11
            public void beginCheckPredecessor(AsyncCallback checkPredecesorCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::ChordRealNode::Engine beginCheckPredecessor ENTER");
                if (predecessor == null)
                    if (checkPredecesorCallBack != null)
                        IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(appState, true, true);

                Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                thisAppState.callBack = checkPredecesorCallBack;
                thisAppState.obj      = appState;

                AsyncCallback pingCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processPingForCheckPredecessor);

                predecessor.beginPing(pingCallBack, thisAppState);
Example #12
            /* This is the method that the node uses to initilize its own state based on a supplied
                 * bootstrap node here, it has been suppied with a bootstrap node which will be used to
                 * initilize itself as well as tell other nodes in n/w of its existence
                 * ALGO(from Chord TR):   n.join(n′)
                 *                        predecessor = nil;
                 *                        s = n′.find successor(n);
                 *                        build fingers(s);
                 *                        successor = s;
            internal void beginJoin(IChordNode joinNode, AsyncCallback joinCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin ENTER");

                    predecessor = null;

                    Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                    thisAppState.callBack = joinCallBack;
                    thisAppState.obj = appState;

                    Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin before calling beginFindSuccessor ahem ahem");
                    if (joinNode == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("ChordRealNode::Engine::beginJoin joinNode ==null");

                    //queryingNode is passed as null, because it is of no use to beginFindSuccessor
                    //if we were to pass 'self', then the system would hang. This is because Engine is part of
                    //ChordRealNode. We haven't yet constructed ChordRealNode fully, and are in the process
                    //of constructing Engine, and we want to send the partially constructed ChordRealNode
                    // on a call to beginFindSuccessor
                    //What are the alternatives?
                    //1. Make JoinNode as a public method tht needs to be called after construction of ChordRealNode
                    //This may lead to maintainance issues of the calling code. What if at some later stage, someone
                    //constructs the object, but forgets to call joinNode(..). This is typical of init(..) methods
                    //which are supposed to be called by the user after constructor. Many a times, coders forget to do it.
                    //2.Have a flag internal to ChordRealNode that will signal whether the object is ready for operation.
                    //This would mean joinNode(..) has been called after construction. If this is not the case, throw an
                    //excetion. This will easily be caught during basic testing. However, it may be a maintainance problem
                    //for the maintainers of ChordRealNode itself> What if a new operation is added, and the engineer
                    //forgets to check the flag before proceeding?
                    //We are fortunate here to have a hack (a nifty solution for me), that solves a larger design problem.

                   joinNode.beginFindSuccessor(selfNodeBasic.getHashedIP(), null, new AsyncCallback(processFindSuccessorForJoin), thisAppState, new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Example #13
            /*public void stabilize()
                    AsyncCallback getPredecessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processGetPredecessorForStabilize);
                    //if(((Node)self<x) && ((Node)x<successor))
                    // successor = x;
            public void beginStabilize(AsyncCallback beginStabilizeCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize ENTER");
                    lock (successorLock)
                        if (successor == self)
                            if (beginStabilizeCallBack != null)
                                IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(appState, true, true);

                    Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                    thisAppState.callBack = beginStabilizeCallBack;
                    thisAppState.obj = appState;

                    Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize successor != self");
                    AsyncCallback getPredecessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processGetPredecessorForStabilize);
                    lock (successorLock)
                        successor.beginGetPredecessor(getPredecessorCallBack, thisAppState);

                    Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginStabilize EXIT");
Example #14
            public void beginFixFingers(AsyncCallback beginStabilizeCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::Engine::beginFixFingers ENTER");
                    //static int next = -1;
                    fingerNext ++;
                    if (fingerNext>=160)
                        fingerNext = 0;
                    //bit wise addition is required
                    //will require some effort

                    byte[] byteVal = getByteArrayOfValue(fingerNext);

                /*		byte[] C = new byte[20];

                    int bitPos = Int32.MaxValue;
                    int bytePos = Math.DivRem(fingerNext - 1,8, out bitPos);

                    C[19-bytePos] = (byte) (1 << bitPos);

                    ObjectInt fingerState = new ObjectInt();
                    fingerState.appState = appState;
                    fingerState.i = fingerNext;

                    Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                    thisAppState.callBack = beginStabilizeCallBack;
                    thisAppState.obj = fingerState;

                    AsyncCallback findSuccessorCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processFindSuccessorForFixFingers);
                    beginFindSuccessor(Tashjik.Common.UtilityMethod.moduloAdd1(selfNodeBasic.getHashedIP(), byteVal), null, findSuccessorCallBack, thisAppState, new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Example #15
            public void beginCheckPredecessor(AsyncCallback checkPredecesorCallBack, Object appState)
                Console.WriteLine("Chord::ChordRealNode::Engine beginCheckPredecessor ENTER");
                            IAsyncResult res = new Tashjik.Common.ObjectAsyncResult(appState, true, true);

                    Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object thisAppState = new Tashjik.Common.AsyncCallback_Object();
                    thisAppState.callBack = checkPredecesorCallBack;
                    thisAppState.obj = appState;

                    AsyncCallback pingCallBack = new AsyncCallback(processPingForCheckPredecessor);
                    predecessor.beginPing(pingCallBack, thisAppState);