Example #1
        public async Task SelectAll()
            IEnumerable <TariffCodes> lst = null;

            using (var ctx = new TariffCodesRepository())
                lst = await ctx.GetTariffCodesByExpressionNav(vloader.FilterExpression, vloader.NavigationExpression).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            SelectedTariffCodes = new ObservableCollection <TariffCodes>(lst);
Example #2
// Send to Excel Implementation

        public async Task Send2Excel()
            IEnumerable <TariffCodes> lst = null;

            using (var ctx = new TariffCodesRepository())
                lst = await ctx.GetTariffCodesByExpressionNav(vloader.FilterExpression, vloader.NavigationExpression).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (lst == null || !lst.Any())
                MessageBox.Show("No Data to Send to Excel");
            var s = new ExportToExcel <TariffCodesExcelLine, List <TariffCodesExcelLine> >
                dataToPrint = lst.Select(x => new TariffCodesExcelLine
                    TariffCode = x.TariffCode,

                    Description = x.Description,

                    RateofDuty = x.RateofDuty,

                    EnvironmentalLevy = x.EnvironmentalLevy,

                    CustomsServiceCharge = x.CustomsServiceCharge,

                    ExciseTax = x.ExciseTax,

                    VatRate = x.VatRate,

                    PetrolTax = x.PetrolTax,

                    Units = x.Units,

                    SiteRev3 = x.SiteRev3,

                    TariffCategoryCode = x.TariffCategoryCode,

                    LicenseRequired = x.LicenseRequired,

                    Invalid = x.Invalid

            using (var sta = new StaTaskScheduler(numberOfThreads: 1))
                await Task.Factory.StartNew(s.GenerateReport, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, sta).ConfigureAwait(false);