public HitRequest(TargetHitType singleTargetHit, ClientSession session, Mate attacker, NpcMonsterSkill skill) { this.singleTargetHit = singleTargetHit; this.session = session; this.attacker = attacker; this.skill = skill; }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, ClientSession session, Skill skill, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.Now; Session = session; Skill = skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; if (skillEffect.HasValue) { SkillEffect = skillEffect.Value; } else { SkillEffect = skill.Effect; } if (mapX.HasValue) { MapX = mapX.Value; } if (mapY.HasValue) { MapY = mapY.Value; } if (skillCombo != null) { SkillCombo = skillCombo; } }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, ClientSession session, Skill skill, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null, bool showTargetAnimation = false, int directDamage = 0) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; Session = session; Skill = skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; SkillEffect = skillEffect ?? skill?.Effect ?? 0; ShowTargetHitAnimation = showTargetAnimation; DirectDamage = directDamage; if (mapX.HasValue) { MapX = mapX.Value; } if (mapY.HasValue) { MapY = mapY.Value; } if (skillCombo != null) { SkillCombo = skillCombo; } }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, ClientSession session, Skill skill, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null, bool showTargetAnimation = false, List <BCard> skillBCards = null) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.Now; Session = session; Skill = skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; SkillEffect = skillEffect ?? skill.Effect; ShowTargetHitAnimation = showTargetAnimation; if (mapX.HasValue) { MapX = mapX.Value; } if (mapY.HasValue) { MapY = mapY.Value; } if (skillCombo != null) { SkillCombo = skillCombo; } if (skillBCards != null) { SkillBCards = skillBCards; } else { SkillBCards = skill?.BCards ?? new List <BCard>(); } }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, ClientSession session, Mate mate, NpcMonsterSkill skill) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.Now; Mate = mate; NpcMonsterSkill = skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; Session = session; }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, MapMonster monster, NpcMonsterSkill skill, bool showTargetAnimation = false) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.Now; Monster = monster; Skill = skill?.Skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; SkillBCards = skill?.Skill.BCards ?? new List <BCard>(); SkillEffect = skill.Skill.Effect; ShowTargetHitAnimation = showTargetAnimation; }
public HitRequest(TargetHitType targetHitType, ClientSession session, Mate mate, NpcMonsterSkill skill) { HitTimestamp = DateTime.Now; Mate = mate; Skill = skill?.Skill; TargetHitType = targetHitType; Session = session; SkillBCards = skill?.Skill.BCards ?? new List <BCard>(); SkillEffect = skill?.Skill.Effect ?? 0; }
public void UpdateHitQueue(StablePriorityQueue <int, HitboxHit> hitTargets) { //when updating, the base will update the time elapsed //when this method is reached, hits will be delegated accordingly while (TilesToHit.Count > 0 && (Finished || time >= TilesToHit.FrontPriority())) { int priority = TilesToHit.FrontPriority(); Loc tile = TilesToHit.Dequeue(); //filter out the hitboxes that are not wanted TargetHitType type = IsValidTileTarget(tile); if (type == TargetHitType.Burst) { hitTargets.Enqueue(priority, new HitboxHit(tile, true)); } else if (type == TargetHitType.Tile) { hitTargets.Enqueue(priority, new HitboxHit(tile, false)); } } }
public MTListHitTarget(UserType entityType, long targetId, TargetHitType targetHitType) { EntityType = entityType; TargetId = targetId; TargetHitType = targetHitType; }
private void TargetHit2(IBattleEntity target, TargetHitType hitType, Skill skill, int damage, int hitmode, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null, bool showTargetAnimation = false, bool isPvp = false, bool isRange = false) { target.GetDamage(damage, Entity, !(Session is MapMonster mon && mon.IsInvicible)); string str = $"su {(byte)Entity.SessionType()} {Entity.GetId()} {(byte)target.SessionType()} {target.GetId()} {skill?.SkillVNum ?? 0} {skill?.Cooldown ?? 0}"; switch (hitType) { case TargetHitType.SingleTargetHit: str += $" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 11} {skill?.Effect ?? skillEffect ?? 0} {Entity.GetPos().X} {Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} {hitmode} {skill?.SkillType - 1 ?? 0}"; break; case TargetHitType.SingleTargetHitCombo: str += $" {skillCombo?.Animation ?? 0} {skillCombo?.Effect ?? 0} {Entity.GetPos().X} {Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} {hitmode} {skill.SkillType - 1}"; break; case TargetHitType.SingleAOETargetHit: switch (hitmode) { case 1: hitmode = 4; break; case 3: hitmode = 6; break; default: hitmode = 5; break; } if (showTargetAnimation) { Entity.MapInstance.Broadcast($" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 0} {skill?.Effect ?? 0} 0 0 {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} 0 0 {skill.SkillType - 1}"); } str += $" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 0} {skill?.Effect ?? 0} {Entity.GetPos().X} {Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} {hitmode} {skill.SkillType - 1}"; break; case TargetHitType.AOETargetHit: switch (hitmode) { case 1: hitmode = 4; break; case 3: hitmode = 6; break; default: hitmode = 5; break; } str += $" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 0} {skill?.Effect ?? 0} {Entity.GetPos().X} {Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} {hitmode} {skill.SkillType - 1}"; break; case TargetHitType.ZoneHit: str += $" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 0} {skillEffect ?? 0} {mapX ?? Entity.GetPos().X} {mapY ?? Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} 5 {skill.SkillType - 1}"; break; case TargetHitType.SpecialZoneHit: str += $" {skill?.AttackAnimation ?? 0} {skillEffect ?? 0} {Entity.GetPos().X} {Entity.GetPos().Y} {(target.CurrentHp > 0 ? 1 : 0)} {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage} 0 {skill.SkillType - 1}"; break; } Entity.MapInstance.Broadcast(str); bool isBoss = false; if (Entity.GetSession() is Character character) { character.LastSkillUse = DateTime.Now; RemoveBuff(85); // Hideout } else if (Entity.GetSession() is Mate mate) { mate.LastSkillUse = DateTime.Now; } if (target.GetSession() is MapMonster monster) { if (monster.Target == null) { monster.LastSkill = DateTime.Now; } monster.Target = Entity; isBoss = monster.IsBoss; if (isBoss) { Entity.MapInstance?.Broadcast(monster.GenerateBoss()); } monster.DamageList.AddOrUpdate(Entity, damage, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + damage); } if (!isBoss && skill != null) { foreach (BCard bcard in skill.BCards.Where(b => b != null)) { switch ((CardType)bcard.Type) { case CardType.Buff: Buff.Buff b = new Buff.Buff(bcard.SecondData); switch (b.Card?.BuffType) { case BuffType.Bad: bcard.ApplyBCards(target, Entity); break; case BuffType.Good: case BuffType.Neutral: bcard.ApplyBCards(Entity, Entity); break; } break; case CardType.HealingBurningAndCasting: switch ((AdditionalTypes.HealingBurningAndCasting)bcard.SubType) { case AdditionalTypes.HealingBurningAndCasting.RestoreHP: case AdditionalTypes.HealingBurningAndCasting.RestoreHPWhenCasting: bcard.ApplyBCards(Entity, Entity); break; default: bcard.ApplyBCards(target, Entity); break; } break; case CardType.MeditationSkill: bcard.ApplyBCards(Entity); break; default: bcard.ApplyBCards(target, Entity); break; } } } if (skill == null || (skill.Range <= 0 && skill.TargetRange <= 0) || isRange || !(Entity.GetSession() is MapMonster)) { return; } foreach (IBattleEntity entitiesInRange in Entity.MapInstance?.GetBattleEntitiesInRange(Entity.GetPos(), skill.TargetRange).Where(e => e != target && e.IsTargetable(Entity.SessionType()))) { TargetHit2(entitiesInRange, TargetHitType.SingleTargetHit, skill, damage, hitmode, isRange: true); } }
public void TargetHit(IBattleEntity target, TargetHitType hitType, Skill skill, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null, bool showTargetAnimation = false, bool isPvp = false) { if (!target.IsTargetable(Entity.SessionType(), isPvp) || (target.Faction == Entity.Faction && ServerManager.Instance.Act4Maps.Any(m => m == Entity.MapInstance))) { if (Session is Character cha) { cha.Session.SendPacket($"cancel 2 {target.GetId()}"); } return; } MapInstance mapInstance = target.MapInstance; int hitmode = 0; bool onyxWings = false; ushort damage = GenerateDamage(target, skill, ref hitmode, ref onyxWings); if (Session is Character charact && onyxWings && mapInstance != null) { short onyxX = (short)(charact.PositionX + 2); short onyxY = (short)(charact.PositionY + 2); int onyxId = mapInstance.GetNextId(); var onyx = new MapMonster { MonsterVNum = 2371, MapX = onyxX, MapY = onyxY, MapMonsterId = onyxId, IsHostile = false, IsMoving = false, ShouldRespawn = false }; mapInstance.Broadcast($"guri 31 1 {charact.CharacterId} {onyxX} {onyxY}"); onyx.Initialize(mapInstance); mapInstance.AddMonster(onyx); mapInstance.Broadcast(onyx.GenerateIn()); target.GetDamage(damage / 2, Entity, false); Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(350)).Subscribe(o => { mapInstance.Broadcast($"su 3 {onyxId} 3 {target.GetId()} -1 0 -1 {skill.Effect} -1 -1 1 {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damage / 2} 0 0"); mapInstance.RemoveMonster(onyx); mapInstance.Broadcast(onyx.GenerateOut()); }); } if (target.GetSession() is Character character) { damage = (ushort)(character.HasGodMode ? 0 : damage); if (character.IsSitting) { character.IsSitting = false; character.MapInstance.Broadcast(character.GenerateRest()); } } else if (target.GetSession() is Mate mate) { if (mate.IsSitting) { mate.IsSitting = false; mate.Owner.MapInstance.Broadcast(mate.GenerateRest()); } } int castTime = 0; if (skill != null && skill.CastEffect != 0) { Entity.MapInstance.Broadcast(Entity.GenerateEff(skill.CastEffect), Entity.GetPos().X, Entity.GetPos().Y); castTime = skill.CastTime * 100; } Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(castTime)).Subscribe(o => TargetHit2(target, hitType, skill, damage, hitmode, skillEffect, mapX, mapY, skillCombo, showTargetAnimation, isPvp)); }
public void TargetHit(IBattleEntity target, TargetHitType hitType, Skill skill, short?skillEffect = null, short?mapX = null, short?mapY = null, ComboDTO skillCombo = null, bool showTargetAnimation = false, bool isPvp = false) { if (target == null || Entity == null) { return; } if (!target.IsTargetable(Entity.SessionType(), isPvp) || target.Faction == Entity.Faction && ServerManager.Instance.Act4Maps.Any(m => m == Entity.MapInstance)) { if (Session is Character cha) { cha.Session.SendPacket($"cancel 2 {target.GetId()}"); } return; } MapInstance mapInstance = target.MapInstance; int hitmode = 0; bool onyxWings = false; int damage = DamageHelper.Instance.GenerateDamage(this, target, skill, ref hitmode, ref onyxWings); if (skill != null && SkillHelper.Instance.NoDamageSkills != null) { if (SkillHelper.Instance.NoDamageSkills.Any(s => s == skill.SkillVNum)) { target.DealtDamage = 0; damage = 0; } } if (Session is Character charact && mapInstance != null && hitmode != 1) { target.RemoveBuff(548); if (onyxWings) { short onyxX = (short)(charact.PositionX + 2); short onyxY = (short)(charact.PositionY + 2); int onyxId = mapInstance.GetNextId(); var onyx = new MapMonster { MonsterVNum = 2371, MapX = onyxX, MapY = onyxY, MapMonsterId = onyxId, IsHostile = false, IsMoving = false, ShouldRespawn = false }; mapInstance.Broadcast($"guri 31 1 {charact.CharacterId} {onyxX} {onyxY}"); onyx.Initialize(mapInstance); mapInstance.AddMonster(onyx); mapInstance.Broadcast(onyx.GenerateIn()); target.GetDamage(target.DealtDamage / 2, Entity, false); Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(350)).Subscribe(o => { mapInstance.Broadcast( $"su 3 {onyxId} {(target is Character ? "1" : "3")} {target.GetId()} -1 0 -1 {skill.Effect} -1 -1 1 {(int)(target.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {(target.BattleEntity.IsReflecting ? 0 : target.DealtDamage) / 2} 0 0"); mapInstance.RemoveMonster(onyx); mapInstance.Broadcast(onyx.GenerateOut()); }); } if (target is Character tchar) { if (tchar.ReflectiveBuffs.Any()) { int?multiplier = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <short, int?> entry in tchar.ReflectiveBuffs) { multiplier += entry.Value; } ushort damaged = (ushort)(damage > tchar.Level * multiplier ? tchar.Level * multiplier : damage); mapInstance.Broadcast( $"su 1 {tchar.GetId()} 1 {charact.GetId()} -1 0 -1 {skill.Effect} -1 -1 1 {(int)(tchar.Hp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damaged} 0 1"); charact.Hp = charact.Hp - damaged <= 0 ? 1 : charact.Hp - damaged; charact.Session.SendPacket(charact.GenerateStat()); target.DealtDamage = 0; } } else if (target is MapMonster tmon) { if (tmon.ReflectiveBuffs.Any()) { int?multiplier = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <short, int?> entry in tmon.ReflectiveBuffs) { multiplier += entry.Value; } ushort damaged = (ushort)(damage > tmon.Monster.Level * multiplier ? tmon.Monster.Level * multiplier : damage); charact.Hp -= charact.Hp - damaged <= 0 ? 1 : charact.Hp - damaged; charact.Session.SendPacket(charact.GenerateStat()); mapInstance.Broadcast( $"su 3 {tmon.GetId()} 1 {charact.GetId()} -1 0 -1 {skill.Effect} -1 -1 1 {(int)(tmon.CurrentHp / (double)target.MaxHp * 100)} {damaged} 0 1"); target.DealtDamage = 0; } } } if (target.GetSession() is Character character) { damage = (ushort)(character.HasGodMode ? 0 : damage); target.DealtDamage = (ushort)(character.HasGodMode ? 0 : damage); if (character.IsSitting) { character.IsSitting = false; character.MapInstance.Broadcast(character.GenerateRest()); } } else if (target.GetSession() is Mate mate) { if (mate.IsSitting) { mate.IsSitting = false; mate.Owner.MapInstance.Broadcast(mate.GenerateRest()); } } int castTime = 0; if (skill != null && skill.CastEffect != 0) { Entity.MapInstance.Broadcast(Entity.GenerateEff(skill.CastEffect), Entity.GetPos().X, Entity.GetPos().Y); castTime = skill.CastTime * 100; } Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(castTime)).Subscribe(o => TargetHit2(target, hitType, skill, damage, hitmode, skillEffect, mapX, mapY, skillCombo, showTargetAnimation, isPvp)); }