private void AfterDetonate() { if (!Detonated) { Console.WriteLine("FusionBlock.ModuleMerger.AfterDetonate() has been called more than once!"); } Detonated = false; if (blockB == null) { blockA.AttachEvent.Unsubscribe(AfterDetonate); } else { blockB.AttachEvent.Unsubscribe(AfterDetonate); } TankBlock halfBlockA = ManSpawn.inst.SpawnBlock(SubstituteType, cachedWorldPos, cachedWorldRot); // Create substitute #1 TankBlock halfBlockB = ManSpawn.inst.SpawnBlock(SubstituteType, cachedWorldPos, cachedWorldRot * Quaternion.Euler(180, 0, 0)); // Create substitute #2 halfBlockA.SetSkinIndex(block.GetSkinIndex()); halfBlockB.SetSkinIndex(block.GetSkinIndex()); // Set that skins so they are pretty halfBlockA.visible.damageable.InitHealth(block.visible.damageable.Health / 2); halfBlockB.visible.damageable.InitHealth(block.visible.damageable.Health / 2); // Set the healths to halves of the whole ModuleFuseHalf fuseBlockA = halfBlockA.GetComponent <ModuleFuseHalf>(); if (fuseBlockA != null) { fuseBlockA.Timeout = DelayAfterDetonate; } ModuleFuseHalf fuseBlockB = halfBlockB.GetComponent <ModuleFuseHalf>(); if (fuseBlockB != null) { fuseBlockB.Timeout = DelayAfterDetonate; } block.visible.RemoveFromGame(); // Rid of this if (blockA != null && blockA.tank != null) { blockA.tank.blockman.AddBlockToTech(halfBlockA, blockA.cachedLocalPosition + cachedBlockAOffset, cachedSplitRot); // Put that block where it belongs } if (blockB != null && blockB.tank != null) { blockB.tank.blockman.AddBlockToTech(halfBlockB, blockB.cachedLocalPosition + cachedBlockBOffset, new OrthoRotation(cachedSplitRot * Quaternion.Euler(180, 0, 0))); // Put that other block where it belongs } }
public void AttemptMerge(ModuleFuseHalf other) { // Dot products are basically "Hey how much in this vector is this vector?" // Magnitude relevance of two vectors based on how alike their directions are. // Parallel are A.mag x B.mag, parallel but reverse is -(A.mag x B.mag), right-angle vectors are just 0. // Here dot products are being used to estimate how alike these 1-length directions are to one another. var a = ModelForwardSignificance ? Vector3.Dot(other.transform.forward, ModelForwardPairing * transform.forward) : 1f; // If it matters, are the blocks facing the right way var b = Vector3.Dot(other.transform.up, -transform.up); // Both blocks must be facing upwards at eachother var c = Vector3.Dot(other.block.tank.transform.forward, block.tank.transform.forward); // Both techs must be vertically relevant. var d = Vector3.Dot(other.block.tank.transform.up, block.tank.transform.up); // Both techs must be in the same general direction. I probably could just use quaternion math. //Console.WriteLine($"Testing if sacred ritual may commense:\n Block forward matching = {a}\n Block upward matching = {b}\n Tank forward matching = {c}\n Tank upward matching = {d}"); if (a > 0.85f && b > 0.85f && c > 0.85f && d > 0.85f) { Console.WriteLine($"Commencing the sacred ritual:\n Block forward matching = {a}\n Block upward matching = {b}\n Tank forward matching = {c}\n Tank upward matching = {d}"); //Commence the sacred ritual Tank tankA = block.tank, tankB = other.block.tank; // Tank cache. Because they would be lost without it string tankAName =, tankBName =; if (Singleton.playerTank == tankB) // If player is tankB it's going to null { Singleton.SetPlayerTankInternal(tankA); // Change it to this tank, because this one is the merge host } Vector3 cachedMergePos = block.cachedLocalPosition; // Where to put the substitute block OrthoRotation cachedMergeRot = block.cachedLocalRotation; // How to put the substitute block List <TankBlock> array = GetSafeBlockStep(other.block); // Iterate the other tech's blocks to get a way to add them all block.tank.blockman.Detach(block, true, false, false); // Remove this block other.block.tank.blockman.Detach(other.block, true, false, false); // Remove that block Quaternion hecku; // Not going to try and figure out all that inverse transformation frick hecku = tankA.transform.rotation; // Yeah that's right get shunned tankB.transform.rotation = tankA.transform.rotation; // They are supposed to be in the same direction anyways so this should be fine tankB.transform.position += transform.position - other.transform.position + (transform.TransformDirection(JoinOffset)); // Move the tech by the offset of the two blocks, and join offset tankB.blockman.Disintegrate(false, false); // Melt that bad boy if (MakeSubstitiute) // Does this have a block to go between or is this one of those glue kinds of fusing { TankBlock mergedBlock = ManSpawn.inst.SpawnBlock(SubstituteType,, Quaternion.identity); // Create that substitute mergedBlock.SetSkinIndex(block.GetSkinIndex()); // Set that skin so it is pretty mergedBlock.visible.damageable.InitHealth(block.visible.damageable.Health + other.block.visible.damageable.Health); // Set the health to both of the halves tankA.blockman.AddBlockToTech(mergedBlock, cachedMergePos, cachedMergeRot); // Put that block where it belongs } List <TankBlock> retry = new List <TankBlock>(); foreach (TankBlock sb in array) // Iterate from the array back up there from that tech, but now on this tech { // Add the block, using the block's rotation from memory, and just use the block's positions if (!tankA.blockman.AddBlockToTech(sb, block.cachedLocalPosition + sb.cachedLocalPosition - other.block.cachedLocalPosition + block.cachedLocalRotation * JoinOffset, sb.cachedLocalRotation)) /*new IntVector3(tankA.transform.InverseTransformPoint(sb.transform.position))*/ { retry.Add(sb); // If it didn't attach, try again after } } int retryCount = 2; // How many times to retry attaching while (retryCount != 0 && retry.Count != 0) // While there are things left, and can retry { retryCount--; // Spend a token int iter = 0; // Start the iterator while (retry.Count > iter) // Go through the elements { var sb = retry[iter]; if (!tankA.blockman.AddBlockToTech(sb, block.cachedLocalPosition + sb.cachedLocalPosition - other.block.cachedLocalPosition + block.cachedLocalRotation * JoinOffset, sb.cachedLocalRotation)) { iter++; // Skip } else { retry.RemoveAt(iter); // Move elements down, keep placement } } } if (retry.Count != 0) { Console.WriteLine("AttemptMerge(" + tankBName + " to " + tankAName + "): Failed to merge " + retry.Count.ToString() + (retry.Count != 1 ? " blocks!" : " block!")); } tankA.transform.rotation = hecku; // Ok you can come back now block.damage.Explode(false); // Explode this other.block.damage.Explode(false); // Explode that block.visible.RemoveFromGame(); // Rid of this other.block.visible.RemoveFromGame(); // Rid of that } }