Example #1
        public void TestSave()
            Tagger.TaggedFile taggedFile = new Tagger.TaggedFile(@"E:\Music\Adrian Boult\1992 - Boult conducts Holst\01-01-Holst_ A Fugal Overture, for orchestra, Op. 40-1, H. 151.flac");
            var existingTags = taggedFile.AllTags;

            List <string> origTagNames = new List <string>(existingTags.Keys);

            var values = new List <string>();

            values.Add("First Value");
            values.Add("Second Value");
            taggedFile.SetTag("NEWTAG1", values);

            taggedFile = new Tagger.TaggedFile(@"E:\Music\Adrian Boult\1992 - Boult conducts Holst\01-01-Holst_ A Fugal Overture, for orchestra, Op. 40-1, H. 151.flac");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1").Count == 2, "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1")[0] == "First Value", "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1")[1] == "Second Value", "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(origTagNames.Count == taggedFile.AllTags.Count - 1, "INcorrect tag count after add");

            values = new List <string>();
            values.Add("New First Value");
            values.Add("New Second Value");
            taggedFile.SetTag("NEWTAG1", values);

            taggedFile = new Tagger.TaggedFile(@"E:\Music\Adrian Boult\1992 - Boult conducts Holst\01-01-Holst_ A Fugal Overture, for orchestra, Op. 40-1, H. 151.flac");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1").Count == 2, "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1")[0] == "New First Value", "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1")[1] == "New Second Value", "Did not read back 2 values of added tag.");
            Assert.IsTrue(origTagNames.Count == taggedFile.AllTags.Count - 1, "INcorrect tag count after change");


            taggedFile = new Tagger.TaggedFile(@"E:\Music\Adrian Boult\1992 - Boult conducts Holst\01-01-Holst_ A Fugal Overture, for orchestra, Op. 40-1, H. 151.flac");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("NEWTAG1").Count == 0, "Read back deleted tag");
            Assert.IsTrue(origTagNames.Count == taggedFile.AllTags.Count, "INcorrect tag count after delete");
Example #2
        public void TestChangingTagsValues()
            Tagger.TaggedFile taggedFile = new Tagger.TaggedFile(@"E:\Music\Adrian Boult\1992 - Boult conducts Holst\01-01-Holst_ A Fugal Overture, for orchestra, Op. 40-1, H. 151.flac");

            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.AddedTags.Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.ChangedTags.Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.DeletedTags.Count == 0);

            List <string> values = new List <string>();

            values.Add("new value");
            taggedFile.SetTag("New Tag", values);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("New Tag").Count == 1, "Too many values on tag");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("New Tag")[0] == "new value", "Wrong Value on tag");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.AddedTags.Count == 1, "Number of added tags is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.ChangedTags.Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.DeletedTags.Count == 0);

                taggedFile.RemoveTag("THIS TAG DOESNT EXIST");
                Assert.Fail("Removing tag that didnt exist failed");

                Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("Composer").Count == 0, "Tag still has value after being removed.");
                Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.DeletedTags.Count == 1);
                Assert.Fail("Removing tag that did exist failed");

            List <string> compvalues = new List <string>();

            compvalues.Add("New Composer Value");
            compvalues.Add("Another composer");
            taggedFile.SetTag("ComPoser", compvalues);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("composer").Count == 2, "invalid number of values");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("composer")[0] == "New Composer Value", "wrong values");
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("composer")[1] == "Another composer", "wrong values");

            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.AddedTags.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.ChangedTags.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.DeletedTags.Count == 0);

            var artist    = taggedFile.GetTag("artists");
            int initCount = artist.Count;

            artist.Add("Another artist");

            taggedFile.SetTag("artists", artist);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.GetTag("ARTISTS").Count == initCount + 1);

            taggedFile.SetTag("ALBUM", new List <string>(taggedFile.GetTag("Album")));
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.ChangedTags.Count == 1);
            var alist = taggedFile.GetTag("AlBUM");

            alist[0] = "NEW VALUE";
            taggedFile.SetTag("Album", alist);
            Assert.IsTrue(taggedFile.ChangedTags.Count == 2);