public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 1) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } ListTag list = ListTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); string message = "Kicked by the server."; if (entry.Arguments.Count >= 2) { message = "Kicked by the server: " + entry.GetArgument(queue, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < list.ListEntries.Count; i++) { PlayerEntity pl = TheServer.GetPlayerFor(list.ListEntries[i].ToString()); if (pl == null) { entry.Bad(queue, "Unknown player " + TagParser.Escape(list.ListEntries[i].ToString())); } else { pl.Kick(message); } } }
public string ToEscapedString() { return(TagParser.Escape(Name) + "[secondary=" + (SecondaryName == null ? "" : EscapeTagBase.Escape(SecondaryName)) + ";display=" + EscapeTagBase.Escape(DisplayName) + ";count=" + Count + ";weight=" + Weight + ";volume=" + Volume + ";temperature=" + Temperature + ";renderascomponent=" + (RenderAsComponent ? "true" : "false") + ";componentrenderoffset=" + ComponentRenderOffset.ToSimpleString() + ";description=" + EscapeTagBase.Escape(Description) + ";texture=" + EscapeTagBase.Escape(GetTextureName()) + ";model=" + EscapeTagBase.Escape(GetModelName()) + ";bound=" + (IsBound ? "true" : "false") + ";drawcolor=" + new ColorTag(DrawColor).ToString() + ";datum=" + Datum + ";shared=" + SharedStr() + ";local=" + EscapedLocalStr() + ";components=" + ComponentEscapedString() + "]"); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player!"); return; } ItemAssetTag item = ItemAssetTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (item == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item!"); return; } byte amount = 1; if (entry.Arguments.Count > 2) { amount = (byte)Utilities.StringToUInt(entry.GetArgument(queue, 2)); } if (ItemTool.tryForceGiveItem(player.Internal.player,, amount)) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully gave a " + TagParser.Escape( + "!"); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to give item (is the inventory full?)!"); } }
public string SharedStr() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TemplateObject> val in SharedAttributes) { string type = "text"; if (val.Value is IntegerTag) { type = "inte"; } else if (val.Value is NumberTag) { type = "numb"; } else if (val.Value is BooleanTag) { type = "bool"; } sb.Append(TagParser.Escape(val.Key) + "=" + type + "/" + TagParser.Escape(val.Value.ToString()) + ";"); } sb.Append("}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { TemplateObject tcolor = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0); ColorTag color = ColorTag.For(tcolor); if (color == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid color: " + TagParser.Escape(tcolor.ToString())); return; } string message = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1); EChatMode chatMode = EChatMode.SAY; if (entry.Arguments.Count > 2) { string mode = entry.GetArgument(queue, 2); try { chatMode = (EChatMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(EChatMode), mode.ToUpper()); } catch (ArgumentException) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid chat mode: " + mode); return; } }"tellChat", ESteamCall.OTHERS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { CSteamID.Nil, (byte)chatMode, color.Internal, message }); }
public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { Client TheClient = (entry.Command as BindCommand).TheClient; string key = entry.GetArgument(queue, 0); Key k = KeyHandler.GetKeyForName(key); // TODO: Bad key error if (entry.Arguments.Count == 1) { CommandScript cs = KeyHandler.GetBind(k); if (cs == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "That key is not bound, or does not exist."); } else { entry.Info(queue, TagParser.Escape(KeyHandler.keystonames[k] + ": {\n" + cs.FullString() + "}")); } } else if (entry.Arguments.Count >= 2) { KeyHandler.BindKey(k, entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); entry.Good(queue, "Keybind updated for " + KeyHandler.keystonames[k] + "."); } }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { long eid; string input = data.GetModifier(0).ToLowerFast(); if (long.TryParse(input, out eid)) { Entity e = TheServer.GetEntity(eid); if (e != null) { return(new EntityTag(e).Handle(data.Shrink())); } } else { foreach (PlayerEntity p in TheServer.Players) { if (p.Name.ToLowerFast() == input) { return(new EntityTag(p).Handle(data.Shrink())); } } } data.Error("Invalid entity '" + TagParser.Escape(input) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { try { LocationTag loc = LocationTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (loc == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid location!"); return; } EntityTag entity = EntityTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (entity == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity!"); return; } PlayerTag player; if (entity.TryGetPlayer(out player)) { player.Internal.player.gameObject.AddComponent <LaunchComponent>().LaunchPlayer(loc.ToVector3()); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully launched player " + TagParser.Escape(player.ToString()) + " to " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } ZombieTag zombie; if (entity.TryGetZombie(out zombie)) { zombie.Internal.gameObject.AddComponent <LaunchComponent>().Launch(loc.ToVector3()); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully launched zombie " + TagParser.Escape(zombie.ToString()) + " to " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } AnimalTag animal; if (entity.TryGetAnimal(out animal)) { animal.Internal.gameObject.AddComponent <LaunchComponent>().Launch(loc.ToVector3()); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully launched animal " + TagParser.Escape(animal.ToString()) + " to " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } ItemEntityTag item; if (entity.TryGetItem(out item)) { // TODO: Find some way to teleport items, barricades, etc without voiding the InstanceID? } queue.HandleError(entry, "That entity can't be launched!"); } catch (Exception ex) // TODO: Necessity? { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to launch entity: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player!"); return; } ItemAssetTag item = ItemAssetTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (item == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item!"); return; } byte amount = 1; if (entry.Arguments.Count > 2) { amount = (byte)Utilities.StringToUInt(entry.GetArgument(queue, 2)); } PlayerInventory inventory = player.Internal.player.inventory; byte remainingAmount = amount; InventorySearch search; while (remainingAmount > 0 && (search = inventory.has( != null) // TODO: Less awkward code!? { if (search.jar.item.amount <= remainingAmount) { inventory.removeItem(, inventory.getIndex(, search.jar.x, search.jar.y)); remainingAmount -= search.jar.item.amount; } else { inventory.sendUpdateAmount(, search.jar.x, search.jar.y, (byte)(search.jar.item.amount - remainingAmount)); remainingAmount = 0; } } if (remainingAmount == 0) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully took " + amount + " " + TagParser.Escape( + "!"); } } else if (remainingAmount < amount) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully took " + (amount - remainingAmount) + " " + TagParser.Escape( + "! (" + remainingAmount + " more not found!)"); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to take item (does the inventory contain any?)!"); } }
public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 1) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } entry.Good(queue, "'<{color.emphasis}>" + TagParser.Escape(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)) + "<{color.base}>' to you as well from " + ThePlugin.Name + "!"); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { TemplateObject rdata = data.GetModifierObject(0); RecipeTag rtag = RecipeTag.For(TheServer, data, rdata); if (rtag == null) { data.Error("Invalid recipe '" + TagParser.Escape(rdata.ToString()) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(rtag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { LocationTag loc = LocationTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (loc == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid location!"); return; } EntityTag entity = EntityTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (entity == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity!"); return; } ZombieTag zombie; if (entity.TryGetZombie(out zombie)) { = loc.ToVector3(); zombie.Internal.seeker.canMove = true; zombie.Internal.seeker.canSearch = true; zombie.Internal.path = EZombiePath.RUSH; // TODO: Option for this? if (!zombie.Internal.isTicking) { zombie.Internal.isTicking = true; ZombieManager.tickingZombies.Add(zombie.Internal); } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully started a zombie walking to " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } AnimalTag animal; if (entity.TryGetAnimal(out animal)) { = loc.ToVector3(); if (!animal.Internal.isTicking) { animal.Internal.isTicking = true; AnimalManager.tickingAnimals.Add(animal.Internal); } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully started an animal walking to " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } queue.HandleError(entry, "That entity can't be made to walk!"); }
public string ComponentString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{"); foreach (ItemStackBase itb in Components) { sb.Append(TagParser.Escape(itb.ToString()) + ";"); } sb.Append("}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { string lname = data.GetModifier(0); LocationTag ltag = LocationTag.For(TheServer, data, lname); if (ltag == null) { data.Error("Invalid location '" + TagParser.Escape(lname) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(ltag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { string rname = data.GetModifier(0); World w = TheServer.GetWorld(rname); if (w != null) { return(new WorldTag(w)); } data.Error("Invalid world '" + TagParser.Escape(rname) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { TemplateObject pname = data.GetModifierObject(0); ItemTag ptag = ItemTag.For(TheServer, pname); if (ptag == null) { data.Error("Invalid player '" + TagParser.Escape(pname.ToString()) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(ptag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { string cname = data.GetModifier(0); ColorTag ctag = ColorTag.For(cname); if (ctag == null) { data.Error("Invalid color '" + TagParser.Escape(cname) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(ctag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { long eid; string input = data.GetModifier(0).ToLowerFast(); if (long.TryParse(input, out eid)) { Entity e = TheServer.GetEntity(eid); if (e != null && e is ItemEntity) { return(new ItemEntityTag((ItemEntity)e).Handle(data.Shrink())); } } data.Error("Invalid item entity '" + TagParser.Escape(input) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { string input = data.GetModifier(0).ToLowerFast(); try { Material mat = MaterialHelpers.FromNameOrNumber(input); return(new MaterialTag(mat).Handle(data.Shrink())); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.CheckException(ex); data.Error("Invalid material '" + TagParser.Escape(input) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } }
public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 2) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } ListTag players = ListTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); ListTag items = ListTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)); List <ItemStack> itemlist = new List <ItemStack>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.ListEntries.Count; i++) { ItemTag item = ItemTag.For(TheServer, items.ListEntries[i]); if (item == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item!"); return; } itemlist.Add(item.Internal); } List <PlayerEntity> playerlist = new List <PlayerEntity>(); for (int i = 0; i < players.ListEntries.Count; i++) { PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(TheServer, players.ListEntries[i]); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player: " + TagParser.Escape(items.ListEntries[i].ToString())); return; } playerlist.Add(player.Internal); } foreach (PlayerEntity player in playerlist) { foreach (ItemStack item in itemlist) { player.Items.GiveItem(item); } } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, itemlist.Count + " item(s) given to " + playerlist.Count + " player(s)!"); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { try { BooleanTag boolean = BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)); if (boolean == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid boolean!"); return; } PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player!"); return; } bool value = boolean.Internal; PlayerLife life =; if (life.isBroken != value) { if (value) { life.breakLegs(); } else { life._isBroken = false;"tellBroken", ESteamCall.OWNER, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { life._isBroken }); } entry.Good(queue, "Successfully adjusted the broken legs of player " + TagParser.Escape(player.ToString()) + " to " + TagParser.Escape(boolean.ToString()) + "!"); } else { entry.Good(queue, "Player " + TagParser.Escape(player.ToString()) + " already has their broken legs set to " + TagParser.Escape(boolean.ToString()) + "!"); } } catch (Exception ex) // TODO: Necessity? { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to adjust player's broken legs: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { ListTag players = ListTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); TemplateObject tcolor = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1); ColorTag color = ColorTag.For(tcolor); if (color == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid color: " + TagParser.Escape(tcolor.ToString())); return; } string tchatter = entry.GetArgument(queue, 2); PlayerTag chatter = PlayerTag.For(tchatter); if (chatter == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid chatting player: " + TagParser.Escape(tchatter)); return; } string message = entry.GetArgument(queue, 3); foreach (TemplateObject tplayer in players.ListEntries) { PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(tplayer.ToString()); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player: " + TagParser.Escape(tplayer.ToString())); continue; }"tellChat", player.Internal.playerID.steamID, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, chatter.Internal.playerID.steamID, (byte)0 /* TODO: Configurable mode? */, color.Internal, message); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully sent a message."); } } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { LocationTag loc = LocationTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (loc == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid location!"); return; } string targetAssetType = entry.GetArgument(queue, 0).ToLower(); EffectAssetTag effectType = EffectAssetTag.For(targetAssetType); if (effectType == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid effect type!"); return; } EffectManager.sendEffect(, EffectManager.INSANE, loc.ToVector3()); // TODO: radius option instead of always 512 units (INSANE)! if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Played effect " + TagParser.Escape(effectType.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } }
public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { // TODO: Update all the information here. The chunk usages in particular are entirely wrong due to RAM-management updates. Server TheServer = (entry.Command as MeminfoCommand).TheServer; const string rn = " Region Name Here "; const string cr = "Chunk Exact RAM in MB"; const string er = "Entity Est. RAM in MB"; entry.Info(queue, "[<{text_color.emphasis}>" + rn + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + cr + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + er + "<{text_color.base}>]"); long cht = 0; long entt = 0; int n = 0; foreach (World world in TheServer.LoadedWorlds) { n++; long chunk = Chunk.RAM_USAGE * world.MainRegion.ChunkCount(); //string reg_cr = Utilities.Pad(Utilities.FormatNumber(chunk), ' ', cr.Length, false); long ent = 0; foreach (Entity e in world.MainRegion.Entities.Values) { ent += e.GetRAMUsage(); } string reg_er = Utilities.Pad(Utilities.FormatNumber(ent), ' ', er.Length, false); entry.Info(queue, "[<{text_color.emphasis}>" + n + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + TagParser.Escape(world.Name) + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + reg_er + "<{text_color.base}>]"); cht += chunk; entt += ent; } entry.Info(queue, "Totals -> Chunks (Semi-accurate): <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(cht) + "<{text_color.base}>, Entities (Estimated): <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(entt) + "<{text_color.base}>, actual usage: <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(GC.GetTotalMemory(false)) + "<{text_color.base}>."); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { try { TemplateObject spawned = null; LocationTag loc = LocationTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); if (loc == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid location!"); return; } string targetAssetType = entry.GetArgument(queue, 0).ToLowerFast(); EntityType etype = EntityType.ValueOf(targetAssetType); if (etype == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity type!"); return; } if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.ZOMBIE) { Vector3 vec3 = loc.ToVector3(); byte reg = 0; // TODO: Optionally specifiable float closest = float.MaxValue; for (int r = 0; r < LevelZombies.zombies.Length; r++) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelZombies.zombies[r].Count; i++) { float dist = (LevelZombies.zombies[r][i].point - vec3).sqrMagnitude; if (dist < closest) { closest = dist; reg = (byte)r; } } } ZombieManager.manager.addZombie(reg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vec3, 0, false); Zombie zombie = ZombieManager.regions[reg].zombies[ZombieManager.regions[reg].zombies.Count - 1]; // TODO: Make this actually work! (See complaints file!) /* * foreach (SteamPlayer player in PlayerTool.getSteamPlayers()) * { *; *; *; * object[] * { * zombie.type, * (byte)zombie.speciality, * zombie.shirt, * zombie.pants, * zombie.hat, * zombie.gear, * zombie.move, * zombie.idle, * zombie.transform.position, * MeasurementTool.angleToByte(zombie.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y), * zombie.isDead * }); *"tellZombies", player.playerID.steamID, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_CHUNK_BUFFER); * } */ if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a zombie at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "! (WARNING: IT WILL BE INVISIBLE CURRENTLY - SEE THE COMPLAINTS FILE)"); } spawned = new ZombieTag(zombie); } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.ANIMAL) { AnimalAssetTag asset = AnimalAssetTag.For(targetAssetType); if (asset == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid animal type!"); return; } // TODO: Make this bit optional! RaycastHit rch; while (Physics.Raycast(loc.ToVector3(), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), out rch, 5)) { loc.Y += 3; } // END TODO AnimalManager.manager.addAnimal(, loc.ToVector3(), 0, false); Animal animal = AnimalManager.animals[AnimalManager.animals.Count - 1]; foreach (SteamPlayer player in PlayerTool.getSteamPlayers()) {;; object[] {, animal.transform.position, MeasurementTool.angleToByte(animal.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y), animal.isDead });"tellAnimals", player.playerID.steamID, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_CHUNK_BUFFER); } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "! (" + animal.gameObject.GetInstanceID() + ")"); } spawned = new AnimalTag(animal); } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.VEHICLE) { VehicleAssetTag asset = VehicleAssetTag.For(targetAssetType); if (asset == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid vehicle type!"); return; } // TODO: Make this bit optional! RaycastHit rch; while (Physics.Raycast(loc.ToVector3(), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), out rch, 5)) { loc.Y += 3; } // END TODO VehicleManager.spawnVehicle(, loc.ToVector3(), Quaternion.identity); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } // TODO: Get the vehicle entity! } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.WORLD_OBJECT) { WorldObjectAssetTag asset = WorldObjectAssetTag.For(targetAssetType); if (asset == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid world object type!"); return; } LevelObjects.addObject(loc.ToVector3(), Quaternion.identity,,,, asset.Internal.GUID, ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin.MANUAL); // TODO: Network! entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "! (WARNING: IT WILL BE INVISIBLE CURRENTLY - SEE THE COMPLAINTS FILE)"); // TODO: Get the world entity! } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.ITEM) { ItemAssetTag asset = ItemAssetTag.For(targetAssetType); if (asset == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item type!"); return; } byte x; byte y; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(loc.ToVector3(), out x, out y)) { Item item = new Item(, 1, asset.Internal.quality); ItemData data = new ItemData(item, ++ItemManager.instanceCount, loc.ToVector3(), Dedicator.isDedicated); ItemManager.regions[x, y].items.Add(data); ItemModelTracker.Track(data, loc.ToVector3());"tellItem", ESteamCall.CLIENTS, x, y, ItemManager.ITEM_REGIONS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { x, y,, item.amount, item.quality, item.state, loc.ToVector3() }); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } // TODO: Get the item entity! } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Trying to spawn item outside any valid item regions!"); } } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.BARRICADE) { ItemAssetTag asset = ItemAssetTag.For(targetAssetType.Substring("barricade_".Length)); if (asset == null || !(asset.Internal is ItemBarricadeAsset)) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item barricade type!"); return; } Barricade barric = new Barricade(; BarricadeManager.dropBarricade(barric, null, loc.ToVector3(), 0f, 0f, 0f, CSteamID.Nil.m_SteamID, CSteamID.Nil.m_SteamID); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } // TODO: Get the game object! } else if (etype.Type == EntityAssetType.STRUCTURE) { ItemAssetTag asset = ItemAssetTag.For(targetAssetType.Substring("structure_".Length)); if (asset == null || !(asset.Internal is ItemStructureAsset)) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid item structure type!"); return; } StructureManager.dropStructure(new Structure(, loc.ToVector3(), 0f, 0f, 0f, CSteamID.Nil.m_SteamID, CSteamID.Nil.m_SteamID); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully spawned a " + TagParser.Escape(asset.ToString()) + " at " + TagParser.Escape(loc.ToString()) + "!"); } // TODO: Get the game object! } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid or unspawnable entity type!"); return; } if (spawned != null) { queue.SetVariable("spawned", spawned); } } catch (Exception ex) // TODO: Necessity? { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to spawn entity: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { const string rn = " Region Name Here "; const string cr = "Chunk Exact RAM in MB"; const string er = "Entity Est. RAM in MB"; entry.Info(queue, "[<{text_color.emphasis}>" + rn + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + cr + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + er + "<{text_color.base}>]"); long cht = 0; long entt = 0; int n = 0; foreach (World world in TheServer.LoadedWorlds) { n++; long chunk = Chunk.RAM_USAGE * world.MainRegion.LoadedChunks.Count; //string reg_cr = Utilities.Pad(Utilities.FormatNumber(chunk), ' ', cr.Length, false); long ent = 0; foreach (Entity e in world.MainRegion.Entities.Values) { ent += e.GetRAMUsage(); } string reg_er = Utilities.Pad(Utilities.FormatNumber(ent), ' ', er.Length, false); entry.Info(queue, "[<{text_color.emphasis}>" + n + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + TagParser.Escape(world.Name) + "<{text_color.base}>] [<{text_color.emphasis}>" + reg_er + "<{text_color.base}>]"); cht += chunk; entt += ent; } entry.Info(queue, "Totals -> Chunks (Semi-accurate): <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(cht) + "<{text_color.base}>, Entities (Estimated): <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(entt) + "<{text_color.base}>, actual usage: <{text_color.emphasis}>" + Utilities.FormatNumber(GC.GetTotalMemory(false)) + "<{text_color.base}>."); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { data.Shrink(); if (data.Remaining == 0) { return(new TextTag(ToString())); } switch (data[0]) { // <--[tagbase] // @Name ServerTag.online_players // @Group Entities // @ReturnType ListTag // @Returns a list of all online players. // @Example .online_players could return "Fortifier|mcmonkey". // --> case "online_players": { ListTag players = new ListTag(); foreach (PlayerEntity p in TheServer.Players) { players.ListEntries.Add(new PlayerTag(p)); } return(players.Handle(data.Shrink())); } // <--[tagbase] // @Name ServerTag.loaded_worlds // @Group World // @ReturnType ListTag // @Returns a list of all loaded worlds. // @Example .loaded_worlds could return "default|bob". // --> case "loaded_worlds": { ListTag worlds = new ListTag(); foreach (World w in TheServer.LoadedWorlds) { worlds.ListEntries.Add(new WorldTag(w)); } return(worlds.Handle(data.Shrink())); } // <--[tagbase] // @Name ServerTag.loaded_recipes // @Group Items // @ReturnType ListTag // @Returns a list of all loaded recipes. // --> case "loaded_recipes": { ListTag recipes = new ListTag(); foreach (ItemRecipe r in TheServer.Recipes.Recipes) { recipes.ListEntries.Add(new RecipeTag(r)); } return(recipes.Handle(data.Shrink())); } // <--[tagbase] // @Name ServerTag.can_craft_from[<ListTag>] // @Group Items // @ReturnType ListTag // @Returns a list of all loaded recipes that can be crafted from the given input. // @Example .can_craft_from[blocks/grass_forest] could return "1&pipeblocks/grass_forest|". // --> case "can_craft_from": { // TODO: Handle errors neatly! List <ItemStack> items = new List <ItemStack>(); ListTag list = ListTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0)); foreach (TemplateObject obj in list.ListEntries) { items.Add(ItemTag.For(TheServer, obj).Internal); } ListTag recipes = new ListTag(); foreach (RecipeResult r in TheServer.Recipes.CanCraftFrom(items.ToArray())) { recipes.ListEntries.Add(new RecipeResultTag(r)); } return(recipes.Handle(data.Shrink())); } // <--[tagbase] // @Name ServerTag.match_player[<TextTag>] // @Group Entities // @ReturnType PlayerTag // @Returns the player whose name best matches the input. // @Example .match_player[Fort] out of a group of "Fortifier", "Fort", and "Forty" would return "Fort". // @Example .match_player[monk] out of a group of "mcmonkey", "morph", and "Fort" would return "mcmonkey". // --> case "match_player": { string pname = data.GetModifier(0); PlayerEntity player = TheServer.GetPlayerFor(pname); if (player == null) { data.Error("Invalid player '" + TagParser.Escape(pname) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(new PlayerTag(player).Handle(data.Shrink())); } default: return(new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data)); } }
public override void UnknownCommand(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, string basecommand, string[] arguments) { Bad("Invalid command: " + TagParser.Escape(basecommand) + "!", queue.CommandStack.Count > 0 ? queue.CommandStack.Peek().Debug : DebugMode.FULL); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { if (data.Remaining == 0) { return(this); } switch (data[0]) { // <--[tag] // @Name // @Group General Information // @ReturnType NumberTag // @Returns the red value of this color. // @Example "0.1,0.2,0.3,1" .red returns "0.1". // --> case "red": return(new NumberTag(Internal.r).Handle(data.Shrink())); // <--[tag] // @Name // @Group General Information // @ReturnType NumberTag // @Returns the green value of this color. // @Example "0.1,0.2,0.3,1" .green returns "0.2". // --> case "green": return(new NumberTag(Internal.g).Handle(data.Shrink())); // <--[tag] // @Name // @Group General Information // @ReturnType NumberTag // @Returns the blue value of this color. // @Example "0.1,0.2,0.3,1" .red returns "0.3". // --> case "blue": return(new NumberTag(Internal.b).Handle(data.Shrink())); // <--[tag] // @Name ColorTag.alpha // @Group General Information // @ReturnType NumberTag // @Returns the alpha value of this color. // @Example "0.1,0.2,0.3,1" .red returns "1". // --> case "alpha": return(new NumberTag(Internal.a).Handle(data.Shrink())); // <--[tag] // @Name ColorTag.mix[<ColorTag>|...] // @Group Mathematics // @ReturnType ColorTag // @Returns the result of mixing the specified color(s) with this one. // @Example "blue" .mix[red] returns "0.5,0,0.5,1" // --> case "mix": { ListTag list = ListTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0)); Color mixedColor = Internal; foreach (TemplateObject tcolor in list.ListEntries) { ColorTag color = ColorTag.For(tcolor); if (color == null) { SysConsole.Output(OutputType.ERROR, "Invalid color: " + TagParser.Escape(tcolor.ToString())); continue; } mixedColor += color.Internal; } return(new ColorTag(mixedColor / list.ListEntries.Count).Handle(data.Shrink())); } default: return(new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data)); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { try { IntegerTag num = IntegerTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)); if (num.Internal < 0) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Must provide a non-negative number!"); return; } EntityTag entity = EntityTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (entity == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity!"); return; } EPlayerKill kill; // for use with "out EPlayerKill" parameters PlayerTag player; if (entity.TryGetPlayer(out player)) { PlayerLife life =; UFMHealthController healthController = player.Internal.player.GetComponent <UFMHealthController>(); uint health = healthController != null ? :; if (num.Internal >= health) { uint amount = (uint)num.Internal; if (healthController != null) { = 0; } if (amount >= byte.MaxValue) // TODO: better handling { life._health = 0; amount = 1; } life.askDamage((byte)amount,, EDeathCause.KILL, ELimb.SPINE, CSteamID.Nil, out kill, null); } else { uint amount = (uint)num.Internal; if (healthController != null) { healthController.Damage((uint)num.Internal); } life._health = healthController.Translate();"tellHealth", ESteamCall.OWNER, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { }); } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a player by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } ZombieTag zombie; if (entity.TryGetZombie(out zombie)) { uint xp; zombie.Internal.askDamage((byte)num.Internal,, out kill, out xp); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a zombie by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } AnimalTag animal; if (entity.TryGetAnimal(out animal)) { uint xp; animal.Internal.askDamage((byte)num.Internal,, out kill, out xp); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged an animal by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } BarricadeTag barricade; if (entity.TryGetBarricade(out barricade)) { // TODO: Use BarricadeManager? barricade.InternalData.barricade.askDamage((ushort)num.Internal); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a barricade by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } ResourceTag resource; if (entity.TryGetResource(out resource)) { // TODO: Use ResourceManager? resource.Internal.askDamage((ushort)num.Internal); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a resource by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } StructureTag structure; if (entity.TryGetStructure(out structure)) { // TODO: Use StructureManager? structure.InternalData.structure.askDamage((ushort)num.Internal); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a structure by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } VehicleTag vehicle; if (entity.TryGetVehicle(out vehicle)) { vehicle.Internal.askDamage((ushort)num.Internal, false); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Successfully damaged a vehicle by " + TagParser.Escape(num.ToString()) + "!"); } return; } queue.HandleError(entry, "That entity can't be damaged!"); } catch (Exception ex) // TODO: Necessity? { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to damage entity: " + ex.ToString()); } }