public void CellMouseDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridView d = sender as DataGridView; DataGridViewCell c = d.SelectedCells[0]; if (c.ColumnIndex == 2 && c.Value != null) { string songPath = Utilities.SearchSongPath(d.Name, c.Value.ToString()); if (songPath != string.Empty) { axWindowsMediaPlayer2.URL = (songPath); TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(songPath, TagLib.ReadStyle.Average); if (f.Tag.Pictures.Length == 0) { f.Dispose(); pictureBox7.Image = Properties.Resources.icons8_No_hay_entrada_Filled_50; return; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(f.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data); System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms); pictureBox7.Image = image; f.Dispose(); } } }
private void ChangeAndVerify(SafeUri uri, Action <TrackInfo> change, Action <TrackInfo> verify) { TagLib.File file = StreamTagger.ProcessUri(uri); TrackInfo track = new TrackInfo(); StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge(track, file); file.Dispose(); // Make changes change(track); // Save changes bool saved = StreamTagger.SaveToFile(track, true, true, true); Assert.IsTrue(saved); // Read changes file = StreamTagger.ProcessUri(uri); track = new TrackInfo(); StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge(track, file, false, true, true); file.Dispose(); // Verify changes verify(track); }
private string CreateFilePath(string trackPath) { TagLib.File track = TagLib.File.Create(trackPath); string extension = Path.GetExtension(trackPath); string invalid = new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()); if (track.Tag.Title == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("This track contains no title information ({0})", trackPath)); } string title = track.Tag.Title; string number = track.Tag.Track.ToString("D2"); track.Dispose(); foreach (char c in invalid) { title = title.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } title = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(title.ToLower()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(@"{2} - {0}{1}", title, extension, number); return(builder.ToString()); }
public static void SaveTags(SongFile songFile) { TagLib.File newFile = GetTagsFromFile(Caching.currentFile.fullPath); newFile.SetInterpret(songFile.Interpret); newFile.Tag.Title = songFile.Title; newFile.Tag.Album = songFile.Album; newFile.Tag.Comment = songFile.Comment; newFile.Tag.Track = (uint)songFile.Track; newFile.Tag.Year = (uint)songFile.Year; newFile.SetGenre(songFile.Genre); newFile.SetImage(Caching.currentFile.Cover.ConvertToPicture()); newFile.Refresh(Caching.currentFile.fullPath); if (Caching.currentFile.Cover != null) { TagLib.File newFileTEMP = TagLib.File.Create(Caching.currentFile.fullPath); newFileTEMP.SetImage(Caching.currentFile.Cover.ConvertToPicture()); newFileTEMP.Save(); newFileTEMP.Dispose(); } }
// GET /api/music public IEnumerable <Models.MusicModel> Get() { Cache cache = HttpContext.Current.Cache; List <Models.MusicModel> list = (List <Models.MusicModel>)cache["songlist"]; if (list == null) { list = new List <Models.MusicModel>(); foreach (string filepath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Music"))) { TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(filepath); Models.MusicModel song = new Models.MusicModel(); var s = file.Tag.AlbumArtists.ToList(); s.AddRange(file.Tag.Performers.ToList()); song.Artist = string.Join(", ", s.ToArray()); //song.Artist = string.Join(", ", file.Tag.Performers, file.Tag.AlbumArtists); song.MusicId = Guid.Parse(file.Name.Split('\\').Last().Replace(".mp3", "")); song.Length = file.Length; song.Track = file.Tag.Track; song.Title = file.Tag.Title; song.Genres = string.Join(", ", file.Tag.Genres); song.Album = file.Tag.Album; song.Url = "/api/music/" + file.Name.Split('\\').Last().Replace(".mp3", ""); list.Add(song); file.Dispose(); } cache.Insert("songlist", list, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); } return(list); }
public async Task Convert4OneDrive(string outputPath) { string newPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_inputFile), _album); string newFileName = newPath + ".zip"; //rename File.Move(_inputFile, newFileName); //extract ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(newFileName, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_inputFile), _album)); foreach (string mp3 in Directory.EnumerateFiles(newPath, "*.mp3")) { TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(mp3); file.Tag.Genres = new string[] { _genre }; file.Save(); file.Dispose(); } foreach (string mp3 in Directory.EnumerateFiles(newPath, "*.mp3")) { string newMp3Name = Path.GetFileName(mp3).Split('-')[2].TrimStart(); File.Move(mp3, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mp3), newMp3Name)); } if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } Directory.Move(newPath, outputPath); }
private async Task CreateDatabase() { var List = LoadFiles(Locations[0]); foreach (var file in List) { TagLib.File tFile = null; try { tFile = TagLib.File.Create(file); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tFile.Tag.Album)) { var list = await DatabaseHelper.QueryAlbums(tFile.Tag.Album); if (list.Count == 0) { DatabaseHelper.AddAlbum(new Album() { Name = tFile.Tag.Album }); } } } catch (TagLib.UnsupportedFormatException) { Debug.WriteLine($"UnsupportedFormatException thrown with file: {file}"); } finally { tFile?.Dispose(); } } }
private void Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog = new TagEditor(); using (TagLib.File FD = TagLib.File.Create(selectedPath)) { using (Context db = new Context()) { dialog.Id = SelectAudio(); var a = db.Audios.Where(c => == selectedAudioId).ToList <Audio>().FirstOrDefault(); dialog.TrackTitle = a.Title; dialog.Author = a.Singer; dialog.Album = a.Album; dialog.Genre = FD.Tag.FirstGenre; dialog.Year = FD.Tag.Year.ToString(); dialog.counter.Text = a.countPlay.ToString(); try { dialog.Image = PlaylistNameDialog.LoadImage(FD.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data); } catch { dialog.Image = currentImage; } dialog.Path = selectedPath; FD.Dispose(); } } dialog.Show(); dialog.Closed += Dialog_Closed; }
public static bool SaveToFile(TrackInfo track, bool write_metadata, bool write_rating, bool write_play_count) { // Note: this should be kept in sync with the metadata read in StreamTagger.cs TagLib.File file = ProcessUri(track.Uri); if (file == null) { return(false); } if (write_metadata) { file.Tag.Performers = new string [] { track.ArtistName }; file.Tag.PerformersSort = new string [] { track.ArtistNameSort }; file.Tag.Album = track.AlbumTitle; file.Tag.AlbumSort = track.AlbumTitleSort; file.Tag.MusicBrainzReleaseId = track.AlbumMusicBrainzId; file.Tag.AlbumArtists = track.AlbumArtist == null ? new string [0] : new string [] { track.AlbumArtist }; file.Tag.AlbumArtistsSort = (track.AlbumArtistSort == null ? new string [0] : new string [] { track.AlbumArtistSort }); file.Tag.MusicBrainzArtistId = track.ArtistMusicBrainzId; // Bug in taglib-sharp- Crash if you send it a genre of "{ null }" // on a song with both ID3v1 and ID3v2 metadata. It's happy with "{}", though. // (see ) file.Tag.Genres = (track.Genre == null) ? new string[] {} : new string [] { track.Genre }; file.Tag.Title = track.TrackTitle; file.Tag.TitleSort = track.TrackTitleSort; file.Tag.MusicBrainzTrackId = track.MusicBrainzId; file.Tag.Track = (uint)track.TrackNumber; file.Tag.TrackCount = (uint)track.TrackCount; file.Tag.Composers = new string [] { track.Composer }; file.Tag.Conductor = track.Conductor; file.Tag.Grouping = track.Grouping; file.Tag.Copyright = track.Copyright; file.Tag.Comment = track.Comment; file.Tag.Disc = (uint)track.DiscNumber; file.Tag.DiscCount = (uint)track.DiscCount; file.Tag.Year = (uint)track.Year; file.Tag.BeatsPerMinute = (uint)track.Bpm; SaveIsCompilation(file, track.IsCompilation); } if (write_rating) { // FIXME move StreamRatingTagger to taglib# StreamRatingTagger.StoreRating(track.Rating, file); } if (write_play_count) { StreamRatingTagger.StorePlayCount(track.PlayCount, file); } file.Save(); file.Dispose(); track.FileSize = Banshee.IO.File.GetSize(track.Uri); track.FileModifiedStamp = Banshee.IO.File.GetModifiedTime(track.Uri); track.LastSyncedStamp = DateTime.Now; return(true); }
public void GetTags() { if (Program.mainWindow == null) { return; } try { if (Program.mainWindow.supportedModuleTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower())) { Bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero); int track = Bass.BASS_MusicLoad(filename, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_MUSIC_NOSAMPLE | BASSFlag.BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN, 0); title = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetMusicName(track); artist = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetMusicMessage(track); length = (int)Bass.BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(track, (int)Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(track)); Bass.BASS_Free(); } else if (Program.mainWindow.supportedMidiTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower())) { Bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero); int track = BassMidi.BASS_MIDI_StreamCreateFile(filename, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT, 0); title = Path.GetFileName(filename); length = (int)Bass.BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(track, (int)Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(track)); Bass.BASS_Free(); } else { TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(filename); title = tagFile.Tag.Title; if (tagFile.Tag.Performers.Length > 0) { artist = tagFile.Tag.Performers[0]; } album = tagFile.Tag.Album; //year = tagFile.Tag.Year+""; //comment = tagFile.Tag.Comment; length = (int)tagFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; bitrate = tagFile.Properties.AudioBitrate; tagFile.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception) { title = filename; length = 0; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { title = Path.GetFileName(filename); } try { listened = Int32.Parse(Program.mainWindow.xmlCacher.GetListened(filename)); } catch (Exception) { listened = 0; } }
public static void Play(string path) { EngineBASS.Path = path; EngineBASS.Play(); tagFile?.Dispose(); tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(EngineBASS.Path); }
public void Write() { if (_mp3file != null) { _mp3file.Save(); _mp3file.Dispose(); } }
private Task <List <AudioArtist> > GetFromLibrary() { return(Task.Run(async() => { var musicFiles = FilesHelper.GetMusicFiles(); double totalCount = musicFiles.Count; var artists = new Dictionary <string, AudioArtist>(); foreach (var filePath in musicFiles) { TagLib.File audioFile = null; try { audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.Log(ex); continue; } var track = new LocalAudio(); string artist = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audioFile.Tag.FirstPerformer)) { artist = audioFile.Tag.FirstPerformer; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audioFile.Tag.FirstAlbumArtist)) { artist = audioFile.Tag.FirstAlbumArtist; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist)) { track.ArtistId = Md5Helper.Md5(StringHelper.ToUtf8(artist).Trim().ToLower()); track.Artist = StringHelper.ToUtf8(artist).Trim(); if (!artists.ContainsKey(track.ArtistId)) { artists.Add(track.ArtistId, new AudioArtist() { Id = track.ArtistId, Title = track.Artist }); } } audioFile.Dispose(); await Task.Delay(50); } LoggingService.Log("Music scan finished. Found " + artists.Count + " artists"); return artists.Values.ToList(); })); }
private void playSong() { while (!isStopped) { isMusicEnd = false; TagLib.File songFile = TagLib.File.Create(SongFiles[CurrentSong]); currentSongFileDescriptor = songFile.Tag; if (currentSongFileDescriptor.Pictures.Length > 0) { foreach (var pic in currentSongFileDescriptor.Pictures) { OnSongPicLoaded?.Invoke(pic.Data.Data); break; } } else { OnSongPicLoaded?.Invoke(null); } songFile.Dispose(); // 这个bug是当前第一优先级 try { audioFile = new AudioFileReader(SongFiles[CurrentSong]); } catch (Exception ex) { CurrentSong = (CurrentSong + 1) % SongFiles.Count; continue; } SampleAggregator aggregator = new SampleAggregator(audioFile) { NotificationCount = audioFile.WaveFormat.SampleRate / 1024, PerformFFT = true, }; aggregator.FFTCalculated += Aggregator_FFTCalculated; aggregator.MaximumCalculated += Aggregator_MaximumCalculated; playAction?.Invoke(); outputDevice.Stop(); outputDevice.Init(aggregator); outputDevice.Play(); while (!Main.gameMenu && !isMusicEnd && (outputDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing || outputDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Paused)) { Thread.Sleep(16); OnProgressUpdate(audioFile.CurrentTime, audioFile.TotalTime); } if (Main.gameMenu || isStopped) { break; } CurrentSong = (CurrentSong + 1) % SongFiles.Count; playAction = null; } }
private void ClearMetadata() { TagLib.File file = GetTagLibFile(); file.Tag.Clear(); file.RemoveTags(file.TagTypes & ~file.TagTypesOnDisk); file.RemoveTags(TagLib.TagTypes.AllTags); file.Save(); file.Dispose(); }
public TaglibWrapper(string path) { TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(path, TagLib.ReadStyle.Average); var duration = (int)f.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; this.time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration); this.album = f.Tag.Album; f.Dispose(); }
public void Load(string filepath) { Filepath = filepath; TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(filepath, TagLib.ReadStyle.Average); Tag = f.Tag; Properties = f.Properties; SaveThumb(); f.Dispose(); }
private void ChangeAuthorForSelectedSongs() { foreach (Song item in musicListView.SelectedItems) { TagLib.File musicFileTags = TagLib.File.Create(GetFileWithPath(item.FileName)); musicFileTags.Tag.AlbumArtists = new string[] { AuthorTextBox.Text }; musicFileTags.Save(); musicFileTags.Dispose(); } InformationTextBox.Text = MusicManagement.Resources.Resources.AuthorUpdated; }
private void ChangeAlbumForAllSongs() { foreach (Song item in musicListView.Items) { TagLib.File musicFileTags = TagLib.File.Create(GetFileWithPath(item.FileName)); musicFileTags.Tag.Album = AlbumTextBox.Text; musicFileTags.Save(); musicFileTags.Dispose(); } InformationTextBox.Text = MusicManagement.Resources.Resources.AllSongsAlbumUpdated; }
private void ChangeTitleForSelectedSongs() { foreach (Song item in musicListView.SelectedItems) { TagLib.File musicFileTags = TagLib.File.Create(GetFileWithPath(item.FileName)); musicFileTags.Tag.Title = TitleTextBox.Text; musicFileTags.Save(); musicFileTags.Dispose(); } InformationTextBox.Text = MusicManagement.Resources.Resources.TitleUpdated; }
public void LoadMusic(string dir) { dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); TagLib.File f2 = null; FileInfo f = null; FileSystemInfo f1 = null; bool path_B; string path; String[] s1 = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++) { f = new FileInfo(s1[i]); f1 = new FileInfo(s1[i]); path_B = f1.Exists; if (path_B && f.Length != 0) { try { path = f1.FullName; f2 = TagLib.File.Create(path); if (!f2.PossiblyCorrupt) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = path; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value = f1.Name; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[2].Value = f2.Tag.Title; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[3].Value = f2.Tag.FirstPerformer; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[4].Value = f2.Tag.Album; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[5].Value = f2.Tag.JoinedGenres; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[6].Value = f2.Tag.Track.ToString(); j++; } } catch (TagLib.CorruptFileException ex) { MessageBox.Show((f1.FullName + " " + ex.Message), "Hey!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } f2.Dispose(); if (j == 1) { lblSongsFound.Text = "You have found " + j.ToString() + " file."; } else { lblSongsFound.Text = "You have found " + j.ToString() + " files."; } }
public static Track ParseFromFile(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new System.IO.FileLoadException("Die Datei ist nicht vorhanden"); } Track tag = new Track(); if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path) != ".m3u") { tag.Path = path; TagLib.File tagfile = TagLib.File.Create(path); TagLib.Tag t = tagfile.Tag; tagfile.Dispose(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Title)) { tag.Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } else { tag.Title = t.Title; } tag.Performer = t.FirstPerformer; tag.Album = t.Album; if (t.Year > 0) { tag.Year = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(t.Year), 1, 1); } if (t.Pictures.Count() > 0) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(t.Pictures[0].Data.Data); BitmapImage Cover = new BitmapImage(); Cover.BeginInit(); Cover.StreamSource = ms; Cover.EndInit(); tag.AlbumArt = Cover; } if (tag.AlbumArt != null) { tag.AlbumArt.Freeze(); } tag._hastags = true; } else { tag.Path = path; tag.Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); tag.Album = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } return(tag); }
private void SafeClose() { try { f.Dispose(); } catch { } try { fs.Dispose(); } catch { } }
private string CreateDirectoryPath(string trackPath) { TagLib.File track = TagLib.File.Create(trackPath); if (track.Tag == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("This track seems to be invalid and can't be read ({0})", trackPath)); } if (track.Tag.Performers == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("This track contains no artist information ({0})", trackPath)); } if (track.Tag.Album == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("This track contains no album information ({0})", trackPath)); } string invalid = new string(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()); string performer; if (track.Tag.Performers.Length > 1) { performer = string.Join("", track.Tag.Performers); } else { performer = track.Tag.Performers[0]; } string album = track.Tag.Album; track.Dispose(); foreach (char c in invalid) { performer = performer.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); album = album.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } //performer = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(performer.ToLower()); album = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(album.ToLower()).Replace("/", "-").Replace("?", "").Replace(":", ""); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(@"\{0}\{1}\", performer, album); return(builder.ToString()); }
public static void CheckFileTags(string fileName) { //TagLib.File wav = TagLib.File.Create(savePathWav+fileName+".wav"); //wav.Dispose(); //tag mp3 file TagLib.File mp3 = TagLib.File.Create(savePathMP3 + fileName + ".mp3"); string[] artists = new string[] { "artist 1", "artist 2", "artist 3", "artist 4" }; mp3.Tag.AlbumArtists = artists; string[] performers = new string[] { "Jim Reeves", "Patsy Cline", "\"Boxcar\" Willie" }; mp3.Tag.Performers = performers; mp3.Save(); mp3.Dispose(); }
private void WriteMetadata() { ClearMetadata(); WriteAlbumCover(); TagLib.File file = GetTagLibFile(); file.Tag.Title = Title; file.Tag.Performers = Artists.Split(','); file.Tag.Album = Album; file.Tag.Track = (uint)Convert.ToInt32(TrackNumber); file.Tag.Year = (uint)Convert.ToInt32(Year); file.Save(); file.Dispose(); }
private void SdkOnDownloadCompleted(object sender, SdkEventArgs e) { if (e.Error == null) { if (this.isLaunch) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(this.downloadFileName); var filePath = this.GetFilePath(fileName); this.LaunchFile(filePath); this.isLaunch = false; } } else { this.ProcessError(e.Error); } fs.Close(); TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(downloadFileName); currentSongName = f.Tag.FirstPerformer + " - " + f.Tag.Title; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { foreach (int i in new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2 }) { if (txtSongList[i] != currentSongName) { this.buttons[i].Content = txtSongList[i]; } else { this.buttons[i].Content = txtSongList[3]; } } this.buttons[3].Content = currentSongName; this.buttons[3].Tag = "1"; mp.Open(new Uri(this.downloadFileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); mp.Play(); })); txtSongList.Remove(currentSongName); f.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of <see cref="Soulseek.File"/> from the given path. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The fully qualified path to the file.</param> /// <param name="maskedFilename">The masked filename.</param> /// <returns>The created instance.</returns> public File Create(string filename, string maskedFilename) { var code = 1; var size = new FileInfo(filename).Length; var extension = Path.GetExtension(filename).TrimStart('.').ToLowerInvariant(); List <FileAttribute> attributeList = default; if (SupportedExtensions.Contains(extension)) { attributeList = new List <FileAttribute>(); TagLib.File file = default; try { file = TagLib.File.Create(filename, TagLib.ReadStyle.Average | TagLib.ReadStyle.PictureLazy); // try to mimick the behavior of existing clients by providing attributes selectively and in a specific order, // depending on whether files use a lossless or lossy codec. lossless files should have BitsPerSample, while lossy // will not. this may not be the best way to determine this. bool isLossless = file.Properties.BitsPerSample > 0; if (!isLossless) { // per Nicotine+ docs, Soulseek NS, Nicotine+, Museek+, SoulSeeX all send bit rate, length, then VBR attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.BitRate, file.Properties.AudioBitrate)); attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.Length, (int)file.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.VariableBitRate, IsVBR(file) ? 1 : 0)); } else { // SoulseekQt 2015-6-12 and later provides the length, sample rate and bit depth for lossless files // bitrate can be deduced from this information attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.Length, (int)file.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.SampleRate, file.Properties.AudioSampleRate)); attributeList.Add(new FileAttribute(FileAttributeType.BitDepth, file.Properties.BitsPerSample)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug("Failed to read metadata from file '{Filename}'; the file is an unsupported format or may be corrupt ({ExceptionType})", filename, ex.GetType().Name); } finally { file?.Dispose(); } } return(new File(code, maskedFilename, size, extension, attributeList)); }
private void SetTagsFromFile(string filePath) { try { TagLib.File file_tags = TagLib.File.Create(filePath); Author = Filter.CleanStringForSearch(file_tags.Tag.FirstPerformer); Title = Filter.CleanStringForSearch(file_tags.Tag.Title); file_tags.Dispose(); } catch { Author = null; Title = null; } }
private void ChangeNumberForSelectedSongs() { try { var selectedSong = (Song)musicListView.SelectedItem; TagLib.File musicFileTags = TagLib.File.Create(GetFileWithPath(selectedSong.FileName)); musicFileTags.Tag.Track = Convert.ToUInt32(NumberTextBox.Text); musicFileTags.Save(); musicFileTags.Dispose(); InformationTextBox.Text = MusicManagement.Resources.Resources.NumberChanged; } catch (Exception exc) { InformationTextBox.Text = exc.Message; } }