// }}} // Close {{{ new protected void Close() { // OK if (result == DialogResult.OK) { // ...activate shortcut np.Type = NotePane.TYPE_SHORTCUT; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_Type(np); // ...transfer changes made to the clone back to the the stem // if(!np._tb.Rtf .Equals( np_clone._tb.Rtf ) ) { np._tb.Rtf = np_clone._tb.Rtf; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_Rtf ( np ); } if (!np._tb.Text.Equals(np_clone._tb.Text)) { np._tb.Text = np_clone._tb.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, @"\n"); TabsCollection.Clone_selection_Text(np); } if (!np._tb.ZoomFactor.Equals(np_clone._tb.ZoomFactor)) { np._tb.ZoomFactor = np_clone._tb.ZoomFactor; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_ZoomFactor(np); } if (!np.zoom.Equals(np_clone.zoom)) { np.zoom = np_clone.zoom; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_zoom(np); } if (!np.color.Equals(np_clone.color) || collection_color_has_been_set) { np.color = np_clone.color; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_color(np); } if (!np.shape.Equals(np_clone.shape) || collection_shape_has_been_set) { np.shape = np_clone.shape; TabsCollection.Clone_selection_shape(np); } } // ESCAPE else if (result == DialogResult.Ignore) { // ...no change } // ACTIVATE else if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { // ...toggle shortcut if (np.Type == NotePane.TYPE_SHORTCUT) { np.Type = NotePane.TYPE_RICHTEXT; } else { np.Type = NotePane.TYPE_SHORTCUT; } // ...propagate to currently selected tabs TabsCollection.Clone_selection_Type(np); } // CANCEL else { // ...no change } base.Close(); }
private void btn_sel_clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TabsCollection.Sel_Clear(); ttf.lbl_sel_count.Visible = false; ttf.btn_sel_clear.Visible = false; set_radio_color_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); set_radio_shape_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); }
private void ShowSettings() { SettingsList_ViewModel tab = TabsCollection.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.DisplayName == SettingsList_ViewModel.MyName) as SettingsList_ViewModel; if (tab == null) { tab = new SettingsList_ViewModel(settingsList); TabsCollection.Add(tab); tab.RestartRequest += Tab_RestartRequest; } SetActiveTab(tab); }
private void radio_shape_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender; if (rb == radio_shape_circle) { np_clone.shape = "circle"; } else if (rb == radio_shape_onedge) { np_clone.shape = "onedge"; } else if (rb == radio_shape_padd_r) { np_clone.shape = "padd_r"; } else if (rb == radio_shape_square) { np_clone.shape = "square"; } else if (rb == radio_shape_tile) { np_clone.shape = "tile"; } else if (rb == radio_shape_auto) { np_clone.shape = ""; } // no default for unchanged options int sel_count = TabsCollection.Get_Sel_Count_but_this_one(np); if (sel_count > 0) { collection_shape_has_been_set = true; set_radio_shape_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); } }
public static DialogResult ShowDialog(NotePane np, string tag_old, out string tag_new) { // SINGLETON - {{{ int x, y, w, h; if (ttf == null) { ttf = new TabTagForm(); // START POSITION .. parent middle x = Settings.MainFormInstance.Location.X; y = Settings.MainFormInstance.Location.Y + Settings.MainFormInstance.ClientSize.Height / 2 - ttf.ClientSize.Height / 2 ; ttf.Location = new Point(x, y); // Start Dimension .. fit parent width w = Settings.MainFormInstance.ClientSize.Width; h = ttf.ClientSize.Height; ttf.ClientSize = new Size(w, h); ToolTip toolTip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(); toolTip.BackColor = Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor; toolTip.ForeColor = Settings.MainFormInstance.ForeColor; toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_ok, "EDIT: apply changes"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_activate, "EDIT: activate / desactivate"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_cancel, "EDIT: ignore changes"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_RUN, "SERVER: RUN EXECUTABLE\n ...as a new process"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_SHELL, "SERVER: OPEN FILE\n...with the default related application"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_SENDKEYS, "SERVER: SEND KEYS TO THE CURRENT WINDOW\n ...as they would come from the KEYBOARD"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.btn_PROFILE, "SERVER: LOAD PROFILE"); toolTip.SetToolTip(ttf.lbl_INFO, "Send SHIFT-ESCAPE to the TAB PANEL\nto reset RichText attributes\n(i.e. ZoomFactor, ...)"); } //}}} // TAB NAME - (StartPosition - Manual) {{{ ttf.Text = Settings.APP_NAME; ttf.lbl_tab_name.Text = np.Name; // }}} // DISPLAY CURRENT TAG COMMAND // {{{ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag_old)) { ttf.txt_current.Text = tag_old; ttf.txt_input.Text = tag_old; } // }}} // CLONE NotePane {{{ ttf.np = np; ttf.np_clone = NotePane.Clone(ttf.np); ttf.np_clone.Parent = ttf; x = ttf.btn_ok.Location.X + ttf.btn_ok.ClientSize.Width + 8; y = ttf.btn_ok.Location.Y; ttf.np_clone_L = new Point(x, y); ttf.np_clone.Location = ttf.np_clone_L; w = ttf.btn_SENDKEYS.Location.X - ttf.btn_ok.Location.X - ttf.btn_ok.ClientSize.Width - 24; h = ttf.MinimumSize.Height - ttf.btn_ok.Location.Y - 12; ttf.np_clone_S = new Size(w, h); ttf.np_clone.ClientSize = ttf.np_clone_S; ttf.np_clone_Z = ttf.np_clone._tb.ZoomFactor; ttf.np_clone.KeyUp += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(ttf.text_KeyUp); ttf.np_clone._tb.KeyUp += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(ttf.text_KeyUp); ttf.btn_activate.Text = (np.Type != NotePane.TYPE_SHORTCUT) ? "Activate" : "De-Activate"; // radio_color {{{ // leave radio buttons unchecked when working with a collection .. (commit changes forced) int sel_count = TabsCollection.Get_Sel_Count_but_this_one(np); if (sel_count > 0) { ttf.radio_color01.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color02.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color03.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color04.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color05.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color06.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color07.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color08.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color09.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color10.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color11.Checked = false; ttf.radio_color00.Checked = false; set_radio_color_BackColor(Color.Blue); } else { switch (np.color) { case "01": ttf.radio_color01.Checked = true; break; case "02": ttf.radio_color02.Checked = true; break; case "03": ttf.radio_color03.Checked = true; break; case "04": ttf.radio_color04.Checked = true; break; case "05": ttf.radio_color05.Checked = true; break; case "06": ttf.radio_color06.Checked = true; break; case "07": ttf.radio_color07.Checked = true; break; case "08": ttf.radio_color08.Checked = true; break; case "09": ttf.radio_color09.Checked = true; break; case "10": ttf.radio_color10.Checked = true; break; case "11": ttf.radio_color11.Checked = true; break; default: ttf.radio_color00.Checked = true; break; } set_radio_color_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); } //}}} // radio_shape {{{ if (sel_count > 0) { ttf.radio_shape_tile.Checked = false; ttf.radio_shape_circle.Checked = false; ttf.radio_shape_onedge.Checked = false; ttf.radio_shape_padd_r.Checked = false; ttf.radio_shape_square.Checked = false; ttf.radio_shape_auto.Checked = false; set_radio_shape_BackColor(Color.Blue); } else { switch (np.shape) { case "tile": ttf.radio_shape_tile.Checked = true; break; case "circle": ttf.radio_shape_circle.Checked = true; break; case "onedge": ttf.radio_shape_onedge.Checked = true; break; case "padd_r": ttf.radio_shape_padd_r.Checked = true; break; case "square": ttf.radio_shape_square.Checked = true; break; default: ttf.radio_shape_auto.Checked = true; break; } set_radio_shape_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); } //}}} //}}} // FORM COLOR {{{ ttf.BackColor = Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor; //}}} // FORM SIZE // {{{ /* * w = ttf.ClientSize.Width; // previous width * int wm = ttf.np_clone.Location.X + ttf.np_clone.ClientSize.Width + 16; * if(w<wm) w = wm; * * h = ttf.MinimumSize.Height; * int hm = ttf. btn_ok.Location.Y + ttf.np_clone.ClientSize.Height + 16; * if(h<hm) h = hm; * * ttf.ClientSize = new Size(w, h); */ // }}} // number of selected tabs to be changed along the current one {{{ if (sel_count > 0) { string s = (sel_count > 1) ? "tabs" : "tab"; ttf.lbl_sel_count.Text = "...or also change the " + sel_count.ToString() + " other selected " + s; ttf.lbl_sel_count.Visible = true; ttf.btn_sel_clear.Visible = true; } else { ttf.lbl_sel_count.Visible = false; ttf.btn_sel_clear.Visible = false; } //}}} // EDIT .. (wait for input] {{{ ttf.ShowDialog(); if (ttf.result == DialogResult.OK) { tag_new = ttf.txt_input.Text; } else { tag_new = tag_old; } // if(ttf != null) ttf.Dispose(); // if(ttf.components != null) ttf.components.Dispose(); ttf.np_clone.Dispose(); ttf.np_clone = null; ttf.np = null; //}}} log("ShowDialog:\n" + "DialogResult.OK=[" + DialogResult.OK + "]\n" + " ttf.result [" + ttf.result + "]\n" + " tag_old [" + tag_old + "]" + " tag_new [" + tag_new + "]" ); return(ttf.result); }
private void radio_color_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender; if (rb == radio_color01) { np_clone.color = "01"; } else if (rb == radio_color02) { np_clone.color = "02"; } else if (rb == radio_color03) { np_clone.color = "03"; } else if (rb == radio_color04) { np_clone.color = "04"; } else if (rb == radio_color05) { np_clone.color = "05"; } else if (rb == radio_color06) { np_clone.color = "06"; } else if (rb == radio_color07) { np_clone.color = "07"; } else if (rb == radio_color08) { np_clone.color = "08"; } else if (rb == radio_color09) { np_clone.color = "09"; } else if (rb == radio_color10) { np_clone.color = "10"; } else if (rb == radio_color11) { np_clone.color = "11"; } else if (rb == radio_color00) { np_clone.color = ""; } // no default for unchanged options int sel_count = TabsCollection.Get_Sel_Count_but_this_one(np); if (sel_count > 0) { collection_color_has_been_set = true; set_radio_color_BackColor(Settings.MainFormInstance.BackColor); } }