private InputDevice MatchDevice(TabletConfiguration config, IList <DeviceIdentifier> identifiers) { foreach (var identifier in identifiers) { var matches = GetMatchingDevices(config, identifier); if (matches.Count() > 1) { Log.Write("Detect", "More than 1 matching device has been found.", LogLevel.Warning); } foreach (IDeviceEndpoint dev in matches) { try { return(new InputDevice(this, dev, config, identifier)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); continue; } } } return(null); }
public InputDevice(IDriver driver, IDeviceEndpoint device, TabletConfiguration configuration, DeviceIdentifier identifier) : base(device, driver.GetReportParser(identifier)) { if (driver == null || device == null || configuration == null || identifier == null) { string argumentName = driver == null?nameof(driver) : device == null?nameof(device) : configuration == null?nameof(configuration) : nameof(identifier); throw new ArgumentNullException(argumentName); } Endpoint = device; Configuration = configuration; Identifier = identifier; if (Configuration.Attributes.TryGetValue(DELAY_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_NAME, out var delayStr)) { if (!uint.TryParse(delayStr, out _featureInitDelayMs)) { Log.Write("Device", $"Could not parse '{delayStr}' from attribute {DELAY_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_NAME}", LogLevel.Warning); } } Start(); }
public ConfigurationSettings(TabletConfiguration config) { base.Content = new StackLayout { HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, Items = { new InputBox( "Name", () => config.Name, (s) => config.Name = s ), new DigitizerIdentifierEditor( "Digitizer Identifiers", () => config.DigitizerIdentifiers, (o) => config.DigitizerIdentifiers = o ), new AuxiliaryIdentifierEditor( "Auxiliary Device Identifiers", () => config.AuxilaryDeviceIdentifiers, (o) => config.AuxilaryDeviceIdentifiers = o ), new DictionaryEditor( "Attributes", () => config.Attributes, (o) => config.Attributes = o ) } }; }
public async Task <bool> SetTablet(TabletConfiguration tablet) { var match = Driver.TryMatch(tablet); TabletChanged?.Invoke(this, match ? await GetTablet() : null); return(match); }
static IEnumerable <TabletConfiguration> GetAllConfigurations(DirectoryInfo directory) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(directory.FullName, "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var path in files) { var file = new FileInfo(path); yield return(TabletConfiguration.Read(file)); } }
public TabletState( TabletConfiguration tabletProperties, DigitizerIdentifier digitizer, DeviceIdentifier auxiliary ) { TabletProperties = tabletProperties; Digitizer = digitizer; Auxiliary = auxiliary; }
public TabletStatus( TabletConfiguration tabletProperties, DigitizerIdentifier tabletIdentifier, DeviceIdentifier auxiliaryIdentifier ) { TabletProperties = tabletProperties; TabletIdentifier = tabletIdentifier; AuxiliaryIdentifier = auxiliaryIdentifier; }
private IEnumerable <IDeviceEndpoint> GetMatchingDevices(TabletConfiguration configuration, DeviceIdentifier identifier) { return(from device in HidSharpDeviceRootHub.Current.GetDevices() where identifier.VendorID == device.VendorID where identifier.ProductID == device.ProductID where device.CanOpen where identifier.InputReportLength == null || identifier.InputReportLength == device.InputReportLength where identifier.OutputReportLength == null || identifier.OutputReportLength == device.OutputReportLength where DeviceMatchesStrings(device, identifier.DeviceStrings) where DeviceMatchesAttribute(device, configuration.Attributes) select device); }
public static IEnumerable <Rule> CreateOverrideRules(TabletConfiguration tablet) { foreach (var id in GetDistinctIdentifiers(tablet)) { yield return(new Rule( new Token("SUBSYSTEM", Operator.Equal, "input"), new ATTRS("idVendor", Operator.Equal, id.VendorID.ToHexFormat()), new ATTRS("idProduct", Operator.Equal, id.ProductID.ToHexFormat()), new ENV("LIBINPUT_IGNORE_DEVICE", Operator.Assign, "1") )); } }
public static IEnumerable <Rule> CreateAccessRules(TabletConfiguration tablet, string subsystem, string mode) { foreach (var id in GetDistinctIdentifiers(tablet)) { yield return(new Rule( new Token("SUBSYSTEM", Operator.Equal, subsystem), new ATTRS("idVendor", Operator.Equal, id.VendorID.ToHexFormat()), new ATTRS("idProduct", Operator.Equal, id.ProductID.ToHexFormat()), new Token("MODE", Operator.Assign, mode) )); } }
protected virtual InputDeviceTree Match(TabletConfiguration config) { Log.Write("Detect", $"Searching for tablet '{config.Name}'"); try { var devices = new List <InputDevice>(); if (MatchDevice(config, config.DigitizerIdentifiers) is InputDevice digitizer) { Log.Write("Detect", $"Found tablet '{config.Name}'"); devices.Add(digitizer); if (config.AuxilaryDeviceIdentifiers.Any()) { if (MatchDevice(config, config.AuxilaryDeviceIdentifiers) is InputDevice aux) { devices.Add(aux); } else { Log.Write("Detect", "Failed to find auxiliary device, express keys may be unavailable.", LogLevel.Warning); } } return(new InputDeviceTree(config, devices)); } } catch (IOException iex) when(iex.Message.Contains("Unable to open HID class device") && SystemInterop.CurrentPlatform == PluginPlatform.Linux) { Log.Write( "Driver", "The current user does not have the permissions to open the device stream. " + "Follow the instructions from to resolve this issue.", LogLevel.Error ); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException aex) when(aex.Message.Contains("Value range is [0, 15]") && SystemInterop.CurrentPlatform == PluginPlatform.Linux) { Log.Write( "Driver", "Device is currently in use by another kernel module. " + "Follow the instructions from to resolve this issue.", LogLevel.Error ); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } return(null); }
public InputDeviceTree(TabletConfiguration configuration, IList <InputDevice> inputDevices) { Properties = configuration; InputDevices = inputDevices; foreach (var dev in InputDevices) { // Hook endpoint states dev.ConnectionStateChanged += (sender, reading) => { if (this.connected && !reading) { this.connected = false; Disconnected?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); } }; } }
public InputDevice(IDriver driver, IDeviceEndpoint device, TabletConfiguration configuration, DeviceIdentifier identifier) : base(device, driver.GetReportParser(identifier)) { if (driver == null || device == null || configuration == null || identifier == null) { string argumentName = driver == null?nameof(driver) : device == null?nameof(device) : configuration == null?nameof(configuration) : nameof(identifier); throw new ArgumentNullException(argumentName); } Endpoint = device; Configuration = configuration; Identifier = identifier; Start(); }
public async Task <TabletStatus> DetectTablets() { var configDir = new DirectoryInfo(AppInfo.Current.ConfigurationDirectory); if (configDir.Exists) { foreach (var file in configDir.EnumerateFiles("*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var tablet = TabletConfiguration.Read(file); if (await SetTablet(tablet)) { return(await GetTablet()); } } } else { Log.Write("Detect", $"The configuration directory '{configDir.FullName}' does not exist.", LogLevel.Error); } return(null); }
public record IdentificationContext(TabletConfiguration TabletConfiguration, DeviceIdentifier Identifier, IdentifierType IdentifierType, int IdentifierIndex);
private static IEnumerable <DeviceIdentifier> GetDistinctIdentifiers(TabletConfiguration config) { var allIdentifiers = config.DigitizerIdentifiers.Concat(config.AuxilaryDeviceIdentifiers); return(allIdentifiers.Distinct(new IdentifierComparer())); }