Example #1
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            doc.Style.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20);

            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText("Some rows of header and footer are hidden"));

            RenderTable rt = CreateTable(doc, 3, 50, "Cell {0} : {1}");

            rt.Style.GridLines.All = new LineDef("1mm", Color.Blue);

            // build table header
            TableVectorGroup ph = rt.RowGroups[0, 3];

            ph.PageHeader      = true;
            ph.Style.BackColor = Color.LightSlateGray;
            ph.Style.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 25);
            // hide row in table header
            rt.Rows[0].Visible = false;

            // build table footer
            TableVectorGroup pf = rt.RowGroups[rt.Rows.Count - 3, 3];

            pf.PageFooter      = true;
            pf.Style.BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            pf.Style.Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 25);
            // hide row in table footer
            rt.Rows[rt.Rows.Count - 1].Visible = false;


Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a document with a RenderTable bound to a list of objects in memory.
        /// The list consists of objects of type Customer (see above). For each customer,
        /// several records are created representing different orders (OrderId) of that customer.
        /// In the document, an outer RenderTable contains a row group bound to that list of
        /// customers/orders, with grouping on customer Ids.
        /// For each unique customer in the outer table, a row group (2 rows) is created.
        /// The first row lists customer's Id and Name.
        /// The 2nd row contains a nested RenderTable that is also bound to the customers/orders,
        /// and represents the detail - OrderId's for the current customer.
        /// Unlike the outer table, in the nested detail table a COLUMN GROUP is bound to the customers/orders list.
        /// As the result, for each OrderId of the current customer, a new COLUMN is created, showing the OrderId.
        /// </summary>
        private void btnBindToListHorizontalDetail_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // build sample list of customers,
            // for each customer create several order ID's for master/detail:
            Random          rnd            = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second);
            List <Customer> customerOrders = new List <Customer>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                // create up to 12 dummy orders for each customer, with order Ids in the 1-200 range:
                int orderCount = rnd.Next(1, 12);
                for (int orderIdx = 0; orderIdx < orderCount; ++orderIdx)
                    customerOrders.Add(new Customer(i + 1, "Customer " + (i + 1).ToString(), rnd.Next(1, 200)));

            // make the document:
            C1PrintDocument doc = new C1PrintDocument();

            doc.Style.FontName = "Verdana";
            doc.Style.FontSize = 12;

            // document title:
            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText("List of Customer orders, customers are listed vertically, orders horizontally"));
            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderEmpty("5mm")); // empty space after title

            // outer render table will loop through master records:
            RenderTable rt = new RenderTable();

            rt.Style.GridLines.All = LineDef.Default;

            // group master by Id.
            // Each master group will contain 2 rows:
            // - header row with customer Id and Name;
            // - detail row, with customer's OrderId's IN A ROW (spread horizontally in a nested table).
            TableVectorGroup gMaster = rt.RowGroups[0, 2];

            gMaster.DataBinding.DataSource = customerOrders;
            // 1st row:
            rt.Cells[0, 0].Text = "Id: [Fields!Id.Value]";
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Text = "Name: [Fields!Name.Value]";

            // 2nd row: a nested table:
            RenderTable rt2 = new RenderTable();

            rt2.Style.BackColor       = Colors.BlanchedAlmond;
            rt2.Style.GridLines.Vert  = new LineDef("1pt", Colors.DarkOliveGreen);
            rt2.Style.FontSize        = rt.Style.FontSize - 2;
            rt2.CellStyle.Padding.All = "1mm";
            TableVectorGroup dDetail = rt2.ColGroups[1, 1];

            dDetail.DataBinding.DataSource = customerOrders;
            rt2.Cells[0, 0].Text           = "[Fields!Name.Value]'s orders: ";
            rt2.Cells[0, 1].Text           = "[Fields!OrderId.Value]";
            // auto-size the first column (with customer's name), spread the rest:
            rt2.Cols[0].SizingMode = TableSizingModeEnum.Auto;

            rt.Cells[1, 0].RenderObject = rt2;
            rt.Cells[1, 0].SpanCols     = 2;


            this.c1DocumentViewer1.Document = doc.FixedDocumentSequence;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a document with a data bound table, with two levels of master-detail relations.
        /// </summary>
        private void btnBoundTable_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait;

            C1PrintDocument doc = new C1PrintDocument();

            // Set up some styles:
            doc.Style.FontName = "Verdana";
            doc.Style.FontSize = 10;
            C1.C1Preview.Style boldFontStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            boldFontStyle.FontName = "Verdana";
            boldFontStyle.FontSize = 10;
            boldFontStyle.FontBold = true;
            C1.C1Preview.Style smallFontStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            smallFontStyle.FontName = "Verdana";
            smallFontStyle.FontSize = 7;
            C1.C1Preview.Style detailCaptionStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            detailCaptionStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            detailCaptionStyle.TextAlignVert = AlignVertEnum.Center;
            detailCaptionStyle.FontName      = "Verdana";
            detailCaptionStyle.FontSize      = 8;
            detailCaptionStyle.FontUnderline = true;
            C1.C1Preview.Style detailStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            detailStyle.FontName = "Verdana";
            detailStyle.FontSize = 11;
            C1.C1Preview.Style dateStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();
            dateStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            C1.C1Preview.Style descriptionStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();
            descriptionStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Left;
            C1.C1Preview.Style currencyStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();
            currencyStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            C1.C1Preview.Style quantityStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();
            quantityStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;

            // define data schema:
            // orders sorted by customer sorted by customer country:
            DataSource ds       = CreateDemoDataSource();
            DataSet    dsCities = new DataSet(ds,
                                              "select o.*, c.Country, c.CompanyName, p.ProductName, od.* from orders o, customers c, products p, `order details` od " +
                                              "where o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID and o.OrderID = od.OrderID and od.ProductID = p.ProductID " +
                                              "order by c.Country, c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate");

            // add data source and data set to the document - this will preserve the data binding
            // if the document is saved as c1d/c1dx:

            // document caption:
            RenderText txt = new RenderText();

            txt.Text           = "List of orders grouped by country and customer";
            txt.Style.FontName = "Tahoma";
            txt.Style.FontSize = 16;
            txt.Style.FontBold = true;

            // main body of the document is a data bound table, with 3 nested data bound row groups:
            RenderTable rt = new RenderTable();

            // the following two lines make table and table columns auto-sized:
            rt.Width            = Unit.Auto;
            rt.ColumnSizingMode = TableSizingModeEnum.Auto;
            // spread out data a bit:
            rt.CellStyle.Padding.All = "0.5mm";
            // turn lines on for structure clarity:
            rt.Style.GridLines.All = new LineDef("0.5pt", Colors.Silver);

            // top level master: country:
            rt.Cells[0, 0].Text          = "Country:";
            rt.Cells[0, 1].SpanCols      = 2;
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Text          = "[Fields!Country.Value]";
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Style.Parents = boldFontStyle;
            // top level master: orders count for country:
            rt.Cells[0, 3].RenderObject = CreateAggregate1("Total orders:", "CountryOrderCount", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle, false);
            // top level master: orders total for country:
            rt.Cells[0, 4].RenderObject = CreateAggregate1("Country total:", "CountryTotal", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle, true);
            // country header back color:
            rt.Rows[0].Style.BackColor = Colors.LightGoldenrodYellow;

            // second level master: company:
            rt.Cells[1, 0].Text          = "Company:";
            rt.Cells[1, 1].Text          = "[Fields!CompanyName.Value]";
            rt.Cells[1, 1].Style.Parents = boldFontStyle;
            rt.Cells[1, 1].SpanCols      = 2;
            // second level master: orders count for company:
            rt.Cells[1, 3].RenderObject = CreateAggregate1("Total orders:", "CompanyOrderCount", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle, false);
            // second level master: orders total for company:
            rt.Cells[1, 4].RenderObject = CreateAggregate1("Company total:", "CompanyTotal", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle, true);
            // company header back color:
            rt.Rows[1].Style.BackColor = Colors.Lavender;

            // detail: column captions:
            rt.Cells[2, 0].Text          = "Date";
            rt.Cells[2, 0].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 1].Text          = "Product";
            rt.Cells[2, 1].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 2].Text          = "Unit Price";
            rt.Cells[2, 2].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 3].Text          = "Quantity";
            rt.Cells[2, 3].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 4].Text          = "Total";
            rt.Cells[2, 4].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;

            // detail: data:
            // 1) detail: order date:
            rt.Cells[3, 0].Text          = "[FormatDateTime(Fields!OrderDate.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate)]";
            rt.Cells[3, 0].Style.Parents = dateStyle;
            // 2) detail: product name:
            rt.Cells[3, 1].Text          = "[Fields!ProductName.Value]";
            rt.Cells[3, 1].Style.Parents = descriptionStyle;
            // 3) detail: unit price:
            rt.Cells[3, 2].Text          = "[string.Format(\"{0:C}\",Fields!UnitPrice.Value)]";
            rt.Cells[3, 2].Style.Parents = currencyStyle;
            // 4) detail: quantity:
            rt.Cells[3, 3].Text          = "[Fields!Quantity.Value]";
            rt.Cells[3, 3].Style.Parents = quantityStyle;
            // 5) detail: order total:
            rt.Cells[3, 4].Text          = "[string.Format(\"{0:C}\",Fields!UnitPrice.Value * Fields!Quantity.Value)]";
            rt.Cells[3, 4].Style.Parents = currencyStyle;
            // New in 2009 v3 release of C1Report - style expressions.
            // Use it to highlight orders worth $1000 or more:
            rt.Cells[3, 4].Style.TextColorExpr = "iif(Fields!UnitPrice.Value * Fields!Quantity.Value >= 1000, Colors.Blue, Colors.Black)";

            // top-level master footer: country total (duplicated in cell (0,4)):
            rt.Cells[5, 0].SpanCols            = 3;
            rt.Cells[5, 0].Text                = "Total of all orders for [Fields!Country.Value]:";
            rt.Cells[5, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            rt.Cells[5, 3].SpanCols            = 2;
            rt.Cells[5, 3].Style.Parents       = currencyStyle;
            rt.Cells[5, 3].Text                = "[string.Format(\"{0:C}\", Aggregates!CountryTotal.Value)]";

            // Rows 6-8 create a visual break in the table after each country.
            // The 2 extra rows (6 & 8) are needed to make sure no extra grid lines
            // appear if this break is immediately followed by a page break.
            rt.Cells[6, 0].SpanCols             = 5;
            rt.Cells[6, 0].RenderObject         = new RenderEmpty("1pt");
            rt.Cells[6, 0].Style.Borders.Left   = rt.Cells[6, 0].Style.Borders.Right = LineDef.Empty;
            rt.Cells[6, 0].Style.Borders.Bottom = LineDef.Empty;
            rt.RowGroups[6, 1].MinVectorsBefore = 1;
            rt.Cells[7, 0].SpanCols          = 5;
            rt.Cells[7, 0].RenderObject      = new RenderEmpty("3mm");
            rt.Cells[7, 0].Style.Borders.All = LineDef.Empty;
            rt.Cells[8, 0].SpanCols            = 5;
            rt.Cells[8, 0].RenderObject        = new RenderEmpty("1pt");
            rt.Cells[8, 0].Style.Borders.Left  = rt.Cells[8, 0].Style.Borders.Right = LineDef.Empty;
            rt.Cells[8, 0].Style.Borders.Top   = LineDef.Empty;
            rt.RowGroups[8, 1].MinVectorsAfter = 1;

            // grand total for all countries:
            rt.Cells[9, 0].SpanCols            = 2;
            rt.Cells[9, 0].Text                = "Grand Total:";
            rt.Cells[9, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            rt.Cells[9, 2].SpanCols            = 3;
            rt.Cells[9, 2].Text                = "[string.Format(\"{0:C}\", Aggregates!GrandTotal.Value)]";
            rt.Cells[9, 2].Style.Parents       = currencyStyle;

            // define databinding within table:
            // top level master row group - country - includes all defined rows (0-9):
            TableVectorGroup g = rt.RowGroups[0, 9];

            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;
            // group by country:
            // add outline group header for each contry:
            g.DataBinding.OutlineText = "[Fields!Country.Value]";
            g.SplitBehavior           = SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            // make sure country header is followed by company and at least one detail row:
            rt.RowGroups[0, 1].MinVectorsAfter = 3;
            // add country level aggregates (attached to top level master DataBinding):
            // (because there are several OrderID fields in the 'select' we must qualify it)
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("CountryOrderCount", "Fields(\"o.OrderID\").Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Count));
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("CountryTotal", "Fields!UnitPrice.Value * Fields!Quantity.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));
            // document level aggregate for the grand total:
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("GrandTotal", "Fields!UnitPrice.Value * Fields!Quantity.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Document, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));

            // second level master row group - company - includes rows 1-4:
            g = rt.RowGroups[1, 4];
            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;
            // group by company:
            // add outline group header for each company:
            g.DataBinding.OutlineText = "[Fields!CompanyName.Value]";
            g.SplitBehavior           = SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            // ensure company header is followed by at least one detail row:
            rt.RowGroups[1, 2].MinVectorsAfter = 1;
            rt.RowGroups[1, 2].SplitBehavior   = SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfLarge;
            // add company level aggregates (attached to second level master DataBinding):
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("CompanyTotal", "Fields!UnitPrice.Value * Fields!Quantity.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));
            // see note about OrderID above; but really, because we are just counting, any field would do here - e.g. CustomerID
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("CompanyOrderCount", "Fields(\"o.OrderID\").Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Count));

            // finally, detail level data binding (just one row):
            g = rt.RowGroups[3, 1];
            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;
            // add outline entry for each product name:
            g.DataBinding.OutlineText = "[Fields!ProductName.Value]";

            // add table to the document:

            // set up a progress window:
            ProgressWindow pw = new ProgressWindow();

            pw.Owner = this;
            doc.Body.Children[0].UserData = pw;
            doc.LongOperation += new LongOperationEventHandler(doc_LongOperation);

            // preview the document (this will cause the document to generate):
            c1DocumentViewer1.Document = doc.FixedDocumentSequence;

            // we're done; reset cursor:
            this.Cursor = null;
Example #4
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // initialize styles
            doc.Style.Font = new Font("Verdana", 12);
            Style boldFontStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();

            boldFontStyle.Font = new Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
            Style smallFontStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();

            smallFontStyle.Font = new Font("Verdana", 7);
            Style detailCaptionStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();

            detailCaptionStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            detailCaptionStyle.TextAlignVert = AlignVertEnum.Center;
            detailCaptionStyle.Font          = new Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Underline);
            Style detailStyle = doc.Style.Children.Add();

            detailStyle.Font = new Font("Verdana", 11);
            Style dateStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();

            dateStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            Style timeStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();

            timeStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            Style paymentAmountStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();

            paymentAmountStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            Style quantityStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();

            quantityStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            Style descriptionStyle = detailStyle.Children.Add();

            descriptionStyle.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Left;

            // define data schema
            DataSource ds       = CreateDemoDataSource();
            DataSet    dsCities = new DataSet(ds, "SELECT Customer_demo.Company, [Order].* FROM (Customer_demo INNER JOIN[Order] ON Customer_demo.ID = [Order].CustomerID) ORDER BY Customer_demo.Company, [Order].PaymentType");


            RenderText txt = new RenderText();

            txt.Text       = "List of orders grouped by customers and payment type";
            txt.Style.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 16, FontStyle.Bold);

            RenderTable rt = new RenderTable();

            rt.Style.GridLines.All = LineDef.Default;

            // info about Company
            rt.Cells[0, 0].Text = "Company:";

            rt.Cells[0, 1].SpanCols        = 3;
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Text            = "[Fields!Company.Value]";
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Style.Parents   = boldFontStyle;
            rt.Cells[0, 1].Style.BackColor = Color.LightCyan;

            rt.Cells[0, 4].RenderObject    = CreateAggregate1("Sum:", "CompanySum", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle);;
            rt.Cells[0, 4].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            // info about PaymentType
            rt.Cells[1, 0].Text = "Payment type:";

            rt.Cells[1, 1].Text          = "[Fields!PaymentType.Value]";
            rt.Cells[1, 1].Style.Parents = boldFontStyle;

            rt.Cells[1, 2].RenderObject    = CreateAggregate1("Sum amount:", "PaymentTypeSum", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle);
            rt.Cells[1, 2].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            rt.Cells[1, 3].RenderObject    = CreateAggregate1("Sum quantity:", "PaymentTypeQuantity", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle);
            rt.Cells[1, 3].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            rt.Cells[1, 4].RenderObject    = CreateAggregate1("Item count:", "PaymentTypeCount", smallFontStyle, boldFontStyle);
            rt.Cells[1, 4].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            // captions of details
            rt.Cells[2, 0].Text          = "Date";
            rt.Cells[2, 0].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 1].Text          = "Time";
            rt.Cells[2, 1].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 2].Text          = "Amount";
            rt.Cells[2, 2].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 3].Text          = "Quantity";
            rt.Cells[2, 3].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;
            rt.Cells[2, 4].Text          = "Description";
            rt.Cells[2, 4].Style.Parents = detailCaptionStyle;

            // details
            rt.Cells[3, 0].Text          = "[FormatDateTime(Fields!PurchaseDate.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate)]";
            rt.Cells[3, 0].Style.Parents = dateStyle;
            rt.Cells[3, 1].Text          = "[FormatDateTime(Fields!Time.Value, DateFormat.ShortTime)]";
            rt.Cells[3, 1].Style.Parents = timeStyle;
            rt.Cells[3, 2].Text          = "[Fields!PaymentAmount.Value]";
            rt.Cells[3, 2].Style.Parents = paymentAmountStyle;
            rt.Cells[3, 3].Text          = "[Fields!Quantity.Value]";
            rt.Cells[3, 3].Style.Parents = quantityStyle;
            rt.Cells[3, 4].Text          = "[Fields!Description.Value]";
            rt.Cells[3, 4].Style.Parents = descriptionStyle;

            // summary by Payment type
            rt.Cells[4, 0].SpanCols = 2;
            rt.Cells[4, 2].Text     = "[Aggregates!PaymentTypeSum.Value]";
            rt.Cells[4, 3].SpanCols = 2;

            // summary by Company
            rt.Cells[5, 0].SpanCols            = 4;
            rt.Cells[5, 0].Text                = "Sum for company [Fields!Company.Value]:";
            rt.Cells[5, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            rt.Cells[5, 4].Text                = "[Aggregates!CompanySum.Value]";

            // itogo
            rt.Cells[6, 0].SpanCols            = 4;
            rt.Cells[6, 0].Text                = "Summary:";
            rt.Cells[6, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            rt.Cells[6, 4].Text                = "[Aggregates!Sum.Value]";

            // define databinding within table
            TableVectorGroup g = rt.RowGroups[0, 6];

            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;
            g.CanSplit = true;
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("CompanySum", "Fields!PaymentAmount.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("Sum", "Fields!PaymentAmount.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Document, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));

            g = rt.RowGroups[1, 4];
            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;
            g.CanSplit = true;
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("PaymentTypeCount", "Fields!PaymentAmount.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Count));
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("PaymentTypeSum", "Fields!PaymentAmount.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));
            doc.DataSchema.Aggregates.Add(new Aggregate("PaymentTypeQuantity", "Fields!Quantity.Value", g.DataBinding, RunningEnum.Group, AggregateFuncEnum.Sum));

            g = rt.RowGroups[3, 1];
            g.DataBinding.DataSource = dsCities;

            // create aggregates

