Example #1
 public static void ResolveAdressor(Expression adressor, EmbeddedStatement body, Table.Table table)
     if (adressor is IdentifierExpression)
         ResolveIdentifierExpression((IdentifierExpression)adressor, table, body, false);
         TableIdentifier tableIdentifier = table.FetchIdentifier(((IdentifierExpression)adressor).Name);
         if (tableIdentifier != null && tableIdentifier.IsGlobal)
             tableIdentifier.InitializedGlobally = true;
             table.InitializeInBlock((IdentifierExpression)adressor, body);
         ResolveArrayElement((ArrayElementExpression)adressor, table, true);
Example #2
 public static AST.ICommonTableDefinition TableDef <TType>(
     TableIdentifier <TType> tdef,
     SelectValuesExpressionNode select,
     FromExpressionNode from,
     WhereExpressionNode where     = null,
     GroupByExpressionNode groupBy = null,
     OrderByExpressionNode orderBy = null,
     LimitOffsetNode limitOffset   = null)
         (new AST.CommonTableDefinition <TType>(
                  new SelectExpressionToken(
                      limitOffset ?? new LimitOffsetNode(FSharpOption <int> .None, FSharpOption <int> .None))),
Example #3
        public static void ResolveAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment, Table.Table table)
            EmbeddedStatement body = (EmbeddedStatement)assignment.GetParentByType(typeof(EmbeddedStatement));

            ResolveExpression(assignment.AdressableExpression, table);

            if (assignment.AdressorExpressions.Length > 1)
                foreach (IdentifierExpression identifier in assignment.AdressorExpressions)
                    ResolveIdentifierExpression(identifier, table, body);
                    TableIdentifier tableIdentifier = table.FetchIdentifier(identifier.Name);
                    if (tableIdentifier.IsGlobal)
                        tableIdentifier.InitializedGlobally = true;
                ResolveAdressor(assignment.AdressorExpressions[0], body, table);
 public static TableMetadata GetTable(this Metadatas metadatas, TableIdentifier dt)
     return(metadatas.GetTable(dt.ServerId, dt.Database, dt.Schema, dt.Table));
Example #5
        public static bool IsUserDefined(TableIdentifier identifier)
            byte tid = (byte)identifier;

            return(tid >= 0x80 && tid <= 0xFE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the key info dictionary for the column metadata of the
        /// given data reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Depending upon the column metadata already present in the data
        /// reader, it may be required to perform further access to the
        /// originating data source using the reader's
        /// <c>OriginatingConnection</c>.  This in turn implies that the
        /// <c>OriginatingConnection</c> must be open and must still
        /// represent the originating session on the originating data source;
        /// otherwise, the reported key info may be incorrect or the attempt
        /// access the data source may simply fail.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The reader for which to compute the column metadata key info map.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Map {ColumnIdentifier=&gt;KeyInfo}
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="HsqlDataSourceException">
        /// If a data access error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        internal static Dictionary <ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo> GetKeyInfo(
            HsqlDataReader reader)
            ResultMetaData metaData = reader.m_result.metaData;
            Dictionary <TableIdentifier, object> tableSet
                = new Dictionary <TableIdentifier, object>();
            object placeholder = new object();

            string[] schemaNames = metaData.schemaNames;
            string[] tableNames  = metaData.tableNames;
            string[] columnNames = metaData.colNames;
            int      count       = columnNames.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string tableName  = tableNames[i];
                string columnName = columnNames[i];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName) ||
                {   // not a table column

                string          schemaName      = schemaNames[i];
                TableIdentifier tableIdentifier = new TableIdentifier(
                    schemaName, tableName);

                tableSet[tableIdentifier] = placeholder;

            Dictionary <ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo> columnMap
                = new Dictionary <ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo>();

            if (tableSet.Count == 0)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('(');

            count = 0;

            foreach (TableIdentifier tableIdentifier in tableSet.Keys)
                if (count > 0)
                    sb.Append(" OR ");



                string schemaName = tableIdentifier.m_schema;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName))
                    sb.Append(" IS NULL ");
                    sb.Append(" = ").Append(StringConverter.toQuotedString(
                                                schemaName, '\'', /*escape inner quotes*/ true));

                string tableName = tableIdentifier.m_table;

                sb.Append(" AND bri.table_name = ").Append(
                    StringConverter.toQuotedString(tableName, '\'',
                                                   /*escape inner quotes*/ true));



            string predicate = sb.ToString();

            using (HsqlCommand command =
                command.CommandText = string.Format(KeyInfoQuery, predicate);
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                using (HsqlDataReader keyInfoReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (keyInfoReader.Read())
                        bool isKey = keyInfoReader.GetBoolean(3);

                        if (!isKey)

                        string schema = keyInfoReader.GetString(0);
                        string table  = keyInfoReader.GetString(1);
                        string column = keyInfoReader.GetString(2);

                        ColumnIdentifier key = new ColumnIdentifier(schema,
                                                                    table, column);

                        if (!columnMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo();

                            keyInfo.m_isKey    = true;
                            keyInfo.m_isUnique = false;

                            columnMap.Add(key, keyInfo);

 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified <c>TableIdentifier</c> is equal
 /// to this one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">
 /// The <c>TableIdentifier</c> to which to compare.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <c>true</c> if the specified <c>TableIdentifier</c> is
 /// equal to this one; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
 /// </returns>
 internal bool Equals(TableIdentifier other)
     return(object.Equals(m_schema, other.m_schema) &&
            object.Equals(m_table, other.m_table));
            /// <summary>
            /// Determines whether the specified object is equal
            /// to this one.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj">
            /// The object to which to compare.</param>
            /// <returns>
            /// <c>true</c> if the specified object is equal to this one;
            /// otherwise, <c>false</c>.
            /// </returns>
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                TableIdentifier other = obj as TableIdentifier;

                return((other != null) && Equals(other));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build an execution plan for the specified data source for blazing fast performance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRow">Identify a single or multiples rows to clone.</param>
        /// <param name="getDerivatives">When true the data related to the input(s) line(s) from other tables will be cloned.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldReturnFk">Indicate that a source row should only return a single line.</param>
        /// <param name="level">Current recursion level.</param>
        /// <param name="rowsGenerating">Current stack to handle circular foreign keys.</param>
        /// <returns>Always return the primary key of the source row, same if the value queried is a foreign key.</returns>
        private RowIdentifier BuildExecutionPlan(RowIdentifier sourceRow, bool getDerivatives, bool shouldReturnFk, int level,
                                                 Stack <RowIdentifier> rowsGenerating)
            var srcRows = ConnectionsContext.Select(sourceRow);
            var nbRows  = srcRows.Length;
            var table   = Metadatas.GetTable(sourceRow);

            //By default the destination server is the source if no road is found.
            var serverDst = new SehemaIdentifier
                ServerId = sourceRow.ServerId,
                Database = sourceRow.Database,
                Schema   = sourceRow.Schema

            if (ExecutionContext.Map.ContainsKey(serverDst))
                serverDst = ExecutionContext.Map[serverDst];

            var riReturn = new RowIdentifier
                ServerId = serverDst.ServerId,
                Database = serverDst.Database,
                Schema   = serverDst.Schema,
                Table    = sourceRow.Table
            var tiDestination = new TableIdentifier
                ServerId = serverDst.ServerId,
                Database = serverDst.Database,
                Schema   = serverDst.Schema,
                Table    = sourceRow.Table

            LogStatusChanged(sourceRow, level);

            if (shouldReturnFk && nbRows > 1)
                throw new Exception("The foreignkey is not unique!");

            //For each row
            for (var i = 0; i < nbRows; i++)
                var currentRow = srcRows[i];
                var srcKey     = table.BuildRawPkFromDataRow(currentRow);

                //Si ligne déjà enregistrée
                var dstKey = _keyRelationships.GetKey(serverDst.ServerId, serverDst.Database,
                                                      serverDst.Schema, sourceRow.Table, srcKey);
                if (dstKey != null)
                    if (shouldReturnFk)
                        //Construit la pk de retour
                        riReturn.Columns = table.BuildPkFromRawKey(dstKey);
                var destinationRow = (object[])currentRow.Clone();
                foreach (var fk in table.ForeignKeys)
                    //On skip si la FK est null
                    var fkValue = table.BuildRawFkFromDataRow(fk, currentRow);
                    if (fkValue.Contains(DBNull.Value))

                    //Si la foreignkey a déjà été enregistrée, on l'utilise
                    var fkDst = _keyRelationships.GetKey(fk.ServerIdTo, fk.DatabaseTo, fk.SchemaTo, fk.TableTo, fkValue);
                    if (fkDst != null)
                        table.SetFkInDatarow(fk, fkDst, destinationRow);
                        var fkDestinationExists = false;
                        var fkTable             = Metadatas.GetTable(fk);
                        var riFk = new RowIdentifier
                            ServerId = fk.ServerIdTo,
                            Database = fk.DatabaseTo,
                            Schema   = fk.SchemaTo,
                            Table    = fk.TableTo,
                            Columns  = table.BuildKeyFromDerivativeDataRow(fk, currentRow)

                        //On ne duplique pas la ligne si la table est statique
                        if (fkTable.IsStatic)
                            //TODO : Tester si la FK existe dans la table de destination de clônage et non si la fk existe dans la bd source
                            var fkRow = ConnectionsContext.Select(riFk);
                            fkDestinationExists = fkRow.Length == 1;

                            if (fkRow.Length > 1)
                                throw new Exception("The FK is not unique.");

                            //Si la ligne existe déjà, on l'utilise
                            if (fkDestinationExists)
                                //Sauve la clef
                                var colFkObj = fkTable.BuildRawPkFromDataRow(fkRow[0]);
                                _keyRelationships.SetKey(fk.ServerIdTo, fk.DatabaseTo, fk.SchemaTo, fk.TableTo, colFkObj, colFkObj);

                        //La FK n'existe pas, on la crer
                        if (!fkDestinationExists)
                            //Si référence circulaire
                            if (rowsGenerating.Contains(riFk))
                                //Affecte la FK à 1 pour les contraintes NOT NULL. EnforceIntegrity doit être désactivé.
                                var nullFk = Enumerable.Repeat <object>(1, fk.Columns.Count).ToArray();
                                table.SetFkInDatarow(fk, nullFk, destinationRow);

                                //On ajoute une tâche pour réassigner la FK "correctement", une fois que toute la chaîne aura été enregistrée.
                                _circularKeyJobs.Add(new CircularKeyJob
                                    SourceBaseRowStartPoint = new RowIdentifier
                                        ServerId = sourceRow.ServerId,
                                        Database = sourceRow.Database,
                                        Schema   = sourceRow.Schema,
                                        Table    = sourceRow.Table,
                                        Columns  = table.BuildPkFromDataRow(currentRow)
                                    SourceFkRowStartPoint = riFk,
                                    ForeignKey            = fk
                                //Crer la ligne et ses dépendances
                                var riNewFk = BuildExecutionPlan(riFk, false, true, level + 1, rowsGenerating);

                                var newFkRow = GetDataRow(riNewFk);

                                //Affecte la clef
                                table.SetFkFromDatarowInDatarow(fkTable, fk, newFkRow, destinationRow);

                var step = CreateExecutionStep(sourceRow, tiDestination, table, destinationRow, level);

                //Sauve la PK dans la cache
                dstKey = table.BuildRawPkFromDataRow(step.Datarow);
                _keyRelationships.SetKey(sourceRow.ServerId, sourceRow.Database, sourceRow.Schema, sourceRow.Table, srcKey, dstKey);

                //Ajouter les colonnes de contrainte unique dans _keyRelationships

                //On affecte la valeur de retour
                if (shouldReturnFk)
                    riReturn.Columns = table.BuildPkFromRawKey(dstKey);

                //On clone les lignes des tables dépendantes
                GetDerivatives(table, currentRow, getDerivatives, level, rowsGenerating);

Example #10
 public static bool Consume(Parser parser)
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified <c>TableIdentifier</c> is equal
 /// to this one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">
 /// The <c>TableIdentifier</c> to which to compare.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <c>true</c> if the specified <c>TableIdentifier</c> is
 /// equal to this one; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
 /// </returns>
 internal bool Equals(TableIdentifier other)
     return object.Equals(m_schema, other.m_schema)
         && object.Equals(m_table, other.m_table);
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the key info dictionary for the column metadata of the
        /// given data reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Depending upon the column metadata already present in the data
        /// reader, it may be required to perform further access to the
        /// originating data source using the reader's
        /// <c>OriginatingConnection</c>.  This in turn implies that the
        /// <c>OriginatingConnection</c> must be open and must still
        /// represent the originating session on the originating data source;
        /// otherwise, the reported key info may be incorrect or the attempt
        /// access the data source may simply fail.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The reader for which to compute the column metadata key info map.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Map {ColumnIdentifier=&gt;KeyInfo}
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="HsqlDataSourceException">
        /// If a data access error occurs.
        /// </exception>        
        internal static Dictionary<ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo> GetKeyInfo(
            HsqlDataReader reader)
            ResultMetaData metaData = reader.m_result.metaData;
            Dictionary<TableIdentifier, object> tableSet
                = new Dictionary<TableIdentifier, object>();
            object placeholder = new object();
            string[] schemaNames = metaData.schemaNames;
            string[] tableNames = metaData.tableNames;
            string[] columnNames = metaData.colNames;
            int count = columnNames.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string tableName = tableNames[i];
                string columnName = columnNames[i];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)
                    || string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))
                {   // not a table column

                string schemaName = schemaNames[i];
                TableIdentifier tableIdentifier = new TableIdentifier(
                    schemaName, tableName);

                tableSet[tableIdentifier] = placeholder;

            Dictionary<ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo> columnMap
                = new Dictionary<ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo>();

            if (tableSet.Count == 0)
                return columnMap;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('(');
            count = 0;

            foreach (TableIdentifier tableIdentifier in tableSet.Keys)
                if (count > 0)
                    sb.Append(" OR ");



                string schemaName = tableIdentifier.m_schema;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName))
                    sb.Append(" IS NULL ");
                    sb.Append(" = ").Append(StringConverter.toQuotedString(
                        schemaName, '\'', /*escape inner quotes*/ true));

                string tableName = tableIdentifier.m_table;

                sb.Append(" AND bri.table_name = ").Append(
                    StringConverter.toQuotedString(tableName, '\'',
                    /*escape inner quotes*/ true));



            string predicate = sb.ToString();

            using (HsqlCommand command =
                command.CommandText = string.Format(KeyInfoQuery, predicate);
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                using (HsqlDataReader keyInfoReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (keyInfoReader.Read())
                        bool isKey = keyInfoReader.GetBoolean(3);

                        if (!isKey)

                        string schema = keyInfoReader.GetString(0);
                        string table = keyInfoReader.GetString(1);
                        string column = keyInfoReader.GetString(2);

                        ColumnIdentifier key = new ColumnIdentifier(schema,
                            table, column);

                        if (!columnMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo();

                            keyInfo.m_isKey = true;
                            keyInfo.m_isUnique = false;

                            columnMap.Add(key, keyInfo);

            return columnMap;
Example #13
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            Point            offset;
            Iterator <Image> screen;
            DeviceControl    deviceControl;

            if (INPUT_MODE == InputMode.WIN32)
                Console.WriteLine("## win32 mode ##");
                deviceControl = new Win32Control();

                // wait
                Log.Info("waiting ...");

                // full screen
                Console.WriteLine("## scanning for table ##");
                Image fullScreen = new ScreenImageIterator(deviceControl).next();
                offset = PatternLocator.locateTable(fullScreen);
                Console.WriteLine("table found at x=" + offset.X + " y=" + offset.Y);

                // desk
                screen = new ScreenImageIterator(deviceControl, new Rectangle(offset.X, offset.Y, new TableLayout9().Size.Width, new TableLayout9().Size.Height));
                screen = new WaitDeltaImageIterator(screen);
            else if (INPUT_MODE == InputMode.VM)
                Console.WriteLine("## vm mode ##");

                // boot
                deviceControl = new VirtualBoxControl(BotAppLogic.ReadConfig()["vm"]);

                // poker
                Console.WriteLine("waiting for pokerstars ...");

                // mouse

                // full screen
                Console.WriteLine("## scanning for table ##");
                Image fullScreen = new ScreenImageIterator(deviceControl).next();
                offset = PatternLocator.locateTable(fullScreen);
                Console.WriteLine("table found at x=" + offset.X + " y=" + offset.Y);

                // desk
                screen = new ScreenImageIterator(deviceControl, new Rectangle(offset.X, offset.Y, new TableLayout9().Size.Width, new TableLayout9().Size.Height));
                screen = new WaitDeltaImageIterator(screen);
                Console.WriteLine("## mock mode ##");
                screen        = new MockWaitImageIterator(1000, ImageTools.toImage(new Bitmap("test/table_check_free.png")));
                offset        = new Point(renderer.Control.Location.X + 5, renderer.Control.Location.Y + 15);
                deviceControl = new Win32Control();

            // identifier
            TableLayout     layout          = new TableLayout9(offset);
            TableIdentifier tableIdentifier = new TableIdentifier(layout);

            tableIdentifier.Renderer = renderer;

            // evaluator
            List <Rule>     rules       = RulesReader.readRules();
            RuleEvaluator   evaluator   = new RuleEvaluator(rules);
            RuleInterpreter interpreter = new RuleInterpreter(settings.SmallBlind, settings.BigBlind);

            // controller
            double     betSlideTextLimit = settings.PlayMoney ? 100 : 0.2;
            Mouse      mouse             = new HumanMouse(deviceControl);
            Keyboard   keyboard          = new Keyboard(deviceControl);
            Controller controller        = new Controller(keyboard, mouse, betSlideTextLimit, tableIdentifier, new ScreenImageIterator(deviceControl));

            // replayer
            Replayer replayer = new Replayer(deviceControl);

            // auto-click
            RandomClicker clicker = new RandomClicker(new Point(deviceControl.DisplayWidth, 0), mouse);

            // initial table
            Console.WriteLine("## initial table scan ##");
            string player = BotAppLogic.ReadConfig()["name"];

            Console.WriteLine("looking for '" + player + "'");
            int seat = -1;

            /*while (seat == -1)
             * {
             *  Table previousTable = tableIdentifier.identifyTable(screen.next(), TableIdentifier.PlayerInfoEnum.BOTH);
             *  seat = BotAppLogic.IdentifySeat(previousTable, player);
             *  Thread.Sleep(1000);
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine("my seat = " + (seat+1)); */
            seat = 4;

            // loop
            while (screen.hasNext())
                // start
                Console.WriteLine("## iteration -> start ##");
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                // table
                Console.WriteLine("# next table image");
                Image tableImage = screen.next();

                // render table
                renderer.renderImage(tableImage, 0, 0);

                // identify table
                if (tableIdentifier.identifyMove(tableImage))
                    Table table = tableIdentifier.identifyTable(tableImage, seat);
                    List <TableControl> controls = tableIdentifier.identifyControls(tableImage);
                    table.MaxBet = BotAppLogic.GetMaxBet(controls);
                    TableContainer container = new TableContainer(0, null, null, layout, seat, false, null);
                    new BotAppLogic(deviceControl).ProcessTable(settings, tableImage, renderer, table, container, evaluator, interpreter, controller, replayer, clicker, controls);
                    BotAppLogic.Sleep(settings, 1000);

                 * catch(Exception ex)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Unable to identify table");
                 *  Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
                 *  Thread.Sleep(5000);
                 *  continue;
                 * }*/

                // end
                double time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds;
                Console.WriteLine("## iteration -> end -> " + time + " ms ##");
Example #14
 public SubqueryStatement(IStatementBase host, TableIdentifier table) : base(table, string.Empty)
     this.Host = host ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(host));