Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to generate particles. May return null if the generator is eiher empty
        /// or the random attempt failed
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Particle[] Generate(TableDepositor system, double counter)
            GeneratorSettings settings = (settings_allowed) ? this.settings : this.baseSettings;

            if (generatingStep > (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GENERATING_SPEED - settings.generatingSpeed))
                // coefficient of regularity
                int coeff       = settings.Regular_generating ? 1 : (CommonAttribService.apiRandom.Next(5) + 1);
                int arrayLength = (int)((settings.generatingSpeed / coeff) * ((A_Rock)this).Intensity / 100);
                if (arrayLength <= 0)
                Particle[] output = new Particle[arrayLength];

                for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
                    output[i] = GenerateParticle(counter);
                    // start over
                    generatingStep = 0;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders stones as tiny squares (mainly for debugging and polishing)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objects"></param>
        private void DrawRocks(TableDepositor objects)
            foreach (Graviton grv in objects.gravitons)
                FPoint pos = new FPoint(grv.Position.X + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH / 2, grv.Position.Y + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2);
                pos.X *= ratioX;
                pos.Y *= ratioY;
                DrawSquare((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 5, color_graviton);

            foreach (Magneton grv in objects.magnetons)
                FPoint pos = new FPoint(grv.Position.X + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH / 2, grv.Position.Y + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2);
                pos.X *= ratioX;
                pos.Y *= ratioY;
                DrawSquare((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 5, color_magneton);

            foreach (BlackHole grv in objects.blackHoles)
                FPoint pos = new FPoint(grv.Position.X + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH / 2, grv.Position.Y + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2);
                pos.X *= ratioX;
                pos.Y *= ratioY;
                DrawSquare((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 8, color_blackHole);

            foreach (Generator grv in objects.generators)
                FPoint pos = new FPoint(grv.Position.X + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH / 2, grv.Position.Y + CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2);
                pos.X *= ratioX;
                pos.Y *= ratioY;
                DrawSquare((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 5, color_generator);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Renders the system
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objects"></param>
 public void Repaint(TableDepositor objects)
     if (CommonAttribService.OUTPUT_DRAW_ALLOWED)
         BitmapSource bmp = null;
         if (GraphicsSettings.Instance().OUTPUT_TABLE_SIZE_DEPENDENT)
             bmp = tableDrawingManager.CreateBitmap(objects, true);
             if (((int)tableDrawingManager.actual_size.X) != CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_OUTPUT_WIDTH)
                                            (int)(CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT * (((double)CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_OUTPUT_WIDTH) / CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH)));
             bmp = tableDrawingManager.CreateBitmap(objects, false);
         if (bmp != null)
             tableImage.Source = bmp;
             tableImage.Width  = ActualWidth;
             tableImage.Height = ActualHeight;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Renders the system into the window
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objects"></param>
 public void Repaint(TableDepositor objects)
     if (CommonAttribService.SIMULATION_DRAW_ALLOWED)
         BitmapSource bmp = null;
         // if both outputs are enabled, let's just take the picture from the OpenGL window
         if (CommonAttribService.OUTPUT_DRAW_ALLOWED && !CommonAttribService.MODE_2D)
             bmp = CommonAttribService.LAST_BITMAP;
             bmp = tableDrawingManager.CreateBitmap(objects, true);
         if (bmp != null)
             if (tableImage == null)
                 tableImage = new Image();
             tableImage.Source = bmp;
             tableImage.Width  = ActualWidth;
             tableImage.Height = ActualHeight;
             tableImage.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
             tableImage.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
             if (!tableGrid.Children.Contains(tableImage))
Example #5
 private static void DeleteBufferedParticles(TableDepositor system)
     foreach (Particle part in deletedParticles)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes gravitons for one particle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        public static void ProcessGravitons(TableDepositor system, Particle part)
            temp.X = 0;
            temp.Y = 0;

            foreach (Graviton ig in system.gravitons)
                GravitonSettings settings = (ig.Settings_Allowed) ? ig.Settings : system.table.Settings.gravitonSettings;

                double length = (part.Position.X - ig.Position.X) * (part.Position.X - ig.Position.X) +
                                (part.Position.Y - ig.Position.Y) * (part.Position.Y - ig.Position.Y);

                // GRAVITY:
                // g = CONST*M/(radius/11 + 14),

                // fix treshold
                double acc         = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRAVITY_CONSTANT *ig.Settings.weigh) / (length / 114 + 14) * (((A_Rock)ig).Intensity / 100);
                double sqrt_length = Math.Sqrt(length);
                if (sqrt_length < 20)
                    acc *= -Math.Log(sqrt_length - Math.Min(20, sqrt_length - 2));

                // pulsar
                if (settings.Energy_pulsing)
                    acc /= (1 + Math.Tan(settings.Energy_pulse_speed) / 10);

                // calculate velocity
                if (PhysicsSettings.gravitationMode == GravitationMode.ADITIVE)
                    temp.Add(acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Sqrt(length)),
                             acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Sqrt(length)));
                else if (PhysicsSettings.gravitationMode == GravitationMode.AVERAGE)
                    temp.Add(1 / (acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Sqrt(length))),
                             1 / (acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Sqrt(length))));
                else if (PhysicsSettings.gravitationMode == GravitationMode.MULTIPLY)
                    temp.Add(acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Log(length)),
                             acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Log(length)));

            if (PhysicsSettings.gravitationMode == GravitationMode.AVERAGE)

Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms the system from to another state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system"></param>
 public static void TransformSystem(TableDepositor system)
     try {
         if (system.table.Settings.generatorSettings.enabled)
             ProcessGenerators(system); // generate new particles
         ProcessParticles(system);      // process particles
     } catch {
         // .... no-op here
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all particles
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessParticles(TableDepositor system)
            double tableWidth  = CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH;
            double tableHeight = CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT;

            foreach (Particle part in system.particles)
                // size change
                if (PhysicsSettings.particle_sizeChanging_allowed)
                    FixParticleSizeChange(part, system);

                // reset acceleration - it will be recalculated
                part.Vector_Acceleration.X = 0;
                part.Vector_Acceleration.Y = 0;

                // process stones
                ProcessParticleStoneInterraction(part, system);

                // set all new values
                part.Position = new FPoint(part.Position.X + part.Vector_Velocity.X,
                                           part.Position.Y + part.Vector_Velocity.Y);

                // table gravity
                if (system.table.Settings.gravity_allowed)
                    part.Vector_Acceleration.X += 0.1 * system.table.Settings.gravity.X;
                    part.Vector_Acceleration.Y += 0.1 * system.table.Settings.gravity.Y;


                // loosing energy
                if (system.table.Settings.energy_loosing || system.table.Settings.energy_loosing)
                    FixParticleEnergyLoosing(part, system);

                // collision with the borders of the table
                if (system.table.Settings.interaction)
                    FixParticleTableInterraction(part, system, tableWidth, tableHeight);

            // delete particles that are to be deleted
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes all particle generators
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system"></param>
 private static void ProcessGenerators(TableDepositor system)
     foreach (Generator ab in system.generators)
         Particle[] obj = ab.Generate(system, counter); // try to generate new particles
         if (obj != null)                               // add new particles to the system
             for (int i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Change particle energy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="part"></param>
 /// <param name="system"></param>
 private static void FixParticleEnergyLoosing(Particle part, TableDepositor system)
     // if the value is -1, we will use global settings
     if (system.table.Settings.energy_loosing_speed != -1)
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(1 - system.table.Settings.energy_loosing_speed / PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_ENERGY_TABLE_LOOSING_SPEED_MAX,
                                   1 - system.table.Settings.energy_loosing_speed / PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_ENERGY_TABLE_LOOSING_SPEED_MAX);
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(1 - system.table.Settings.energy_loosing_speed / PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_ENERGY_TABLE_LOOSING_SPEED_MAX,
                                   1 - system.table.Settings.energy_loosing_speed / PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_ENERGY_TABLE_LOOSING_SPEED_MAX);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Process interaction between particles and stones
 /// </summary>
 private static void ProcessParticleStoneInterraction(Particle part, TableDepositor system)
     if (system.table.Settings.blackHoleSettings.enabled)
         ProcessBlackHoles(system, part);
     if (system.table.Settings.gravitonSettings.enabled)
         ProcessGravitons(system, part);
     if (system.table.Settings.magnetonSettings.enabled)
         ProcessMagnetons(system, part);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes magnetons for one particle
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessMagnetons(TableDepositor system, Particle part)
            temp.X = 0;
            temp.Y = 0;

            foreach (Magneton ig in system.magnetons)
                MagnetonSettings settings = (ig.Settings_Allowed) ? ig.Settings : system.table.Settings.magnetonSettings;

                // calculate distance between the particle and the stone
                double length = (part.Position.X - ig.Position.X) * (part.Position.X - ig.Position.X) +
                                (part.Position.Y - ig.Position.Y) * (part.Position.Y - ig.Position.Y);

                double acc = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_MAGNETON_CONSTANT *ig.Settings.force) / (length / 114 + 14) * (((A_Rock)ig).Intensity / 100);

                // pulsar
                if (settings.Energy_pulsing)
                    acc /= (1 + Math.Tan(counter * settings.Energy_pulse_speed) / 10);

                if (PhysicsSettings.magnetismMode == MagnetismMode.ADITIVE)
                    temp.Add(-acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Sqrt(length)),
                             -acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Sqrt(length)));
                else if (PhysicsSettings.magnetismMode == MagnetismMode.AVERAGE)
                    temp.Add(1 / (-acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Sqrt(length))),
                             1 / (-acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Sqrt(length))));
                else if (PhysicsSettings.magnetismMode == MagnetismMode.MULTIPLY)
                    temp.Add(-acc * ((ig.Position.X - part.Position.X) / Math.Log(length)),
                             -acc * ((ig.Position.Y - part.Position.Y) / Math.Log(length)));

            if (PhysicsSettings.magnetismMode == MagnetismMode.AVERAGE)
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Change particle velocity if it interacts with borders of the table
 /// </summary>
 private static void FixParticleTableInterraction(Particle part, TableDepositor system, double tableWidth, double tableHeight)
     if (part.Position.X < -tableWidth / 2 && part.Vector_Velocity.X < 0)
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(-1, 1);
     if (part.Position.X > tableWidth / 2 && part.Vector_Velocity.X > 0)
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(-1, 1);
     if (part.Position.Y < -tableHeight / 2 && part.Vector_Velocity.Y < 0)
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(1, -1);
     if (part.Position.Y > tableHeight / 2 && part.Vector_Velocity.Y > 0)
         part.Vector_Velocity.Mult(1, -1);
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Change particle sizes due various attributse
 /// </summary>
 private static void FixParticleSizeChange(Particle part, TableDepositor system)
     if (PhysicsSettings.particle_sizeMode == ParticleSizeMode.GRAVITY)
         part.Settings.size = 1 + (part.Vector_Acceleration.X * part.Vector_Acceleration.X + part.Vector_Acceleration.Y * part.Vector_Acceleration.Y);
     else if (PhysicsSettings.particle_sizeMode == ParticleSizeMode.VELOCITY)
         part.Settings.size = 1 + part.Vector_Velocity.Size();
     else if (PhysicsSettings.particle_sizeMode == ParticleSizeMode.WEIGH)
         part.Settings.size = part.Settings.weigh * 2;
     else if (PhysicsSettings.particle_sizeMode == ParticleSizeMode.NONE)
         part.Settings.size = part.Settings.originSize;
Example #15
 public RealTableManager(TableDepositor system)
     this.system = system;
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a grid that determines gravity force
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objects"></param>
        private void DrawLines(TableDepositor objects)
            DateTime pk        = DateTime.Now;
            int      row_pixel = (((int)(CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT * ratioY)) / 20);
            int      col_pixel = row_pixel;

            for (int i = 0; i < ((int)(ratioY * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT)); i += row_pixel)
                for (int j = 0; j < ((int)(ratioX * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH)); j += col_pixel)
                    int orig_col = j;
                    int orig_row = i;

                    // original position of the point
                    int orig_position_x = orig_col - ((int)(ratioX * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH)) / 2;
                    int orig_position_y = orig_row - ((int)(ratioY * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT)) / 2;

                    double temp_position_x = orig_position_x;
                    double temp_position_y = orig_position_y;

                    double shift_x = 0;
                    double shift_y = 0;

                    foreach (Graviton gr in objects.gravitons)
                        // calc distance between the original point and the graviton
                        double length = Math.Sqrt((temp_position_x - gr.Position.X) * (temp_position_x - gr.Position.X) +
                                                  (temp_position_y - gr.Position.Y) * (temp_position_y - gr.Position.Y));

                        // calculate potential
                        double acc = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRAVITY_CONSTANT *gr.Settings.weigh) / ((length * length / 100 + 10));

                        // shift the grid point
                        shift_x += acc * (gr.Position.X - temp_position_x) / (0.1 * gr.Settings.weigh);
                        shift_y += acc * (gr.Position.Y - temp_position_y) / (0.1 * gr.Settings.weigh);

                        temp_position_x = orig_position_x + shift_x;
                        temp_position_y = orig_position_y + shift_y;

                    foreach (Magneton mg in objects.magnetons)
                        double length = Math.Sqrt((temp_position_x - mg.Position.X) * (temp_position_x - mg.Position.X) +
                                                  (temp_position_y - mg.Position.Y) * (temp_position_y - mg.Position.Y));

                        double acc = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRAVITY_CONSTANT *mg.Settings.force) / ((length * length / 100 + 10));

                        shift_x -= acc * (mg.Position.X - temp_position_x);
                        shift_y -= acc * (mg.Position.Y - temp_position_y);

                        temp_position_x = orig_position_x + shift_x;
                        temp_position_y = orig_position_y + shift_y;

                    foreach (BlackHole mg in objects.blackHoles)
                        double length = Math.Sqrt((temp_position_x - mg.Position.X) * (temp_position_x - mg.Position.X) +
                                                  (temp_position_y - mg.Position.Y) * (temp_position_y - mg.Position.Y));

                        double acc = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRAVITY_CONSTANT * 80) / ((length * length / 100 + 10));

                        shift_x += acc * (mg.Position.X - temp_position_x);
                        shift_y += acc * (mg.Position.Y - temp_position_y);

                        temp_position_x = orig_position_x + shift_x;
                        temp_position_y = orig_position_y + shift_y;

                    // shift the position of the grid point
                    int other_position_x = (int)(orig_col + shift_x);
                    int other_position_y = (int)(orig_row + shift_y);

                    int posX = (int)other_position_x;
                    int posY = (int)other_position_y;
                    DrawRectangle((int)posX, (int)posY, 1, 3, 0xFF333333);
                    DrawRectangle((int)posX, (int)posY, 3, 1, 0xFF333333);
Example #17
        private DateTime last_render  = DateTime.Now; // time of the last render

        public TableManager()
            this.tableDepositor = new TableDepositor();

            inputManager = new InputManager(this);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Process black holes for one particle
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessBlackHoles(TableDepositor system, Particle part)
            foreach (BlackHole blackH in system.blackHoles)
                BlackHoleSettings settings = (blackH.Settings_Allowed) ? blackH.Settings : system.table.Settings.blackHoleSettings;

                // distance between the particle and the stone
                double length = Math.Sqrt((part.Position.X - blackH.Position.X) * (part.Position.X - blackH.Position.X) +
                                          (part.Position.Y - blackH.Position.Y) * (part.Position.Y - blackH.Position.Y));

                // if the distance is within the treshold, we will remove it
                if (length < blackH.Radius)
                    if (PhysicsSettings.absorptionMode == AbsorptionMode.BLACKHOLE)
                    else if (PhysicsSettings.absorptionMode == AbsorptionMode.RECYCLE)
                        // if the recycling is enabled, just find an appropriate generator and give it the deleted particle
                        if (system.generators.Count > 0)
                            system.generators.ElementAt(CommonAttribService.apiRandom.Next(system.generators.Count - 1)).generatingNumber--;
                    else if (PhysicsSettings.absorptionMode == AbsorptionMode.SELECT)
                        if (CommonAttribService.apiRandom.Next(50) == 40)

                // creepy gravity acceleration
                double acc    = (PhysicSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRAVITY_CONSTANT *settings.weigh) / (Math.Log(length * length) / 114 + 14) * (((A_Rock)blackH).Intensity / 100);
                double dist_x = (blackH.Position.X - part.Position.X);
                double dist_y = (blackH.Position.Y - part.Position.Y);
                double celk   = length * 1.5;

                // pulsar
                if (settings.Energy_pulsing)
                    acc /= (1 + Math.Tan(counter * settings.Energy_pulse_speed) / (4 + 4 * Math.Log10(length)));

                part.Vector_Acceleration.Add(0.5 * acc * ((dist_x) / length),
                                             0.5 * acc * ((dist_y) / length));

                // this is really creepy but it works
                if (dist_x > 0 && (-dist_y) > 0)
                    dist_y *= length / 4;
                else if (dist_x > 0 && (-dist_y) < 0)
                    dist_x *= length / 4;
                else if (dist_x < 0 && (-dist_y) > 0)
                    dist_x *= length / 4;
                else if (dist_x < 0 && (-dist_y) < 0)
                    dist_y *= length / 4;

                // add gravityy acceleration
                part.Vector_Acceleration.Add((-dist_y / celk) / 30, (dist_x / celk) / 30);
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an image of a table system
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BitmapSource CreateBitmap(TableDepositor objects, Boolean isTableSized)
                renderCounter++; // used for garbage collector

                // invoke GC
                if (renderCounter > 30)
                    renderCounter = 0;

                ratioX = actual_size.X / CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH;
                ratioY = actual_size.Y / CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT;

                color_particle = 0x00000000 + (uint)(255 << 24 | GraphicsSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_PARTICLE_COLOR_R << 16
                                                     | GraphicsSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_PARTICLE_COLOR_G << 8 | GraphicsSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_PARTICLE_COLOR_B);

                // check resizing
                if (isTableSized)
                    if (pixelData.Length != (int)(CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH))
                        pixelData     = new UInt32[(int)(CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT * CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH)];
                        actual_size.X = CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_WIDTH;
                        actual_size.Y = CommonAttribService.ACTUAL_TABLE_HEIGHT;

                // remove pixel buffer
                for (int i = 0; i < pixelData.Length; i++)
                    pixelData[i] = 0xFF000000;

                if (GraphicsSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_GRID_ENABLED)
                    DrawLines(objects);                                                  // draw grid
                // draw particles
                foreach (Particle part in objects.particles)

                // draw stones
                if (GraphicsSettings.Instance().DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ROCK_DISPLAY)

                // create a bitmap for pixel array
                BitmapSource bmp = BitmapSource.Create((int)actual_size.X, (int)actual_size.Y, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, pixelData, ((((int)actual_size.X * 32 + 31) & ~31) / 8));
                CommonAttribService.LAST_BITMAP = bmp;
            catch {
                // no-op here
