/// <summary> /// Loads all Used Book list for a specific ProductID. /// </summary> /// <param name="intProductID"></param> /// <param name="intCountryID"></param> /// <param name="intCategoryID"></param> /// <param name="intSubcategoryID"></param> /// <param name="intSecondSubcatID"></param> private void Load_BookList_UsedSeller(int intProductID, int intCountryID, int intCategoryID, int intSubcategoryID, int intSecondSubcatID) { dtUsedBookList = new DataTable(); AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tp = (AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel)TabContainer.FindControl("tpUsedItems"); try { using (BC_Book bcBook = new BC_Book()) { dtUsedBookList = bcBook.Load_BookList_UsedSeller(intProductID, intCountryID, intCategoryID, intSubcategoryID, intSecondSubcatID); if (dtUsedBookList.Rows.Count > 0) { this.grvUsedBookList.DataSource = dtUsedBookList; this.grvUsedBookList.DataBind(); tp.HeaderText = "<span style=\"font-family:verdana; font-weight:bold;font-size:14px\">Used </span>("; tp.HeaderText += dtUsedBookList.Rows.Count + " from " + dtUsedBookList.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString(); tp.HeaderText += " " + dtUsedBookList.Rows[0]["Currency"].ToString() + ")"; } else { this.grvUsedBookList.DataSource = null; this.grvUsedBookList.DataBind(); tp.HeaderText = "<span style=\"font-family:verdana; font-weight:bold;font-size:14px\">Used </span>(0 item)"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblSystemMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void SelectTab(TabContainer tabContainer, string tabId) { if (tabContainer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tabContainer"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tabId)) { AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tab = tabContainer.FindControl(tabId) as AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel; if (tab != null) { tabContainer.ActiveTab = tab; } } }
// The Designer will call us back on this for each EditableDesignerRegion that we created. // In this we return the markup that we want displayed in the editable region. public override string GetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion region) { if (region == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("region"); } Debug.Assert(region.Name[0] == 'c' || region.Name[0] == 'h', "Expected regionName to start with c or h, not " + region.Name); // is it a content template or a header? // var content = region.Name[0] == 'c'; var regionName = region.Name.Substring(1); var activeTab = (TabPanel)TabContainer.FindControl(regionName); Debug.Assert(activeTab != null, "Couldn't find tab " + regionName); return(GetTabContent(activeTab, content)); }
// After a editable region is edited, the designer calls back with the updated markup so we can // stuff it into the right tab. public override void SetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion region, string content) { if (region == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("region"); } Debug.Assert(region.Name[0] == 'c' || region.Name[0] == 'h', "Expected regionName to start with c or h, not " + region.Name); var setTabContent = region.Name[0] == 'c'; var regionName = region.Name.Substring(1); // figure out which tab we have. var activeTab = (TabPanel)TabContainer.FindControl(regionName); Debug.Assert(activeTab != null, "Couldn't find tab " + regionName); var host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "Failed to get IDesignerHost?!?"); // push the content into the right template PersistTemplateContent(activeTab, host, content, (setTabContent ? "ContentTemplate" : "HeaderTemplate")); }