public override void MakeLabel(OleExec DB)
            t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(DB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            C_SKU_Label labelName = null;

            LogicObject.SN snObj;
            R_SN           r_sn;

            if (I_SN.Value is string)
                r_sn = t_r_sn.LoadSN(I_SN.Value.ToString(), DB);
            else if (typeof(LogicObject.SN) == I_SN.Value.GetType())
                snObj = (LogicObject.SN)I_SN.Value;
                r_sn  = t_r_sn.LoadSN(snObj.SerialNo, DB);
            else if (typeof(R_SN) == I_SN.Value.GetType())
                r_sn = (R_SN)I_SN.Value;
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180607163531", new string[] { I_SN.Value.ToString() }));
            labelName = DB.ORM.Queryable <C_SKU_Label>().Where(l => l.SKUNO == r_sn.SKUNO && l.STATION == I_STATION.Value.ToString()).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
            if (labelName.LABELNAME == "2000E3_CARTON")
                Get2000E3CartonValue(r_sn, DB);
Example #2
        public int RecordPanelStationDetail(string PanelNo, string Line, string StationName, string DeviceName, string Bu, OleExec DB, DB_TYPE_ENUM DBType)
            int       result = 0;
            string    strSql = string.Empty;
            DataTable dt     = new DataTable();
            string    errMsg = string.Empty;
            T_R_SN    RSN    = new T_R_SN(DB, DBType);

            if (DBType.Equals(DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle))
                strSql = $@"SELECT * FROM R_SN WHERE ID IN (SELECT SN FROM R_PANEL_SN WHERE PANEL='{PanelNo}')";
                dt     = DB.ExecSelect(strSql, null).Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    RSN.RecordPassStationDetail(dr["SN"].ToString(), Line, StationName, DeviceName, Bu, DB);
                errMsg = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000019", new string[] { DBType.ToString() });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(errMsg);

Example #3
        public static void OutLot(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            OleExec DB         = Station.SFCDB;
            string  strSql     = "";
            var     SN_Session = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == "SN" && t.SessionKey == "1");
            SN      sn         = (SN)SN_Session.Value;

            var LotStates = DB.ORM.Queryable <R_LOT_STATUS, R_LOT_DETAIL>
                                ((lot, detail) => lot.LOT_NO == detail.LOT_ID)
                            .Where((lot, detail) => detail.SN == sn.SerialNo && detail.STATUS == "0" && SqlFunc.StartsWith(lot.LOT_NO, "LOT-"))
                            .Select((lot, detail) => new { LOT = lot, Detail = detail }).ToList();

            if (LotStates.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception($@"{sn.SerialNo } not in Lot");
            T_R_SN TRS = new T_R_SN(DB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);

            for (int i = 0; i < LotStates.Count; i++)
                var LS = LotStates[i];
                LS.Detail.STATUS    = "1";
                LS.Detail.EDIT_EMP  = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                LS.Detail.EDIT_TIME = DateTime.Now;
                DB.ORM.Updateable <R_LOT_DETAIL>(LS.Detail).Where(t => t.ID == LS.Detail.ID).ExecuteCommand();
                TRS.RecordPassStationDetail(sn.SerialNo, Station.Line, Station.StationName, LS.LOT.SAMPLE_STATION, Station.BU, DB);
                Station.StationMessages.Add(new StationMessage()
                    Message = $@"'{sn.SerialNo}' Scanout Lot'{LS.LOT.LOT_NO}','{LS.LOT.SAMPLE_STATION}'", State = StationMessageState.Message
        /// <summary>
        // /check if the last station of the SN in the route is PASS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sn"></param>
        /// <param name="station"></param>
        /// <param name="sfcdb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TheLastStationIsPass(string sn, string station, OleExec sfcdb)
            bool                bPass               = true;
            C_ROUTE_DETAIL      lastSation          = null;
            R_SN_STATION_DETAIL r_sn_station_detail = null;
            T_R_SN              t_r_sn              = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, this.DBType);
            T_C_ROUTE_DETAIL    t_c_route_detail    = new T_C_ROUTE_DETAIL(sfcdb, this.DBType);

            R_SN snObject = t_r_sn.LoadSN(sn, sfcdb);

            if (snObject != null)
                if (!t_c_route_detail.StationInRoute(snObject.ROUTE_ID, station, sfcdb))
                    throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000156", new string[] { sn, station }));
                C_ROUTE_DETAIL        currentStation = t_c_route_detail.GetByRouteIdOrderBySEQASC(snObject.ROUTE_ID, sfcdb).Find(s => s.STATION_NAME == station);
                List <C_ROUTE_DETAIL> routeList      = t_c_route_detail.GetByRouteIdOrderBySEQASC(snObject.ROUTE_ID, sfcdb).FindAll(s => s.SEQ_NO < currentStation.SEQ_NO);
                if (routeList.Count > 0)
                    lastSation = routeList.OrderBy(t => t.SEQ_NO).LastOrDefault();
                    if (lastSation != null)
                        r_sn_station_detail = sfcdb.ORM.Queryable <R_SN_STATION_DETAIL>().Where(p => p.STATION_NAME == lastSation.STATION_NAME &&
                                                                                                p.ROUTE_ID == lastSation.ROUTE_ID && p.SN == snObject.SN && p.R_SN_ID == snObject.ID).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (r_sn_station_detail == null)
                            bPass = false;
Example #5
        public static void LoadPanelWaitReplaceSn(MESStationBase Station, MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            if (Paras.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000050"));

            MESStationSession sessionPanel = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (sessionPanel == null || sessionPanel.Value == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession sessionSN = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (sessionSN == null)
                sessionSN = new MESStationSession {
                    MESDataType = Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE, SessionKey = Paras[1].SESSION_KEY, Value = "", InputValue = "", ResetInput = Input
            T_R_SN r_sn = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);

            sessionSN.Value = r_sn.GetPanelWaitReplaceSn(sessionPanel.InputValue.ToString(), Station.SFCDB);
            Station.AddMessage("MES00000001", new string[] { }, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Message);
Example #6
        //Add by LLF 2017-01-26 Begin
        public static void TrCodeDataloader(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            string  Process = "";
            string  Message = "";
            string  StrWO   = "";
            string  StrCode = "";
            string  IP      = string.Empty;
            OleExec APDB    = null;

            Dictionary <string, DataRow> TrSnTable = null;
            T_R_SN Table = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);

            MESStationSession WoSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (WoSession == null)
                Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(Message);
            StrWO = WoSession.Value.ToString();

            //獲取 TRSN 對象
            MESStationSession TrSnSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (TrSnSession == null)
                Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[1].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(Message);
            TrSnTable = (Dictionary <string, DataRow>)TrSnSession.Value;

            Process = Paras[2].VALUE.ToString();

            IP = Paras[3].VALUE.ToString();

                APDB    = Station.APDB;
                StrCode = Table.GetAPTrCode(StrWO, TrSnTable["R_TR_SN"]["TR_SN"].ToString(), Process, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, IP, APDB);

                MESStationSession TrCodeSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[4].SESSION_KEY);
                if (TrCodeSession == null)
                    TrCodeSession = new MESStationSession()
                        MESDataType = Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE, InputValue = Input.Value.ToString(), SessionKey = Paras[4].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input

                TrCodeSession.Value = StrCode;
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000001", new string[] { TrCodeSession.Value.ToString() }, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Pass);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
Example #7
        //Add by LLF 2018-02-01 end
        //public bool CheckSNExist(string StrSN,OleExec sfcdb, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM _DBType)
        //    bool CheckFlag = false;
        //    T_R_SN R_SN = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBType);
        //    CheckFlag = R_SN.CheckSNExists(StrSN,sfcdb);
        //    return CheckFlag;

        public R_SN LoadSN(string SerialNo, OleExec DB)
            R_SN   RSN  = null;
            T_R_SN R_Sn = new T_R_SN(DB, DBType);

            RSN = R_Sn.LoadSN(SerialNo, DB);
Example #8
        public void unstartWO(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject requestValue, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject Data, MESStationReturn StationReturn)
            OleExec Sfcdb  = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
            string  WO     = Data["WO"].ToString();
            T_R_SN  t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(Sfcdb, this.DBTYPE);

            t_r_sn.deleteSNByWO(WO, Sfcdb);
            StationReturn.Status = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;
Example #9
        public void DataLoad(string packNo, string bu, OleExec sfcdb, DB_TYPE_ENUM DBType)
            List <string>  itemList       = new List <string>();
            T_C_SKU        t_c_sku        = new T_C_SKU(sfcdb, DBType);
            T_R_PACKING    t_r_packing    = new T_R_PACKING(sfcdb, DBType);
            T_R_SN_PACKING t_r_sn_packing = new T_R_SN_PACKING(sfcdb, DBType);
            T_R_SN         t_r_sn         = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBType);
            T_C_PACKING    t_c_packing    = new T_C_PACKING(sfcdb, DBType);
            R_PACKING      packing        = new R_PACKING();
            C_SKU          sku            = new C_SKU();
            Packing        packObject     = new Packing();
            C_PACKING      c_packing      = new C_PACKING();

            packing = t_r_packing.GetRPackingByPackNo(sfcdb, packNo).GetDataObject();
            sku     = t_c_sku.GetSku(packing.SKUNO, sfcdb, DBType).GetDataObject();
            if (packing.PACK_TYPE == LogicObject.PackType.PALLET.ToString().ToUpper())
                c_packing = t_c_packing.GetPackingBySkuAndType(sku.SKUNO, LogicObject.PackType.CARTON.ToString().ToUpper(), sfcdb);
                if (c_packing.MAX_QTY == 1 && bu.ToUpper().Equals("VERTIV"))
                    //VERTIV 當卡通包規為1時,調棧板顯示卡通內的SN
                    itemList = t_r_packing.GetPakcingSNList(packing.ID, sfcdb);
                    List <R_PACKING> packingList = t_r_packing.GetListPackByParentPackId(packing.ID, sfcdb);
                    foreach (R_PACKING pack in packingList)
            else if (packing.PACK_TYPE == LogicObject.PackType.CARTON.ToString().ToUpper())
                List <Row_R_SN_PACKING> snPackingList = t_r_sn_packing.GetPackItem(packing.ID, sfcdb);
                foreach (Row_R_SN_PACKING sn in snPackingList)
                    itemList.Add(t_r_sn.GetById(sn.SN_ID, sfcdb).SN);
            this.PackID       = packing.ID;
            this.PackNo       = packing.PACK_NO;
            this.PackType     = packing.PACK_TYPE;
            this.ParentPackID = packing.PARENT_PACK_ID;
            this.Skuno        = packing.SKUNO;
            this.SkunoVer     = sku.VERSION;
            this.MaxQty       = packing.MAX_QTY;
            this.Qty          = packing.QTY;
            this.ClosedFlag   = packing.CLOSED_FLAG;
            this.CreatTime    = packing.CREATE_TIME;
            this.EditTime     = packing.EDIT_TIME;
            this.EditEmp      = packing.EDIT_EMP;
            this.Line         = packing.LINE;
            this.Station      = packing.STATION;
            this.IP           = packing.IP;
            this.PackList     = itemList;
Example #10
        //Add by LLF 2018-02-19 Begin
        public static void PTHTrCodeDataloader(MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationBase Station, MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            string  Message       = "";
            string  StrWO         = "";
            string  StrCode       = "";
            string  StationName   = string.Empty;
            string  StrStationNum = string.Empty;
            OleExec APDB          = null;

            T_R_SN Table = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);

            MESStationSession WOSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (WOSession == null)
                Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(Message);
            StrWO = WOSession.Value.ToString();

            //獲取 TRSN 對象
            MESStationSession StationNumSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (StationNumSession == null)
                Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[1].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(Message);
            StrStationNum = StationNumSession.Value.ToString();

            StationName = Station.Line + Station.StationName + StrStationNum;
                APDB    = Station.APDB;
                StrCode = Table.GetAPPTHTrCode(StrWO, StationName, APDB);

                MESStationSession PTHTrSnSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[2].SESSION_KEY);
                if (PTHTrSnSession == null)
                    PTHTrSnSession = new MESStationSession()
                        MESDataType = Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE, InputValue = Input.Value.ToString(), SessionKey = Paras[2].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input

                PTHTrSnSession.Value = StrCode;
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000001", new string[] { PTHTrSnSession.Value.ToString() }, MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Pass);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
Example #11
        //Add by LLF 2018-02-22 begin
        public void PanelAndSNLoad(string Sn, OleExec sfcdb, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM _DBType)
            this.sfcdb  = sfcdb;
            this.DBType = _DBType;
            T_R_SN trsn = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sn))
                baseSN = trsn.GetDetailByPanelAndSN(Sn, sfcdb);
Example #12
 public List <R_SN> GetPanel(string PanelSN, MESDBHelper.OleExec SFCDB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM _DBType)
         T_R_SN      trs = new T_R_SN(SFCDB, DBType);
         List <R_SN> sn  = trs.GetRSNbyPsn(PanelSN, SFCDB);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
Example #13
        private void getBySN(string sn, OleExec sfcdb, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM dbtype)
            //get sn route_id
            T_R_SN TR_SN   = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, dbtype);
            R_SN   getSN   = TR_SN.GetDetailBySN(sn, sfcdb);
            string routeid = "";

            if (getSN != null && getSN.ROUTE_ID != null)
                routeid = getSN.ROUTE_ID.Trim();
            getByIdOrRouteName("ID", routeid, sfcdb, dbtype);
Example #14
        //Add by LLF 2018-02-22 end

        public void Load(string Sn, OleExec sfcdb, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM _DBType)
            this.sfcdb  = sfcdb;
            this.DBType = _DBType;
            T_R_SN trsn = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sn))
                baseSN = trsn.GetDetailBySN(Sn, sfcdb);
            T_C_KEYPART tKeyPart = new T_C_KEYPART(sfcdb, DBType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseSN.KP_LIST_ID))
                _keyPartList = tKeyPart.GetKeyPartList(sfcdb, baseSN.KP_LIST_ID);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        ///  get sn object list by carton ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cartonID">carton ID</param>
        /// <param name="sfcdb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <R_SN> GetSnListByCartonID(string cartonID, OleExec sfcdb)
            string      sql    = $@" select b.* from r_sn_packing a,r_sn b where a.pack_id='{cartonID}' and a.sn_id =  and b.shipped_flag='1'";
            List <R_SN> snList = new List <R_SN>();
            T_R_SN      t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, this.DBType);
            DataSet     ds     = sfcdb.ExecSelect(sql);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    Row_R_SN rowSN = (Row_R_SN)t_r_sn.NewRow();
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 栈板出货
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Station"></param>
        /// <param name="Input"></param>
        /// <param name="Paras"></param>
        public static void PalletShipOut(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station,
                                         MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            string packNo    = Input.Value.ToString(),
                   dnNo      = Station.DisplayOutput.Find(t => t.Name == "DN_NO").Value.ToString(),
                   dnLine    = Station.DisplayOutput.Find(t => t.Name == "DN_ITEM").Value.ToString();
            T_R_SN rSn       = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            var    rDnStatus = Station.SFCDB.ORM.Queryable <R_DN_STATUS>()
                               .Where(x => x.DN_NO == dnNo && x.DN_LINE == dnLine && x.DN_FLAG == "0").ToList().FirstOrDefault();

            rSn.PalletShipOutRecord(packNo, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.Line, Station.BU, Station.StationName, rDnStatus, Station.SFCDB);
            if (rDnStatus.DN_FLAG == "1")
                Station.StationMessages.Add(new StationMessage()
                    Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180802154903", new string[] { dnNo, dnLine })
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 獲取實際連板數量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sn"></param>
        /// <param name="PanelFlag"></param>
        /// <param name="sfcdb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //Add by LLF 2018-01-27 Begin
        public int GetLinkQty(string Sn, OleExec sfcdb, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM _DBType)
            int LinkQty = 1;

            this.sfcdb  = sfcdb;
            this.DBType = _DBType;
            List <R_SN> ListSN = new List <R_SN>();

            T_R_SN R_SN = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sn))
                ListSN = R_SN.GetRSNbySN(Sn, sfcdb);
                if (ListSN == null)
                    ListSN  = R_SN.GetRSNbyPsn(Sn, sfcdb);
                    LinkQty = ListSN.Count;
Example #18
        public void startWO(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject requestValue, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject Data, MESStationReturn StationReturn)
            OleExec            Sfcdb            = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
            string             WO               = Data["WO"].ToString();
            T_R_WO_HEADER_TJ   t_R_WO_HEADER_TJ = new T_R_WO_HEADER_TJ(Sfcdb, this.DBTYPE);
            Row_R_WO_HEADER_TJ row_R_WO_HEADER  = t_R_WO_HEADER_TJ.GetWo(WO, Sfcdb);
            float qty = float.Parse(row_R_WO_HEADER.GAMNG);

            qty = 5;
            for (int i = 0; i < qty; i++)
                String nextSN = SNmaker.GetNextSN("TEST", Sfcdb, WO);
                T_R_SN t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(Sfcdb, this.DBTYPE);
                t_r_sn.addStartSNRecords(WO, nextSN, Sfcdb);

            StationReturn.Data    = qty;
            StationReturn.Status  = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;
            StationReturn.Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180801141046");
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 檢查當前工單的錫膏是否上線:
        ///HWD CHECK&補Allparts錫膏資料(連板&非連板均調用該SP)
        ///var_message返回 OK則OK, 反之,throw(ErrorMessage)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Station"></param>
        /// <param name="Input"></param>
        /// <param name="Paras"></param>
        public static void SMTSolderDatachecker(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <MESDataObject.Module.R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            //Marked by LLF 2018-01-29
            //if (Paras.Count == 0)
            //    throw new Exception("參數數量不正確!");

            OleExec     apdb      = Station.APDB;
            string      PsnInsert = Input.Value.ToString();
            string      Line      = Station.Line;
            List <R_SN> ListRsn   = new List <R_SN>();
            T_R_SN      RSn       = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);

            ListRsn = RSn.GetRSNbyPsn(PsnInsert, Station.SFCDB);
            //Modify BY LLF 20108-01-29,應該是獲取當前工站
            //string Next_Station = ListRsn[0].NEXT_STATION;
            string StationName = Station.StationName;

            OleDbParameter[] SolderSP = new OleDbParameter[4];
            SolderSP[0]               = new OleDbParameter("G_PSN", PsnInsert);
            SolderSP[1]               = new OleDbParameter("G_EVENTNAME", StationName);
            SolderSP[2]               = new OleDbParameter("G_LINE", Line);
            SolderSP[3]               = new OleDbParameter();
            SolderSP[3].Size          = 1000;
            SolderSP[3].ParameterName = "RES";
            SolderSP[3].Direction     = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
            SolderSP[3].Size          = 200;
            string result = apdb.ExecProcedureNoReturn("MES1.CHECK_SOLDER_INSERTDATA", SolderSP);

            if (result == "OK")
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000062", new string[] { PsnInsert }, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Pass);
                throw new Exception(result);
Example #20
        public static void SNLinkPassAction_Old(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            SN     SN         = null;
            string ErrMessage = string.Empty;
            string wo         = Station.Inputs.Find(s => s.DisplayName == "WO").Value.ToString();
            string sn         = Station.Inputs.Find(s => s.DisplayName == "SUB_SN").Value.ToString();

            if (Paras.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("參數數量不正確!");
            MESStationSession SNLoadPoint = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (SNLoadPoint == null)
                ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);
            SN = (SN)SNLoadPoint.Value;

            T_R_SN   TRS = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            Row_R_SN RRS = (Row_R_SN)TRS.NewRow();
            T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL   tr_sd = new T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            Row_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL rr_sd = (Row_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL)tr_sd.NewRow();

            RRS = TRS.getR_SNbySN(sn, Station.SFCDB);
            RRS.CURRENT_STATION = Station.StationName;
            RRS.NEXT_STATION    = TRS.GetNextStation(SN.RouteID, Station.StationName, Station.SFCDB);
            RRS.VALID_FLAG      = "0";
            RRS.EDIT_EMP        = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
            RRS.EDIT_TIME       = DateTime.Now;
            if (RRS.NEXT_STATION.ToUpper() == "JOBFINISH")
                RRS.COMPLETED_FLAG = "1";
                RRS.COMPLETED_TIME = DateTime.Now;
            TRS.RecordPassStationDetail(sn, Station.Line, Station.StationName, Station.StationName, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
Example #21
        public static void PackPassStation(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <MESDataObject.Module.R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            MESStationSession packSesseion = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == "1");
            T_R_SN            tRSn         = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
            List <R_SN>       rSnList      = new List <R_SN>();

            rSnList = tRSn.GetSnListByPack(packSesseion.Value.ToString(), Station.SFCDB);
            if (rSnList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180602102010", new string[] { packSesseion.Value.ToString() }));

            tRSn.LotsPassStation(rSnList, Station.Line, rSnList[0].NEXT_STATION, rSnList[0].NEXT_STATION, Station.BU, "PASS", Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.SFCDB); // 過站
            //記錄通過數 ,UPH
            foreach (var snobj in rSnList)
                tRSn.RecordUPH(snobj.WORKORDERNO, 1, snobj.SN, "PASS", Station.Line, snobj.NEXT_STATION, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
            Station.StationMessages.Add(new StationMessage()
                Message = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180602102159", new string[] { rSnList[0].SKUNO, packSesseion.Value.ToString(), rSnList.Count.ToString(), rSnList[0].NEXT_STATION }), State = StationMessageState.Pass
Example #22
        public void GetSNDetailByWo(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject requestValue, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken Data, MESStationReturn StationReturn)
            OleExec sfcdb = null;

                sfcdb = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
                sfcdb.ThrowSqlExeception = true;
                T_R_WO_BASE t_r_wo_base = new T_R_WO_BASE(sfcdb, DBTYPE);
                R_WO_BASE   r_wo_base   = t_r_wo_base.GetWoByWoNo(Data["WO"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim(), sfcdb);
                if (r_wo_base == null)
                    throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000164", new string[] { Data["WO"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() }));
                T_R_SN      t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBTYPE);
                List <R_SN> snList = t_r_sn.GetRSNbyWo(Data["WO"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim(), sfcdb).FindAll(sn => sn.CURRENT_STATION.IndexOf("LOADING") >= 0);
                if (snList.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180731133844", new string[] { Data["WO"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() }));
                StationReturn.Data        = snList;
                StationReturn.Status      = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;
                StationReturn.MessageCode = "MES00000001";
            catch (Exception exception)
                StationReturn.Status      = StationReturnStatusValue.Fail;
                StationReturn.MessageCode = "MES00000037";
                StationReturn.Data = exception.Message;
                if (sfcdb != null)
        /// <summary>
        // /check if the sn is write into r_sn_station_detail
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sn"></param>
        /// <param name="station"></param>
        /// <param name="sfcdb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool HadWriteIntoDetail(string sn, string station, OleExec sfcdb)
            bool bPass = true;
            R_SN_STATION_DETAIL r_sn_station_detail = null;
            T_R_SN           t_r_sn           = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, this.DBType);
            T_C_ROUTE_DETAIL t_c_route_detail = new T_C_ROUTE_DETAIL(sfcdb, this.DBType);

            R_SN snObject = t_r_sn.LoadSN(sn, sfcdb);

            if (snObject != null)
                if (!t_c_route_detail.StationInRoute(snObject.ROUTE_ID, station, sfcdb))
                    throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000156", new string[] { sn, station }));
                r_sn_station_detail = sfcdb.ORM.Queryable <R_SN_STATION_DETAIL>().Where(p => p.STATION_NAME == station &&
                                                                                        p.ROUTE_ID == snObject.ROUTE_ID && p.SN == snObject.SN && p.R_SN_ID == snObject.ID).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                if (r_sn_station_detail == null)
                    bPass = false;
Example #24
        public static void SNLinkPassAction(MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationBase Station, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            string                SubSn                = "";
            SN                    SubSNObj             = new SN();
            SN                    SnObj                = new SN();
            WorkOrder             WO                   = new WorkOrder();
            T_R_SN                Table_R_SN           = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
            T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL Table_SnDetail       = new T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
            T_R_SN_KEYPART_DETAIL Table_R_Keypart      = new T_R_SN_KEYPART_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
            string                ErrMessage           = string.Empty;
            List <C_KEYPART>      SubKPList            = new List <C_KEYPART>();
            List <C_KEYPART>      MainKPList           = new List <C_KEYPART>();
            string                StrNextStation       = "";
            string                Status               = "";
            R_SN                  R_Sn                 = null;
            T_R_WO_BASE           WoTable              = null; //add by LLF
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > KPList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            string result = "";

            if (Paras.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("參數數量不正確!");

            MESStationSession SubSNSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (SubSNSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession SubKPSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (SubKPSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[1].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession MainKPSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[2].SESSION_KEY);

            if (MainKPSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[2].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession KPListSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[3].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[3].SESSION_KEY);

            if (KPListSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[3].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[3].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession WOSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[4].SESSION_KEY);

            if (WOSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[4].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession NextStationSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[5].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[5].SESSION_KEY);

            if (NextStationSession == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[5].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[5].SESSION_KEY }));

            MESStationSession StatusSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[6].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[6].SESSION_KEY);

            if (StatusSession == null)
                StatusSession = new MESStationSession()
                    MESDataType = Paras[6].SESSION_TYPE, SessionKey = Paras[6].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Paras[0].VALUE))
                    StatusSession.Value = "PASS";
            Status = StatusSession.Value.ToString();

            MESStationSession ClearFlagGSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[7].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[7].SESSION_KEY);

            if (ClearFlagGSession == null)
                ClearFlagGSession = new MESStationSession()
                    MESDataType = Paras[7].SESSION_TYPE, SessionKey = Paras[7].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input
            ClearFlagGSession.Value = "false";

            StrNextStation = SnObj.StringListToString((List <string>)NextStationSession.Value);
            //StrNextStation = NextStationSession.Value.ToString();
            SubKPList  = (List <C_KEYPART>)SubKPSession.Value;
            MainKPList = (List <C_KEYPART>)MainKPSession.Value;
            KPList     = (List <Dictionary <string, string> >)KPListSession.Value;
            SubSNObj   = (SN)SubSNSession.Value;
            WO         = (WorkOrder)WOSession.Value;
            SubSn      = SubSNObj.SerialNo;
            R_Sn       = Table_R_SN.GetById(SubSNObj.ID, Station.SFCDB);
            if (SubKPList.Count + MainKPList.Count == KPList.Count)
                Table_R_SN.UpdateSNKeyparStatus(SubSNObj.ID, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, "0", Station.SFCDB);
                Table_R_SN.InsertLinkSN(SubSn, WO.WorkorderNo, WO.SkuNO, WO.RouteID, WO.KP_LIST_ID, Station.StationName, StrNextStation, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB, SubSNObj.Plant);
                //更新Main KP SN
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> DicMainKP in KPList)
                    int SeqNo = Convert.ToInt16(DicMainKP["SEQ_NO"]);
                    if (DicMainKP["KP_TYPE"] == "MAIN_SN")
                        Table_R_SN.UpdateSNKeyparStatus(DicMainKP["KP_SN_ID"], Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, "1", Station.SFCDB);
                    Table_R_Keypart.INSN_KEYPART_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, Station.BU, SubSNObj.ID, DicMainKP["SN"], DicMainKP["KEYPART_SN"], Station.StationName, DicMainKP["PART_NO"], SeqNo, DicMainKP["CATEGORY_NAME"], DicMainKP["CATEGORY"], Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO);

                result = Table_R_SN.LinkPassStationDetail(R_Sn, WO.WorkorderNo, WO.SkuNO, WO.RouteID, Station.Line, Station.StationName, Station.StationName, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(result) <= 0)
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000021", new string[] { "STATION DETAIL" }));
                //add by LLF
                WoTable = new T_R_WO_BASE(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
                result  = WoTable.AddCountToWo(WO.WorkorderNo, 1, Station.SFCDB); // 更新 R_WO_BASE 中的數據
                if (Convert.ToInt32(result) <= 0)
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000025", new string[] { "WO QTY" }));
                result = Table_R_SN.RecordUPH(WO.WorkorderNo, 1, SubSn, Status, Station.Line, Station.StationName, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(result) <= 0)
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000021", new string[] { "UPH" }));
                result = Table_R_SN.RecordYieldRate(WO.WorkorderNo, 1, SubSn, Status, Station.Line, Station.StationName, Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO, Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(result) <= 0)
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000021", new string[] { "YIELD" }));
                KPListSession.Value     = null;
                ClearFlagGSession.Value = "true";
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000195", new string[] { SubSn, StrNextStation }, StationMessageState.Pass);
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// FQC Lot 過站
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SerialNo"></param>
        /// <param name="LotNo"></param>
        /// <param name="PassOrFail"></param>
        /// <param name="EmpNo"></param>
        /// <param name="Station"></param>
        /// <param name="Line"></param>
        /// <param name="BU"></param>
        /// <param name="DB"></param>
        /// <param name="FailInfos"></param>
        public void LotPassStation(string SerialNo, string LotNo, string PassOrFail, string EmpNo, string Station, string DeviceName, string Line, string BU, OleExec DB, params string[] FailInfos)
            bool             PassedFlag  = true;
            string           sql         = string.Empty;
            DataTable        dt          = new DataTable();
            Row_R_LOT_STATUS StatusRow   = (Row_R_LOT_STATUS)NewRow();
            T_R_LOT_DETAIL   DetailTable = new T_R_LOT_DETAIL(DB, this.DBType);
            Row_R_LOT_DETAIL DetailRow   = (Row_R_LOT_DETAIL)DetailTable.NewRow();
            R_LOT_STATUS     Status      = null;
            R_LOT_DETAIL     Detail      = null;
            T_R_SN           SnTable     = new T_R_SN(DB, this.DBType);
            List <string>    LotsSN      = new List <string>();

            if (this.DBType == DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle)
                PassedFlag = PassOrFail.ToUpper().Equals("PASS") ? true : false;
                //sql = $@"SELECT * FROM R_LOT_STATUS WHERE LOT_NO='{LotNo}' AND SAMPLE_STATION='{Station}' AND LINE='{Line}'"; //判斷有沒有 LOT
                sql = $@"SELECT * FROM R_LOT_STATUS WHERE LOT_NO='{LotNo}' AND SAMPLE_STATION='{Station}'"; //判斷有沒有 LOT
                dt  = DB.ExecSelect(sql).Tables[0];
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Status = StatusRow.GetDataObject();
                    sql    = $@"SELECT A.* FROM R_LOT_DETAIL A,R_SN B WHERE LOT_ID='{StatusRow.ID}' AND B.SN='{SerialNo}' AND A.SN=B.SN"; //判斷Lot中有沒有這個SN並且沒有被抽檢過
                    dt     = DB.ExecSelect(sql).Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Detail = DetailRow.GetDataObject();
                        if (Detail.SAMPLING.Equals("1"))
                            throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000093", new string[] { SerialNo }));
                        throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000094", new string[] { SerialNo, LotNo }));

                    if (Status.CLOSED_FLAG == "1") //Lot 關閉
                        if (PassedFlag)
                            //更新 R_LOT_DETAIL STATUS
                            Detail.STATUS   = "1"; //1 表示抽檢通過
                            Detail.SAMPLING = "1"; //1 表示被抽檢了
                            //更新 R_LOT_STATUS PASS_QTY

                            Detail.STATUS   = "0";                          //0 表示抽檢失敗
                            Detail.SAMPLING = "1";                          //1 表示被抽檢了
                            if (FailInfos != null && FailInfos.Length == 3) //記錄失敗原因
                                Detail.FAIL_CODE     = FailInfos[0];
                                Detail.FAIL_LOCATION = FailInfos[1];
                                Detail.DESCRIPTION   = FailInfos[2];

                            //更新 R_LOT_STATUS FAIL_QTY
                        if (Status.FAIL_QTY >= Status.REJECT_QTY && Status.FAIL_QTY != 0)
                            //更新 R_LOT_STATUS 關閉,NG,
                            //Status.CLOSED_FLAG = "1";// 1 表示關閉Lot
                            Status.LOT_STATUS_FLAG = "2";// 2 表示整個 Lot 不良
                            //更新 R_LOT_DETAIL 鎖定LOT 中所有
                            Detail.EDIT_EMP  = EmpNo;
                            Detail.EDIT_TIME = GetDBDateTime(DB);
                            //該批次鎖定--add by Eden 2018-05-04
                            sql = $@"update r_lot_detail set sampling='4' where lot_id='{Detail.LOT_ID}'";
                            //DetailTable.LockLotBySn(SerialNo, EmpNo, DB);
                            if (Status.PASS_QTY + Status.FAIL_QTY >= Status.SAMPLE_QTY)
                                //更新 R_LOT_STATUS 關閉,OK
                                //Status.CLOSED_FLAG = "1";
                                Status.LOT_STATUS_FLAG = "1"; // 1 表示整個 Lot 正常
                                //更新 R_LOT_DETAIL 鎖定FAIL 的,其他的正常過站
                                //sql = $@"SELECT * FROM R_LOT_DETAIL WHERE LOT_ID='{StatusRow.ID}' AND STATUS='0'";
                                sql = $@"SELECT * FROM R_LOT_DETAIL WHERE LOT_ID='{StatusRow.ID}' AND ((SAMPLING='1' AND STATUS='1') OR (SAMPLING='0'))";
                                dt  = DB.ExecSelect(sql).Tables[0];
                                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    SnTable.LotsPassStation(LotsSN, Line, Station, DeviceName, BU, PassOrFail, EmpNo, DB); // 過站
                                //記錄通過數 ,UPH
                                foreach (string SN in LotsSN)
                                    SnTable.RecordYieldRate(Detail.WORKORDERNO, 1, SN, "PASS", Line, Station, EmpNo, BU, DB);
                                    SnTable.RecordUPH(Detail.WORKORDERNO, 1, SN, "PASS", Line, Station, EmpNo, BU, DB);

                            Detail.EDIT_EMP  = EmpNo;
                            Detail.EDIT_TIME = GetDBDateTime(DB);

                        Status.EDIT_EMP  = EmpNo;
                        Status.EDIT_TIME = GetDBDateTime(DB);
                        throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000201", new string[] { LotNo }));
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000091", new string[] { LotNo }));
                string errMsg = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000019", new string[] { DBType.ToString() });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(errMsg);
Example #26
        public void ScanKPItem(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject requestValue, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject Data, MESStationReturn StationReturn)
            MESDBHelper.OleExec SFCDB = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
                 * new APIInputInfo() {InputName = "SN", InputType = "STRING", DefaultValue = ""},
                 * new APIInputInfo() {InputName = "STATION", InputType = "STRING", DefaultValue = ""},
                 * new APIInputInfo() {InputName = "KPITEM", InputType = "STRING", DefaultValue = ""}
                string    strSN     = Data["SN"].ToString();
                string    station   = Data["STATION"].ToString();
                JToken    _ItemData = Data["KPITEM"];
                T_R_SN_KP TRKP      = new T_R_SN_KP(SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                T_R_SN    t_r_sn    = new T_R_SN(SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);

                List <R_SN_KP> ItemData = new List <R_SN_KP>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _ItemData.Count(); i++)
                    if (TRKP.CheckLinkByValue(_ItemData[i]["VALUE"].ToString(), SFCDB))
                        throw new Exception(_ItemData[i]["VALUE"].ToString() + " has been link on other sn!");
                    R_SN r_sn = new R_SN();
                    r_sn = t_r_sn.LoadSN(_ItemData[i]["VALUE"].ToString(), SFCDB);
                    if (r_sn != null && r_sn.COMPLETED_FLAG != "1")
                        throw new Exception(_ItemData[i]["VALUE"].ToString() + " is on " + r_sn.NEXT_STATION + ",can't completed!");
                    R_SN_KP I = new R_SN_KP();
                    I.ID        = _ItemData[i]["ID"].ToString();
                    I.VALUE     = _ItemData[i]["VALUE"].ToString();
                    I.MPN       = _ItemData[i]["MPN"].ToString();
                    I.PARTNO    = _ItemData[i]["PARTNO"].ToString();
                    I.SCANTYPE  = _ItemData[i]["SCANTYPE"].ToString();
                    I.ITEMSEQ   = double.Parse(_ItemData[i]["ITEMSEQ"].ToString());
                    I.SCANSEQ   = double.Parse(_ItemData[i]["SCANSEQ"].ToString());
                    I.DETAILSEQ = double.Parse(_ItemData[i]["DETAILSEQ"].ToString());

                if (ItemData.Count == 0)
                    StationReturn.Status = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;

                LogicObject.SN SN = new LogicObject.SN();
                SN.Load(strSN, SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                MESDataObject.Module.T_R_WO_BASE TWO = new T_R_WO_BASE(SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                Row_R_WO_BASE RWO = TWO.GetWo(SN.WorkorderNo, SFCDB);

                List <R_SN_KP> snkp     = TRKP.GetKPRecordBySnIDStation(SN.ID, station, SFCDB);
                SN_KP          KPCONFIG = new SN_KP(snkp, SN.WorkorderNo, SN.SkuNo, SFCDB);

                R_SN_KP kpItem = KPCONFIG.KPS.Find(T => T.ID == ItemData[0].ID);
                if (kpItem == null)
                    throw new Exception("Data Error!");

                List <R_SN_KP> ConfigItem = KPCONFIG.KPS.FindAll(T => T.PARTNO == kpItem.PARTNO &&
                                                                 T.ITEMSEQ == kpItem.ITEMSEQ &&
                                                                 T.SCANSEQ == kpItem.SCANSEQ

                if (ConfigItem.Count != ItemData.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Data Error! ConfigItem.Count != ItemData.Count");

                List <Row_R_SN_KP> items = new List <Row_R_SN_KP>();
                for (int i = 0; i < ItemData.Count; i++)
                    Row_R_SN_KP item = (Row_R_SN_KP)TRKP.GetObjByID(ItemData[i].ID, SFCDB);
                    if (item.ITEMSEQ == ItemData[i].ITEMSEQ &&
                        item.SCANSEQ == ItemData[i].SCANSEQ &&
                        item.DETAILSEQ == ItemData[i].DETAILSEQ)
                        item.VALUE     = ItemData[i].VALUE;
                        item.MPN       = ItemData[i].MPN;
                        item.PARTNO    = ItemData[i].PARTNO;
                        item.EDIT_TIME = DateTime.Now;
                        item.EDIT_EMP  = LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                        throw new Exception("Data Error! 1");

                for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    var ScanTypes = SFCDB.ORM.Queryable <C_KP_Check>().Where(t => t.TYPENAME == items[i].SCANTYPE).ToList();
                    if (ScanTypes.Count > 0)
                        Assembly assembly  = Assembly.LoadFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ScanTypes[0].DLL);
                        Type     APIType   = assembly.GetType(ScanTypes[0].CLASS);
                        object   API_CLASS = assembly.CreateInstance(ScanTypes[0].CLASS);
                        var      Methods   = APIType.GetMethods();
                        var      Funs      = Methods.Where <MethodInfo>(t => t.Name == ScanTypes[0].FUNCTION);
                        if (Funs.Count() > 0)
                            Funs.ElementAt(0).Invoke(API_CLASS, new object[] { KPCONFIG, SN, items[i], items, this, SFCDB });

                StationReturn.Status = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;
            catch (Exception ee)
                StationReturn.Status      = StationReturnStatusValue.Fail;
                StationReturn.MessageCode = "MES00000037";
                if (ee.InnerException != null)
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 從輸入加載SN對象集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Station"></param>
        /// <param name="Input"></param>
        /// <param name="Paras"></param>
        public static void GetSnObjectListDataloader(MESStationBase Station, MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            if (Paras.Count != 4)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000057"));
            MESStationSession sessionWO = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (sessionWO == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE }));
            MESStationSession sessionInputType = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (sessionInputType == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE }));
            if (sessionInputType.Value.ToString() == "")
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE }));
            MESStationSession sessionInputString = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[2].SESSION_KEY);

            if (sessionInputString == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE }));
            if (sessionInputString.Value.ToString() == "")
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE }));
            MESStationSession snObjectList = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[3].SESSION_KEY && t.SessionKey == Paras[3].SESSION_KEY);

            if (snObjectList == null)
                snObjectList = new MESStationSession()
                    MESDataType = Paras[3].SESSION_TYPE, InputValue = Input.Value.ToString(), SessionKey = Paras[3].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input
                WorkOrder objWorkorder = new WorkOrder();
                objWorkorder = (WorkOrder)sessionWO.Value;
                string      inputType   = sessionInputType.Value.ToString();
                string      inputString = sessionInputString.Value.ToString();
                List <R_SN> snList      = new List <R_SN>();
                T_R_SN_KP   t_r_sn_kp   = new T_R_SN_KP(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
                if (inputType.Equals("SN"))
                    T_R_SN t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
                    snList.Add(t_r_sn.LoadSN(inputString, Station.SFCDB));
                else if (inputType.Equals("PANEL"))
                    T_R_PANEL_SN t_r_panel_sn = new T_R_PANEL_SN(Station.SFCDB, Station.DBType);
                    snList = t_r_panel_sn.GetValidSnByPanel(inputString, Station.SFCDB);
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MSGCODE20180529094259"));
                snObjectList.Value = snList;
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000001", new string[] { sessionInputString.Value.ToString() }, MESPubLab.MESStation.MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Pass);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #28
        public static void WoStateDatachecker(MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationBase Station, MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            ////ADD BY  SDL  20180316
            if (Paras.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("參數數量不正確!");
            MESStationSession WoLoadPoint = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (WoLoadPoint == null)
                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY }));
            WorkOrder ObjWO = (WorkOrder)WoLoadPoint.Value;

            ////ADD BY  SDL  20180316
            //CHECK  Workorder是否存在
            string ErrMessage = "";

            T_R_WO_BASE   TRWO = new T_R_WO_BASE(Station.SFCDB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            Row_R_WO_BASE ROWWO;
            T_R_SN        rSn = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            // string WO = Input.Value.ToString();   by sdl  20180316
            string WO = ObjWO.WorkorderNo;

                //List<R_SN> snList = rSn.GetRSNbyWo(WO, Station.SFCDB);
                ROWWO = TRWO.GetWo(WO, Station.SFCDB);
                R_WO_BASE woBase       = ROWWO.GetDataObject();
                WorkOrder ObjWorkorder = new WorkOrder();
                //if (snList!=null)
                //    foreach (var item in snList)
                //    {
                //        if (woBase.ROUTE_ID != item.ROUTE_ID)
                //        {
                //            //throw new Exception("SN RouteID不唯一!");
                //            ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000167", new string[] { item.SN });
                //            throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);
                //        }
                //    }

                if (woBase.CLOSED_FLAG == 1.ToString())
                    // throw new Exception("ClosedFlag=1!");
                    ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000168", new string[] { woBase.WORKORDERNO });
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

                if ((woBase.START_STATION == null || woBase.START_STATION == "N/A") && woBase.WO_TYPE == "REWORK")
                    ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000203", new string[] { woBase.WORKORDERNO });
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

                if (woBase.FINISHED_QTY > woBase.WORKORDER_QTY)
                    //  throw new Exception("FinishQty>WorkOrderQty!");
                    ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000169", new string[] { woBase.WORKORDERNO });
                    throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);
                ObjWorkorder.Init(WO, Station.SFCDB, MESDataObject.DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                WoLoadPoint.Value       = ObjWorkorder;
                WoLoadPoint.InputValue  = Input.Value.ToString();
                WoLoadPoint.ResetInput  = Input;
                WoLoadPoint.SessionKey  = "1";
                WoLoadPoint.MESDataType = "WO";
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000029", new string[] { "Workorder", WO }, MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #29
        public static void HWDBIPSNFailAction(MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationBase Station, MESStation.BaseClass.MESStationInput Input, List <R_Station_Action_Para> Paras)
            string     ErrMessage  = "";
            string     StrSn       = "";
            string     APVirtualSn = "";
            string     VirtualSn   = "";
            AP_DLL     APObj       = new AP_DLL();
            OleExec    APDB        = null;
            R_PANEL_SN PANELObj    = null;
            Int16      FailCount   = 0;
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > FailList = null;
            string        R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID         = "";
            StringBuilder ReturnMessage = new StringBuilder();
            string        RepairmainID  = "";//add by LLF 2018-04-12

            if (Paras.Count < 5)
                throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000050"));

            MESStationSession SNSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[0].SESSION_KEY);

            if (SNSession == null)
                ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[0].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[0].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

            MESStationSession FailCountSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[1].SESSION_KEY);

            if (FailCountSession == null)
                ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[1].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[1].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

            MESStationSession FailListSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[2].SESSION_KEY);

            if (FailListSession == null)
                ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[2].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[2].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

            MESStationSession PanelVitualSNSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[3].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[3].SESSION_KEY);

            if (PanelVitualSNSession == null)
                ErrMessage = MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000052", new string[] { Paras[3].SESSION_TYPE + Paras[3].SESSION_KEY });
                throw new MESReturnMessage(ErrMessage);

            MESStationSession StatusSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType == Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE && t.SessionKey == Paras[4].SESSION_KEY);

            if (StatusSession == null)
                StatusSession = new MESStationSession()
                    MESDataType = Paras[4].SESSION_TYPE, InputValue = Input.Value.ToString(), Value = Paras[4].VALUE, SessionKey = Paras[4].SESSION_KEY, ResetInput = Input
                if (StatusSession.Value.ToString() == "")
                    StatusSession.Value = "FAIL";

            MESStationSession ClearInputSession = null;

            if (Paras.Count >= 6)
                ClearInputSession = Station.StationSession.Find(t => t.MESDataType.Equals(Paras[5].SESSION_TYPE) && t.SessionKey.Equals(Paras[5].SESSION_KEY));
                if (ClearInputSession == null)
                    ClearInputSession = new MESStationSession()
                        MESDataType = Paras[5].SESSION_TYPE, SessionKey = Paras[5].SESSION_KEY

            FailCount = Convert.ToInt16(FailCountSession.Value.ToString());
            FailList  = (List <Dictionary <string, string> >)FailListSession.Value;

            T_R_SN   rSn      = new T_R_SN(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
            DateTime FailTime = rSn.GetDBDateTime(Station.SFCDB);

            StrSn = SNSession.Value.ToString();
            if (FailList.Count >= FailCount && FailCount != 0) //允許掃描多個Fail
                #region 業務邏輯

                OleExec oleDB = null;
                oleDB = Station.SFCDB;
                //oleDB = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
                //OleExecPool APDBPool = Station.DBS["APDB"];
                //APDB = APDBPool.Borrow();
                APDB = Station.APDB;
                    Row_R_SN rrSn = (Row_R_SN)rSn.NewRow();
                    for (int i = 0; i < FailList.Count; i++)
                        string failCode        = FailList[i]["FailCode"].ToString();
                        string failLocation    = FailList[i]["FailLocation"].ToString();
                        string failProcess     = FailList[i]["FailProcess"].ToString();
                        string failDescription = FailList[i]["FailDesc"].ToString();

                        //黃楊盛 2018年4月24日14:14:28 模擬自動做維修的動作,修正時間
                        //更新R_SN REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG=’1’
                        //modify by ZGJ 2018-03-22 BIP Fail 的產品自動清除待維修狀態,但是記錄不良

                        PANELObj = (R_PANEL_SN)PanelVitualSNSession.Value;
                        if (i == 0)
                            VirtualSn = PANELObj.SN.ToString();
                            R_SN r = rSn.GetDetailBySN(VirtualSn, Station.SFCDB);
                            rrSn = (Row_R_SN)rSn.GetObjByID(r.ID, Station.SFCDB);
                            //rrSn.REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG = "0";
                            rrSn.REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG = "1";
                            rrSn.SN        = StrSn;
                            rrSn.EDIT_EMP  = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO; //add by LLF 2018-03-17
                            rrSn.EDIT_TIME = FailTime;                 //add by LLF 2018-03-17
                            string strRet = (Station.SFCDB).ExecSQL(rrSn.GetUpdateString(DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle));
                            if (!(Convert.ToInt32(strRet) > 0))
                                throw new MESReturnMessage("update repair failed flag error!");

                            // Update R_PANEL_SN
                            T_R_PANEL_SN   RPanelSN  = new T_R_PANEL_SN(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                            Row_R_PANEL_SN Row_Panel = (Row_R_PANEL_SN)RPanelSN.NewRow();
                            Row_Panel    = (Row_R_PANEL_SN)RPanelSN.GetObjByID(PANELObj.ID, Station.SFCDB);
                            Row_Panel.SN = StrSn;
                            strRet       = (Station.SFCDB).ExecSQL(Row_Panel.GetUpdateString(DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle));
                            if (!(Convert.ToInt32(strRet) > 0))
                                throw new MESReturnMessage("update r_panel_sn error!");

                            //Update AP

                            //黄杨盛 2018年4月14日09:10:50 修正不能超过9连板的情况.同时加上不支持3位数连板的约束
                            //APVirtualSn = PANELObj.PANEL + "0" + PANELObj.SEQ_NO.ToString();
                            if (PANELObj.SEQ_NO > 99)
                                throw new MESReturnMessage(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000226",
                                                                                                new string[] { DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle.ToString() }));
                            APVirtualSn = PANELObj.PANEL + Convert.ToInt16(PANELObj.SEQ_NO).ToString("00");

                            string result = APObj.APUpdatePanlSN(APVirtualSn, StrSn, APDB);
                            if (!result.Equals("OK"))
                                //2018年4月24日13:56:14 黃楊盛
                                //throw new MESReturnMessage("already be binded to other serial number");
                                throw new MESReturnMessage(result);

                            T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL rSnStationDetail =
                                new T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                            //Add by LLF 2018-03-19
                            R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID = rSnStationDetail.GetNewID(Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                            //string detailResult = rSnStationDetail.AddDetailToRSnStationDetail(R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID,rrSn.GetDataObject(), Station.Line, Station.StationName, Station.StationName, Station.SFCDB);
                            string detailResult = rSnStationDetail.AddDetailToBipStationFailDetail(
                                R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID, rrSn.GetDataObject(), Station.Line, Station.StationName,
                                Station.StationName, Station.SFCDB, "1");
                            if (!(Convert.ToInt32(detailResult) > 0))
                                throw new MESReturnMessage("Insert sn station detail error!");

                            //update R_SN_STATION_DETAIL
                            rSnStationDetail.UpdateRSnStationDetailBySNID(StrSn, PANELObj.SN, Station.SFCDB);

                            T_R_REPAIR_MAIN   tRepairMain = new T_R_REPAIR_MAIN(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                            Row_R_REPAIR_MAIN rRepairMain = (Row_R_REPAIR_MAIN)tRepairMain.NewRow();

                            RepairmainID = tRepairMain.GetNewID(Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                            //rRepairMain.ID = tRepairMain.GetNewID(Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                            rRepairMain.ID           = RepairmainID;
                            rRepairMain.SN           = StrSn;
                            rRepairMain.WORKORDERNO  = rrSn.WORKORDERNO;
                            rRepairMain.SKUNO        = rrSn.SKUNO;
                            rRepairMain.FAIL_LINE    = Station.Line;
                            rRepairMain.FAIL_STATION = Station.StationName;
                            rRepairMain.FAIL_EMP     = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                            //rRepairMain.FAIL_TIME = Station.GetDBDateTime();//Modify by LLF 2018-03-17
                            rRepairMain.FAIL_TIME   = FailTime; //Modify by LLF 2018-03-17
                            rRepairMain.EDIT_EMP    = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                            rRepairMain.EDIT_TIME   = Station.GetDBDateTime();
                            rRepairMain.CLOSED_FLAG = "1";
                            string insertResult =
                            if (!(Convert.ToInt32(insertResult) > 0))
                                throw new Exception("Insert repair main error!");

                        T_R_REPAIR_FAILCODE tRepairFailCode =
                            new T_R_REPAIR_FAILCODE(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                        Row_R_REPAIR_FAILCODE rRepairFailCode = (Row_R_REPAIR_FAILCODE)tRepairFailCode.NewRow();
                        rRepairFailCode.ID = tRepairFailCode.GetNewID(Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                        //rRepairFailCode.REPAIR_MAIN_ID = rRepairMain.ID; //Modify by LLF 2018-04-11 多筆FAIL 取1一個RepairMainID
                        rRepairFailCode.REPAIR_MAIN_ID = RepairmainID;
                        rRepairFailCode.SN             = StrSn;
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_CODE      = failCode;
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_EMP       = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_TIME      = FailTime;
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_CATEGORY  = "SYMPTOM";
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_LOCATION  = failLocation;
                        rRepairFailCode.FAIL_PROCESS   = failProcess;
                        rRepairFailCode.DESCRIPTION    = failDescription;
                        rRepairFailCode.REPAIR_FLAG    = "1";
                        rRepairFailCode.EDIT_EMP       = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                        rRepairFailCode.EDIT_TIME      = Station.GetDBDateTime();

                        string strResult =
                        if (!(Convert.ToInt32(strResult) > 0))
                            throw new MESReturnMessage("Insert repair failcode error!");



                    //黃楊盛 2018年4月24日14:11:42 做一筆出來的記錄
                    R_SN snOut = rSn.GetDetailBySN(StrSn, Station.SFCDB);
                    rrSn = (Row_R_SN)rSn.GetObjByID(snOut.ID, Station.SFCDB);
                    rrSn.CURRENT_STATION    = rrSn.NEXT_STATION;
                    rrSn.NEXT_STATION       = rSn.GetNextStation(snOut.ROUTE_ID, snOut.NEXT_STATION, oleDB);
                    rrSn.REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG = "0";
                    rrSn.SN        = StrSn;
                    rrSn.EDIT_EMP  = Station.LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                    rrSn.EDIT_TIME = FailTime;
                    var count = (Station.SFCDB).ExecSQL(rrSn.GetUpdateString(DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle));
                    if (!(Convert.ToInt32(count) > 0))
                        throw new MESReturnMessage("update rsn failed flag error!");

                    // 方國剛 2018.05.02 11:45:30
                    // 因拋賬計算過站數量時,不計算REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG=1的數量,故BIP Fail 的產品自動清除待維修狀態后再在過站記錄表記錄一筆REPAIR_FAILED_FLAG=0的記錄
                    T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL rSnStationDetailRepaired = new T_R_SN_STATION_DETAIL(Station.SFCDB, DB_TYPE_ENUM.Oracle);
                    R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID = rSnStationDetailRepaired.GetNewID(Station.BU, Station.SFCDB);
                    string detailResultRepaired = rSnStationDetailRepaired.AddDetailToBipStationFailDetail(
                        R_SN_STATION_DETAIL_ID, rrSn.GetDataObject(), Station.Line, Station.StationName,
                        Station.StationName, Station.SFCDB, "0");
                    if (!(Convert.ToInt32(detailResultRepaired) > 0))
                        throw new MESReturnMessage("Insert sn station detail error!");
                catch (Exception e)
                    catch (Exception x)

                    throw new MESReturnMessage(e.Message + e.StackTrace);

                //add by zgj 2018-03-14
                //當記錄完當前 SN 不良後,清除保存在 session 中的不良信息
                //((List<Dictionary<string, string>>)FailListSession.Value).Clear();

                if (ClearInputSession != null)
                    ClearInputSession.Value = "true";

                ReturnMessage.Remove(ReturnMessage.Length - 1, 1);
                Station.NextInput = Station.FindInputByName("PanelSn");
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000158", new string[] { StrSn, ReturnMessage.ToString() }, MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Pass);
                Station.NextInput = Station.FindInputByName("Location");
                Station.AddMessage("MES00000162", new string[] { StrSn, FailCount.ToString(), FailList.Count.ToString() }, MESReturnView.Station.StationMessageState.Message);
Example #30
        public void CutWoBySNId(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject requestValue, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken Data, MESStationReturn StationReturn)
            OleExec sfcdb = null;

                string wo        = Data["WO"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim();
                string closeFlag = Data["CLOSEFLAG"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim();
                Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray arrayId = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)Data["ID"];

                sfcdb = this.DBPools["SFCDB"].Borrow();
                sfcdb.ThrowSqlExeception = true;
                T_R_WO_BASE t_r_wo_base = new T_R_WO_BASE(sfcdb, DBTYPE);
                R_WO_BASE   r_wo_base   = t_r_wo_base.GetWoByWoNo(wo, sfcdb);
                if (r_wo_base == null)
                    throw new Exception(MESReturnMessage.GetMESReturnMessage("MES00000164", new string[] { wo }));

                T_R_SN   t_r_sn = new T_R_SN(sfcdb, DBTYPE);
                Row_R_SN rowSN;
                for (int i = 0; i < arrayId.Count; i++)
                    rowSN             = (Row_R_SN)t_r_sn.GetObjByID(arrayId[i].ToString(), sfcdb);
                    rowSN.SN          = "CUT_" + rowSN.SN;
                    rowSN.WORKORDERNO = "CUT_" + rowSN.WORKORDERNO;
                    rowSN.SKUNO       = "CUT_" + rowSN.SKUNO;
                    rowSN.EDIT_EMP    = LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                    rowSN.EDIT_TIME   = GetDBDateTime();

                Row_R_WO_BASE rowWoBase = (Row_R_WO_BASE)t_r_wo_base.GetObjByID(r_wo_base.ID, sfcdb);
                rowWoBase.WORKORDER_QTY = r_wo_base.WORKORDER_QTY - Convert.ToDouble(arrayId.Count);
                rowWoBase.INPUT_QTY     = r_wo_base.INPUT_QTY - Convert.ToDouble(arrayId.Count);
                rowWoBase.EDIT_EMP      = LoginUser.EMP_NO;
                rowWoBase.EDIT_TIME     = GetDBDateTime();
                if (closeFlag == "1")
                    rowWoBase.CLOSED_FLAG = closeFlag;
                    rowWoBase.CLOSE_DATE  = GetDBDateTime();

                StationReturn.Data        = r_wo_base;
                StationReturn.Status      = StationReturnStatusValue.Pass;
                StationReturn.MessageCode = "MES00000210";
            catch (Exception exception)
                StationReturn.Status      = StationReturnStatusValue.Fail;
                StationReturn.MessageCode = "MES00000037";
                StationReturn.Data = exception.Message;
                if (sfcdb != null)