/// <summary>
        /// get the controls that belong to the toolstrip
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProcessChildren(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef container)
            // add all the children

            // TODO add Container elements in statusbar
            if (container.controlName.StartsWith("stb"))

            List <XmlNode> childrenlist;

            if (TYml2Xml.GetChild(container.xmlNode, "Controls") != null)
                // this is for generated toolbar, eg. for the PrintPreviewControl
                StringCollection childrenNames = TYml2Xml.GetElements(container.xmlNode, "Controls");
                childrenlist = new List <XmlNode>();

                foreach (string name in childrenNames)
                // usually, the toolbar buttons are direct children of the toolbar control
                childrenlist = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(container.xmlNode, true);

            //Console.WriteLine("Container: " + container.controlName);
            foreach (XmlNode child in childrenlist)
                // Console.WriteLine("Child: " + child.Name);

                /* Get unique name if we need it
                 * at the moment we need it only for menu separators
                String      UniqueChildName = child.Name;
                TControlDef ControlDefChild = container.FCodeStorage.GetControl(child.Name);

                if (ControlDefChild == null)
                    UniqueChildName = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(child, "UniqueName");
                    ControlDefChild = container.FCodeStorage.GetControl(UniqueChildName);


                if (ControlDefChild != null)
                    IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ControlDefChild);

                    // add control itself
                    if (ctrlGenerator != null)
                        ctrlGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, ControlDefChild);
        /// <summary>add GeneratedReadSetControls</summary>
        public override void ApplyDerivedFunctionality(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef control)
            string paramName = ReportControls.GetParameterName(control.xmlNode);

            if (paramName == null)

            StringCollection optionalValues =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(control.xmlNode, "OptionalValues"));

            foreach (string rbtValueText in optionalValues)
                string rbtValue = StringHelper.UpperCamelCase(rbtValueText.Replace("'", "").Replace(" ", "_"), false, false);
                string rbtName  = "rbt" + rbtValue;
                                             "if (" + rbtName + ".Checked) " + Environment.NewLine +
                                             "{" + Environment.NewLine +
                                             "  ACalc.AddParameter(\"" + paramName + "\", \"" + rbtValue + "\");" + Environment.NewLine +
                                             "}" + Environment.NewLine);
                                             rbtName + ".Checked = " +
                                             "AParameters.Get(\"" + paramName + "\").ToString() == \"" + rbtValue + "\";" +
        /// <summary>
        /// process a tab page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean AddTabPage(XmlNode curNode)
            // name of tabpage
            TControlDef tabPage = FCodeStorage.AddControl(curNode);

            tabPage.parentName = FCodeStorage.GetRootControl("tab").controlName;
            curNode            = TXMLParser.NextNotBlank(curNode.FirstChild);

            if (curNode != null)
                if (curNode.Name == "Controls")
                    // one control per row, align labels
                    StringCollection controls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(curNode);

                    foreach (string ctrlName in controls)
                        TControlDef ctrl = FCodeStorage.GetControl(ctrlName);

                        if (ctrl != null)
                            ctrl.parentName = tabPage.controlName;

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// add using namespaces, defined in the yml file in the interface directory
        /// </summary>
        public static string AddNamespacesFromYmlFile(String AOutputPath, string AModuleName)
            string result = string.Empty;

            if (AOutputPath.Contains("ICT/Petra/Plugins"))
                // for plugins
                string pluginWithNamespace = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("plugin");
                result += "using " + pluginWithNamespace + ".Data;" + Environment.NewLine;

            if (File.Exists(AOutputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "InterfacesUsingNamespaces.yml"))
                TYml2Xml    reader = new TYml2Xml(AOutputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "InterfacesUsingNamespaces.yml");
                XmlDocument doc    = reader.ParseYML2XML();

                XmlNode RootNode = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;

                StringCollection usingNamespaces = TYml2Xml.GetElements(RootNode, AModuleName);

                foreach (string s in usingNamespaces)
                    result += "using " + s.Trim() + ";" + Environment.NewLine;

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// create the radio buttons and the controls that depend on them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override StringCollection FindContainedControls(TFormWriter writer, XmlNode curNode)
            StringCollection Controls =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(curNode, "Controls"));
            string DefaultValue = Controls[0];

            if (TXMLParser.HasAttribute(curNode, "DefaultValue"))
                DefaultValue = TXMLParser.GetAttribute(curNode, "DefaultValue");

            foreach (string controlName in Controls)
                TControlDef radioButton = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(controlName);

                if (radioButton == null)
                    throw new Exception("cannot find control " + controlName + " used in RadioGroup " + curNode.Name);

                if (StringHelper.IsSame(DefaultValue, controlName))
                    radioButton.SetAttribute("RadioChecked", "true");

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// insert the buttons for the form, eg. submit button, cancel button, etc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="ATemplate"></param>
        /// <param name="AItemsPlaceholder"></param>
        /// <param name="AWriter"></param>
        public static void InsertButtons(TControlDef ACtrl, ProcessTemplate ATemplate, string AItemsPlaceholder, TFormWriter AWriter)
            StringCollection children = TYml2Xml.GetElements(ACtrl.xmlNode, "Buttons");

            foreach (string child in children)
                TControlDef       childCtrl = AWriter.FCodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(child, ACtrl.controlName);
                IControlGenerator ctrlGen   = AWriter.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);

                ProcessTemplate ctrlSnippet           = ctrlGen.SetControlProperties(AWriter, childCtrl);
                ProcessTemplate snippetCellDefinition = AWriter.FTemplate.GetSnippet("CELLDEFINITION");

                LayoutCellInForm(childCtrl, -1, ctrlSnippet, snippetCellDefinition);

                ATemplate.InsertSnippet(AItemsPlaceholder, ctrlSnippet, ",");
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// create the radio buttons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override StringCollection FindContainedControls(TFormWriter writer, XmlNode curNode)
            StringCollection optionalValues =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(curNode, "OptionalValues"));
            string DefaultValue = optionalValues[0];

            if (TXMLParser.HasAttribute(curNode, "DefaultValue"))
                DefaultValue = TXMLParser.GetAttribute(curNode, "DefaultValue");
                // DefaultValue with = sign before control name
                for (int counter = 0; counter < optionalValues.Count; counter++)
                    if (optionalValues[counter].StartsWith("="))
                        optionalValues[counter] = optionalValues[counter].Substring(1).Trim();
                        DefaultValue            = optionalValues[counter];

            // add the radiobuttons on the fly
            StringCollection Controls = new StringCollection();

            foreach (string optionalValue in optionalValues)
                string radioButtonName = "rbt" +
                                         StringHelper.UpperCamelCase(optionalValue.Replace("'", "").Replace(" ",
                                                                                                                         ""), false, false);
                TControlDef newCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(radioButtonName, curNode.Name);
                newCtrl.Label = optionalValue;

                if (StringHelper.IsSame(DefaultValue, optionalValue))
                    newCtrl.SetAttribute("RadioChecked", "true");


        /// <summary>
        /// add using namespaces, defined in the yml file in the interface directory
        /// </summary>
        public static string AddNamespacesFromYmlFile(String AOutputPath, string AModuleName)
            TYml2Xml    reader = new TYml2Xml(AOutputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "InterfacesUsingNamespaces.yml");
            XmlDocument doc    = reader.ParseYML2XML();

            XmlNode RootNode = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;

            StringCollection usingNamespaces = TYml2Xml.GetElements(RootNode, AModuleName);

            string result = string.Empty;

            foreach (string s in usingNamespaces)
                result += "using " + s.Trim() + ";" + Environment.NewLine;

Example #9
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            StringCollection OptionalValues = TYml2Xml.GetElements(ctrl.xmlNode, "OptionalValues");

            if (OptionalValues.Count > 0)
                string formattedValues = "";
                string defaultValue    = "";

                foreach (string value in OptionalValues)
                    if (formattedValues.Length > 0)
                        formattedValues += ",";

                    if (value.StartsWith("="))
                        formattedValues += "\"" + value.Substring(1).Trim() + "\"";
                        defaultValue     = value.Substring(1).Trim();
                        formattedValues += "\"" + value + "\"";

                writer.CallControlFunction(ctrl.controlName, "Items.AddRange(new object[] {" + formattedValues + "})");

                if (defaultValue.Length > 0)
                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + defaultValue + "\"");

        /// <summary>
        /// get the radio buttons
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProcessChildren(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            StringCollection Controls =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls"));
            string DefaultValue = Controls[0];

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "DefaultValue"))
                DefaultValue = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "DefaultValue");

            foreach (string controlName in Controls)
                TControlDef radioButton = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(controlName);

                if (StringHelper.IsSame(DefaultValue, controlName))
                    radioButton.SetAttribute("RadioChecked", "true");

            base.ProcessChildren(writer, ctrl);
Example #11
        private static void ProcessRadioGroupLabels(XmlNode node)
            StringCollection optionalValues =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(node, "OptionalValues"));

            XmlNode OptionalValuesLabel = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("LabelsForOptionalValues");


            foreach (string s in optionalValues)
                string label = s;

                if (label.StartsWith("="))
                    label = label.Substring(1).Trim();

                XmlNode LabelNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(TYml2Xml.XMLLIST);
                TXMLParser.SetAttribute(LabelNode, "name", Catalog.GetString(label));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// main function for creating a control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="ATemplate"></param>
        /// <param name="AItemsPlaceholder"></param>
        /// <param name="ANodeName"></param>
        /// <param name="AWriter"></param>
        public static void InsertControl(TControlDef ACtrl,
                                         ProcessTemplate ATemplate,
                                         string AItemsPlaceholder,
                                         string ANodeName,
                                         TFormWriter AWriter)
            XmlNode controlsNode = TXMLParser.GetChild(ACtrl.xmlNode, ANodeName);

            List <XmlNode> childNodes = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true);

            if ((childNodes.Count > 0) && childNodes[0].Name.StartsWith("Row"))
                foreach (XmlNode row in TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true))
                    ProcessTemplate snippetRowDefinition = AWriter.FTemplate.GetSnippet("ROWDEFINITION");

                    StringCollection children = TYml2Xml.GetElements(controlsNode, row.Name);

                    foreach (string child in children)
                        TControlDef       childCtrl             = AWriter.FCodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(child, ACtrl.controlName);
                        IControlGenerator ctrlGen               = AWriter.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);
                        ProcessTemplate   ctrlSnippet           = ctrlGen.SetControlProperties(AWriter, childCtrl);
                        ProcessTemplate   snippetCellDefinition = AWriter.FTemplate.GetSnippet("CELLDEFINITION");

                        LayoutCellInForm(childCtrl, children.Count, ctrlSnippet, snippetCellDefinition);

                        if ((children.Count == 1) && ctrlGen is RadioGroupSimpleGenerator)
                            // do not use the ROWDEFINITION, but insert control directly
                            // this helps with aligning the label for the group radio buttons
                            snippetRowDefinition.InsertSnippet("ITEMS", ctrlSnippet, ",");
                            snippetCellDefinition.InsertSnippet("ITEM", ctrlSnippet);
                            snippetRowDefinition.InsertSnippet("ITEMS", snippetCellDefinition, ",");

                    ATemplate.InsertSnippet(AItemsPlaceholder, snippetRowDefinition, ",");
                foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes)
                    string      child     = TYml2Xml.GetElementName(childNode);
                    TControlDef childCtrl = AWriter.FCodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(child, ACtrl.controlName);

                    if ((ANodeName != "HiddenValues") && (childCtrl.controlTypePrefix == "hid"))
                        // somehow, hidden values get into the controls list as well. we don't want them there

                    IControlGenerator ctrlGen = AWriter.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);

                    if (ctrlGen is FieldSetGenerator)
                                                                               ACtrl.controlName), ATemplate, AItemsPlaceholder, ANodeName, AWriter);
                        ProcessTemplate ctrlSnippet           = ctrlGen.SetControlProperties(AWriter, childCtrl);
                        ProcessTemplate snippetCellDefinition = AWriter.FTemplate.GetSnippet("CELLDEFINITION");

                        LayoutCellInForm(childCtrl, -1, ctrlSnippet, snippetCellDefinition);

                        ATemplate.InsertSnippet(AItemsPlaceholder, ctrlSnippet, ",");
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// create the code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="ctrl"></param>
        public void InsertControl(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ctrl);

            string controlName = ctrl.controlName;

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                if (FCurrentRow != ctrl.rowNumber)
                    FCurrentColumn = 0;
                    FCurrentRow    = ctrl.rowNumber;

/* this does not work yet; creates endless loop/recursion
 *          if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
 *          {
 *              // we need another label after the control
 *              LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
 *              string lblName = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName) + "Unit";
 *              TControlDef unitLabel = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, controlName);
 *              unitLabel.Label = ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit");
 *              TableLayoutPanelGenerator TlpGenerator = new TableLayoutPanelGenerator();
 *              ctrl.SetAttribute("ControlsOrientation", "horizontal");
 *              TlpGenerator.SetOrientation(ctrl);
 *              StringCollection childControls = new StringCollection();
 *              childControls.Add(controlName);
 *              childControls.Add(lblName);
 *              string subTlpControlName = TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, FTlpName, childControls);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, ctrl);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, unitLabel);
 *              if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, 1, FCurrentRow);
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
 *              }
 *          }
 *          else
            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("GenerateWithOtherControls"))
                // add the checkbox/radiobutton first
                if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                    AddControl(ctrl, 0, FCurrentRow);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn * 2, 0);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn, FCurrentRow);

                StringCollection childControls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls"));

                if (childControls.Count > 1)
                    // we need another tablelayout to arrange all the controls
                    PanelLayoutGenerator TlpGenerator = new PanelLayoutGenerator();

                    Int32 NewHeight = -1;
                    Int32 NewWidth  = -1;

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                        NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Height"));

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                        NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Width"));

                    TControlDef subTlpControl = TlpGenerator.CreateNewPanel(writer, ctrl);
                    TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, ctrl, subTlpControl, NewWidth, NewHeight);

                    foreach (string ChildControlName in childControls)
                        TControlDef ChildControl = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(ChildControlName);
                        TlpGenerator.InsertControl(writer, ChildControl);

                    TlpGenerator.WriteTableLayout(writer, subTlpControl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
                else if (childControls.Count == 1)
                    // we don't need to add another table layout for just one other control
                    TControlDef       ChildCtrl      = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(childControls[0]);
                    IControlGenerator ChildGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ChildCtrl);
                    ChildGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, ChildCtrl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
            else if (ctrl.controlName.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))
                // don't do anything here!
            else if (ctrlGenerator.GenerateLabel(ctrl))
                // add label
                LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
                string         lblName      = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName);
                TControlDef    newLabel     = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, ctrl.controlName);
                newLabel.Label = ctrl.Label;

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelWidth"))
                    newLabel.SetAttribute("Width", ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelWidth"));

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
                    // alternative implementation above does not work: add another label control after the input control
                    newLabel.Label = newLabel.Label + " (in " + ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit") + ")";

                lblGenerator.GenerateDeclaration(writer, newLabel);
                lblGenerator.RightAlign = true;
                lblGenerator.SetControlProperties(writer, newLabel);

                           FCurrentColumn * 2,
                           FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1,
                           FCurrentColumn * 2,

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                FCurrentColumn = 0;
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                FCurrentColumn += ctrl.colSpan;
Example #14
        /// <summary>add GeneratedReadSetControls, and all dependent controls</summary>
        public override void ApplyDerivedFunctionality(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef control)
            string paramName = ReportControls.GetParameterName(control.xmlNode);

            if (paramName == null)

            StringCollection Controls =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(control.xmlNode, "Controls"));

            foreach (string controlName in Controls)
                TControlDef rbtCtrl  = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(controlName);
                string      rbtValue = rbtCtrl.Label;
                rbtValue = StringHelper.UpperCamelCase(rbtValue.Replace("'", "").Replace(" ", "_"), false, false);

                if (rbtCtrl.HasAttribute("ParameterValue"))
                    rbtValue = rbtCtrl.GetAttribute("ParameterValue");

                string rbtName = "rbt" + controlName.Substring(3);

                if (controlName.StartsWith("layoutPanel"))
                    // the table layouts of sub controls for each radio button need to be skipped

                ProcessTemplate RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet = writer.Template.GetSnippet("RADIOBUTTONREADCONTROLS");
                RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("RBTNAME", rbtName);
                RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("PARAMNAME", paramName);
                RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("RBTVALUE", rbtValue);
                RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("READCONTROLS", "");

                XmlNode childControls = TXMLParser.GetChild(rbtCtrl.xmlNode, "Controls");

                // only assign variables that make sense
                if (childControls != null)
                    StringCollection childControlNames = TYml2Xml.GetElements(childControls);

                    foreach (string childName in childControlNames)
                        if (childName.StartsWith("layoutPanel"))

                        TControlDef       childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(childName);
                        IControlGenerator generator = writer.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);

                        // make sure we ignore Button etc
                        if (generator.GetType().ToString().EndsWith("ReportGenerator"))
                            childCtrl.SetAttribute("DependsOnRadioButton", "");
                            childCtrl.SetAttribute("DependsOnRadioButton", "true");

                writer.Template.InsertSnippet("READCONTROLS", RadioButtonReadControlsSnippet);

                ProcessTemplate RadioButtonSetControlsSnippet = writer.Template.GetSnippet("RADIOBUTTONSETCONTROLS");
                RadioButtonSetControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("RBTNAME", rbtName);
                RadioButtonSetControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("PARAMNAME", paramName);
                RadioButtonSetControlsSnippet.SetCodelet("RBTVALUE", rbtValue);

                // only assign variables that make sense
                if (childControls != null)
                    StringCollection childControlNames = TYml2Xml.GetElements(childControls);

                    foreach (string childName in childControlNames)
                        if (childName.StartsWith("layoutPanel"))

                        TControlDef       childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(childName);
                        IControlGenerator generator = writer.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);

                        // make sure we ignore Button etc
                        if (generator.GetType().ToString().EndsWith("ReportGenerator"))
                            childCtrl.SetAttribute("DependsOnRadioButton", "");
                            childCtrl.SetAttribute("DependsOnRadioButton", "true");

                writer.Template.InsertSnippet("SETCONTROLS", RadioButtonSetControlsSnippet);
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", FDefaultWidth.ToString());

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".CancelEditingWithEscapeKey = false;" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates"))
                // TODO: this function needs to be called by the manual code at the moment when eg a search finishes
                // TODO: call "Activate" + TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates")

            StringCollection Columns = TYml2Xml.GetElements(ctrl.xmlNode, "Columns");

            if (Columns.Count > 0)
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".Columns.Clear();" + Environment.NewLine);

                //This needs to come immediately after the Columns.Clear() and before the creation of the columns
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortableHeaders"))
                    string trueOrFalse = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortableHeaders");
                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".SortableHeaders = " + trueOrFalse + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

                bool isFirstColumnVarchar = false;
                bool doneFirstColumn      = false;

                foreach (string ColumnFieldName in Columns)
                    bool        IsDetailNotMaster;
                    TTableField field = null;
                    string      TableFieldTable;
                    string      ColumnFieldNameResolved;

                    // customfield, eg. UC_GLTransactions, ATransaction.DateEntered and ATransaction.AnalysisAttributes
                    // there needs to be a list of CustomColumns
                    XmlNode CustomColumnsNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "CustomColumns");
                    XmlNode CustomColumnNode  = null;

                    if (CustomColumnsNode != null)
                        CustomColumnNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(CustomColumnsNode, ColumnFieldName);

                    if ((ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails") && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                        TableFieldTable = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable");

                        if (ColumnFieldName.StartsWith("Detail") && !IsLegitimateDetailFieldName(TableFieldTable, ColumnFieldName))
                            ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName.Substring(6);     // Drop 'Details' out of 'Details...'
                            ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName;
                        TableFieldTable         = ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName");
                        ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName;

                    if (CustomColumnNode != null)
                        TTableField tf = null;

                        // if grd has no TableName property
                        if ((TableFieldTable == "") && ColumnFieldNameResolved.Contains("."))
                            int    Period     = ColumnFieldNameResolved.IndexOf(".");
                            string TableName  = ColumnFieldNameResolved.Remove(Period);
                            string ColumnName = ColumnFieldNameResolved.Remove(0, TableName.Length + 1);

                            AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Label"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Tooltip"),
                            tf = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, TableName + "." + ColumnName, out IsDetailNotMaster, true);
                            AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Label"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Tooltip"),
                            tf = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, TableFieldTable + "." + ColumnFieldNameResolved, out IsDetailNotMaster, true);

                        if (!doneFirstColumn)
                            isFirstColumnVarchar = tf.strName.EndsWith("_c");
                            doneFirstColumn      = true;
                    else if (ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                        field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + ColumnFieldName,
                                                           out IsDetailNotMaster, true);
                        field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ColumnFieldName, out IsDetailNotMaster, true);

                    if (field != null)
                        AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                        field.iDecimals == 10 && field.iLength == 24 ? "Decimal" : field.GetDotNetType(),
                                        field.strLabel.Length > 0 ? field.strLabel : field.strName,

                        if (!doneFirstColumn)
                            isFirstColumnVarchar = field.strName.EndsWith("_c");
                            doneFirstColumn      = true;

                if (FControlType == TYPE_DATA_GRID_NON_PAGED)
                    // Grid AutoFind definition (not allowed in paged grids)
                    string autoFindStr = ctrl.controlName + ".AutoFindMode = TAutoFindModeEnum.";
                    string mode        = "NoAutoFind";

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("AutoFindMode"))
                        // Use the specified value in YAML
                        mode = ctrl.GetAttribute("AutoFindMode");
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (with columns) was set to " + mode + " from explicit YAML attribute: " + ctrl.controlName);
                    else if (isFirstColumnVarchar)
                        // We can use auto-find because we have a first column based on a varchar
                        mode = "FirstCharacter";
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (with columns) was set implicitly for: " + ctrl.controlName);
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (with columns) was set to NoAutoFind for: " + ctrl.controlName);

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", autoFindStr + mode + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("AutoFindColumn"))
                        string colNum = ctrl.GetAttribute("AutoFindColumn");
                                                     ctrl.controlName + ".AutoFindColumn = " + colNum + ";" + Environment.NewLine);
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindColumn was set to " + colNum + " for: " + ctrl.controlName);

                    if ((mode == "FirstCharacter") && !ctrl.HasAttribute("SortOrder"))
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFind has been turned on for a grid with no YAML-defined sort order: (" + ctrl.controlName +
                                     "). You can remove this message by explicitly setting a SortOrder in the YAML file.");
                //If no columns, but the user is able to add columns dynamically during the running of the form, then need this here.
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortableHeaders"))
                    string trueOrFalse = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortableHeaders");
                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".SortableHeaders = " + trueOrFalse + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

                if (FControlType == TYPE_DATA_GRID_NON_PAGED)
                    // Grid AutoFind definition (not allowed in paged grids)
                    string autoFindStr = ctrl.controlName + ".AutoFindMode = TAutoFindModeEnum.";
                    string mode        = "FirstCharacter";

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("AutoFindMode"))
                        // Use the specified value in YAML
                        mode = ctrl.GetAttribute("AutoFindMode");
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (without columns) was set to " + mode + " from explicit YAML attribute: " + ctrl.controlName);
                    else if (writer.FCodeStorage.ManualFileExistsAndContains(ctrl.controlName + ".AddTextColumn("))
                        // We presume can use auto-find because we have a column (maybe the first) based on a varchar
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (without columns) was set implicitly for: " + ctrl.controlName);
                        mode = "NoAutoFind";
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindMode (without columns) was set to NoAutoFind for: " + ctrl.controlName);

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", autoFindStr + mode + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("AutoFindColumn"))
                        string colNum = ctrl.GetAttribute("AutoFindColumn");
                                                     ctrl.controlName + ".AutoFindColumn = " + colNum + ";" + Environment.NewLine);
                        TLogging.Log("Info: AutoFindColumn was set to " + colNum + " for: " + ctrl.controlName);

            if (ctrl.controlName != "grdDetails")
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionLeavingRow"))
                    AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowLeaving", "SourceGrid.RowCancelEventHandler",

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionFocusRow"))
                    AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowEntered", "SourceGrid.RowEventHandler",

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionEnterKeyPressed"))
                AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "EnterKeyPressed", "TKeyPressedEventHandler",

            if ((ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails") && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("SHOWDATA", "");

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortOrder"))
                    // SortOrder is comma separated and has DESC or ASC after the column name
                    string SortOrder = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortOrder");

                    foreach (string SortOrderPart in SortOrder.Split(','))
                        bool        temp;
                        TTableField field          = null;
                        string      columnNamePart = SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0];

                        if ((columnNamePart.IndexOf(".") == -1) && ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                            field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + columnNamePart, out temp, true);
                            field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, columnNamePart, out temp, true);

                        if (field != null)
                            SortOrder = SortOrder.Replace(columnNamePart, field.strName);

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDSORT", SortOrder);

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("RowFilter"))
                    // this references a field in the table, and assumes there exists a local variable with the same name
                    // eg. FBatchNumber in GL Journals
                    string RowFilter = ctrl.GetAttribute("RowFilter");

                    String FilterString = "\"";

                    foreach (string RowFilterPart in RowFilter.Split(','))
                        bool   temp;
                        string columnName =
                                out temp, true).strName;

                        if (FilterString.Length > 1)
                            FilterString += " + \" and ";

                        FilterString += columnName + " = \" + F" + TTable.NiceFieldName(columnName) + ".ToString()";

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDFILTER", FilterString);

            if (ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails")
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("EnableMultiSelection"))
                                               String.Format("grdDetails.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = {0};{1}", ctrl.GetAttribute("EnableMultiSelection"),
                else if (FCodeStorage.FControlList.ContainsKey("btnDelete"))
                                               "grdDetails.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = true;" + Environment.NewLine);

        /// <summary>
        /// get the radio buttons
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProcessChildren(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            StringCollection optionalValues =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "OptionalValues"));
            string DefaultValue;

            if ((TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "NoDefaultValue") &&
                 ((TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "NoDefaultValue")) == "true")))
                DefaultValue    = String.Empty;
                FNoDefaultValue = true;
                DefaultValue = optionalValues[0];

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "DefaultValue"))
                DefaultValue = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "DefaultValue");
                // DefaultValue with = sign before control name
                for (int counter = 0; counter < optionalValues.Count; counter++)
                    if (optionalValues[counter].StartsWith("="))
                        optionalValues[counter] = optionalValues[counter].Substring(1).Trim();
                        DefaultValue            = optionalValues[counter];

            StringCollection optionalValuesLabels =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TYml2Xml.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "LabelsForOptionalValues"));
            StringCollection optionalValuesConstants =
                TYml2Xml.GetElements(TYml2Xml.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "OptionalValuesConstants"));

            // add the radiobuttons on the fly
            int count = 0;

            foreach (string optionalValue in optionalValues)
                string radioButtonName = "rbt" +
                                         StringHelper.UpperCamelCase(optionalValue.Replace("'", "").Replace(" ",
                                                                                                                         ""), false, false);
                TControlDef newCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(radioButtonName, ctrl.controlName);
                newCtrl.Label = optionalValuesLabels.Count > 0 ? optionalValuesLabels[count] : optionalValue;

                if (StringHelper.IsSame(DefaultValue, optionalValue))
                    newCtrl.SetAttribute("RadioChecked", "true");
                    FDefaultValueRadioButton = radioButtonName;

                if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SuppressChangeDetection"))
                    newCtrl.SetAttribute("SuppressChangeDetection", TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SuppressChangeDetection"));

                if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "OnChange"))
                    newCtrl.SetAttribute("OnChange", TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "OnChange"));

                if (optionalValuesConstants.Count > count)
                    newCtrl.SetAttribute("ConstantValue", optionalValuesConstants[count]);


            base.ProcessChildren(writer, ctrl);
Example #17
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", FDefaultWidth.ToString());

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".CancelEditingWithEscapeKey = false;" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates"))
                // TODO: this function needs to be called by the manual code at the moment when eg a search finishes
                // TODO: call "Activate" + TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates")

            StringCollection Columns = TYml2Xml.GetElements(ctrl.xmlNode, "Columns");

            if (Columns.Count > 0)
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".Columns.Clear();" + Environment.NewLine);

                //This needs to come immediately after the Columns.Clear() and before the creation of the columns
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortableHeaders"))
                    string trueOrFalse = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortableHeaders");
                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".SortableHeaders = " + trueOrFalse + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

                foreach (string ColumnFieldName in Columns)
                    bool        IsDetailNotMaster;
                    TTableField field = null;
                    string      TableFieldTable;
                    string      ColumnFieldNameResolved;

                    // customfield, eg. UC_GLTransactions, ATransaction.DateEntered and ATransaction.AnalysisAttributes
                    // there needs to be a list of CustomColumns
                    XmlNode CustomColumnsNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "CustomColumns");
                    XmlNode CustomColumnNode  = null;

                    if (CustomColumnsNode != null)
                        CustomColumnNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(CustomColumnsNode, ColumnFieldName);

                    if ((ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails") && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                        TableFieldTable = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable");

                        if (ColumnFieldName.StartsWith("Detail") && !IsLegitimateDetailFieldName(TableFieldTable, ColumnFieldName))
                            ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName.Substring(6);     // Drop 'Details' out of 'Details...'
                            ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName;
                        TableFieldTable         = ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName");
                        ColumnFieldNameResolved = ColumnFieldName;

                    if (CustomColumnNode != null)
                        // if grd has no TableName property
                        if ((TableFieldTable == "") && ColumnFieldNameResolved.Contains("."))
                            int    Period     = ColumnFieldNameResolved.IndexOf(".");
                            string TableName  = ColumnFieldNameResolved.Remove(Period);
                            string ColumnName = ColumnFieldNameResolved.Remove(0, TableName.Length + 1);

                            AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Label"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Tooltip"),
                            AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Label"),
                                            TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Tooltip"),
                    else if (ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                        field =
                            TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + ColumnFieldName, out IsDetailNotMaster,
                        field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ColumnFieldName, out IsDetailNotMaster, true);

                    if (field != null)
                        AddColumnToGrid(writer, ctrl.controlName,
                                        field.iDecimals == 10 && field.iLength == 24 ? "Decimal" : field.GetDotNetType(),
                                        field.strLabel.Length > 0 ? field.strLabel : field.strName,
                //If no columns, but the user is able to add columns dynamically during the running of the form, then need this here.
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortableHeaders"))
                    string trueOrFalse = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortableHeaders");
                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".SortableHeaders = " + trueOrFalse + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (ctrl.controlName != "grdDetails")
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionLeavingRow"))
                    AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowLeaving", "SourceGrid.RowCancelEventHandler",

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionFocusRow"))
                    AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowEntered", "SourceGrid.RowEventHandler",

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionEnterKeyPressed"))
                AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "EnterKeyPressed", "TKeyPressedEventHandler",

            if ((ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails") && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("SHOWDATA", "");

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortOrder"))
                    // SortOrder is comma separated and has DESC or ASC after the column name
                    string SortOrder = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortOrder");

                    foreach (string SortOrderPart in SortOrder.Split(','))
                        bool        temp;
                        TTableField field = null;

                        if ((SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0].IndexOf(".") == -1) && ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                            field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + SortOrderPart.Split(
                                                                   ' ')[0], out temp, true);
                            field =
                                    SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0],
                                    out temp, true);

                        if (field != null)
                            SortOrder = SortOrder.Replace(SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0], field.strName);

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDSORT", SortOrder);

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("RowFilter"))
                    // this references a field in the table, and assumes there exists a local variable with the same name
                    // eg. FBatchNumber in GL Journals
                    string RowFilter = ctrl.GetAttribute("RowFilter");

                    String FilterString = "\"";

                    foreach (string RowFilterPart in RowFilter.Split(','))
                        bool   temp;
                        string columnName =
                                out temp, true).strName;

                        if (FilterString.Length > 1)
                            FilterString += " + \" and ";

                        FilterString += columnName + " = \" + F" + TTable.NiceFieldName(columnName) + ".ToString()";

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDFILTER", FilterString);

            if (ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails")
                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("EnableMultiSelection"))
                                               String.Format("grdDetails.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = {0};{1}", ctrl.GetAttribute("EnableMultiSelection"),
                else if (FCodeStorage.FControlList.ContainsKey("btnDelete"))
                                               "grdDetails.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = true;" + Environment.NewLine);

        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates"))
                // TODO: this function needs to be called by the manual code at the moment when eg a search finishes
                // TODO: call "Activate" + TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "SelectedRowActivates")

            StringCollection Columns = TYml2Xml.GetElements(ctrl.xmlNode, "Columns");

            if (Columns.Count > 0)
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".Columns.Clear();" + Environment.NewLine);

                foreach (string ColumnFieldName in Columns)
                    bool        IsDetailNotMaster;
                    TTableField field = null;

                    // customfield, eg. UC_GLTransactions, ATransaction.DateEntered and ATransaction.AnalysisAttributes
                    // there needs to be a list of CustomColumns
                    XmlNode CustomColumnsNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "CustomColumns");
                    XmlNode CustomColumnNode  = null;

                    if (CustomColumnsNode != null)
                        CustomColumnNode = TYml2Xml.GetChild(CustomColumnsNode, ColumnFieldName);

                    if (CustomColumnNode != null)
                        //string ColumnType = "System.String";

                        /* TODO DateTime (tracker: #58)
                         * if (TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type") == "System.DateTime")
                         * {
                         *  ColumnType = "DateTime";
                         * }

                        // TODO: different behaviour for double???
                        if (TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Type") == "Boolean")
                            //ColumnType = "CheckBox";

                        writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".Columns.Add(" +
                                                     "FMainDS." + ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + ".Get" + ColumnFieldName + "DBName(), \"" +
                                                     TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(CustomColumnNode, "Label") + "\");" + Environment.NewLine);
                    else if (ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                        field =
                            TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + ColumnFieldName,
                                                       out IsDetailNotMaster,
                        field = TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ColumnFieldName, out IsDetailNotMaster, true);

                    if (field != null)
                        //string ColumnType = "System.String";

                        /* TODO DateTime (tracker: #58)
                         * if (field.GetDotNetType() == "System.DateTime")
                         * {
                         *  ColumnType = "DateTime";
                         * }

                        // TODO: different behaviour for double???
                        if (field.GetDotNetType() == "Boolean")
                            //ColumnType = "CheckBox";

                        writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITMANUALCODE", ctrl.controlName + ".Columns.Add(" +
                                                     TTable.NiceTableName(field.strTableName) + "Table.Get" +
                                                     TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName) + "DBName(), \"" +
                                                     field.strLabel + "\");" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionLeavingRow"))
                AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowLeaving", "SourceGrid.RowCancelEventHandler",

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("ActionFocusRow"))
// TODO                AssignEventHandlerToControl(writer, ctrl, "Selection.FocusRowEntered", "SourceGrid.RowEventHandler",
//                    ctrl.GetAttribute("ActionFocusRow"));

            if ((ctrl.controlName == "grdDetails") && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("SHOWDATA", "");

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("SortOrder"))
                    // SortOrder is comma separated and has DESC or ASC after the column name
                    string SortOrder = ctrl.GetAttribute("SortOrder");

                    foreach (string SortOrderPart in SortOrder.Split(','))
                        bool        temp;
                        TTableField field = null;

                        if ((SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0].IndexOf(".") == -1) && ctrl.HasAttribute("TableName"))
                            field =
                                TDataBinding.GetTableField(null, ctrl.GetAttribute("TableName") + "." + SortOrderPart.Split(
                                                               ' ')[0], out temp, true);
                            field =
                                    SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0],
                                    out temp, true);

                        if (field != null)
                            SortOrder = SortOrder.Replace(SortOrderPart.Split(' ')[0], field.strName);

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDSORT", SortOrder);

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("RowFilter"))
                    // this references a field in the table, and assumes there exists a local variable with the same name
                    // eg. FBatchNumber in GL Journals
                    string RowFilter = ctrl.GetAttribute("RowFilter");

                    String FilterString = "\"";

                    foreach (string RowFilterPart in RowFilter.Split(','))
                        bool   temp;
                        string columnName =
                                out temp, true).strName;

                        if (FilterString.Length > 1)
                            FilterString += " + \" and ";

                        FilterString += columnName + " = \" + F" + TTable.NiceFieldName(columnName) + ".ToString()";

                    writer.Template.AddToCodelet("GRIDFILTER", FilterString);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// this function should be used for any collection of controls: on a TabPage, in a table, in a groupbox, radio button list etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the layout control that still needs to be added to the parent</returns>
        public void CreateLayout(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef parentContainer, TControlDef layoutPanel, Int32 ANewWidth, Int32 ANewHeight)
            if (layoutPanel == null)
                layoutPanel = parentContainer;

            // first check if the table layout has already been defined in the container with sets of rows?
            XmlNode containerNode = parentContainer.xmlNode;
            XmlNode controlsNode  = TXMLParser.GetChild(containerNode, "Controls");

            if (controlsNode != null)
                FTabOrder = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(controlsNode, "TabOrder");

            List <XmlNode> childNodes = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true);

            if ((childNodes.Count > 0) && TYml2Xml.GetElementName(childNodes[0]).StartsWith("Row"))
                // create a layout using the defined rows in Controls
                // create TableLayoutPanel that has as many columns (including the labels) and rows as needed
                FOrientation   = eOrientation.TableLayout;
                FCurrentRow    = 0;
                FCurrentColumn = 0;
                FColumnCount   = 2;

                // determine maximum number of columns
                foreach (XmlNode row in TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true))
                    // one other column for the label; will be cleaned up in WriteTableLayout
                    int columnCount = 2 * TYml2Xml.GetElements(row).Count;

                    if (columnCount > FColumnCount)
                        FColumnCount = columnCount;

                FRowCount = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true).Count;


                foreach (TControlDef childctrl in parentContainer.Children)
                    childctrl.parentName = layoutPanel.controlName;
                // create TableLayoutPanel that has a column for the labels and as many rows as needed
                FCurrentRow    = 0;
                FCurrentColumn = 0;

                if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                    FColumnCount = 2;
                    FRowCount    = parentContainer.Children.Count;
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                    // horizontal: label and control, all controls in one row
                    FColumnCount = parentContainer.Children.Count * 2;
                    FRowCount    = 1;


                foreach (TControlDef childControl in parentContainer.Children)
                    childControl.parentName = layoutPanel.controlName;

            #region Custom Column Widths and custom Row Heights

             * Record custom Column Widths, if specified.
            XmlNode colWidthsNode = TXMLParser.GetChild(containerNode, "ColWidths");

            StringCollection ColWidths = TYml2Xml.GetElements(colWidthsNode);

            if (ColWidths.Count > 0)
                FColWidths = new Dictionary <int, string>();

                foreach (string colWidth in ColWidths)
//                    Console.WriteLine(containerNode.Name + ".colWidth: " + colWidth + "    " + String.Format("FColWidths: {0}  /   {1})",
//                            colWidth.Substring(0, colWidth.IndexOf('=')),
//                            colWidth.Substring(colWidth.IndexOf('=') + 1)));

                    FColWidths.Add(Convert.ToInt32(colWidth.Substring(0, colWidth.IndexOf('='))),
                                   colWidth.Substring(colWidth.IndexOf('=') + 1));

             * Record custom Row Heights, if specified.
            XmlNode colHeightsNode = TXMLParser.GetChild(containerNode, "RowHeights");

            StringCollection RowHeights = TYml2Xml.GetElements(colHeightsNode);

            if (RowHeights.Count > 0)
                FRowHeights = new Dictionary <int, string>();

                foreach (string rowHeight in RowHeights)
//                    Console.WriteLine(containerNode.Name + ".rowHeight: " + rowHeight + "    " + String.Format("FRowHeights: {0}  /   {1})",
//                            rowHeight.Substring(0, rowHeight.IndexOf('=')),
//                            rowHeight.Substring(rowHeight.IndexOf('=') + 1)));

                    FRowHeights.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rowHeight.Substring(0, rowHeight.IndexOf('='))),
                                    rowHeight.Substring(rowHeight.IndexOf('=') + 1));
