Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new folder for the new LevelList, used for storing any levels that will be a part of that list.
    /// Creates a new LevelList scriptable object in order to store new levels pertaining to the involved list.
    /// Returns the user to the start menu upon sucessful completion.
    /// </summary>
    void CreateNewLevelListWthFolder(string nameForListAndFolder)
        AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(LEVELS_FOLDER_DIRECTORY, nameForListAndFolder);

        var newList = TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <LevelList>(LEVEL_LIST_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_INSIDE + nameForListAndFolder + ASSET_EXTENSION, true, true);

        if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Complete", "The new level list and its respective folder have been created", "Ok"))
Example #2
    void OnGUI()
        GUILayout.Label("Name of Asset", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        assetName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Text Field", assetName);

        if (assetName == null || assetName.Length == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Must name the AI Data before it can be created!", MessageType.Error);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Create"))
                TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <AIData>("Assets/Main/Data/AI_Datas/" + assetName + ".asset");
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the new level.
    /// </summary>
    void CreateNewLevel(string levelName, string description)
        // Reference to the new level list.
        // Used to store a reference to the List we will be adding to.
        LevelList levelList = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(pathOfSelectedLevelList, typeof(LevelList)) as LevelList;
        // Concatanating a bunch of necessary strings to reduce line length.
        string directoryToAddNewLevelAndFab = LEVELS_FOLDER_DIRECTORY + FORWARD_SLASH + levelList.name + FORWARD_SLASH;
        // New level Scriptable object asset as well as a reference to it.
        // Created in the folder specific to the chosen level list.
        LevelData newLevel = TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <LevelData>(directoryToAddNewLevelAndFab + levelName + ASSET_EXTENSION, true, true);
        // Grabbing a reference to the default level prefab.
        var defaultLevelFab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(DEFAULT_LEVEL_PREFAB_PATH, typeof(GameObject));
        // Need to make an instance of the prefab in order to create a new one in another directory.
        GameObject tempObject = GameObject.Instantiate(defaultLevelFab) as GameObject;
        // Creation of a unique prefab to be used for the newly created level.
        // This also takes care of setting the new prefabs name to the name of the level.
        var newLevelFab = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(directoryToAddNewLevelAndFab + levelName + PREFAB_EXTENSION, tempObject as GameObject);

        // Store the newly created prefab in the new Level's public prefab slot.
        newLevel.Name        = levelName;
        newLevel.Discription = description;
        newLevel.Prefab      = newLevelFab;

        DestroyImmediate(tempObject);         //Destroy the instance that we had originally created off of "DefaultLevelFab", which is in the scene.

        // Add the new level to the referenced LevelList above.
        if (newLevel != null)

            Debug.LogError("The level you are trying to add to the level list is null.");

        if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Level Created", "A new level has been created!", "Ok"))
Example #4
 static void CreateLevelData()
     TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <LevelData>("Assets/Main/Data/Levels/Data/Level.asset");
Example #5
 static void CreateLevelList()
     TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <LevelList>("Assets/Main/Data/Levels/Lists/LevelList.asset");
Example #6
 static void CreateGlobalTowerInfo()
     TWEditorUtil.CreateScriptableAsset <GlobalTowerInfo>("Assets/Main/Data/GlobalTowerInfo.asset", true, false);