Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var info = Utils.GetXML("http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?request=anime&client=rstvshowtracker&clientver=2&protover=1&aid=" + id);
            var show = new TVShow();

            try { show.Title = info.Descendants("title").First(t => t.Attributes().First().Value == language).Value; }
                try   { show.Title = info.Descendants("title").First(t => t.Attributes().First().Value == "en").Value; }
                catch { show.Title = info.GetValue("title"); }

            show.Genre       = info.Descendants("category").Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, g) => current + (g.GetValue("name") + ", ")).TrimEnd(", ".ToCharArray());
            show.Description = info.GetValue("description");
            show.Airing      = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.GetValue("enddate"));
            show.Runtime     = info.GetValue("length").ToInteger();
            show.TimeZone    = "Tokyo Standard Time";
            show.Language    = language;
            show.URL         = Site + "perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=" + id;
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            show.Cover = info.GetValue("picture");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(show.Cover))
                show.Cover = "http://img7.anidb.net/pics/anime/" + show.Cover;

            foreach (var node in info.Descendants("episode"))
                try { node.GetValue("epno").ToInteger(); }

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season = 1;
                ep.Number = node.GetValue("epno").ToInteger();
                ep.URL    = Site + "perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=ep&eid=" + node.Attribute("id").Value;

                try { ep.Title = node.Descendants("title").First(t => t.Attributes().First().Value == language).Value; }
                    try   { ep.Title = node.Descendants("title").First(t => t.Attributes().First().Value == "en").Value; }
                    catch { ep.Title = node.GetValue("title"); }

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParse(node.GetValue("airdate"), out dt)
                           ? dt
                           : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            show.Episodes = show.Episodes.OrderBy(e => e.Number).ToList();

            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0)
                show.AirDay = show.Episodes.Last().Airdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            return show;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var listing = Utils.GetHTML("http://www.episodeworld.com/show/" + id + "/season=all/" + Languages.List[language].ToLower() + "/episodeguide");
            var show    = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(listing.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//div[@class='orangecorner_content']//h1"));
            show.Description = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(listing.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//table/tr/td[1]/table[1]/tr[@class='centerbox_orange']/td[@class='centerbox_orange']") ?? string.Empty).Trim();
            show.Cover       = listing.DocumentNode.GetNodeAttributeValue("//table/tr/td[1]/table[1]/tr[@class='centerbox_orange']/td[@class='centerbox_orange_l']//img", "src");
            show.Airing      = !Regex.IsMatch(listing.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//div[@class='orangecorner_content']//th[4]") ?? string.Empty, "(Canceled|Ended)");
            show.AirTime     = "20:00";
            show.Language    = language;
            show.URL         = "http://www.episodeworld.com/show/" + id + "/season=all/" + Languages.List[language].ToLower() + "/episodeguide";
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            var runtxt   = Regex.Match(listing.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//td[@class='centerbox_orange']/b[text() = 'Runtime:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") ?? string.Empty, "([0-9]+)");
            show.Runtime = runtxt.Success
                         ? int.Parse(runtxt.Groups[1].Value)
                         : 30;

            var genre = listing.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@class='centerbox_orange']/a[starts-with(@href, '/browse/')]");
            if (genre != null)
                foreach (var gen in genre)
                    show.Genre += gen.InnerText + ", ";

                show.Genre = show.Genre.TrimEnd(", ".ToCharArray());

            var network = listing.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//td[@class='centerbox_orange']/b[text() = 'Premiered on Network:']/following-sibling::text()[1]");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(network))
                show.Network = Regex.Replace(network, @" in .+$", string.Empty);

            var nodes = listing.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@id='list']/tr");
            if (nodes == null)
                return show;

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                var episode = Regex.Match(node.GetTextValue("td[2]") ?? string.Empty, "([0-9]{1,2})x([0-9]{1,3})");
                if (!episode.Success)

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season  = episode.Groups[1].Value.ToInteger();
                ep.Number  = episode.Groups[2].Value.ToInteger();
                ep.Title   = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(node.GetTextValue("td[3]").Trim());
                ep.URL     = node.GetNodeAttributeValue("td[3]/a", "href");

                if (ep.URL != null)
                    ep.URL = Site.TrimEnd('/') + ep.URL;

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParse(HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(node.GetTextValue("td[7]") ?? string.Empty).Trim(), out dt)
                           ? dt
                           : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0)
                show.AirDay = show.Episodes.Last().Airdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            return show;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var main = Utils.GetJSON(SignURL("http://app.imdb.com/title/maindetails?tconst=tt" + id));
            var show = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = (string)main["data"]["title"];
            show.Description = (string)main["data"]["plot"]["outline"];
            show.Cover       = (string)main["data"]["image"]["url"];
            show.Airing      = (string)main["data"]["year_end"] == "????";
            show.Runtime     = (int)main["data"]["runtime"]["time"] / 60;
            show.Language    = "en";
            show.URL         = "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt" + id + "/";
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            foreach (var genre in main["data"]["genres"])
                show.Genre += (string)genre + ", ";

            show.Genre = show.Genre.TrimEnd(", ".ToCharArray());

            var epdata = Utils.GetJSON(SignURL("http://app.imdb.com/title/episodes?tconst=tt" + id));

            foreach (var season in epdata["data"]["seasons"])
                var snr = int.Parse((string)season["token"]);
                var enr = 0;

                foreach (var episode in season["list"])
                    if (episode["type"] != "tv_episode") continue;

                    var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                    ep.Season = snr;
                    ep.Number = ++enr;
                    ep.Title  = (string)episode["title"];
                    ep.URL    = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + (string)episode["tconst"] + "/";

                    DateTime dt;
                    ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParseExact((string)episode["release_date"]["normal"] ?? string.Empty, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt)
                               ? dt
                               : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0)
                show.AirDay = show.Episodes.Last().Airdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            return show;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var info = Utils.GetXML("http://www.thetvdb.com/api/{0}/series/{1}/all/{2}.xml".FormatWith(Key, id, language), timeout: 120000);
            var show = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = info.GetValue("SeriesName");
            show.Genre       = info.GetValue("Genre").Trim('|').Replace("|", ", ");
            show.Description = info.GetValue("Overview");
            show.Airing      = !Regex.IsMatch(info.GetValue("Status"), "(Canceled|Ended)");
            show.AirTime     = info.GetValue("Airs_Time");
            show.AirDay      = info.GetValue("Airs_DayOfWeek");
            show.Network     = info.GetValue("Network");
            show.Language    = language;
            show.URL         = "http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=" + info.GetValue("id");
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            if (show.Network.StartsWith("BBC") || show.Network.StartsWith("ITV"))
                show.TimeZone = "GMT+0";

            show.Cover = info.GetValue("poster");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(show.Cover))
                show.Cover = "http://thetvdb.com/banners/" + show.Cover;

            show.Runtime = info.GetValue("Runtime").ToInteger();
            show.Runtime = show.Runtime == 30
                           ? 20
                           : show.Runtime == 50 || show.Runtime == 60
                             ? 40
                             : show.Runtime;

            foreach (var node in info.Descendants("Episode"))
                int sn;
                if ((sn = node.GetValue("SeasonNumber").ToInteger()) == 0)

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season  = sn;
                ep.Number  = node.GetValue("EpisodeNumber").ToInteger();
                ep.Title   = node.GetValue("EpisodeName");
                ep.Summary = node.GetValue("Overview");
                ep.URL     = "http://thetvdb.com/?tab=episode&seriesid={0}&seasonid={1}&id={2}".FormatWith(node.GetValue("seriesid"), node.GetValue("seasonid"), node.GetValue("id"));

                ep.Picture = node.GetValue("filename");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.Picture))
                    ep.Picture = "http://thetvdb.com/banners/_cache/" + ep.Picture;

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParse(node.GetValue("FirstAired"), out dt)
                           ? dt
                           : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            return show;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var summary = Utils.GetHTML("http://www.tv.com/shows/{0}/".FormatWith(id));
            var show    = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(summary.DocumentNode.GetNodeAttributeValue("//meta[@property='og:title']", "content"));
            show.Genre       = Regex.Replace(summary.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//div[contains(@class, 'categories')]") ?? string.Empty, @"\s+", string.Empty).Replace("Categories", string.Empty).Replace(",", ", ");
            show.Description = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize((summary.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//div[@class='description']/span") ?? string.Empty).Replace("&nbsp;", " ").Replace("moreless", string.Empty).Trim());
            show.Cover       = summary.DocumentNode.GetNodeAttributeValue("//meta[@property='og:image']", "content");
            show.Airing      = !Regex.IsMatch(summary.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//ul[@class='stats']/li[2]") ?? string.Empty, "(Canceled|Ended)");
            show.Runtime     = 30;
            show.Language    = "en";
            show.URL         = "http://www.tv.com/shows/{0}/".FormatWith(id);
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            var airinfo = summary.DocumentNode.GetTextValue("//div[@class='tagline']");
            if (airinfo != null)
                airinfo = Regex.Replace(airinfo, @"\s+", " ").Trim();

                var airday = Regex.Match(airinfo, @"(Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday)");
                if (airday.Success)
                    show.AirDay = airday.Groups[1].Value;

                var airtime = Regex.Match(airinfo, @"(\d{1,2}:\d{2}(?: (?:AM|PM))?)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (airtime.Success)
                    show.AirTime = airtime.Groups[1].Value;

                var network = Regex.Match(airinfo, @"on ([^\s$\(]+)");
                if (network.Success)
                    show.Network = network.Groups[1].Value;

            var epurl = "episodes";
            var snr   = -1;

            var listing = Utils.GetHTML("http://www.tv.com/shows/{0}/{1}/?expanded=1".FormatWith(id, epurl));
            var nodes   = listing.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//li[starts-with(@class, 'episode')]");

            if (nodes == null)
                return show;

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                var season = Regex.Match(node.GetTextValue("../../a[@class='season_name toggle']") ?? "Season " + snr, "Season ([0-9]+)");
                var epnr   = Regex.Match(node.GetTextValue(".//div[@class='ep_info']") ?? string.Empty, "Episode ([0-9]+)");

                if (!season.Success || !epnr.Success) { continue; }

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season  = season.Groups[1].Value.ToInteger();
                ep.Number  = epnr.Groups[1].Value.ToInteger();
                ep.Title   = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(node.GetTextValue(".//a[@class='title']"));
                ep.Summary = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(node.GetTextValue(".//div[@class='description']").Replace("&nbsp;", " ").Replace("moreless", string.Empty).Trim());
                ep.Picture = node.GetNodeAttributeValue(".//img[@class='thumb']", "src");
                ep.URL     = node.GetNodeAttributeValue(".//a[@class='title']", "href");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.URL))
                    ep.URL = "http://www.tv.com" + ep.URL;

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParseExact(node.GetTextValue(".//div[@class='date']") ?? string.Empty, "M/d/yy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt)
                             ? dt
                             : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0 && show.Episodes.Last().Season > 1)
                snr   = show.Episodes.Last().Season - 1;
                epurl = "season-" + snr;
                goto grabSeason; // this is a baaad fix, but this plugin is deprecated now, so it's a temorary one.

            return show;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">Failed to extract the listing. Maybe the EPGuides.com regex is out of date.</exception>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var db = _defaultDb;

            if (id.Contains('\0'))
                var tmp = id.Split('\0');
                     id = tmp[0];
                     db = tmp[1];

            var listing = Utils.GetURL(id, "list=" + db, autoDetectEncoding: true);
            var show = new TVShow
                    AirTime  = "20:00",
                    Language = "en",
                    URL      = id,
                    Episodes = new List<TVShow.Episode>()

            var mc = _infoRegex.Matches(listing);

            foreach (Match m in mc)
                if (m.Groups["title"].Success)
                    show.Title = m.Groups["title"].Value;

                if (m.Groups["airing"].Success)
                    show.Airing = true;

                if (m.Groups["runtime"].Success)
                    show.Runtime = m.Groups["runtime"].Value.Trim().ToInteger();
                    show.Runtime = show.Runtime == 30
                                   ? 20
                                   : show.Runtime == 50 || show.Runtime == 60
                                     ? 40
                                     : show.Runtime;

            var prod = Regex.Match(listing, @"(?<start>_+\s{1,5}_+\s{1,5})(?<length>_+\s{1,5})_+\s{1,5}_+");
            listing = Regex.Replace(listing, @"(.{" + prod.Groups["start"].Value.Length + "})(.{" + prod.Groups["length"].Value.Length + "})(.+)", "$1$3");

            mc = _guideRegex.Matches(listing);

            if (mc.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Failed to extract the listing. Maybe the EPGuides.com regex is out of date.");

            foreach (Match m in mc)
                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season = m.Groups["season"].Value.Trim().ToInteger();
                ep.Number = m.Groups["episode"].Value.Trim().ToInteger();
                ep.Title = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(m.Groups["title"].Value);

                var dt = DateTime.MinValue;

                switch (db)
                    case "tvrage.com":
                        DateTime.TryParseExact(m.Groups["airdate"].Value.Trim(), "dd/MMM/yy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt);

                    case "tv.com":
                        DateTime.TryParseExact(m.Groups["airdate"].Value.Trim(), "d MMM yy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt);

                if (dt == DateTime.MinValue && !DateTime.TryParse(m.Groups["airdate"].Value.Trim(), out dt))
                    dt = Utils.UnixEpoch;

                ep.Airdate = dt;


            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0)
                show.AirDay = show.Episodes.Last().Airdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            return show;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var info = Utils.GetXML("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/showinfo.php?key={0}&sid={1}".FormatWith(Key, id), timeout: 120000);
            var list = Utils.GetXML("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/episode_list.php?key={0}&sid={1}".FormatWith(Key, id), timeout: 120000);
            var show = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = info.GetValue("showname");
            show.Genre       = info.Descendants("genre").Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, g) => current + (g.Value + ", ")).TrimEnd(", ".ToCharArray());
            show.Description = info.GetValue("summary");
            show.Cover       = info.GetValue("image");
            show.Airing      = !Regex.IsMatch(info.GetValue("status"), "(Canceled|Ended)");
            show.AirTime     = info.GetValue("airtime");
            show.AirDay      = info.GetValue("airday");
            show.Network     = info.GetValue("network");
            show.TimeZone    = info.GetValue("timezone");
            show.Language    = "en";
            show.URL         = info.GetValue("showlink");
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            show.Runtime = info.GetValue("runtime").ToInteger();
            show.Runtime = show.Runtime == 30
                           ? 20
                           : show.Runtime == 50 || show.Runtime == 60
                             ? 40
                             : show.Runtime;

            foreach (var node in list.Descendants("episode"))
                int sn;
                try { sn = node.Parent.Attribute("no").Value.ToInteger(); }

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season  = sn;
                ep.Number  = node.GetValue("seasonnum").ToInteger();
                ep.Title   = node.GetValue("title");
                ep.Summary = node.GetValue("summary");
                ep.Picture = node.GetValue("screencap");
                ep.URL     = node.GetValue("link");

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParse(node.GetValue("airdate"), out dt)
                           ? dt
                           : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            return show;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the data available in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the show.</param>
        /// <param name="language">The preferred language of the data.</param>
        /// <returns>TV show data.</returns>
        public override TVShow GetData(string id, string language = "en")
            var summary = Utils.GetXML("http://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/api.xml?anime=" + id);
            var show    = new TVShow();

            show.Title       = GetDescendantItemValue(summary, "info", "type", "Main title");
            show.Description = GetDescendantItemValue(summary, "info", "type", "Plot Summary");
            show.Cover       = GetDescendantItemAttribute(summary, "info", "type", "Picture", "src");
            show.Airing      = !Regex.IsMatch(GetDescendantItemValue(summary, "info", "type", "Vintage"), " to ");
            show.AirTime     = "20:00";
            show.Language    = "en";
            show.URL         = Site + "encyclopedia/anime.php?id=" + id;
            show.Episodes    = new List<TVShow.Episode>();

            var runtxt = Regex.Match(GetDescendantItemValue(summary, "info", "type", "Running time"), "([0-9]+)");
            show.Runtime = runtxt.Success
                         ? int.Parse(runtxt.Groups[1].Value)
                         : 30;

            var genre = GetDescendantItemValues(summary, "info", "type", "Genres");
            if (genre.Count() != 0)
                foreach (var gen in genre)
                    show.Genre += gen.ToUppercaseFirst() + ", ";

                show.Genre = show.Genre.TrimEnd(", ".ToCharArray());

            var listing = Utils.GetHTML(Site + "encyclopedia/anime.php?id=" + id + "&page=25");
            var nodes   = listing.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@class='episode-list']/tr");

            if (nodes == null)
                return show;

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                var epnr = Regex.Match(node.GetTextValue("td[@class='n'][1]") ?? string.Empty, "([0-9]+)");
                if (!epnr.Success)

                var ep = new TVShow.Episode();

                ep.Season = 1;
                ep.Number = epnr.Groups[1].Value.ToInteger();
                ep.Title  = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(node.GetTextValue("td[@valign='top'][1]/div[1]").Trim());
                ep.URL    = show.URL + "&page=25";

                DateTime dt;
                ep.Airdate = DateTime.TryParse(node.GetTextValue("td[@class='d'][1]/div") ?? string.Empty, out dt)
                           ? dt
                           : Utils.UnixEpoch;


            if (show.Episodes.Count != 0)
                show.AirDay = show.Episodes.Last().Airdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            return show;