Example #1
    public TTFTextOutline GetGlyph(Font f, char c)
        AndroidJavaObject path = AndroidISysFont.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("GetGlyph",
                                                                          "" + c
        AndroidJavaObject pm =
            AndroidISysFont.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("GetPathMeasure",

        TTFTextOutline tto  = new TTFTextOutline();
        bool           cont = true;

        while (cont)
            List <Vector3> tb = new List <Vector3>();

            float [] res = AndroidISysFont.Call <float []>("GetBoundary", pm, 0);
            int      rl2 = res.Length / 2;
            for (int ci = 0; ci < rl2; ci++)
                tb.Add(new Vector3(res[ci * 2], res[ci * 2 + 1], 0));
            cont = AndroidISysFont.Call <bool>("NextBoundary", pm);

 public BEnumerator(TTFTextOutline o, int begin, int end)
     outline = o;
     begin_  = begin;
     end_    = end;
     curr_   = begin_ - 1;
    public TTFTextOutline GetGlyph(Font f, char c)
        AndroidJavaObject path=AndroidISysFont.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("GetGlyph",
        AndroidJavaObject pm=

        TTFTextOutline tto=new TTFTextOutline();
        bool cont=true ;
        while (cont) {
            List<Vector3> tb=new List<Vector3>();

            float [] res=AndroidISysFont.Call<float []>("GetBoundary",pm,0);
            int rl2=res.Length/2;
            for (int ci=0;ci<rl2;ci++) {
                tb.Add(new Vector3(res[ci*2],res[ci*2+1],0));

        return tto;
 // Copy an outline
 public TTFTextOutline(TTFTextOutline other)
     nvertices = other.nvertices;
     points    = new List <Vector3> (other.points);
     blengthes = new List <int> (other.blengthes);
     max       = other.max;
     min       = other.min;
     size      = other.size;
     advance   = other.advance;
        public Boundary(TTFTextOutline o, int begin, int end)
            if (end > o.points.Count)
                Debug.LogError("Bad boundary!");

            outline = o;
            begin_  = begin;
            end_    = end;
    public void Append(TTFTextOutline o, Vector3 offset)
        foreach (TTFTextOutline.Boundary boundary in o.boundaries)
            List <Vector3> lst = new List <Vector3> (boundary.Count);
            foreach (Vector3 v in boundary)
                lst.Add(v + offset);

        advance += o.advance;
        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            AnimationCurve ac1 = ((TTFTextStyle.SerializableAnimationCurve)((parameters as Parameters).XMorph)).GetAnimcurve();

            foreach (Boundary v in outline.boundaries)
                int vlen = v.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < vlen; ++i)
                    v[i] = new Vector3(ac1.Evaluate(v[i].x), v[i].y, v[i].z);

        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            Parameters p      = (parameters as Parameters);
            float      amount = p.Amount / 100f;

            foreach (Boundary v in outline.boundaries)
                int vlen = v.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < vlen; ++i)
                    v[i] += new Vector3(Random.Range(-amount, amount), Random.Range(-amount, amount), Random.Range(-amount, amount));

        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            float strength = (parameters as Parameters).Amount;

            strength /= 40f;
            if (strength == 0f)
                return(new TTFTextOutline(outline));
            Vector3 so = new Vector3(strength, strength, 0);

            TTFTextOutline res = new TTFTextOutline();

            Vector3[] nv = new Vector3[outline.nvertices];
            Vector3[] d  = new Vector3[outline.nvertices];
            foreach (Boundary v in outline.boundaries)
                int vlen = v.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < vlen; ++i)
                    d[i] = (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, Vector3.forward) * (v[(i + 1) % vlen] - v[i])).normalized * strength;

                for (int i = 0; i < vlen; ++i)
                    int ni = (i + 1) % vlen;

                    if (!TTFTextInternal.Intersection.GetIntersection(v[i] + d[i], v[ni] + d[i], v[ni] + d[ni], v[(i + 2) % vlen] + d[ni], out nv[ni]))
                        nv[ni] = so + Vector3.Lerp(v[ni] + d[i], v[ni] + d[ni], 0.5f);

                res.AddBoundary(nv, vlen);

            res.advance = outline.advance;

Example #10
        public static Mesh Triangulate(TTFTextOutline outline, bool expecode)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            if (expecode)
                return(P2TTriangulate(outline, mesh));
            return(TTriangulate(outline, mesh));
            Debug.LogError("Triangulate need to be called with Poly2Tri Lib");
Example #11
    // this version will block until all character are downloaded...
    public IEnumerable SyncGetOutlineForLetter(string fontid, string characters)
        TTFTextOutline [] res = new TTFTextOutline[characters.Length];
        // for each character

        TTFTextFontStoreFont f = GetFont(fontid);

        if (f == null)
            IEnumerable r = null;
                r = DoSyncDownloadOutline(fontid, f.additionalChar);
                if (r.GetType() == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
                    yield return(r);
            } while (r.GetType() == typeof(WaitForSeconds));

        foreach (char c in characters)
            if (!f.HasCharacter(c))
                IEnumerable r = null;
                    r = DoSyncDownloadOutline(fontid, f.additionalChar);
                    if (r.GetType() == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
                        yield return(r);
                } while (r.GetType() == typeof(WaitForSeconds));

        yield return(res);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ttm = transform.parent.GetComponent <TTFText>();
        tts = GetComponent <TTFSubtext>();

        TTFTextOutline o = TTFTextInternal.Engine.MakeOutline(tts.Text,
                                                              ttm.Hspacing, ttm.Embold, ttm);

        foreach (TTFTextOutline.Boundary bn in o.boundaries)
            b = bn;
        sz2 = o.GetSize() / 2;
        if (b != null)
            but    = b.GetUniformTraverser();
            flare  = transform.FindChild("Flare");
            flare2 = transform.FindChild("Flare2");
            flare3 = transform.FindChild("Flare3");
    /// <summary>
    /// Tries to build a whole charset according current parameters of a textmesh object
    /// </summary>
    public void BuildCharSet(TTFText tm)
        int istep=TTFTextFontStore.Instance.defaultInterpolationSteps;
        charset = new TTFTextOutline[0x80];
        charset_advance = new Vector3[0x80];
        System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ae = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

        TTF.Font font = TTFTextInternal.Utilities.TryOpenFont(tm.InitTextStyle,1);

        if (font == null) {
            Debug.LogError("(TTFText) BuildCharSet: no font found");
        for (byte i = 0x20; i < 0x7F; i++) {

            string s = ae.GetString(new byte [] {i});
            charset[i] = TTFTextInternal.Engine.MakeNativeOutline(s, 1,0,font,tm.OrientationReversed,istep);
            charset_advance[i] = charset[i].advance;

        // Additional Custom Characters
        AddRequiredCharacters(TTFTextFontStore.Instance.defaultAdditionalCharacters + (tm.InitTextStyle.GetFontEngineParameters(1)
            as TTFTextInternal.FontStoreFontEngine.Parameters).additionalCharacters);

        addCharset = new TTFTextOutline[additionalChar.Length];

        int idx = 0;
        foreach (char c in additionalChar) {
            addCharset[idx] = TTFTextInternal.Engine.MakeNativeOutline("" + c,  1, 0, font,tm.OrientationReversed,istep);

        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            Parameters     p  = (parameters as Parameters);
            TTFTextOutline no = new TTFTextOutline();

            Vector3 [] tv = new Vector3[p.ngons];
            foreach (Boundary v in outline.boundaries)
                int vlen = v.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < vlen; ++i)
                    for (int r = 0; r < p.ngons; r++)
                        float a = -(p.phase + (((float)r) / p.ngons)) * Mathf.PI * 2;
                        tv[r] = v[i] + new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(a) * p.radius * 0.01f, Mathf.Sin(a) * p.radius * 0.01f, 0);

    public TTFTextOutline ApplyMask(bool [] b)
        int cnt = 0;

        TTFTextOutline r = new TTFTextOutline();

        foreach (Boundary cb in boundaries)
            List <Vector3> nb = new List <Vector3> ();
            foreach (Vector3 v in cb)
                if (b [cnt++])
            if (nb.Count > 0)
        r.advance = advance;
Example #16
    // This is an alternative way of generating a mesh from a contour
    // TODO: Improve /ensure pipe orientation is correct
    public static void Piped(ref Mesh extrudedMesh, TTFTextOutline outline, float r, int nr)
        if (outline.numVertices < 2)

        int nc = outline.numVertices * nr;

        Vector3 [] vertices = new Vector3[nc];
        Vector2 [] uvs      = new Vector2[nc];
        int []     et       = new int[nc * 6];

        int cnt  = 0;
        int ecnt = 0;

        foreach (TTFTextOutline.Boundary contour in outline.boundaries)
            if (contour.Count >= 2)
                Vector3 pv   = contour[contour.Count - 1];
                Vector3 cv   = contour[0];
                Vector3 nv   = contour[1];
                int     bcnt = cnt;
                for (int i = 0; i < contour.Count; i++)
                    //Vector3 ov=(nv-pv);
                    Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.FromToRotation((nv - cv), (cv - pv));
                    Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, q1, 0.5f);
                    Vector3    ov = q2 * (nv - cv);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nr; j++)
                        vertices[cnt] = cv + Quaternion.AngleAxis(j * 360f / nr, ov) * Vector3.forward * r;
                        uvs[cnt]      = Vector2.zero;
                        int ni = (i + 1) % contour.Count;
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * i + ((j + 1) % nr);
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * i + j;
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * ni + j;
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * ni + ((j + 1) % nr);
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * i + ((j + 1) % nr);
                        et[ecnt++] = bcnt + nr * ni + j;

                    pv = cv;
                    cv = nv;
                    nv = contour[(i + 2) % contour.Count];

        extrudedMesh.name         = "piped";
        extrudedMesh.vertices     = vertices;
        extrudedMesh.uv           = uvs;
        extrudedMesh.subMeshCount = 1;
        extrudedMesh.SetTriangles(et, 0);
        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            float rotate;
            float strength = (parameters as Parameters).Amount;

            strength /= 40f;

            //Vector3 so = new Vector3(strength/2f,strength/2f,0);
            //Vector3 so = new Vector3 (strength, strength, 0);
            Vector3 tr = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 so = Vector3.zero;

            if (Mathf.Abs(strength) < 0.001f)
                return(new TTFTextOutline(outline));

            int orientation = 1;

            if (orientation == 1)       // True type ?
                rotate = -Mathf.PI / 2;
                rotate = Mathf.PI / 2;

            TTFTextOutline r = new TTFTextOutline();

            foreach (Boundary cb in outline.boundaries)
                int        clen = cb.Count;
                Vector3 [] nb   = new Vector3 [clen];

                if (clen > 0)
                    Vector3 pv = cb [clen - 1], v = cb [0], nv;

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < (clen + 20); ctr++)
                        nv = cb [(ctr + 1) % clen];
                        bool skip_this_vertex = false;

                        // We have actually keep all vertice
                        // because extrusion rely on all outline having the same num of vertices
                        if ((nv - v).magnitude < 0.001f)
                            if (ctr == 0)
                                //nb [0] = (v + so + tr);
                                nb [ctr % clen] = (v + so);
                                nb [ctr % clen] = nb [(ctr - 1) % clen];

                            skip_this_vertex = true;

                        if (!skip_this_vertex)
                            Vector2 d1 = v - pv;
                            Vector3 d2 = nv - v;
                            Vector3 d3;

                            float angle_in    = Mathf.Atan2(d1.x, d1.y);
                            float angle_out   = Mathf.Atan2(d2.x, d2.y);
                            float angle_diff2 = ((angle_out - angle_in + 3 * Mathf.PI) % (Mathf.PI * 2) - Mathf.PI) / 2f;

                            float scale = Mathf.Sign(Mathf.Cos(angle_diff2));                      // * Mathf.Cos( angle_diff2/8 );

                            //float scale=Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Cos(angle_diff2)*1000)/Mathf.PI;
                            //if (scale==0) {scale=1;}
                            scale = 1;

                            //float e = angle_in /*+ rotate*/ + angle_diff2;
                            float e = angle_in + rotate + angle_diff2;

                            // we progress in the direction of the bissetrix
                            //d3=(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e),Mathf.Sin(-e)))/strength;
                            //d3=(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e),Mathf.Sin(-e)))*strength;
                            //d3=(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e),Mathf.Sin(-e)))*(strength / scale);
                            //d3=(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e),Mathf.Sin(-e)))*strength;
                            d3 = (new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e), Mathf.Sin(-e))) * (strength * scale);
                            tr = new Vector2(-d3.y, d3.x);
                            nb [ctr % clen] = (v + so + tr);

                            //nb [ctr % clen] =v+so;
                            //nb [ctr % clen] = (v + tr);
                            pv = v;
                            v  = nv;

                if (nb.Length > 0)

            r.advance = outline.advance;

 public virtual TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
    // This is an alternative way of generating a mesh from a contour
    // TODO: Improve /ensure pipe orientation is correct
    public static void Piped(ref Mesh extrudedMesh, TTFTextOutline outline , float r, int nr)
        if (outline.numVertices < 2) { return; }

        int nc=outline.numVertices * nr;

        Vector3 [] vertices=new Vector3[nc];
        Vector2 [] uvs=new Vector2[nc];
        int []et =new int[nc*6];

        int cnt=0;
        int ecnt=0;

        foreach(TTFTextOutline.Boundary contour in outline.boundaries) {
            if (contour.Count>=2) {
            Vector3 pv=contour[contour.Count-1];
            Vector3 cv=contour[0];
            Vector3 nv=contour[1];
            int bcnt=cnt;
            for(int i=0;i<contour.Count;i++) {
                //Vector3 ov=(nv-pv);
                Quaternion q1=Quaternion.FromToRotation((nv-cv),(cv-pv));
                Quaternion q2=Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity,q1,0.5f);
                Vector3 ov=q2*(nv-cv);
                for (int j=0;j<nr;j++) {
                    int ni=(i+1)%contour.Count;



        extrudedMesh.name= "piped";
        extrudedMesh.vertices = vertices;
        extrudedMesh.uv = uvs;
        extrudedMesh.subMeshCount = 1;
        extrudedMesh.SetTriangles(et, 0);
    // This method modifies the mesh extruded mesh by creating an extrusion in between the front face mesh and the back face mesh
    // the outlines may be decimated/simplified qccouting to a vertice_filter
    public static void ExtrudeOutlines(ref Mesh extrudedMesh,
								Mesh front, 
								Mesh back, 
								TTFTextOutline[] outlines, 
								bool[] vertice_filter

        if (outlines.Length <= 1) {
            Debug.LogError("Extrude not enough outlines :" + outlines.Length);
            return ;

        int[] frontTriangles = front != null ? front.triangles : new int[0];
        Vector3[] frontVertices = front != null ? front.vertices : new Vector3[0];
        int[] backTriangles = back.triangles;
        Vector3[] backVertices = back.vertices;

        int npos=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vertice_filter.Length; i++) {
            if (vertice_filter[i]) {

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[outlines.Length * npos + frontVertices.Length + backVertices.Length];
        int[] et = new int[(outlines.Length - 1) * npos * 6 + frontTriangles.Length + backTriangles.Length];

        int cnt=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < outlines.Length; i++) {
            if (outlines[i].numVertices != vertice_filter.Length) {
                throw new System.Exception("Incompatible outlines");

            int cj=0;
            foreach(TTFTextOutline.Boundary vl in outlines[i].boundaries) {
                for(int ii=0;ii<vl.Count;ii++) {
                    if (vertice_filter[cj]) {
            if (cj!=outlines[i].numVertices) { Debug.Log("Error in vertice count");}

        int frontIdx = cnt;
        int backIdx = frontIdx + frontVertices.Length;

        System.Array.Copy(frontVertices, 0, vertices, frontIdx, frontVertices.Length);
        System.Array.Copy(backVertices, 0, vertices, backIdx, backVertices.Length);

        int xcnt,ecnt=0;
        int j,jb;
        for (int i=0;i<(outlines.Length-1);i++) {
            foreach(TTFTextOutline.Boundary vl in outlines[i].boundaries) {
                if (vl.Count<=1) {
                    Debug.LogWarning("Pathlogical boundary");
                jb=j; // the first index of that boundary

                for(int kc=0;kc<vl.Count;kc++) {
                    if (vertice_filter[xcnt]) {



                if (ecnt>=6) {
                // fixup last triangle



        // reindex front side
        for (int i = 0; i < frontTriangles.Length; ++i) {
            frontTriangles[i] = frontTriangles[i] + frontIdx;

        // reindex back side
        for (int i = 0; i < backTriangles.Length; ++i) {
            backTriangles[i] = backTriangles[i] + backIdx;

        extrudedMesh.name= "Extruded";
        extrudedMesh.vertices = vertices;
        extrudedMesh.subMeshCount = 3;
        extrudedMesh.SetTriangles(frontTriangles, 0);
        extrudedMesh.SetTriangles(et, 1);
        extrudedMesh.SetTriangles(backTriangles, 2);
		// FreeHand Curve Extrusion
		public static TTFTextOutline[] MakeFreeHandOutlines (TTFTextInternal.LineLayout ll, TTFText tm, TTFTextStyle ts)
			//Vector3 min=Vector3.zero; Vector3 max=Vector3.zero;
			Keyframe[] keys = ts.FreeHandCurve.keys;
			int NS = keys.Length;
			TTFTextOutline[] outlines = new TTFTextOutline[NS];
			float[] z = new float[NS];

			//min = Vector3.zero;
			//max = Vector3.zero;
			//Vector3 [] szs = new Vector3[NS];
			for (int i=0; i<NS; i++) {			
// 			Vector3 min_, max_;
				z [i] = keys [i].time * ts.ExtrusionDepth;
				outlines [i] = MakeOutline (ll, ts.Embold + keys [i].value * ts.BevelForce, tm);			
				outlines [i].Translate (Vector3.forward * z [i]);
				if (ts.Slant != 0) {
					outlines [i].Slant (ts.Slant);
				//outlines[i].GetMinMax(out min_, out max_);
				//min = Vector3.Min(min, min_);
				//max = Vector3.Max(max, max_);
			//Vector3 sz=max-min;
			//for (int i=0;i<NS;i++) {
			//	outlines[i].Translate((sz-szs[i])/2);
			return outlines;
Example #22
        public static Mesh P2TTriangulate(TTFTextOutline outline, Mesh outMesh)
            float Z = outline.Min.z;     // Assume all vertices have the same Z coord

            List <List <ClipperLib.IntPoint> > ipolygones = new List <List <ClipperLib.IntPoint> >();

            foreach (TTFTextOutline.Boundary lv in outline.boundaries)
                if (Intersection.isSimple(lv))
                    //Debug.LogWarning("Complex Contour");

                    try {
                        foreach (List <Vector3> p in Intersection.Decompose(lv))                  // decompose outlines

                    } catch (System.Exception) {             // parallel segments
                        //Debug.LogWarning("Bad contour:" + ex.ToString());

            ClipperLib.Clipper          c   = new ClipperLib.Clipper();
            List <ClipperLib.ExPolygon> res = new List <ClipperLib.ExPolygon>();

            c.AddPolygons(ipolygones, ClipperLib.PolyType.ptSubject);
            c.Execute(ClipperLib.ClipType.ctUnion, res, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);


            List <Vector3> vertices  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <int>     triangles = new List <int>();

            Dictionary <Vector3, int> vDic = new Dictionary <Vector3, int>();

            foreach (ClipperLib.ExPolygon p in res)
                Vector3 mv = new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
                Vector3 Mv = new Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity);

                List <Vector3> np = LIP2Vec(p.outer);

                for (int i = 0; i < np.Count; i++)
                    mv = Vector3.Min(mv, np[i]);
                    Mv = Vector3.Max(Mv, np[i]);

                Vector3 sv = (Mv - mv);
                //int oc=np.Count;
                np = Simplify(np, 0.05f);

                // set of all vertices for this triangulation step
                HashSet <Vector3> whole = new HashSet <Vector3>();

                if ((np.Count >= 4) && ((sv.x * sv.y) > 0.001f) && Intersection.isSimple(np) && !HasDup(np))
                    foreach (Vector3 v in np)

                    Polygon cp = new Polygon(Vec2PP(np));

                    foreach (List <ClipperLib.IntPoint> h in p.holes)
                        List <Vector3> ph = Simplify(LIP2Vec(h), 0.05f);

                        // Poli2tri doesnt support intersection and dupplicate vertices
                        // skip all holes which does not respect thoses conditions

                        if ((!Intersection.isSimple(ph)) || HasDup(ph))
                            //Debug.LogWarning("Skipping Complex hole");
                        else if (ContainsAny(whole, ph))
                            //Debug.LogWarning("Duplicate vertices in holes");
                            foreach (Vector3 v in ph)

                            cp.AddHole(new Polygon(Vec2PP(ph)));

                    try {

                        foreach (DelaunayTriangle dt in cp.Triangles)
                            Vector3 v;
                            int     idx;

                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                                v = new Vector3(dt.Points[i].Xf, dt.Points[i].Yf, Z);
                                if (!vDic.TryGetValue(v, out idx))
                                    idx = vertices.Count;
                                    vDic.Add(v, idx);
                    } catch (System.Exception e) {
                    //Debug.LogWarning("Skip Polygon: count=" + np.Count + " size=" + sv + " simple=" + Intersection.isSimple(np) + " dup:" + HasDup(np));


            outMesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
            outMesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();

        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            Parameters     p  = (parameters as Parameters);
            TTFTextOutline no = new TTFTextOutline();

            //Vector3 [] tv=new Vector3[p.interpolation];

            foreach (Boundary v in outline.boundaries)
                float []   cumdist = v.cumDists();
                Vector3 [] sg      = new Vector3[p.interpolation];
                Vector3 [] sr      = new Vector3[p.interpolation];
                Vector3 [] si      = new Vector3[p.interpolation];
                Vector3 [] sm      = new Vector3[p.interpolation];
                Vector3 [] sp      = new Vector3[p.interpolation];


                for (int i = 0; i < p.interpolation; ++i)
                    sg[i] = v.interpolatePosition1(cumdist,
                                                   (((float)i) / ((float)(p.interpolation - 1)))

                float sf = (2 * Mathf.PI) / ((float)p.interpolation);
                float af = 1f / ((float)p.interpolation);

                for (int i = 0; i < p.interpolation; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.interpolation; ++j)
                        sr[i] += af * Mathf.Cos(j * i * sf) * sg[j];
                        si[i] += af * Mathf.Sin(j * i * sf) * sg[j];
                    float q = p.ac.GetAnimcurve().Evaluate(1 - Mathf.Abs((((float)i) / p.interpolation) * 2 - 1));
                    sm[i] = new Vector3(
                        Mathf.Sqrt(sr[i].x * sr[i].x + si[i].x * si[i].x) * q,
                        Mathf.Sqrt(sr[i].y * sr[i].y + si[i].y * si[i].y) * q,
                        Mathf.Sqrt(sr[i].z * sr[i].z + si[i].z * si[i].z) * q);
                    sp[i] = new Vector3(
                        (sm[i].x != 0)?Mathf.Atan2(si[i].x, sr[i].x):0,
                        (sm[i].y != 0)?Mathf.Atan2(si[i].y, sr[i].y):0,
                        (sm[i].z != 0)?Mathf.Atan2(si[i].z, sr[i].z):0

                for (int j = 0; j < p.interpolation; ++j)
                    sg[j] = Vector3.zero;

                for (int i = 0; i < p.interpolation; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.interpolation; ++j)
                        float alphax = sp[j].x + i * j * sf;
                        float alphay = sp[j].y + i * j * sf;
                        float alphaz = sp[j].z + i * j * sf;
                        sg[i] += /*af**/ new Vector3(
                            Mathf.Cos(alphax) * sm[j].x /*+Mathf.Sin(alphax)*sm[i].x*/,
                            Mathf.Cos(alphay) * sm[j].y /*+Mathf.Sin(alphay)*sm[i].y*/,
                            Mathf.Cos(alphaz) * sm[j].z                          /*+Mathf.Sin(alphaz)*sm[i].z*/


        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            float amount = (parameters as Parameters).Amount;

            return(outline.Simplify(amount, 1));
		public static TTFTextOutline[] OutlineOutlines (TTFTextOutline[] outlines, float str)
			int len = outlines.Length;
			if (len == 0 || str <= 0) {
				return outlines;
			TTFTextOutline[] res = new TTFTextOutline[len + 2];
			res [0] = outlines [0].Embolden (-str);
			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
				res [i + 1] = outlines [i];//new Outline(outlines[i]);
			res [len + 1] = outlines [len - 1].Embolden (-str);
			return res;
		static TTFTextOutline[] MakeBevelOutlines (TTFTextInternal.LineLayout ll, TTFText tm, TTFTextStyle ts)
			//Vector3 min=Vector3.zero; Vector3 max=Vector3.zero;
			//Vector3 min_; Vector3 max_;
			int NS = tm.NbDiv;
			if (NS < 2) {
				NS = 2;
			TTFTextOutline[] outlines = new TTFTextOutline[NS * 2];
			//Vector3[] szs = new Vector3[NS*2];
			float bevelDepth = ts.BevelDepth * ts.ExtrusionDepth / 2;
			for (int i = 0; i < NS; ++i) {
				float f = ((float)i) / ((float)NS - 1); // [0,1]
				float embold = ts.Embold + Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Acos (1 - f)) * ts.BevelForce;
				TTFTextOutline o = MakeOutline (ll, embold, tm);
				o.Slant (ts.Slant);
				outlines [i] = o;
				outlines [2 * NS - 1 - i] = new TTFTextOutline (o);
				//outlines[i].GetMinMax(out min_, out max_);
				float z = f * bevelDepth;
				outlines [i].Translate (Vector3.forward * z);
				outlines [2 * NS - 1 - i].Translate (Vector3.forward * (ts.ExtrusionDepth - z));
				//min = Vector3.Min(min, min_);
				//max = Vector3.Max(max, max_);			

			//Vector3 sz=max-min;
			//for (int i=0;i<(2*NS);i++) {
			//	outlines[i].Translate((sz-szs[i])/2);
			return outlines;
		// Simple extrusion
		public static TTFTextOutline[] MakeSimpleOutlines (TTFTextInternal.LineLayout ll, TTFText tm, TTFTextStyle ts)
			TTFTextOutline o = MakeOutline (ll, ts.Embold, tm);
			if (ts.Slant != 0) {
				o.Slant (ts.Slant);
			TTFTextOutline[] outlines = new TTFTextOutline[2];
			outlines [0] = o;
			outlines [1] = new TTFTextOutline (o);
			outlines [0].Translate (Vector3.forward * (-ts.ExtrusionDepth) / 2);
			outlines [1].Translate (Vector3.forward * ts.ExtrusionDepth / 2);
			return outlines;
    // this version will block until all character are downloaded...
    public IEnumerable SyncGetOutlineForLetter(string fontid, string characters)
        TTFTextOutline []res = new TTFTextOutline[characters.Length];
        // for each character

        TTFTextFontStoreFont f=GetFont(fontid);

        if (f==null) {
                IEnumerable r=null;
                do {
                    if (r.GetType()==typeof(WaitForSeconds)) {
                        yield return r;
                } while (r.GetType()==typeof(WaitForSeconds));

        foreach(char c in characters) {
            if (! f.HasCharacter(c)) {
                IEnumerable r=null;
                do {
                    if (r.GetType()==typeof(WaitForSeconds)) {
                        yield return r;
                } while (r.GetType()==typeof(WaitForSeconds));

        yield return res;
		static TTFTextOutline[] MakeBentOutlines (TTFTextInternal.LineLayout ll, TTFText tm, TTFTextStyle ts)
			//Vector3 min=Vector3.zero; Vector3 max=Vector3.zero;
			int NS = ts.ExtrusionSteps.Length; 
			TTFTextOutline[] outlines = new TTFTextOutline[NS];
			//Vector3 [] szs = new Vector3[NS];
			for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++) {
				//Vector3 min_, max_;
				float embold = ts.Embold + ts.BevelForce * Mathf.Sin (i * Mathf.PI / (NS - 1));
				// wierd error with poly2tri/embold for the backface
				if (i == NS - 1) {
					embold = ts.Embold;		
				outlines [i] = MakeOutline (ll, embold, tm);
				float z = (ts.ExtrusionSteps [i] - 0.5f) * ts.ExtrusionDepth;// - tm.exstrusionDepth / 2;
				outlines [i].Translate (Vector3.forward * z);
				if (ts.Slant != 0) {
					outlines [i].Slant (ts.Slant);
				//outlines[i].GetMinMax(out min_, out max_);
				//min = Vector3.Min(min, min_);
				//max = Vector3.Max(max, max_);
			//Vector3 sz=max-min;
			//for (int i=0;i<NS;i++) {
			//	outlines[i].Translate((sz-szs[i])/2);

			return outlines;
        public override TTFTextOutline Apply(TTFTextOutline outline, object parameters)
            float rotate;
            int   octr = 0;

            float strength      = (parameters as Parameters).Amount;
            int   interpolation = (parameters as Parameters).Interpolation;

            strength /= 40f;

            //Vector3 so = new Vector3(strength/2f,strength/2f,0);
            //Vector3 so = new Vector3 (strength, strength, 0);
            Vector3 tr = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 so = Vector3.zero;

            if (Mathf.Abs(strength) < 0.001f)
                return(new TTFTextOutline(outline));

            int orientation = 1;

            if (orientation == 1)       // True type ?
                rotate = -Mathf.PI / 2;
                rotate = Mathf.PI / 2;

            TTFTextOutline r = new TTFTextOutline();

            foreach (Boundary cb in outline.boundaries)
                int        clen = cb.Count;
                Vector3 [] nb   = new Vector3 [clen * interpolation];

                if (clen > 0)
                    Vector3 pv = cb [clen - 1], v = cb [0], nv;

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < (clen + 20); ctr++)
                        nv = cb [(ctr + 1) % clen];
                        bool skip_this_vertex = false;

                        // We have actually keep all vertice
                        // because extrusion rely on all outline having the same num of vertices
                        if ((nv - v).magnitude < 0.001f)
                            if (ctr == 0)
                                //nb [0] = (v + so + tr);
                                for (int ci = 0; ci < interpolation; ci++)
                                    nb [octr++ % (clen * interpolation)] = (v + so);
                                for (int ci = 0; ci < interpolation; ci++)
                                    nb [octr++ % (clen * interpolation)] = nb [(ctr - 1) % clen];

                            skip_this_vertex = true;

                        if (!skip_this_vertex)
                            Vector2 d1 = v - pv;
                            Vector3 d2 = nv - v;
                            Vector3 d3;

                            float angle_in  = Mathf.Atan2(d1.x, d1.y);
                            float angle_out = Mathf.Atan2(d2.x, d2.y);

                            for (int ci = 0; ci < interpolation; ci++)
                                float angle_diff2 = ((angle_out - angle_in + 3 * Mathf.PI) % (Mathf.PI * 2) - Mathf.PI) * ((float)(1 + ci)) / (1 + interpolation);

                                float scale = Mathf.Sign(Mathf.Cos(angle_diff2));                  // * Mathf.Cos( angle_diff2/8 );
                                scale = 1;

                                float e = angle_in + rotate + angle_diff2;

                                d3 = (new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(-e), Mathf.Sin(-e))) * (strength * scale);
                                tr = new Vector2(-d3.y, d3.x);
                                nb [octr++ % (clen * interpolation)] = (v + so + tr);
                            pv = v;
                            v  = nv;

                if (nb.Length > 0)

            r.advance = outline.advance;

		/// <summary>
		/// Core function generating the outline for a portion of text
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// The outline.
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='txt'>
		/// The text to be rendered
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='charSpacing'>
		/// The default character spacing
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='embold'>
		/// Current embold
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='tm'>
		/// Link to the TTFText object
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='reversed'>
		/// Orientation of the outlines
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='charpositions'>
		/// Position of the character
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='charstyleidx'>
		/// Style index of each character
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='charmetadata'>
		/// Metadata associated to special character such as images and bitmap characters
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref='System.Exception'>
		/// Is thrown when the exception.
		/// </exception>
		public static TTFTextOutline MakeOutline (string txt, 
						float charSpacing, 
						float embold, 
						TTFText tm, 
						bool reversed, 
						float [] charpositions,
						int [] charstyleidx,
					    object [] charmetadata)

			TTFTextOutline outline = new TTFTextOutline ();
			int fp = 0;
			string currentfontid = "";
			object cfont = null;
			object parameters = null;
			TTFTextStyle cttfstyle = null;
			if (charstyleidx == null) {
				cttfstyle = tm.InitTextStyle;
				fp = cttfstyle.PreferredEngine (Application.platform);
#if ! TTFTEXT_LITE				
				cfont = cttfstyle.GetFont (ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
				if (parameters==null) {
							System.Type t = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [0].GetType ().GetNestedType ("Parameters");						
							cttfstyle.SetFontEngineParameters(0,t.InvokeMember (t.Name, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null));
				cfont= TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines[0].GetFont(parameters,currentfontid);				
				if (cfont == null) {
					throw new System.Exception ("(TTFText) Font not found :" + tm.InitTextStyle.FontId);

			if (charpositions != null && charpositions.Length < txt.Length) {
				Debug.LogError ("(TTFText) Bad char position len=" + charpositions.Length + " txt = " + txt + " (len=" + txt.Length + ")");
				charpositions = null;
			int i = 0;
			foreach (char c in txt) {
				TTFTextOutline o = null;
				if (charstyleidx != null) {
					if ((cfont == null) 
						|| (currentfontid != tm.UsedStyles [charstyleidx [i]].GetFontEngineFontId (tm.UsedStyles [charstyleidx [i]].PreferredEngine (Application.platform)))) {
						cttfstyle = tm.UsedStyles [charstyleidx [i]];			
						fp = cttfstyle.PreferredEngine (Application.platform);
#if ! TTFTEXT_LITE				
						cfont = cttfstyle.GetFont (ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
				if (parameters==null) {
							System.Type t = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [0].GetType ().GetNestedType ("Parameters");						
							cttfstyle.SetFontEngineParameters(0,t.InvokeMember (t.Name, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null));
				cfont= TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines[0].GetFont(parameters,currentfontid);
						if (cfont == null) {
							throw new System.Exception ("Font not found :" + tm.InitTextStyle.FontId);

				if ((charmetadata == null) || (charmetadata [i] == null)) {
					// a normal character
					if (TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].IsBitmapFontProvider (parameters)) {	
						TTFTextTexturePortion p = TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].GetGlyphBitmap (parameters, cfont, c);     
						o = new TTFTextOutline ();
						float w = ((float)p.w);
						float h = ((float)p.h);
						Vector3 b = new Vector3 (p.x, p.y, 0);
						//Vector3[] quad = {Vector3.zero,Vector3.right*w,new Vector3(w,h,0),Vector3.up*h};
						Vector3[] quad = {b,b + Vector3.up * h,b + new Vector3 (w, h, 0),b + Vector3.right * w};
						o.AddBoundary (quad);

						TTFTextInternal.TextureElement tel = new TTFTextInternal.TextureElement ();
						tel.width = w;
						tel.height = h;
						tel.material = p.material;
						tel.shouldReleaseMaterial = p.shouldReleaseMaterial;
						tel.texture = p.texture;
						tel.shouldReleaseTexture = p.shouldReleaseTexture;
						tel.UVstartx = p.sx;
						tel.UVstarty = p.sy;
						tel.UVwidth = p.dx;
						tel.UVheight = p.dy;
						charmetadata [i] = tel;						
					} else {
						o = TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].GetGlyphOutline (parameters, cfont, c);                    
						if (charstyleidx != null) {					
							for (int ii=0; ii<tm.UsedStyles[charstyleidx[i]].GetOutlineEffectStackElementLength(); ii++) {
								TTFTextStyle.TTFTextOutlineEffectStackElement tse = tm.InitTextStyle.GetOutlineEffectStackElement (ii);
								o = TTFTextOutline.AvailableOutlineEffects [tse.id].Apply (o, tse.parameters);
						} else {
							for (int ii=0; ii<tm.InitTextStyle.GetOutlineEffectStackElementLength(); ii++) {
								TTFTextStyle.TTFTextOutlineEffectStackElement tse = tm.InitTextStyle.GetOutlineEffectStackElement (ii);
								o = TTFTextOutline.AvailableOutlineEffects [tse.id].Apply (o, tse.parameters);
				} else {
					// it is some kind of special object (an embedded image... ?)
					//Debug.Log("Not yet implemented");
					o = new TTFTextOutline ();
					float w = 1;
					float h = 1;
					Vector3[] quad = {Vector3.zero,Vector3.right * w,new Vector3 (w, h, 0),Vector3.up * h};
					o.AddBoundary (quad);
				o = o.Embolden (((charstyleidx != null) ? tm.UsedStyles [charstyleidx [i]].Embold : tm.Embold) + embold);
				o.Rescale ((charstyleidx != null) ? tm.UsedStyles [charstyleidx [i]].Size : tm.Size);

				if (charpositions == null) {
					outline.Append (o, outline.advance);
				} else {
					outline.Append (o, Vector3.right * charpositions [i]);
				i += 1;
			return outline;	
Example #32
         * public static Mesh Triangulate(IList<Vector3> path, Mesh outMesh
         *      List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(path.Count * 2);
         *      List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
         *              Debug.Log("prev tess");
         *      T.Tesselator<int>.combineVertexD combineIdx = delegate (double[] loc, int[] inVertices, float[] weight) {
         *              int idx = vertices.Count;
         *              vertices.Add(new Vector3((float) loc[0], (float) loc[1], (float) loc[2]));
         *              return idx;
         *      };
         *      using (T.Tesselator<int> tess = new T.Tesselator<int>(combineIdx)) {
         *              tess.VertexEv += delegate(T.Tesselator<int> t, int idx) {
         *                      triangles.Add(idx);
         *              };
         *              tess.BeginPolygon();
         *              tess.BeginContour();
         *              for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i) {
         *                      int idx = vertices.Count;
         *                      Vector3 v = path[i];
         *                      vertices.Add(v);
         *              //	uv.Add(inUV[i]);
         *                      double[] coords = { v.x, v.y, v.z };
         *                      tess.AddVertex(coords, idx);
         *              }
         *              tess.EndContour();
         *              tess.EndPolygon();
         *      }
         *      outMesh.Clear();
         *      outMesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
         *      outMesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
         *      //outMesh.uv = uv.ToArray();
         *      return outMesh;
         * }
         * public static Mesh Triangulate(IList<Vector3> path) {
         *      Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
         *      mesh.name = "triangulation";
         *      return Triangulate(path, mesh);
         * }

        public static Mesh TTriangulate(TTFTextOutline outline, Mesh outMesh)
            List <Vector3> vertices  = new List <Vector3>(outline.numVertices * 2);
            List <int>     triangles = new List <int>();

            T.Tesselator <int> .combineVertexD combineIdx =
                delegate(double[] loc, int[] inVertices, float[] weight) {
                int idx = vertices.Count;
                vertices.Add(new Vector3((float)loc[0], (float)loc[1], (float)loc[2]));

            using (T.Tesselator <int> tess = new T.Tesselator <int>(combineIdx)) {

                tess.VertexEv += delegate(T.Tesselator <int> t, int idx) {

                double [][][] tcoords = new double[outline.blengthes.Count][][];

                //using () {
//			int i=0;
                int cp = 0;
                //Debug.Log ("Tess Beg Poly");
                foreach (TTFTextOutline.Boundary lv in outline.boundaries)
                    tcoords[cp] = new double[lv.Count][];
                    int ci = 0;
                    foreach (Vector3 v in lv)
                        int idx = vertices.Count;
                        //double[] coords = { v.x, v.y, v.z };
                        double [] ttcoords = { v.x, v.y, v.z };
                        tcoords[cp][ci] = ttcoords;
                        tess.AddVertex(tcoords[cp][ci], idx);
                        //tess.AddVertex(coords, idx);

                //Debug.Log ("Tess End Poly");

                //for (int ix=0;ix<tcoords.Length;ix++) {
                //	tcoords[ix]=null;


            outMesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
            outMesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
            //outMesh.uv = uv.ToArray();

    /// <summary>
    /// Builds a whole charset for a specific fontid
    /// </summary>
    public void BuildCharSet(string fontid)
        int istep=TTFTextFontStore.Instance.defaultInterpolationSteps;
        bool reversed=false;
        charset = new TTFTextOutline[0x80];
        charset_advance = new Vector3[0x80];
        System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ae = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

        TTF.Font font = TTFTextInternal.Utilities.TryOpenFont(fontid,ref reversed,"",72); // TODO: < Check the last bool

        if (font == null) {
            Debug.LogError("BuildCharSet: no font found");

        for (byte i = 0x20; i < 0x7F; i++) {

            string s = ae.GetString(new byte [] {i});
            charset[i] = TTFTextInternal.Engine.MakeNativeOutline(s, 1,0,font,reversed,istep);
            //TTFTextInternal.MakeOutline(s, font, 1, 0, null,false,null,null);
            charset_advance[i] = charset[i].advance;

        addCharset = new TTFTextOutline[additionalChar.Length];

        int idx = 0;
        foreach (char c in additionalChar) {
            addCharset[idx] = TTFTextInternal.Engine.MakeNativeOutline(
                                                  "" + c, 1,0,font,

        /// <summary>
        /// Appends some text to the line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='s'>
        ///  text to be appended.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref='System.Exception'>
        /// Is thrown when the font may not be found, or when we
        /// are unable to compute the layout info
        /// </exception>
        public void AppendText(string s)
            if (s.Length == 0)
            int l0 = linetext.Length;

            linetext += s;
            if (tm.DemoMode)
            SetCharStyle(l0, l0 + s.Length, tm.currentStyleIdx);

            SetCharStyle(l0, l0 + s.Length, 0);

            object f          = null;
            object parameters = null;
            int fp           = 0;
            float sumadvance = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < l0; i++)
                sumadvance += charadvances[i];
            string currentfontid = "";

            //f = tm.InitTextStyle.GetFont (ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
            //f = tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFont (ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
            f = tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFont(ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
            fp            = 0;
            currentfontid = tm.CurrentTextStyle.FontId;
            parameters    = tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFontEngineParameters(0);
            if (parameters == null)
                System.Type t = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [0].GetType().GetNestedType("Parameters");
                tm.CurrentTextStyle.SetFontEngineParameters(0, t.InvokeMember(t.Name, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null));
                parameters = tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFontEngineParameters(0);
            f = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines[0].GetFont(parameters, currentfontid);

            if (f == null)
                //throw new System.Exception ("Font not found :" + fp + "/" + tm.InitTextStyle.GetFontEngineFontId (fp));
                throw new System.Exception("Font not found :" + fp + "/" + tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFontEngineFontId(fp));

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                TTFTextStyle cttfstyle = GetCharStyle(l0 + i);

                if ((cttfstyle != null) && (currentfontid != cttfstyle.GetFontEngineFontIdD(fp)))
                    TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].DisposeFont(f);
//					f = cttfstyle.GetFont (ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
                    f = cttfstyle.GetFont(ref fp, ref currentfontid, ref parameters);
                    fp            = 0;
                    currentfontid = cttfstyle.FontId;
                    parameters    = cttfstyle.GetFontEngineParameters(0);
                    if (parameters == null)
                        System.Type t = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [0].GetType().GetNestedType("Parameters");
                        cttfstyle.SetFontEngineParameters(0, t.InvokeMember(t.Name, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null));
                        parameters = tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFontEngineParameters(0);
                    f = TTFTextInternal.TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines[0].GetFont(parameters, currentfontid);

                    if (f == null)
                        //throw new System.Exception ("Font not found :" + fp + "/" + tm.InitTextStyle.GetFontEngineFontId (fp));
                        throw new System.Exception("Font not found :" + fp + "/" + tm.CurrentTextStyle.GetFontEngineFontId(fp));

                charadvances [l0 + i] = TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].GetAdvance(parameters, f, s [i]).x *cttfstyle.Size;
                charheights [l0 + i]  = TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].GetHeight(parameters, f);
                charmetadata [l0 + i] = null;

                if (!TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines[fp].IsBitmapFontProvider(parameters))
                    TTFTextOutline o = TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].GetGlyphOutline(parameters, f, s [i]);
                    if (l0 + i == 0)
                        Xmin0 = o.Min.x;
                    if (l0 + i == line.Length - 1)
                        XmaxN = o.Max.x;
                    //Debug.LogWarning("NYI !");
                    sumadvance += charadvances [l0 + i];
                    if (l0 + i == 0)
                        Xmin0 = 0;
                    if (l0 + i == line.Length - 1)
                        XmaxN = sumadvance;

            TTFTextFontEngine.font_engines [fp].DisposeFont(f);

            // can happen when the first or last char is non printable, like a space for example
            if (float.IsNaN(XmaxN) || float.IsInfinity(XmaxN))
                XmaxN = 0;
            if (float.IsNaN(Xmin0) || float.IsInfinity(Xmin0))
                Xmin0 = 0;