///// <summary> ///// Gets the center of mass of an array of Rigidbodies. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 GetCenterOfMass(Rigidbody[] rigidbodies) { // Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero; // float c = 0f; // for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Length; i++) { // if (rigidbodies[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { // CoM += rigidbodies[i].worldCenterOfMass * rigidbodies[i].mass; // c += rigidbodies[i].mass; // } // } // return CoM / c; //} ///// <summary> ///// Gets the velocity of the center of mass of an array of Rigidbodies. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 GetCenterOfMassVelocity(Rigidbody[] rigidbodies) { // Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero; // float c = 0f; // for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Length; i++) { // if (rigidbodies[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { // CoM += rigidbodies[i].velocity * rigidbodies[i].mass; // c += rigidbodies[i].mass; // } // } // return CoM / c; //} ///// <summary> ///// Divides an angular acceleration by an inertia tensor. ///// </summary> //public static void DivByInertia(ref Vector3 v, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 inertiaTensor) { // v = rotation * Div(Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * v, inertiaTensor); //} ///// <summary> ///// Scales an angular acceleration by an inertia tensor ///// </summary> //public static void ScaleByInertia(ref Vector3 v, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 inertiaTensor) { // v = rotation * Vector3.Scale(Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * v, inertiaTensor); //} ///// <summary> ///// Returns the angular acceleration from one vector to another. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 GetFromToAcceleration(Vector3 fromV, Vector3 toV) { // Quaternion fromTo = Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromV, toV); // float requiredAccelerationDeg = 0f; // Vector3 axis = Vector3.zero; // fromTo.ToAngleAxis(out requiredAccelerationDeg, out axis); // Vector3 requiredAcceleration = requiredAccelerationDeg * axis * Mathf.Deg2Rad; // return requiredAcceleration / Time.fixedDeltaTime; //} ///// <summary> ///// Returns the angular acceleration from the current rigidbody rotation to Quaternion.identity. ///// Does not guarantee full accuracy with rotations around multiple axes). ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 GetAngularAcceleration(Quaternion fromR, Quaternion toR) { // Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(fromR * Vector3.forward, toR * Vector3.forward); // Vector3 axis2 = Vector3.Cross(fromR * Vector3.up, toR * Vector3.up); // float angle = Quaternion.Angle(fromR, toR); // Vector3 acc = Vector3.Normalize(axis + axis2) * angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; // return acc / Time.fixedDeltaTime; //} ///// <summary> ///// Returns the linear acceleration from one point to another. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 GetLinearAcceleration(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint) { // return (toPoint - fromPoint) / Time.fixedDeltaTime; //} // /// <summary> // /// The rotation expressed by the joint's axis and secondary axis // /// </summary> // public static Quaternion ToJointSpace(ConfigurableJoint joint) { // Vector3 forward = Vector3.Cross (joint.axis, joint.secondaryAxis); // Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross (forward, joint.axis); // return Quaternion.LookRotation (forward, up); //} ///// <summary> ///// Calculates the inertia tensor for a cuboid. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 CalculateInertiaTensorCuboid(Vector3 size, float mass) { // float x2 = Mathf.Pow(size.x, 2); // float y2 = Mathf.Pow(size.y, 2); // float z2 = Mathf.Pow(size.z, 2); // float mlp = 1f/12f * mass; // return new Vector3( // mlp * (y2 + z2), // mlp * (x2 + z2), // mlp * (x2 + y2)); //} ///// <summary> ///// Divide all the values in v by the respective values in v2. ///// </summary> //public static Vector3 Div(Vector3 v, Vector3 v2) { // return new Vector3(v.x / v2.x, v.y / v2.y, v.z / v2.z); //} /// <summary> /// align to vector /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <param name="alignmentVector"></param> /// <param name="targetVector"></param> /// <param name="stability"></param> /// <param name="speed"></param> public static void AlignToVector(TSRigidBody r, TSVector alignmentVector, TSVector targetVector, FP stability, FP speed, bool debug = false) { if (r == null) { return; } // 围绕着某个轴进行了一个角度的旋转 angleAxis(x,y). x = 角度 y = 轴 // x 角度值为 当前转向速度 * Stability 是一个 radian 值, * 57.29 转为角度值, 除以 speed 后 才是真正的角度值 // part.angularVelocity 是当前旋转速度, 把旋转速度变为轴? Quaternion angleAxis = Quaternion.AngleAxis(r.angularVelocity.magnitude.AsFloat() * 57.29578f * stability.AsFloat() / speed.AsFloat(), r.angularVelocity.ToVector()); // Vector3.Cross 是叉乘, alignmentVector 是当前我们把part 某个轴要对准target Vector 的向量, angleAxis 四元素乘以AlignmentVector 是把alignmentVector 方向调整为四元素方向 // targetVector 是我们想要对准的角度 // 叉乘出来的 a 就是 两个向量的九十度角的向量用来作为我们的旋转轴 Vector3 a = Vector3.Cross(angleAxis * alignmentVector.ToVector(), targetVector.ToVector() * 10f); if (!float.IsNaN(a.x) && !float.IsNaN(a.y) && !float.IsNaN(a.z)) { //Debug.Log(a.ToTSVector()); r.AddTorque(a.ToTSVector() * speed * speed); Debug.DrawRay(r.position.ToVector(), alignmentVector.ToVector() * 0.3f, Color.red, 0f, false); Debug.DrawRay(r.position.ToVector(), targetVector.ToVector() * 0.3f, Color.green, 0f, false); } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { rigidBody.AddTorque(torque.ToTSVector()); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { rigidBody.AddForce(force.ToTSVector()); } }
public override void OnSyncedUpdate() { if (useSpring) { //Adding a spring and damper Term to the Equation of Motion thisBody.AddTorque((-1) * TSWorldAxis * ((thisJoint.getHingeAngle() - Spring.tagetPosition) * Spring.spring + thisJoint.getAngularVel() * Spring.damper)); } if (TSMath.Abs(thisJoint.AppliedImpulse) >= breakForce)//@TODO: Add break torque { thisJoint.Deactivate(); Destroy(this); } }
public static void ApplyExplosiveForceOnLine(TSRigidBody lineRB, FP force) { lineRB.AddTorque(TSVector.up * force); }