Example #1
        public void WriteTraceIrregular()
            // All database changes should be directed into these temp tables, since the tested methods
            // use SqlBulkCopy, which is not subject to transaction scope.

            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("2/10/2000");
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse("2/10/2002");
            int      timeStepCount = 40;
            int      id, traceNumber = 27;

            String extraParamNames  = "TimeSeriesType, Unit_Id, RunGUID, VariableType, VariableName, RunElementGUID";
            String extraParamValues = "0, 1, 'A0101010-AAAA-BBBB-2222-3E3E3E3E3E3E', 0, 'eraseme', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'";

            id = _lib.WriteParametersIrregular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName),
                                               timeStepCount, startDate, endDate, GetSbyte(extraParamNames), GetSbyte(extraParamValues));

            TSDateValueStruct[] dateValArray = new TSDateValueStruct[timeStepCount],
            testDateValArray = new TSDateValueStruct[timeStepCount];
            double   x       = 10.0;
            double   y       = 1.0;
            DateTime curDate = startDate;

            for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                dateValArray[i].Value = x;
                dateValArray[i].Date  = curDate;
                x      *= 1.2;
                y      += 0.5;
                curDate = curDate.AddDays(y);
            // The method being tested
            _lib.WriteTraceIrregular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName),
                                     id, traceNumber, dateValArray);
            _lib.CommitTraceWrites(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName));

            String comm = String.Format("select * from {0} where TimeSeries_Id={1} and TraceNumber={2}",
                                        _TestTraceTableName, id, traceNumber);

            // SqlDataAdapter object will use the query to fill the DataTable
            using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(comm, _connx))
                DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
                // Execute the query to fill the DataTable object
                DataRow row  = dTable.Rows[0];
                byte[]  blob = row.Field <byte[]>("ValueBlob");
                                                        false, 0, startDate, startDate, blob, testDateValArray, TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode);
                for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(dateValArray[i], testDateValArray[i]);
        public void Test(Boolean inBulk, Boolean doParam)
            // Create dummy time series that we can write to the database
            var valList = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++)
                var iterList = new List <double>();
                for (int t = 0; t < nVals; t++)
                    iterList.Add(1.5 * t + i + 0.33);

            if (inBulk)
                var traceObjects = new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>();
                for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++)
                    ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject = new TSTrace {
                        TraceNumber = 1
                    // Convert the array of double values into a byte array...a BLOB
                    traceObject.ValueBlob = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular
                                                (valList[i], TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode, traceObject);
            else if (doParam)
                // reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2449827/pros-and-cons-of-using-sqlcommand-prepare-in-c
                // this does appear to be faster!!

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " + TableName
                                                + "(TimeSeries_Id, TraceNumber, ValueBlob, Checksum) "
                                                + "VALUES (@TimeSeries_Id, @TraceNumber, @ValueBlob, @Checksum)", Connx);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@TimeSeries_Id", SqlDbType.Int);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@TraceNumber", SqlDbType.Int);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ValueBlob", SqlDbType.VarBinary, -1);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Checksum", SqlDbType.Binary, 16);

                SqlCommand selectCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT  TraceNumber, Checksum from "
                                                      + TableName + " where TimeSeries_Id=@TimeSeries_Id order by TraceNumber", Connx);
                selectCmd.Parameters.Add("@TimeSeries_Id", SqlDbType.Int);

                SqlCommand updateCmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE " + "OutputTimeSeries"
                                                      + " SET Checksum=@Checksum WHERE Id=@Id", Connx);
                updateCmd.Parameters.Add("@Checksum", SqlDbType.Binary, 16);
                updateCmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.Int);

                for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++)
                    ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject = new TSTrace {
                        TraceNumber = 1
                    // Convert the array of double values into a byte array...a BLOB
                    traceObject.ValueBlob = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular
                                                (valList[i], TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode, traceObject);
                    WriteOneTraceParam(i + 1, traceObject, cmd);

                    // update the checksum in the parameters table
                    UpdateParametersChecksum(i + 1, selectCmd, updateCmd);
                for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++)
                    ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject = new TSTrace {
                        TraceNumber = 1
                    // Convert the array of double values into a byte array...a BLOB
                    traceObject.ValueBlob = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular
                                                (valList[i], TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode, traceObject);
        // Note--this test class was created primarily b/c we wanted to individually test the different
        // compression methods.  Hence, we have created the test methods below.  The class TSBlobCoder
        // certainly deserves full test coverage, but that can be developed later.  In the meantime,
        // it is generally expected that TSBlobCoder has adequate test coverage via TSLibraryTest.

        #region Test Methods for ConvertBlobToListAll() and ConvertListToBlob()
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListAll and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.

        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobAll(List <TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                                   TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                                   DateTime blobStartDate, int compressionCode)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();

            var traceObject = new TSTrace
                TraceNumber   = 1,
                TimeStepCount = inList.Count,
                EndDate       = inList.Last().Date

            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                var    inArray  = inList.Select(v => (TSDateValueStruct)v).ToArray();
                var    outArray = new TSDateValueStruct[inList.Count];
                byte[] blobData = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(inArray,
                                                                          compressionCode, traceObject);

                int ret = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayIrregular(inList.Count,
                                                                  false, 0, blobStartDate, blobStartDate,
                                                                  blobData, outArray, compressionCode);

                // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
                Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
                // the count in both lists must match
                Assert.AreEqual(inArray.Length, outArray.Length);
                // now check each item in the two lists
                Boolean AreEqual = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                    if (outArray[i].Date != inArray[i].Date || outArray[i].Value != inArray[i].Value)
                        AreEqual = false;
                var    inArray  = inList.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray();
                var    outArray = new Double[inList.Count];
                byte[] blobData = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(inArray,
                                                                        compressionCode, traceObject);

                int ret = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayRegular(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                inList.Count, blobStartDate,
                                                                false, 0, blobStartDate, blobStartDate,
                                                                blobData, outArray, compressionCode);

                // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
                Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
                // the count in both lists must match
                Assert.AreEqual(inArray.Length, outArray.Length);
                // now check each item in the two lists
                Boolean AreEqual = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                    if (outArray[i] != inArray[i])
                        AreEqual = false;
Example #4
        public void WriteMultiTraceRegular()
            int id = 0, traceNumber = 0, traceCount = 0;

            // Find an existing time series that has at least one trace and where the
            // time series type is not irregular
            String comm = "SELECT TOP(1) x.Id FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                          + "JOIN " + _paramTableName + " x ON t.TimeSeries_Id=x.Id\n"
                          + "WHERE x.TimeSeriesType != 0";

            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        id = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Get the highest existing trace number of the existing time series
            comm = "SELECT TOP(1) t.[TraceNumber] FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                   + "where t.[TimeSeries_Id]=" + id + "\norder by t.[TraceNumber] desc";
            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        traceNumber = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Get the highest existing trace number of the existing time series
            comm = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                   + "where t.[TimeSeries_Id]=" + id;
            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        traceCount = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Read the values of the existing trace that has the highest trace number
            int ArrayDim = 5000;
            var valArray = new Double[ArrayDim];
            int nVals    = _lib.ReadValuesRegular(_connxNumber,
                                                  GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                                  id, traceNumber, ArrayDim, valArray, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue);
            var newValArray = valArray.Take(nVals).ToArray();

            // Create temporary tables that will absorb all data changes.  We do this because
            // the tested methods use SqlBulkCopy, which is not subject to TransactionScope.

            // The method being tested--we add another trace that is identical to the one we just
            // read, but give it a new trace number.
            _lib.WriteTraceRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName),
                                   id, traceNumber + 1, newValArray);
            _lib.CommitTraceWrites(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName));

            // Now verify that the new trace is written to the DB,
            // and that the checksum of the time series includes all traces including the new one
            comm = "SELECT c.[Checksum], c.[TimeStepUnit], c.[TimeStepQuantity], "
                   + "c.[StartDate],\n    t.[TraceNumber], t.[Checksum]\n"
                   + "FROM [" + _TestParamTableName + "] c\n"
                   + "LEFT JOIN [" + _TestTraceTableName + "] t ON c.[Id]=t.[TimeSeries_Id]\n"
                   + "WHERE c.[Id]=" + id;

            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    Boolean  initialized      = false;
                    var      traceList        = new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>();
                    Byte[]   checksum         = new Byte[0];
                    var      timeStepUnit     = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day;
                    short    timeStepQuantity = 1;
                    DateTime startDate        = DateTime.MinValue;
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[6];
                        if (!initialized)
                            checksum         = (Byte[])valueArray[0];
                            timeStepUnit     = (TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode)(int) valueArray[1];
                            timeStepQuantity = (short)(int)valueArray[2];
                            startDate        = (DateTime)valueArray[3];
                            initialized      = true;
                        // Add to the collection a container object for this trace's properties
                        traceList.Add(new TSTrace
                            TraceNumber = (int)valueArray[4],
                            Checksum    = (Byte[])valueArray[5]
                    // Is the new trace in the DB?
                    Assert.IsTrue(traceList.Any(o => o.TraceNumber == traceNumber + 1));
                    // Is the actual number of traces incremented by one?
                    Assert.AreEqual(traceCount + 1, traceList.Count);
                    // Do an independent computation of the checksum
                    var correctChecksum = TSBlobCoder.ComputeChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                      startDate, traceList);
                    // was the correct checksum stored in the DB?
                    Assert.IsTrue(NumericExtensions.ByteArraysAreEqual(correctChecksum, checksum));