public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture) { if (speedY > 0) //Hack :') { spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dRect, sRect, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); } }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch sprite, Texture2D tex) { Rectangle sRect = new Rectangle(flag * 64, 320, 64, 64); float frameAlpha; if (frame > 0.9f) { frameAlpha = (1.0f - frame) * 10.0f; } else { frameAlpha = (frame / 0.9f); } a = frameAlpha; sprite.Draw(tex, GameLocation, sRect, particuleColor, rotation, new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), size, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); }
public void DrawParticles(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, bool background) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); foreach (Particle p in particles) { if (p != null) { if (!p.Additive && p.Background == background) { p.Draw(spriteBatch, particuleTex); } } } spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.Additive); foreach (Particle p in particles) { if (p != null) { if (p.Additive && p.Background == background) { p.Draw(spriteBatch, particuleTex); } } } spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1.1f; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 240, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 255, "Special thanks", 52); //XNA reviewers TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 150, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 100, "XNA Peer-reviewers and playtesters", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.DarkGreen; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 0.8f; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 150, "Mr Helmut, Irregular Games, Stinky Badger, Bounding Box Games LLC ", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 180, "DaleCantwel, Quebarium inc., Blau, laurent goethals ", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 210, "ggaler, Eclipse Games", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1f; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Red; //Other TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 305, "Aymeric DE ABREU (Aymarick), Louis LAGRANGE (Minishlink)", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 350, "Morgane BERTHOU (tsu) and 3Hitcombo", 152); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 420, "Canard PC, Dev-FR, IndieDB", 72); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 100, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 480, "Friends and family (We love you <3)", 72); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 150, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 530, "Every TGPA Player !!!", 72); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture) { dRect.X = (int)location.X; dRect.Y = (int)location.Y; spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dRect, sRect, color, -(float)rotation, spriteOrigin, flips, 1.0f); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //Draw canon dRect = ComputeDstRect(canonSrc); Color c = Color.White; if (IsHit) { c = Color.Red * 0.5f; } spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, dRect, this.canonSrc, c, fireAngle, structureLinkPoint, Flip, 1.0f); //Draw structure dRect = ComputeDstRect(sRect); dRect.X += 26; this.DstRect = dRect; if (IsHit) { c = (Color.Red * 0.5f); IsHit = false; } spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, dRect, this.SrcRect, c, 0.0f, structureLinkPoint, Flip, 1.0f); spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Color c = Color.White; if (IsHit) { if (chocolateShieldHp > 0) { c = (Color.SteelBlue * 0.75f); IsHit = false; } else { c = (Color.Red * 0.75f); IsHit = false; } } spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); //Body spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, dRect, sRect, c, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Flip, 1.0f); //Eyes spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, eyesDstRect, eyesSrcRect, c, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Flip, 1.0f); spriteBatch.End(); #if DEBUG TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, this.location, "(" + this.attackType.ToString() + ") Chocolate : " + this.chocolateShieldHp + "| Regen in :" + this.regenCooldown); #endif }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Color c = Color.White; if (IsHit) { c = (Color.Red * 0.75f); IsHit = false; } spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); //draw major spriteBatch.Draw(theSprite, new Vector2(dRect.X, dRect.Y), bunker1Rect, c); //draw soldier for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { spriteBatch.Draw(theSprite, new Vector2(dRect.X + 190 + (i * 105) - offset, dRect.Y + 115), soliRect, c); } //draw bunker spriteBatch.Draw(theSprite, new Vector2(dRect.X, dRect.Y), bunker2Rect, c); //draw bumper if (!firing) { spriteBatch.Draw(theSprite, new Vector2(dRect.X, dRect.Y), bumper1Rect, c); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(theSprite, new Vector2(dRect.X, dRect.Y), bumper2Rect, c); } spriteBatch.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the pattern of the specified enemy /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch"></param> /// <param name="badguy"></param> public static void DrawMovePattern(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, BadGuy badguy, List <Node> nodes) { if (badguy.Pattern == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < badguy.Pattern.Points.Count; i++) { bool first = true; Point lastPoint = Point.Zero; foreach (Node n in nodes) { //Draw line between node and player if (first) { first = false; Node.DrawLine(spriteBatch, new Point((int)badguy.Location.X, (int)badguy.Location.Y), n.Point); } else { //Draw lines between 2 points Node.DrawLine(spriteBatch, lastPoint, n.Point); } n.Draw(spriteBatch); lastPoint = n.Point; } } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the background images to the screen /// </summary> /// <param name="theSpriteBatch"></param> public void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch theSpriteBatch) { foreach (BackgroundPart aBackgroundSprite in mBackgroundSprites) { aBackgroundSprite.Draw(theSpriteBatch); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the sprite on the screen with specified dimensions (used in map editor) /// </summary> /// <param name="theSpriteBatch"></param> /// <param name="screenWidth"></param> /// <param name="screenHeight"></param> public void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch theSpriteBatch, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { foreach (BackgroundPart aBackgroundSprite in mBackgroundSprites) { aBackgroundSprite.Draw(theSpriteBatch, screenWidth, screenHeight); } }
public void Draw(Rectangle dRect, TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //Draw element if (sRect != Rectangle.Empty) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(sprite, dRect, sRect, Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); } Vector2 textLoc = new Vector2(dRect.X, dRect.Y); string text; if (label == null) { text = value.ToString(); } else { text = LocalizedStrings.GetString(label); } dRect.Width = text.Length + 20; dRect.Height = 20; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, textLoc.X, textLoc.Y, text, 1024); }
public virtual void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture) { dRect.X = (int)location.X; dRect.Y = (int)location.Y; Rectangle dstShotBehind = dRect; dstShotBehind.Width = (int)((float)dstShotBehind.Width * 1.2f); dstShotBehind.Height = (int)((float)dstShotBehind.Height * 1.2f); Color shotColor = Color.White; if (this.IsHit) { shotColor = Color.Red; this.IsHit = false; } if (this.EnemyFire) { if (this.DrawBehindShot) { spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dstShotBehind, sRect, this.behindColor, -(float)rotation, spriteOrigin, this.flips, 1.0f); } spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dRect, sRect, shotColor, -(float)rotation, spriteOrigin, this.flips, 1.0f); } else { if (this.DrawBehindShot) { spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dstShotBehind, sRect, this.behindColor, -(float)rotation, spriteOrigin, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); } spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dRect, sRect, Color.White, -(float)rotation, spriteOrigin, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); } }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1.2f; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, 390, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top + 550, " Poulpis killed : " + TGPAContext.Instance.Saver.SaveData.KilledPoulpis, 72); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1f; }
public void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //White background spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(TGPAContext.Instance.NullTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); //Draw 1024*768 image in center Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 768); dst.X = TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth / 2 - dst.Width / 2; dst.Y = TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight / 2 - dst.Height / 2; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(background, dst, Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); //Draw fade in/out if (fadeInOut > 0f) { Color blackScreen = new Color(Color.Black.R, Color.Black.G, Color.Black.B, this.fadeInOut); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(TGPAContext.Instance.NullTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight), blackScreen); spriteBatch.End(); } }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black * alpha; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1.5f; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, location.X, location.Y, texte, 128); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Size = 1f; }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { TGPAContext.Instance.ButtonPrinter.Draw(spriteBatch, button, TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.Device.Type, locationP1, Color.White * alphaColor); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black * alphaColor; TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, locationP1.X + ((button == "#Move" && TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.Device.Type == DeviceType.KeyboardMouse) ? 150 : 50), locationP1.Y, LocalizedStrings.GetString(button.Replace("#", "Player")), 128); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch sprite, Texture2D tex) { sprite.Draw(tex, GameLocation, new Rectangle(0, 128, 64, 64), this.particuleColor, rotation, new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), new Vector2(1f, 0.1f), SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { double updateRotation = rotation; this.rotation -= Math.PI / 4; base.Draw(spriteBatch); this.rotation = updateRotation; }
public void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D bonus_sprites) { this.color = Color.White * alpha; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(bonus_sprites, dRect, sRect, color); spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { double tmpRotation = this.rotation; this.rotation = this.visualRotation; base.Draw(spriteBatch); this.rotation = tmpRotation; }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( (int)square.Min.X, (int)square.Min.Y, (int)square.Max.X - (int)square.Min.X, (int)square.Max.Y - (int)square.Min.Y ); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(TGPAContext.Instance.NullTex, rect, Color.Red * 0.5f); spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(TGPAContext.Instance.NullTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight), Color.White * alphaFadeOut); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch sprite, Texture2D tex) { if (frame > 0.5f) { return; } Rectangle sRect = new Rectangle(flag * 64, 64, 64, 64); float bright = frame * 0.5f; float tsize; if (frame > 0.4f) { r = 1.0f; g = 1.0f; b = (frame - 0.4f) * 10.0f; if (frame > 0.45f) { tsize = (0.5f - frame) * size * 20.0f; } else { tsize = size; } } else if (frame > 0.3f) { r = 1.0f; g = (frame - 00.0f) * 10.0f; b = 0.0f; tsize = size; } else { r = frame * 3.3f; g = 0.0f; b = 0.0f; tsize = (frame * 0.3f) * size; } if (flag % 2 == 0) { rotation = (frame * 7.0f + size * 20.0f); } else { rotation = (-frame * 11.0f + size * 20.0f); } sprite.Draw(tex, GameLocation, sRect, particuleColor, rotation, new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), tsize, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //Do not draw #if DEBUG //Except hitbox in debug mode if (TGPAContext.Instance.Options.DebugMode) { this.hitbox.Draw(spriteBatch); } #endif }
public void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(videoBackground, new Rectangle(0, 0, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); if (playVideo) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.White; if (this.videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing) { //Display video spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(this.videoPlayer.GetTexture(), this.videoDst, Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); } } else if (playCredits) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); if (currentPageIndex > 0) { spriteBatch.Draw(backgrounds[currentPageIndex - 1], bgDst, Color.White); } spriteBatch.Draw(backgrounds[currentPageIndex], bgDst, new Color(Color.White.R, Color.White.G, Color.White.B, transitionAlpha)); spriteBatch.End(); this.pages[currentPageIndex].Draw(spriteBatch); } if (playVideo) { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.White; } else { TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Navy; } TGPAContext.Instance.ButtonPrinter.Draw(spriteBatch, "#Back", TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.Device.Type, new Vector2(750, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight - 110)); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, new Vector2(800, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight - 100), LocalizedStrings.GetString("CreditsScreenLeave")); TGPAContext.Instance.ButtonPrinter.Draw(spriteBatch, "#Confirm", TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.Device.Type, new Vector2(750, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight - 55)); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Write(spriteBatch, new Vector2(800, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenHeight - 45), LocalizedStrings.GetString("CreditsScreenNext")); TGPAContext.Instance.TextPrinter.Color = Color.Black; }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Rectangle dRect = this.SrcRect; dRect.X = (int)location.X; dRect.Y = (int)location.Y; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(Sprite, dRect, sRect, Color.White, (float)rotation, Vector2.Zero, Flip, 1.0f); spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Rectangle dstBehind = dRect; dstBehind.Width = (int)((float)dstBehind.Width * 1.4f); dstBehind.Height = (int)((float)dstBehind.Height * 1.4f); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, dstBehind, this.SrcRect, Color.SeaShell * 0.8f, 0.0f, this.spriteOrigin, Flip, 1.0f); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch sprite, Texture2D tex) { Rectangle sRect = new Rectangle(flag * 64, 0, 64, 64); sprite.Draw(tex, GameLocation, sRect, particuleColor, rotation, new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), size + (1.0f - frame), SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); }
public override void Draw(TGPASpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Color c = Color.White; if (IsHit) { c = (Color.Red * 0.75f); IsHit = false; } spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(this.Sprite, dRect, sRect, c, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Flip, 1.0f); spriteBatch.End(); }