private static int FullGetRowHeight(TFlxFont Fx) { if (Fx.Size20 < 8 * 20) //Fonts less than 8 points are all the same { int[] heights = { 105, 105, 105, 120, 135, 165, 165, 180, 180 }; return(heights[(int)Math.Round(Fx.Size20 / 20f)]); } if ( ( String.Equals(Fx.Name, "ARIAL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(Fx.Name, "TIMES NEW ROMAN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ) && Fx.Size20 == 200 && Fx.Style == TFlxFontStyles.None) { return(0xFF); //Most usual case. } if (MissingFrameworkFont) { return(0xFF); } try { int Result = DoFullGetRowHeight(Fx); return(Result); } catch (MissingMethodException) { MissingFrameworkFont = true; return(7); } }
internal Font GetFont(TFlxFont Fx, real Adj) { // Not really need to keep a cache in WPF. Font NewFont = ExcelFont.CreateFont(Fx, Adj); return(NewFont); }
private static real FullGetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { if (String.Equals(Fx.Name, "ARIAL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && Fx.Size20 == 200 && Fx.Style == TFlxFontStyles.None) { return(7); //Most usual case. } if (MissingFrameworkFont) { return(7); } if (String.Equals(Fx.Name, CachedFontName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && Fx.Size20 == CachedFontSize && Fx.Style == CachedFontStyle) { return(CachedFontWidth); //Most usual case. } try { real Result = DoFullGetFont0Width(Fx); CachedFontWidth = Result; CachedFontName = Fx.Name; CachedFontSize = Fx.Size20; CachedFontStyle = Fx.Style; return(Result); } catch (MissingMethodException) { MissingFrameworkFont = true; return(7); } }
private static real DoFullGetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); ExcelFont.SetFont(tb, Fx); tb.Text = "0"; return((real)tb.ActualWidth); //Result is in silverlight pixels. Note that no transformation applies to TextBlock }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Height of an XF format Excel. /// </summary> /// <param name="Fx"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static int GetRowHeightInPixels(TFlxFont Fx) { try { return(FullGetRowHeight(Fx)); } catch (TypeLoadException) { return(0xFF); } }
internal static real GetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { try { return(FullGetFont0Width(Fx)); } catch (TypeLoadException) { return(7); } }
private static int DoFullGetRowHeight(TFlxFont Fx) { using (Font MyFont = ExcelFont.CreateFont(Fx.Name, (Fx.Size20 / 20F), ExcelFont.ConvertFontStyle(Fx))) { #if (MONOTOUCH) real h = MyFont.LineHeight; #else real h = MyFont.GetHeight(75); #endif return((int)(h * 20.87 + 5)); } }
private void DumpFile(ExcelFile Xls, ref int Row) { TFlxFont fnt = Xls.GetDefaultFont; fnt.Color = Color.Blue; int HighlightFont = Xls.AddFont(fnt); fnt.Color = Color.Green; int CommentFont = Xls.AddFont(fnt); int Level = 0; Stack <int> LevelStart = new Stack <int>(); LevelStart.Push(Row); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(PathToExe, "Form1.cs"))) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { //Find the level of "keep together" for the row. We will use #region and "{" delimiters //to increase the level. If possible, we would want those blocks together in one page. string s = line.Trim(); if (s.StartsWith("#region")) { Level++; LevelStart.Push(Row); } if (s == "{") { Level++; LevelStart.Push(Row - 1);//On {} blocks, we want to keep lines together starting with the previous statement. } if (s == "#endregion" || s == "}") { Level--; Xls.KeepRowsTogether(LevelStart.Pop(), Row, Level + 1, false); } Xls.KeepRowsTogether(Row, Row, Level, true); Xls.SetCellValue(Row, 1, SyntaxColor(Xls, 0, CommentFont, HighlightFont, line.Replace("\t", " "))); Row++; } } }
private static real FullGetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { if (String.Equals(Fx.Name, "ARIAL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && Fx.Size20 == 200 && Fx.Style == TFlxFontStyles.None) { return(7); //Most usual case. } if (String.Equals(Fx.Name, CachedFontName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && Fx.Size20 == CachedFontSize && Fx.Style == CachedFontStyle) { return(CachedFontWidth); //Most usual case. } real Result = DoFullGetFont0Width(Fx); CachedFontWidth = Result; CachedFontName = Fx.Name; CachedFontSize = Fx.Size20; CachedFontStyle = Fx.Style; return(Result); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to create a new font given the Excel data. /// </summary> /// <param name="Fx">FlexCel font with the font information.</param> /// <param name="Adj">An adjustment parameter to multiply the FontSize.</param> public static Font CreateFont(TFlxFont Fx, real Adj) { Font Result = new Font(); Result.Family = new FontFamily(Fx.Name); Result.SizeInPix = Fx.Size20 / 20.0 * FlxConsts.PixToPoints * Adj; //fontsize is in pixels, not points if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.Italic) != 0) { Result.Style = FontStyles.Italic; } else { Result.Style = FontStyles.Normal; } if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.Bold) != 0) { Result.Weight = FontWeights.Bold; } else { Result.Weight = FontWeights.Normal; } Result.Decorations = new TextDecorationCollection(); if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.StrikeOut) != 0) { Result.Decorations.Add(TextDecorations.Strikethrough); } if (Fx.Underline != TFlxUnderline.None) { Result.Decorations.Add(TextDecorations.Underline); } if (Fx.Underline == TFlxUnderline.Double || Fx.Underline == TFlxUnderline.DoubleAccounting) { Result.Decorations.Add(TextDecorations.Baseline); } Result.Freeze(); return(Result); }
private static real DoFullGetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { #if (MONOTOUCH) using (Font MyFont = ExcelFont.CreateFont(Fx.Name, (Fx.Size20 / 20F), ExcelFont.ConvertFontStyle(Fx))) { using (MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString o = new MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString("0")) { return(o.StringSize(MyFont).Width); } } #else using (Font MyFont = ExcelFont.CreateFont(Fx.Name, (Fx.Size20 / 20F), ExcelFont.ConvertFontStyle(Fx))) { using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(1, 1)) { using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) using (StringFormat sfTemplate = StringFormat.GenericTypographic) //GenericTypographic returns a NEW instance. It has to be disposed. { using (StringFormat sf = (StringFormat)sfTemplate.Clone()) //Even when sfTemplate is a new instance, changing directly on it will change the standard generic typographic :( { //sf.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges was causing a deadlock here. //DONT DO!! /*CharacterRange[] r = {new CharacterRange(0,1)}; * sf.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(r);*/ sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; //this should be set, but just in case someone changed it. sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; //this should be set, but just in case someone changed it. sf.FormatFlags = 0; gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; SizeF sz = gr.MeasureString("0", MyFont, 1000, sf); return((real)Math.Round(sz.Width)); } } } } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Assigns an Excel font to a TextBlock /// </summary> /// <param name="tb">TextBlock to which assign the font.</param> /// <param name="Fx">Font to assign.</param> public static void SetFont(TextBlock tb, TFlxFont Fx) { tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily(Fx.Name); tb.FontSize = Fx.Size20 / 20.0 * FlxConsts.PixToPoints; //fontsize is in pixels, not points if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.Italic) != 0) { tb.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic; } else { tb.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal; } if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.Bold) != 0) { tb.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; } else { tb.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; } #if (!SILVERLIGHT) if ((Fx.Style & TFlxFontStyles.StrikeOut) != 0) { tb.TextDecorations.Add(TextDecorations.Strikethrough); } #endif if (Fx.Underline != TFlxUnderline.None) { tb.TextDecorations.Add(TextDecorations.Underline); } if (Fx.Underline == TFlxUnderline.Double || Fx.Underline == TFlxUnderline.DoubleAccounting) { tb.TextDecorations.Add(TextDecorations.Baseline); } }
/// <summary> /// 给单元格添加标注 /// </summary> /// <param name="row">单元格所在行</param> /// <param name="col">单元格所在列</param> /// <param name="comment">标注</param> public void AddCommentToCell(int row, int col, string commentTitle, string commentDetail) { string comment = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n", commentTitle, commentDetail); // 设置单元格背景色 TFlxFormat fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(row, col); fmt.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.Solid; fmt.FillPattern.FgColor = Color.FromArgb(0xFF9999); xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, xls.AddFormat(fmt)); // 设置批注 TRTFRun[] Runs = new TRTFRun[3]; Runs[0].FirstChar = 0; TFlxFont fnt = xls.GetDefaultFont; fnt.Size20 = 180; fnt.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic; fnt.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; fnt.Family = 3; fnt.CharSet = 134; fnt.Scheme = TFontScheme.None; Runs[0].FontIndex = xls.AddFont(fnt); Runs[1].FirstChar = 7; fnt = xls.GetDefaultFont; fnt.Size20 = 180; fnt.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic; fnt.Family = 3; fnt.CharSet = 134; fnt.Scheme = TFontScheme.None; Runs[1].FontIndex = xls.AddFont(fnt); Runs[2].FirstChar = 13; fnt = xls.GetDefaultFont; Runs[2].FontIndex = xls.AddFont(fnt); xls.SetComment(row, col, new TRichString(comment, Runs, xls)); }
internal static void WriteText(ExcelFile Workbook, IFlxGraphics Canvas, TFontCache FontCache, real Zoom100, Font AFont, Color AFontColor, real x, real y, real SubOfs, TRichString OutText, real Alpha, real MaxDescent, TAdaptativeFormats AdaptativeFormats) { if (OutText.Length == 0) { return; } if (Alpha != 0) { Canvas.SaveTransform(); } try { if (Alpha != 0) { Canvas.Rotate(x, y, Alpha); } using (Brush TextBrush = new SolidBrush(AFontColor)) { if (OutText.RTFRunCount == 0) { if (AdaptativeFormats == null || AdaptativeFormats.Separators == null || AdaptativeFormats.Separators.Length == 0) //formats are only applied to non rich text cells. { Canvas.DrawString(OutText.Value, AFont, TextBrush, x, y + SubOfs); } else { DrawAdaptativeString(Canvas, AdaptativeFormats, OutText.Value, AFont, TextBrush, x, y + SubOfs); } } else { SizeF Result; string s1 = OutText.Value.Substring(0, OutText.RTFRun(0).FirstChar); if (s1.Length > 0) { Result = Canvas.MeasureString(s1, AFont, new TPointF(x, y)); Canvas.DrawString(s1, AFont, TextBrush, x, y + SubOfs - (MaxDescent - Canvas.FontDescent(AFont))); x += Result.Width; } for (int i = 0; i < OutText.RTFRunCount - 1; i++) { TFlxFont Fx = OutText.GetFont(OutText.RTFRun(i).FontIndex); TSubscriptData Sub = new TSubscriptData(Fx.Style); Font MyFont = FontCache.GetFont(Fx, Zoom100 * Sub.Factor); { using (Brush MyBrush = new SolidBrush(GetColor(Workbook, Fx.Color))) { int Start = OutText.RTFRun(i).FirstChar; if (Start >= OutText.Length) { Start = OutText.Length; } int Len = OutText.RTFRun(i + 1).FirstChar; if (Len >= OutText.Length) { Len = OutText.Length; } Len -= Start; string s2 = OutText.Value.Substring(Start, Len); Result = Canvas.MeasureString(s2, MyFont, new TPointF(x, y)); Canvas.DrawString(s2, MyFont, MyBrush, x, y + Sub.Offset(Canvas, MyFont) - (MaxDescent - Canvas.FontDescent(MyFont))); x += Result.Width; } } } TFlxFont Fy = OutText.GetFont(OutText.RTFRun(OutText.RTFRunCount - 1).FontIndex); TSubscriptData Suby = new TSubscriptData(Fy.Style); Font MyFont2 = FontCache.GetFont(Fy, Zoom100 * Suby.Factor); { using (Brush MyBrush = new SolidBrush(GetColor(Workbook, Fy.Color))) { int Start = OutText.RTFRun(OutText.RTFRunCount - 1).FirstChar; if (Start >= OutText.Length) { Start = OutText.Length; } string s3 = OutText.Value.Substring(Start); Result = Canvas.MeasureString(s3, MyFont2, new TPointF(x, y)); Canvas.DrawString(s3, MyFont2, MyBrush, x, y + Suby.Offset(Canvas, MyFont2) - (MaxDescent - Canvas.FontDescent(MyFont2))); } } } } } finally { if (Alpha != 0) { Canvas.ResetTransform(); } } }
// // GET: /Home/ExportData_ToExcel/W0009 public ActionResult E_ExportData_ToExcel(int way_bill_id) { if (Session["login_status"] != null) { //temp file name string copy_file_name = DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".xlsx"; //template file name string Orginal_file_path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Report_Templates"), "Bolleto_Dogonale_Export.xlsx"); //temp file path string copy_file_path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images"), copy_file_name); XlsFile bolleto = new XlsFile(Orginal_file_path); bolleto.ActiveSheet = 1; var bolleto_code = (from i in db.Exports where i.e_way_bill_id == way_bill_id select i.e_bollete_dogonale_code).First(); var j = 0; var bollete_dogonale = (from e in db.Exports join w in db.E_Way_Bill on e.e_way_bill_id equals w.e_way_bill_id join sd in db.Ship_Departure on e.ship_departure_id equals sd.ship_departure_id join cpc in db.E_Calculated_Payment_Config on w.e_way_bill_id equals cpc.way_bill_id where e.e_way_bill_id == way_bill_id select new Bolleto_DogonaleModel { way_bill_code = w.e_way_bill_code, import_code = e.export_code, ship_arrival_code = sd.ship_departure_code, bolleto_dogonale_code = e.e_bollete_dogonale_code, date = cpc.calculated_date }); foreach (var item in bollete_dogonale) { bolleto.SetCellValue(2, 3, item.bolleto_dogonale_code); bolleto.SetCellValue(3, 3, item.way_bill_code); bolleto.SetCellValue(4, 3, item.import_code); bolleto.SetCellValue(5, 3, item.ship_arrival_code); bolleto.SetCellValue(6, 3,"yyyy-MM-dd")); //bolleto.SetCellFormat(1, 1, 8, 7, 1); } var grand_total = db.E_Get_Grand_Total(way_bill_id, 100); string grand_total_value = ""; foreach (var v in grand_total) { grand_total_value = v; } db.E_Display_Tax_Details(way_bill_id, 100); var display1 = from d1 in db.E_TempDisplay1 where d1.way_bill_id == way_bill_id select d1; var display2 = (from d2 in db.E_TempDisplay2 where d2.way_bill_id == way_bill_id select d2).ToList(); TFlxFormat tformatTitle = bolleto.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(9, 1); int titleFormat = bolleto.AddFormat(tformatTitle); TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; TFlxFormat tformatright = bolleto.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(10, 6); tformatright.Font = tfont; int Formatright = bolleto.AddFormat(tformatright); int iRowCnt = 9; foreach (var item in display1) { // SHOW COLUMNS ON THE TOP. bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 1, "Goods", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 2, "Unit Price", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 3, "Calculated Tariff", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, "Total Quantity", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, "Unit Of Measure", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 6, "Base Taxation", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, "Total", titleFormat); //bolleto.SetCellFormat(iRowCnt, 1, iRowCnt, 7, 1); var x = "A" + iRowCnt; var y = "G" + iRowCnt; //xlWorkSheetToExport.Range[x, y].Font.Size = 11; //xlWorkSheetToExport.Range[x, y].Font.Bold = true; iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 1; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 1, item.goods_name); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 2, item.toal_Quantity); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 3, item.Unit_Code); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, item.Unit_Price); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, item.calculated_Tariff); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 6, item.Base_Taxation); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, item.Total); iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 2; x = "A" + iRowCnt; y = "G" + iRowCnt; //xlWorkSheetToExport.Range[x, y].Font.Size = 11; //xlWorkSheetToExport.Range[x, y].Font.Bold = true; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 2, "Levy Name", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 3, "Levy Type", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, "Levy", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, "Actual Levy", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 6, "Total Levy", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, ""); //bolleto.SetCellFormat(iRowCnt, 1, iRowCnt, 7, 1); iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 1; for (var l = 0; l < display2.Count(); l++) { if (l == 0 && j != 0) { l = j; } if (item.Goods_Id != display2[l].Goods_Id) { break; } j++; if (display2[l].Levy_Name == "Total") { bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 2, display2[l].Levy_Name, titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 3, display2[l].Levy_Type, titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, display2[l].Levy, titleFormat); //bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4).HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, display2[l].Actua_Levy, Formatright); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 6, display2[l].Total_Levi, Formatright); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, display2[l].Sum_Levies, Formatright); //bolleto.SetCellFormat(iRowCnt, 1, iRowCnt, 7, 1); iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 1; } else { bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 2, display2[l].Levy_Name); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 3, display2[l].Levy_Type); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, display2[l].Levy); //bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4).HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, display2[l].Actua_Levy); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 6, display2[l].Total_Levi); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, display2[l].Sum_Levies); iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 1; } } iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 1; } var get_payment_config = db.E_Calculated_Payment_Config.Where(cpc => cpc.way_bill_id == way_bill_id).ToList(); foreach (var item in get_payment_config) { TempData["sos_amount"] = item.calculated_sos_amount; TempData["usd_amount"] = item.calculated_usd_amount; TempData["sos"] = item.calculated_sos_part; TempData["usd"] = item.calculated_usd_part; } iRowCnt = iRowCnt + 3; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, "USD Amount (" + TempData["usd"] + "%)", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, TempData["usd_amount"], titleFormat); iRowCnt++; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 4, "SOS Amount (" + TempData["sos"] + "%)", titleFormat); bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 5, TempData["sos_amount"], titleFormat); iRowCnt++; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt,7,"Date : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); iRowCnt++; bolleto.SetCellValue(iRowCnt, 7, "User : "******"user_name"].ToString()); var save_name = "Bolleto_Dogonale_Export_" + bolleto_code + ".xlsx"; // SAVE THE FILE IN A FOLDER. //bolleto.Save(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), copy_file_name)); bolleto.Save(copy_file_path); this.DownLoadFile_Export(save_name, copy_file_path); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { return RedirectToAction("../Home"); } }
internal static SizeF CalcTextExtent(IFlxGraphics Canvas, TFontCache FontCache, real Zoom100, Font AFont, TRichString Text, out real MaxDescent) { MaxDescent = Canvas.FontDescent(AFont); if (Text.RTFRunCount == 0) { return(Canvas.MeasureStringEmptyHasHeight(Text.Value, AFont)); } real x = 0; real y = 0; SizeF Result; Result = Canvas.MeasureString(Text.Value.Substring(0, Text.RTFRun(0).FirstChar), AFont, new TPointF(0, 0)); x = Result.Width; y = Result.Height; for (int i = 0; i < Text.RTFRunCount - 1; i++) { TFlxFont Fx = Text.GetFont(Text.RTFRun(i).FontIndex); TSubscriptData Sub = new TSubscriptData(Fx.Style); Font MyFont = FontCache.GetFont(Fx, Zoom100 * Sub.Factor); { int Start = Text.RTFRun(i).FirstChar; if (Start >= Text.Length) { Start = Text.Length; } int Len = Text.RTFRun(i + 1).FirstChar; if (Len >= Text.Length) { Len = Text.Length; } Len -= Start; if (Len < 0) { continue; //wrong file, (i+1)FirstChar < (i).FirstChar } Result = Canvas.MeasureString(Text.Value.Substring(Start, Len), MyFont, new TPointF(0, 0)); x += Result.Width; y = Math.Max(y + Sub.Offset(Canvas, MyFont), Result.Height); MaxDescent = Math.Max(MaxDescent, Canvas.FontDescent(MyFont) + Sub.Offset(Canvas, MyFont)); } } TFlxFont Fy = Text.GetFont(Text.RTFRun(Text.RTFRunCount - 1).FontIndex); TSubscriptData Suby = new TSubscriptData(Fy.Style); Font MyFont2 = FontCache.GetFont(Fy, Zoom100 * Suby.Factor); { int Start = Text.RTFRun(Text.RTFRunCount - 1).FirstChar; if (Start >= Text.Length) { Start = Text.Length; } Result = Canvas.MeasureStringEmptyHasHeight(Text.Value.Substring(Start), MyFont2); x += Result.Width; y = Math.Max(y + Suby.Offset(Canvas, MyFont2), Result.Height); MaxDescent = Math.Max(MaxDescent, Canvas.FontDescent(MyFont2) + Suby.Offset(Canvas, MyFont2)); } return(new SizeF(x, y)); }
public TFlxFormat GetBold(TFlxFormat obj) { TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; obj.Font = tfont; return obj; }
private int NoColorBold(XlsFile xls, int row, int col) { TFlxFormat tf4 = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(row, col); TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; tf4.Font = tfont; return xls.AddFormat(tf4); }
private int NoColorAndRightBorder(XlsFile xls, int row, int col) { TFlxFormat tf3 = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(row, col); TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; tf3.Font = tfont; TFlxBorders tfBorderF = new TFlxBorders(); TFlxOneBorder oborder = new TFlxOneBorder(); oborder.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin; tfBorderF.Right = oborder; tf3.Borders = tfBorderF; return xls.AddFormat(tf3); }
private int ColorBold(XlsFile xls, int row, int col) { TFlxFormat tf4 = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(row, col); TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; tf4.Font = tfont; TFlxFillPattern tfpattern3 = new TFlxFillPattern(); tfpattern3.BgColor = Colors.LightGray; tf4.FillPattern = tfpattern3; return xls.AddFormat(tf4); }
private int ColorAndRightBorder(XlsFile xls, int row, int col) { TFlxFormat tf4 = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(row, col); TFlxFont tfont = new TFlxFont(); tfont.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold; tf4.Font = tfont; TFlxBorders tfBorderF1 = new TFlxBorders(); TFlxOneBorder oborder1 = new TFlxOneBorder(); oborder1.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin; tfBorderF1.Right = oborder1; tf4.Borders = tfBorderF1; TFlxFillPattern tfpattern3 = new TFlxFillPattern(); tfpattern3.BgColor = Colors.LightGray; tf4.FillPattern = tfpattern3; return xls.AddFormat(tf4); }
private static real FullGetFont0Width(TFlxFont Fx) { return(7); }
private static int FullGetRowHeight(TFlxFont Fx) { return(0xFF); }
private static TFlxFontStyles CachedFontStyle; //STATIC* #endif #region Font0Width /// <summary> /// Returns the width of the 0 font on Excel. Normally this is 7, but can change depending on /// the file. The user might modify it by changing Format->Style->Normal. /// </summary> /// <param name="Workbook"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static real GetFont0Width(IRowColSize Workbook) { TFlxFont Fx = Workbook.GetDefaultFont; return(GetFont0Width(Fx)); }