private TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl _owner = null;															// 1.0.002

		#region Class Constructor (and Dispose)
		// public TdhTabPageControls(TDHControls.TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl owner)
		//     : base((System.Windows.Forms.Control)owner)
		// protected void Dispose( bool disposing )
		public TdhTabPageControls(TDHControls.TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl owner)									// 1.0.002
			: base((System.Windows.Forms.Control)owner)														// 1.0.002
		{																									// 1.0.002
			Initialize_gblRunModeIs();		// Set [gblRunModeIs_DebugMode] and [gblRunModeIs_DesignMode]	// 1.0.000

			_owner = owner;																					// 1.0.002
		}																									// 1.0.002
Example #2
		private System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex _regexFilter = null;									// 1.0.003

		#region (Form) TdhTabReorder class constructor (and Dispose), etc
		// public TdhTabReorder(
		//     TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl theTabCtl, int activeTabPage_Idx, 
		//     System.Drawing.Point ptShow, int height, int width 
		// )
		// protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
		// protected override void OnActivated(System.EventArgs e)
		public TdhTabReorder(																				// 1.0.003
			TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl theTabCtl, int activeTabPage_Idx,											// 1.0.003
			System.Drawing.Point ptShow, int height, int width												// 1.0.003
		)																									// 1.0.003
		{																									// 1.0.003
			//																								// 1.0.003
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support													// 1.0.003
			//																								// 1.0.003
			InitializeComponent();																			// 1.0.003
			//																								// 1.0.003
			// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call								// 1.0.003
			//																								// 1.0.003
			this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None;										// 1.0.003

			//this.Location = this.PointToScreen(ptShow);													// 1.0.003
			this.Location = ptShow;																			// 1.0.003

			this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(348, 58);												// 1.0.004
			if (height >= 60)																				// 1.0.003
			{																								// 1.0.003
				this.Height = height;																		// 1.0.003
			}																								// 1.0.003
			if (width >= 350)																				// 1.0.004
			{																								// 1.0.003
				this.Width = width;																			// 1.0.003
			}																								// 1.0.003

			this._idxPbxActive = activeTabPage_Idx;															// 1.0.003
			this._theTabCtl = theTabCtl;																	// 1.0.003
			trackBarMoveTo_SetProperties(this._theTabCtl.TabCount);											// 1.0.003

			pbxWork_X_Build(activeTabPage_Idx);																// 1.0.003
			trackBarMoveTo_SetValue(this._idxPbxActive + 1);												// 1.0.003
			this.trackBarMoveTo.Focus();																	// 1.0.003
		}																									// 1.0.003
		private TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl _owner = null;															// 1.0.001

		#region Class Constructor (and Dispose)
		// public TdhTabPageCollection(TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl owner) : base((System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)owner)
		// protected void Dispose( bool disposing )
		public TdhTabPageCollection(TDHTabCtl.TdhTabCtl owner) : base((System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)owner)	// 1.0.001
		{																									// 1.0.001
			Initialize_gblRunModeIs();		// Set [gblRunModeIs_DebugMode] and [gblRunModeIs_DesignMode]	// 1.0.000
			///																								// 1.0.001
			/// Required for Windows.Forms Class Composition Designer support								// 1.0.001
			///																								// 1.0.001
			InitializeComponent();																			// 1.0.001
			//																								// 1.0.001
			// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call								// 1.0.001
			//																								// 1.0.001
//_owner = owner;																					// 1.0.001
if (!gblRunModeIs_DesignMode)																	// 1.0.001
{																								// 1.0.001
	_owner = owner;																				// 1.0.001
}																								// 1.0.001
		}																									// 1.0.001