public void Test_1() { Browser.GoTo(TestData.url); LoginPage loginPg = new LoginPage(Browser); Menu menu = loginPg.Login(TestData.adminName, TestData.adminPass); Assert.AreEqual(Browser.Url, string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.successfullLoginUrl), string.Format("Login failed for cridentials: name: {0}, pass: {1}", TestData.adminName, TestData.adminPass)); SystemUsers users = menu.Switch2AdminUserManagementUsers(); Assert.AreEqual(Browser.Url, string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.systemUsersUrl), string.Format("Failed to open AdminUserManagementUsers page")); AddUserForm form = users.ClickAddUser(); Assert.AreEqual(Browser.Url, string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.addUsersUrl), "Failed to open AddUserForm"); error = form.AddUser(UserRole.ESS, TestData.empName, TestData.userName, Status.Enabled, TestData.userPass); Assert.AreEqual("Success", error, error); Assert.AreEqual(string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.systemUsersUrl), Browser.Url, string.Format("Failed to add user, user data: name: {0}, pass: {1}", TestData.userName, TestData.userPass)); Browser.GoTo(string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.logoutUrl)); menu = loginPg.Login(TestData.userName, TestData.userPass); Assert.AreEqual(Browser.Url, string.Concat(TestData.url, TestData.successfullLoginUrl), string.Format("Login failed for cridentials: name: {0}, pass: {1}", TestData.userName, TestData.userPass)); }
protected void btnSaveAccountSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { try { UserLogic uLogic = new UserLogic(); System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User; SystemUsers currentUser = uLogic.GetCurrentUser(user); using (FormContext ctx = new FormContext()) { var updateUser = ctx.SystemUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemUserID == currentUser.SystemUserID); updateUser.Greeting = txtGreeting.Text; updateUser.DisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text; updateUser.UserStatus = ctx.UserStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StatusText == ddlUserStatus.SelectedText); ctx.SaveChanges(); divSaveCancel.Visible = false; divLabelEdit.Visible = true; divDisplayNameEdit.Visible = false; ddlUserStatus.Enabled = false; txtGreeting.Enabled = false; lblUser.Text = txtDisplayName.Text; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } }
public void resetButton() { this.PQCopyFromPR.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", false); this.PQCopyToPO.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", false); PurchaseQuotation selectobject = (PurchaseQuotation)View.CurrentObject; SystemUsers user = ObjectSpace.GetObjectByKey <SystemUsers>(SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId); switch (selectobject.DocStatus.CurrDocStatus) { case DocStatus.Cancelled: case DocStatus.Closed: case DocStatus.Posted: case DocStatus.Accepted: case DocStatus.Submited: break; default: this.PQCopyFromPR.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", true); break; } switch (selectobject.DocStatus.CurrDocStatus) { case DocStatus.Accepted: if (user.Roles.Where(pp => pp.Name == DocTypeCodes.PurchaseOrder).Count() > 0) { this.PQCopyToPO.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", true); } break; default: break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SystemUsersBO aSystemUsersBO = new SystemUsersBO(); PermitsBO aPermitsBO = new PermitsBO(); if (IsPostBack == true) { string Pass = Library.StringUtility.md5(Page.Request.Form["txtPassword"].ToString()); string User = Page.Request.Form["txtUsername"].ToString(); bool disable = false; SystemUsers aSystemUsers = aSystemUsersBO.Sel_ByUsername_ByPassword(User, Pass, disable); if (aSystemUsers != null) { Session["LoginAccount"] = aSystemUsers; List <vw_PermitsViewAll> ListPermitViewAll = aPermitsBO.GetAllInfoLogin_ByUsername(aSystemUsers.Username); Session["LoginPermitViewAll"] = ListPermitViewAll; Response.Redirect("Main.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } }
private void resetButton() { SystemUsers user = (SystemUsers)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser; bool IsPostUser = user.Roles.Where(p => p.Name == GeneralSettings.postrole).Count() > 0 ? true : false; this.PostClaim.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", false); this.PostClaimV2.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", false); if (IsPostUser) { if (View.GetType() == typeof(DetailView)) { ClaimTrxs selectedObject = (ClaimTrxs)View.CurrentObject; if (selectedObject.IsNew) { } else { if (selectedObject.IsClosed && !selectedObject.IsPosted) { this.PostClaimV2.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", true); } } this.PostClaimV2.Enabled.SetItemValue("EditMode", ((DetailView)View).ViewEditMode == ViewEditMode.View); } else if (View is ListView) { //if (View.Id == "ClaimTrxs_ListView_Closed") this.PostClaimV2.Active.SetItemValue("Enabled", true); } } }
public JsonResult DeleteUser(string ids) { try { int[] idArray = ids.GetArray(); if (idArray.Length == 0) { return(Json(new { result = 0, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.DeleteFailed }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (_userManager.BatchDeleteUser(idArray)) { foreach (var item in idArray) { var user = SystemUsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == item); if (user == null) { continue; } user.Status = 1; } } //RetechWing.BusinessCache.SystemCache.Instance.RemoveCacheUser(1); return(Json(new { result = 1, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.DeleteSuccess }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch { return(Json(new { result = 0, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.DeleteFailed }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
//个人信息 public ActionResult My(int id) { SysUser model = SystemUsers.First(p => p.UserId == id); = model.UserId; return(View(model)); }
//6投资统计(投资统计) public ActionResult TotalInvestment() { ViewBag.MenuIndex = 6; SystemUsers user = Session["UserInfo"] as SystemUsers; if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } user = http.DoGetObject <SystemUsers>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetUserInfo/" + user.ID); if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } Session["UserInfo"] = user; ViewBag.PageName = "投资统计"; Earnings_Parameter par = new Earnings_Parameter(); par.UserID = user.ID; par.SearchWay = 1; par.Datas = 0; //查询统计总数 Earnings_Return result = http.DoPostObject <Earnings_Return>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/Totalrevenue", par); //已购买的债权 DataTable[] model = http.DoGetObject <DataTable[]>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/Claims/GetInvestment_Ing/" + user.ID); ViewBag.Result = result; ViewBag.Record = model; return(View()); }
//1用户中心首页 public ActionResult Index() { SystemUsers user = Session["UserInfo"] as SystemUsers; if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } user = http.DoGetObject <SystemUsers>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetUserInfo/" + user.ID); if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } ViewBag.UserName = user.UserName; ViewBag.UserBalance = user.Balance; ViewBag.UserFreeze = user.Freeze; ViewBag.UserIDNumberIsAuthenticate = user.IDNumberIsAuthenticate; ViewBag.UserCellPhone = "*******" + user.CellPhone.Substring(user.CellPhone.Length - 4, 4); ViewBag.UserCellPahoneIsAuthenticate = user.CellPahoneIsAuthenticate; if (user.IDNumberIsAuthenticate) { ViewBag.UserIDNumber = "***************" + user.IDNumber.Substring(user.IDNumber.Length - 3, 3); ViewBag.UserRealName = user.RealName.Substring(0, 1) + "**"; } return(View()); }
//5登录日志 public ActionResult UserRecord(int id = 1) { ViewBag.MenuIndex = 5; SystemUsers user = Session["UserInfo"] as SystemUsers; if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } user = http.DoGetObject <SystemUsers>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetUserInfo/" + user.ID); if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } Session["UserInfo"] = user; ViewBag.PageName = "登录日志"; RQPagerDto pag = new RQPagerDto(); pag.PageSize = 15; pag.PageIndex = id; pag.QueryFileds = " [Id],[OperatorUserId],[OperatorUserName],[OperatorType],[BusinessType],[OperatorTime],[OperatorContent],[OperatorIP] "; pag.Where = " BusinessType = '登陆' AND OperatorUserId = " + user.ID + " AND DATEDIFF(day,OperatorTime,getdate()) <= 10 "; pag.OrderBy = " ID DESC"; ModelByCount <SystemLog> model = http.DoPostObject <ModelByCount <SystemLog> >(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/SystemLog/GetList/", pag); ViewBag.Datas = model; return(View()); }
//6投资统计(收益统计) public ActionResult Totalrevenue() { ViewBag.MenuIndex = 6; SystemUsers user = Session["UserInfo"] as SystemUsers; if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } user = http.DoGetObject <SystemUsers>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetUserInfo/" + user.ID); if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } Session["UserInfo"] = user; ViewBag.PageName = "投资统计"; Earnings_Parameter par = new Earnings_Parameter(); par.UserID = user.ID; par.SearchWay = 1; par.Datas = 0; Earnings_Return result = http.DoPostObject <Earnings_Return>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/Totalrevenue", par); ViewBag.Datas = result; return(View()); }
public IActionResult Login(SystemUsers u) { var LoggedInUser = ORM.SystemUsers.Where(x => x.UserName == u.UserName && x.Password == u.Password).FirstOrDefault(); if (LoggedInUser == null) { ViewBag.Message = "用户名或密码错误"; return(View()); } //以下是使用AddDistributedMemoryCache把session存放在服务器内存中 //HttpContext.Session.SetString("UserName", LoggedInUser.UserName); //HttpContext.Session.SetString("Role", LoggedInUser.Role); //以下是使用AddDistributedSqlServerCache储存Session时,把信息(不是用于本例中登陆的信息,因为这样写入是面对所有浏览器的)写入Session的方法 可以使用 SetAsync及SetStringAsync两种方法 //byte[] currentVersion= Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Version 1.0"); //var options = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions().SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromDays(300)); //await _cache.SetAsync("Version", currentVersion, options); //await _cache.SetStringAsync("testSave", "abc",options); //以下是使用Sqlserver存放登陆信息是的语句 HttpContext.Session.SetString("UserName", LoggedInUser.UserName); HttpContext.Session.SetString("Role", LoggedInUser.Role); Response.Cookies.Append("LastLoggedInTime", DateTime.Now.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard")); }
/// <summary> /// 身份认证 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public BaseResultDto <bool> AuthenticateIDCard(SystemUsers user) { BaseResultDto <bool> resu = new BaseResultDto <bool>(); SqlCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcedureCommand("Proc_AuthenticateIDCard"); db.AddInputParameter(cmd, "@UserID", DbType.Int32, user.ID); db.AddInputParameter(cmd, "@UserRealName", DbType.String, user.RealName); db.AddInputParameter(cmd, "@UserIDCard", DbType.String, user.IDNumber); db.AddInputParameter(cmd, "@UserAddress", DbType.String, user.UserAddress); db.AddOutputParameter(cmd, "@ErrorMsg", DbType.String, 500); db.AddReturnValueParameter(cmd, "@ReturnValue", DbType.Int32, 4); db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); int result = db.GetParameter(cmd, "@ReturnValue").Value.ToInt(); if (result > 0) { resu.IsSeccess = true; } else { resu.IsSeccess = false; resu.ErrorMsg = db.GetParameter(cmd, "@ErrorMsg").Value.ToString(); } return(resu); }
public bool Update(SystemUsers model, List <string> fileds, string sqlWhere) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.AppendFormat("update {0} set ", model.GetType().Name); List <string> filedsList = new List <string>(); List <SqlParameter> sqlParameter = new List <SqlParameter>(); SqlParameter Param = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { Param.Value = model.ID; sqlParameter.Add(Param); } foreach (string filed in fileds) { filedsList.Add(string.Format("{0}=@{0}", filed)); Param = new SqlParameter(string.Format("@{0}", filed), model.GetType().GetProperty(filed).GetValue(model, null)); sqlParameter.Add(Param); } strSql.AppendFormat("{0}", string.Join(",", filedsList.ToArray())); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID "); } else { strSql.AppendFormat(" where 1=1 and {0} ", sqlWhere); } SqlParameter[] parameters = sqlParameter.ToArray(); return(db.ExecNon(strSql.ToString(), parameters) > 0 ? true : false); }
public ActionResult UnbindBankCardCallBack(YeePayCallBack id) { StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder(); postData.Append("req=" + dataFornat.UrlEncode(id.resp)); //编码 postData.Append("&sign=" + dataFornat.UrlEncode(id.sign)); //编码 MoneyCarCar.Models.YeePay.response _response = id.resp.XmlDeserialize <MoneyCarCar.Models.YeePay.response>(); if (_response.code.Equals("1") && _response.service.Equals(EnumServiceType.toUnbindBankCard.ToEnumDesc())) { string strHttpPost = HttpHelper.CreatHelper().HttpPost(yeePayConfig._verifyUrl, postData.ToString()); // 2. 验证签名 if (strHttpPost.Contains("SUCCESS")) { SystemUsers userInfo = (SystemUsers)Session["UserInfo"]; HttpHelper.CreatHelper().DoGetObject <BaseResultDto <bool> >(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/UnBindBank/" + userInfo.ID); ViewBag.ResultStatu = true; ViewBag.Message = "恭喜你,取消绑卡成功。"; } else { ViewBag.Message = "对不起,签名验证失败。"; } } else { ViewBag.Message = "对不起,取消绑卡失败。"; } return(View("Index")); }
//14提现记录 public ActionResult WithdrawRecord(int id = 1) { ViewBag.MenuIndex = 14; SystemUsers user = Session["UserInfo"] as SystemUsers; if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } user = http.DoGetObject <SystemUsers>(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetUserInfo/" + user.ID); if (null == user) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } Session["UserInfo"] = user; ViewBag.PageName = "提现记录"; TransactionRecord_Parameter pag = new TransactionRecord_Parameter(); pag.PageSize = 15; pag.PageIndex = id; pag.UserId = user.ID; ModelByCount <SystemRequestRecord> model = http.DoPostObject <ModelByCount <SystemRequestRecord> >(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/GetWithdrawRecord/", pag); ViewBag.Datas = model; return(View()); }
protected void lnkData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblError.Text = ""; UserLogonDetails user = new SystemUsers().GetDataBrowsingUser(); if (user.UserID == 0) { lblError.Text = "بيانات الدخول غير صحيحة!"; } else { Session["UserID"] = user.UserID; Session["UserName"] = user.UserName; Session["Permissions"] = user.Permissions; Session["Login_Date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); Session["Admin"] = user.IsAdmin.ToString(); Session["canEdit"] = user.CanEdit.ToString(); Shared.SaveLogfile("SYSTEM_USERS", user.UserID.ToString(), "User login", Session["UserName"].ToString()); Response.Redirect("~/aspx/home/Default.aspx", false); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }
public JsonResult GetPromotionUserStatus(int id, string org, string rname, string status) { var list = promotionReportManager.GetPromotionDetail(org, rname, id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { list = list.Where(p => p.ApproveStatusStr == status).ToList(); } var users = SystemUsers.AsParallel(); var dataList = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var way in list) { var userInfo = users.First(p => p.UserId == way.UserId); dataList.Add(new { userInfo.Username, userInfo.Realname, userInfo.DeptLevelPath, userInfo.PostName, way.ApproveStatusStr, userInfo.UserId, way.PromotionId, way.PromotionName, way.ApplyId }); } return(Json(new { dataList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult GetUserByDeptIds(string deptIds, string exists) { int[] dids = deptIds.GetArray(); int[] existsUserIds = exists.GetArray(); if (dids.Length == 0) { return(Json(new { result = 0, msg = string.Format(RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.PleaseChoose, "") })); } //string sqlwhere = "Sys_Users.Status = 0 and Sys_Users.DeptId IN (" + deptIds + ")"; //if (existsUserIds.Length != 0) //{ // sqlwhere += " AND Sys_Users.UserId NOT IN (" + existsUserIds.GetString() + ")"; //} //int total; //IEnumerable<SysUser> users = _userManager.GetAllUsers(out total, sqlwhere); //var result = users.Where(p => !existsUserIds.Contains(p.UserId)).Select(p => new //{ // id = p.UserId, // name = p.Realname //}); var result = SystemUsers.Where(p => p.Status == 0 && dids.Contains(p.DeptId) && (existsUserIds.Length > 0 ? (!existsUserIds.Contains(p.UserId)) : true)).Select(p => new { id = p.UserId, name = p.Realname }); return(Json(new { result = 1, dataList = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox3.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Введите данные"); return; } Prodavets p = new Prodavets(); p.FullName = textBox1.Text; p.Phone = textBox3.Text; db.Prodavets.Add(p); db.SaveChanges(); SystemUsers u = new SystemUsers(); u.IdProdavets = p.idprodavets; u.Login = textBox2.Text; u.Password = textBox4.Text; db.SystemUsers.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Готово. Сохраните логин и пароль: " + u.Login + " " + u.Password); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); this.Close(); } }
public JsonResult SaveUserExtend(string data) { try { var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SysUser>(data); var userInfo = SystemUsers.First(p => p.UserId == model.UserId); userInfo.Birthday = model.Birthday; userInfo.Phone = model.Phone; userInfo.QqNo = model.QqNo; userInfo.Height = model.Height; userInfo.MaritalState = model.MaritalState; userInfo.WorkYear = model.WorkYear; userInfo.IDType = model.IDType; userInfo.IDCard = model.IDCard; userInfo.HomeTel = model.HomeTel; userInfo.HomeAddr = model.HomeAddr; //SysUser user = _userManager.GetUserById(model.UserId); //user.Birthday = model.Birthday; //user.Phone = model.Phone; _userManager.UpdateUser(userInfo); return(Json(new { result = 1, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.SaveSuccess }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch { return(Json(new { result = 0, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.SaveFailed }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
private int GetRelationship(int userId, int userId2) { if (userId == userId2) { return(3); } var user = SystemUsers.First(p => p.UserId == userId); var user2 = SystemUsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == userId2); if (user2 == null) { return(1); } //判断领导 if (user2.Leader == userId) { return(0); } //下属 if (user.Leader == userId2) { return(2); } //同事 return(1); }
public IViewComponentResult Invoke() { //检查是否登录 //从cookie 拿到token var token = CodingUtils.AesDecrypt(WebUtils.GetCookie(GlobalSetting.CurrentLoginUserGuid)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } try { var tokenObj = new Token(token); SystemUsers systemUser = AccountRespository.Entity.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Eid.Equals(tokenObj.Eid)); if (systemUser == null || !systemUser.IsActive) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } var menuList = MenuRespository.GetAllRightsMenus(systemUser.Eid, systemUser.MenuRights); ////拼接Menu var html = RenderMenu(menuList); return(new HtmlContentViewComponentResult(new HtmlString(html))); } catch (Exception) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } }
protected override ServiceOutcome DoWork() { //Initialize all of the providers. EmailProvider ep = new EmailProvider(); ep.Initialize(); SMSProvider smsp = new SMSProvider(); smsp.Initialize(); // SkypeProvider skp = new SkypeProvider(); // skp.Initialize(); EdgeMessengerProvider emp = new EdgeMessengerProvider(); emp.Initialize(); _providers.Add(ep.Type, ep); _providers.Add(smsp.Type, smsp); // _providers.Add(skp.Type, skp); _providers.Add(emp.Type, emp); _systemUsers = new SystemUsers(AppSettings.GetAbsolute("Easynet.Edge.Core.Domain")); return(ServiceOutcome.Unspecified); }
/// <summary> /// 用户充值 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Rechare(SystemUsers model) { BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar> resu = null; if (null != Session["UserInfo"]) { SystemUsers user = (SystemUsers)Session["UserInfo"]; if (!user.IDNumberIsAuthenticate) { resu = new BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar>(); resu.IsSeccess = false; resu.ErrorMsg = "请先进行实名认证!"; resu.ErrorCode = -3; //用户未登录 return(Content(resu.ToJsonString())); } model.ID = user.ID; resu = http.DoPostObject <BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar> >(ApplicationPropertys.WEBAPI_URL + "/User/Rechare/", model); } else { resu = new BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar>(); resu.IsSeccess = false; resu.ErrorMsg = "用户未登录或登录超时"; resu.ErrorCode = -2; //用户未登录 } return(Content(resu.ToJsonString())); }
public void Update(SystemUsers userParam, string password = null) { var user = _context.SystemUsers.Find(userParam.Id); if (user == null) { throw new AppException("User not found"); } if (userParam.Username != user.Username) { // username has changed so check if the new username is already taken if (_context.SystemUsers.Any(x => x.Username == userParam.Username)) { throw new AppException("Username " + userParam.Username + " is already taken"); } } // update user properties user.Username = userParam.Username; // update password if it was entered if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { byte[] passwordHash, passwordSalt; CreatePasswordHash(password, out passwordHash, out passwordSalt); user.PasswordHash = passwordHash; user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt; } _context.SystemUsers.Update(user); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult EditTeacher(int userid, string mode = "edit") { ViewBag.mode = mode; var model = _teacherManager.GetTeacher(userid); var user = SystemUsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == userid) ?? new SysUser(); if (model == null) { model = new ResTeacher() { UserInfo = user, UserId = user.UserId }; //model.UserExtend = new SysUserExtend(); //return View(model); } else { model.UserInfo = user; } //model.UserExtend = _userManager.GetUserExtend(userid); //if (model.UserExtend == null) //{ //model.UserExtend = new SysUserExtend(); //model.UserExtend.UserId = model.UserId; //} return(View(model)); }
public JsonResult SaveUserExtend(int userId, DateTime?birthday, string phone, string qqNo, string height, string maritalState, string workYear, string idType, string idCard, string homeTel, string homeAddr) { try { var userInfo = SystemUsers.First(p => p.UserId == userId); userInfo.Birthday = birthday; userInfo.Phone = phone; userInfo.QqNo = qqNo; userInfo.Height = height; userInfo.MaritalState = maritalState; userInfo.WorkYear = workYear; userInfo.IDType = idType; userInfo.IDCard = idCard; userInfo.HomeTel = homeTel; userInfo.HomeAddr = homeAddr; _userManager.UpdateUser(userInfo); return(Json(new { result = 1, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.SaveSuccess }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch { return(Json(new { result = 0, content = RetechWing.LanguageResources.Common.SaveFailed }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public bool GetCurrentUserViewPriceStatus() { bool rtn = false; IObjectSpace ios = Application.CreateObjectSpace(); SystemUsers user = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId.ToString())) { user = ios.GetObjectByKey <SystemUsers>(SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId); } if (user != null) { string temp = View.ObjectTypeInfo.Type.ToString(); string[] classname = temp.Split('.'); temp = classname[classname.Length - 1]; //temp = temp.Replace("Ajiya.Module.BusinessObjects.", ""); temp = temp.Replace("Detail", ""); rtn = user.CheckAccessVP(temp); //if (user.Roles.Where(p => p.Name == "C_" + temp + GeneralValues.viewpricestring).Count() > 0) // rtn = true; //if (!rtn) // rtn = user.Roles.Where(p => p.IsAdministrative).Count() > 0 ? true : false; } ios.Dispose(); return(rtn); }
public BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar> AuthenticateIDCard(SystemUsers model) { BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar> result = null; BaseResultDto <bool> re = oper.AuthenticateIDCard(model); if (re.IsSeccess) { MoneyCarCar.Models.YeePay.RequestModel.ToRegister toRegister = new MoneyCarCar.Models.YeePay.RequestModel.ToRegister(); = model.UserEmail; toRegister.idCardNo = model.IDNumber; = model.CellPhone; toRegister.nickName = model.UserName; toRegister.realName = model.RealName; toRegister.platformUserNo = model.ID + ""; toRegister.requestNo = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); result = yeepay.ToRegister(toRegister); } else { result = new BaseResultDto <PostBaseYeePayPar>(); result.IsSeccess = false; result.ErrorMsg = re.ErrorMsg; } return(result); }