Example #1
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            var customRouteSection     = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("wingmanCustomRoutes") as WingmanRoutesConfigurationSection;
            var maxImageSizeConstraint = new MaximumImageSizeConstraint(customRouteSection.MaxImageDimension);
            var systemColorConstraint  = new SystemColorConstraint();

            foreach (WingmanCustomRouteElement route in customRouteSection.CustomRoutes)
                var bgConstraint = route.UriRoot.Contains("{bgColor}") || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.BackgroundColour)
                    ? (IRouteConstraint) new SystemColorConstraint()
                    : new RegexRouteConstraint("(.*)?");

                var originalExtensionConstraint = route.UriRoot.Contains("{originalExtension}") || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.OriginalExtension)
                    ? (IRouteConstraint) new RegexRouteConstraint("jpg|png|gif|webp")
                    : new RegexRouteConstraint("(.*)?");

                var widthConstraint = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.AllowedWidths)
                    ? (IRouteConstraint) new RegexRouteConstraint(route.AllowedWidths.Replace(",", "|"))
                    : maxImageSizeConstraint;

                var heightConstraint = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.AllowedHeights)
                    ? (IRouteConstraint) new RegexRouteConstraint(route.AllowedHeights.Replace(",", "|"))
                    : maxImageSizeConstraint;

                    name: route.Name,
                    url: $"{route.UriRoot}/{{*path}}",
                    defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = route.Manipulation, quality = route.Quality, width = route.Width, originalExtension = route.OriginalExtension, bgColor = route.BackgroundColour, height = route.Height, rotationDegrees = route.RotationDegrees, pathPrefix = route.PathPrefix },
                    constraints: new { path = "(.*).(jpg|png|gif|webp)", originalExtension = originalExtensionConstraint, rotationDegrees = "0|90|180|270", width = widthConstraint, height = heightConstraint }

                name: "Plain",
                url: "{*path}",
                defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = "Plain" }
Example #2
        public static void RegisterRoutes(int maxDimensionInt, RouteCollection routes)
            var maxImageSizeConstraint = new MaximumImageSizeConstraint(maxDimensionInt);
            var systemColorConstraint  = new SystemColorConstraint();

            //Note: bg color should be a hexa value eg: FF2D00
                name: "Fill Width, Quality, Height and BgColor",
                url: "derived/fill_h/{quality}/{width}/{height}/{bgColor}/{*path}",
                defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = "Fill" },
                constraints: new { width = maxImageSizeConstraint, height = @"\d+", bgColor = systemColorConstraint, path = "(.*).(jpg|png|gif|webp)" }

                name: "Fill Width, Quality and Height",
                url: "derived/fill_h/{quality}/{width}/{height}/{*path}",
                defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = "Fill" },
                constraints: new { width = maxImageSizeConstraint, height = @"\d+", path = "(.*).(jpg|png|gif|webp)" }

            //Note: bg color should be a hexa value eg: FF2D00
                name: "Fill Width, Quality and BgColor",
                url: "derived/fill/{quality}/{width}/{bgColor}/{*path}",
                defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = "Fill" },
                constraints: new { width = maxImageSizeConstraint, bgColor = systemColorConstraint, path = "(.*).(jpg|png|gif|webp)" }

                name: "Fill Width, Quality",
                url: "derived/fill/{quality}/{width}/{*path}",
                defaults: new { controller = "ImageServe", action = "Fill" },
                constraints: new { width = maxImageSizeConstraint, path = "(.*).(jpg|png|gif|webp)" }