Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up a list of account names and returns information about each in a <see cref="SystemAccountInfo"/> class. Requires the
        /// <see cref="DesiredAccess.LookupNames"/> right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Contains a corresponding result for each name provided in <paramref name="sids"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">At least one user name must be supplied.</exception>
        public IList <SystemAccountInfo> GetAccountInfo(bool preferInternetNames, bool disallowConnectedAccts, params SecurityIdentifier[] sids)
            if (sids == null || sids.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"At least one SecurityIdentifier must be supplied.", nameof(sids));
            var opts = (preferInternetNames ? LsaLookupSidsFlags.LSA_LOOKUP_PREFER_INTERNET_NAMES : 0) |
                       (disallowConnectedAccts ? LsaLookupSidsFlags.LSA_LOOKUP_DISALLOW_CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_INTERNET_SID : 0);
            var psids = sids.Select(s => new PinnedSid(s));
            var ret   = LsaLookupSids2(Handle, opts, (uint)sids.Length, psids.Select(s => s.PSID).ToArray(), out var domains, out var names);

            if (ret != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS && ret != NTStatus.STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED)
            var d      = domains.DangerousGetHandle().ToStructure <LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST>().DomainList.ToArray();
            var tn     = names.DangerousGetHandle().ToIEnum <LSA_TRANSLATED_NAME>(sids.Length).ToArray();
            var retVal = new SystemAccountInfo[sids.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < sids.Length; i++)
                retVal[i] = new SystemAccountInfo(tn[i].Name.ToString(), tn[i].Use, sids[i], tn[i].DomainIndex, d);
Example #2
        public ActionResult Create(SystemAccountInfo model)
            bool issuc = false;

            model.Password    = Security.DESEncrypt(model.Password);
            model.CreateDate  = DateTime.Now;
            model.CreateIP    = this.GetIP;
            model.IsCanDelete = true;
            int id = accountMgr.Create(model);

            if (id > 0)
                issuc = true;
            MsgInfo msgInfo = new MsgInfo();

            if (issuc)
                msgInfo.IsError = false;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "操作成功!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.成功;
                msgInfo.IsError = true;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "操作失败!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.失败;
Example #3
        public ActionResult Destroy(FormCollection col)
            string            id    = col["Id"];
            SystemAccountInfo model = accountMgr.Get(int.Parse(id));

            if (model != null && !model.IsCanDelete)
            bool res = accountMgr.Delete(new SystemAccountInfo {
                Id = int.Parse(id)
            MsgInfo msgInfo = new MsgInfo();

            if (res)
                msgInfo.IsError = false;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "删除成功!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.成功;
                msgInfo.IsError = true;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "删除失败!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.失败;
Example #4
        public ActionResult Destroys(FormCollection col)
            string Ids = col["Ids"];

            string[]          _Ids  = Ids.Split(',');
            List <string>     ids   = new List <string>();
            SystemAccountInfo model = null;

            foreach (string id in _Ids)
                model = accountMgr.Get(int.Parse(id));
                if (model != null && model.IsCanDelete)

            bool    res     = accountMgr.Deletes(string.Join(",", ids));
            MsgInfo msgInfo = new MsgInfo();

            if (res)
                msgInfo.IsError = false;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "删除成功!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.成功;
                msgInfo.IsError = true;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "删除失败!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.失败;
Example #5
        public int Create(SystemAccountInfo model)
            Database      db = DBHelper.CreateDataBase();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("insert into SystemAccount(");
            sb.Append(") values(");
            sb.Append("@Account,@Password,@UserName,@NickName,@RoleId,@Department,@IsEnable,@IsCanDelete,@CreateIP,@CreateDate,@Remarks);SELECT @@IDENTITY;");
            DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sb.ToString());

            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Account", DbType.String, model.Account);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Password", DbType.String, model.Password);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@UserName", DbType.String, model.UserName);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@NickName", DbType.String, model.NickName);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@RoleId", DbType.Int32, model.RoleId);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Department", DbType.Int32, model.Department);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsEnable", DbType.Boolean, model.IsEnable);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsCanDelete", DbType.Boolean, model.IsCanDelete);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@CreateIP", DbType.String, model.CreateIP);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@CreateDate", DbType.DateTime, model.CreateDate);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Remarks", DbType.String, model.Remarks);
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(dbCommand));

Example #6
        public ActionResult Modify(SystemAccountInfo model)
            bool issuc = false;
            SystemAccountInfo _model = accountMgr.Get(model.Id);

            if (_model != null)
                _model.UserName = model.UserName;
                _model.RoleId   = model.RoleId;
                _model.IsEnable = model.IsEnable;
                _model.Remarks  = model.Remarks;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password))
                    _model.Password = Security.DESEncrypt(model.Password);
                issuc = accountMgr.Update(_model);
            MsgInfo msgInfo = new MsgInfo();

            if (issuc)
                msgInfo.IsError = false;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "操作成功!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.成功;
                msgInfo.IsError = true;
                msgInfo.Msg     = "操作失败!";
                msgInfo.MsgNo   = (int)ErrorEnum.失败;
Example #7
        public bool Delete(SystemAccountInfo model)
            Database      db = DBHelper.CreateDataBase();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("delete from SystemAccount");
            sb.Append(" where Id=@Id");
            DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sb.ToString());

            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Id", DbType.Int32, model.Id);
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand) < 1 ? false : true);
Example #8
        public SystemAccountInfo Get(int Id)
            Database      db = DBHelper.CreateDataBase();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("select * from SystemAccount where Id=@Id");
            DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sb.ToString());

            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Id", DbType.Int32, Id);

            SystemAccountInfo model = null;

            using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand))
                if (dataReader.Read())
                    model = FillList(dataReader);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up a list of account names and returns information about each in a <see cref="SystemAccountInfo"/> class. Requires the
        /// <see cref="DesiredAccess.LookupNames"/> right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localOnly">If set to <c>true</c> restrict the search to only local accounts.</param>
        /// <param name="names">
        /// The account names to lookup. These strings can be the names of user, group, or local group accounts, or the names of domains.
        /// Domain names can be DNS domain names or NetBIOS domain names.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Contains a corresponding result for each name provided in <paramref name="names"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">At least one user name must be supplied.</exception>
        public IList <SystemAccountInfo> GetAccountInfo(bool localOnly, params string[] names)
            if (names == null || names.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"At least one user name must be supplied.", nameof(names));
            var ret = LsaLookupNames2(Handle, localOnly ? LsaLookupNamesFlags.LSA_LOOKUP_ISOLATED_AS_LOCAL : 0, (uint)names.Length, names, out var domains, out var sids);

            if (ret != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS && ret != NTStatus.STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED)
            var d      = domains.DangerousGetHandle().ToStructure <LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST>().DomainList.ToArray();
            var ts     = sids.DangerousGetHandle().ToIEnum <LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2>(names.Length).ToArray();
            var retVal = new SystemAccountInfo[names.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                retVal[i] = new SystemAccountInfo(names[i], ts[i].Use, IsValidSid(ts[i].Use) ? new SecurityIdentifier((IntPtr)ts[i].Sid) : null, ts[i].DomainIndex, d);
Example #10
        public bool Update(SystemAccountInfo model)
            Database      db = DBHelper.CreateDataBase();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("update SystemAccount set ");
            sb.Append(" where Id=@Id");
            DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sb.ToString());

            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Id", DbType.Int32, model.Id);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Account", DbType.String, model.Account);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Password", DbType.String, model.Password);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@UserName", DbType.String, model.UserName);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@NickName", DbType.String, model.NickName);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@RoleId", DbType.Int32, model.RoleId);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Department", DbType.Int32, model.Department);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsEnable", DbType.Boolean, model.IsEnable);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsCanDelete", DbType.Boolean, model.IsCanDelete);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@CreateIP", DbType.String, model.CreateIP);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@CreateDate", DbType.DateTime, model.CreateDate);
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Remarks", DbType.String, model.Remarks);
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand) < 1 ? false : true);
Example #11
        private SystemAccountInfo FillList(IDataReader dataReader)
            SystemAccountInfo model = new SystemAccountInfo();
            object            ojb;

            ojb = dataReader["Id"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.Id = (int)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["Account"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.Account = (string)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["Password"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.Password = (string)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["UserName"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.UserName = (string)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["NickName"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.NickName = (string)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["RoleId"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.RoleId = (int)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["Department"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.Department = (int)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["IsEnable"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.IsEnable = (bool)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["IsCanDelete"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.IsCanDelete = (bool)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["CreateIP"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.CreateIP = (string)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["CreateDate"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.CreateDate = (DateTime)(ojb);
            ojb = dataReader["Remarks"];
            if (ojb != null && ojb != DBNull.Value)
                model.Remarks = (string)(ojb);

Example #12
 public bool Delete(SystemAccountInfo model)
Example #13
 public bool Update(SystemAccountInfo model)
Example #14
        public int Create(SystemAccountInfo model)
            int id = dal.Create(model);
