Example #1
        public static void AbsoluteToScreen(float x, float y, float z, ref int screenX, ref int screenY, Camera camera, System.Windows.Forms.Control form)
            float xRatioOver = (x - camera.X) / camera.XEdge;
            xRatioOver += 1;
            xRatioOver /= 2.0f;

            float yRatioOver = (y - camera.Y) / camera.YEdge;
            yRatioOver -= 1;
            yRatioOver /= -2.0f;

            // get the top left
            //            topLeftPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(form.ClientRectangle.Left, form.ClientRectangle.Top);

            float xPixelOver = xRatioOver * form.ClientRectangle.Width;
            float yPixelOver = yRatioOver * form.ClientRectangle.Height;

            System.Drawing.Point point = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xPixelOver, (int)yPixelOver);

            point = form.PointToScreen(point);

            screenX = point.X;

            screenY = point.Y;

Example #2
		}																									// 1.0.003

		private void ShowIt(bool showDialog, System.Windows.Forms.Control control, string editText)			// 1.0.003
		{																									// 1.0.003
			System.Drawing.Point argPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(control.ClientRectangle.X, control.ClientRectangle.Y);	// 1.0.003
			argPoint = control.PointToScreen(argPoint);														// 1.0.003
			int argHeight = control.ClientRectangle.Height;													// 1.0.003
			int argWidth = control.ClientRectangle.Width;													// 1.0.003
			#region For certain types of Controls: Recompute [argPoint] [argHeight] [argWidth]
			if( (control.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TabPage))									// 1.0.003
			|| (control.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TabPage)) )						// 1.0.003
			)																								// 1.0.003
			{																								// 1.0.003
				System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPage = (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage)control;				// 1.0.003
				//System.Windows.Forms.Control tabParent = tabPage.GetContainerControl();					// 1.0.003
				System.Windows.Forms.Control tabParent = tabPage.Parent;									// 1.0.003
				if( (tabParent != null)																		// 1.0.003
					&&( (tabParent.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TabControl))					// 1.0.003
					|| (tabParent.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)) )			// 1.0.003
					)																						// 1.0.003
				)																							// 1.0.003
				{																							// 1.0.003
					System.Windows.Forms.TabControl tabCtl = (System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)tabParent;	// 1.0.003
					//int idx = tabPage.TabIndex;			// Assumes [tabPage.TabIndex] is correct value	// 1.0.003
					int idx = tabCtl.TabPages.IndexOf(tabPage);												// 1.0.003
					System.Drawing.RectangleF tabRect = (System.Drawing.RectangleF)tabCtl.GetTabRect(idx);	// 1.0.003
					argPoint = tabCtl.PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point((int)tabRect.X, (int)tabRect.Y));// 1.0.003
					argHeight = (int)tabRect.Height;														// 1.0.003
					argWidth = (int)tabRect.Width;															// 1.0.003
				}																							// 1.0.003
			}																								// 1.0.003
			string argEditText = editText.Trim();															// 1.0.003
			if (argEditText.Length <= 0)																	// 1.0.003
			{																								// 1.0.003
				argEditText = control.Text.Trim();															// 1.0.003
			}																								// 1.0.003

			ShowIt(showDialog, argPoint, argHeight, argWidth, argEditText);									// 1.0.003
		}																									// 1.0.003
                /// <summary>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="e"></param>
                /// <param name="ctr"></param>
                /// <param name="lastKeyEventArgs"></param>
                public override bool DoMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e, System.Windows.Forms.Control ctr, KeyEventArgs lastKeyEventArgs)
                    NPlot.PlotSurface2D ps = ((Windows.PlotSurface2D)ctr).Inner;

                    // if mouse isn't in plot region, then don't draw horizontal line
                    if (e.X > ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Left && e.X < (ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Right-1) &&
                        e.Y > ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Top && e.Y < ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Bottom)
                        if (ps.PhysicalXAxis1Cache != null)

                            // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
                            Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                                new Rectangle(

                            Point p = ctr.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

                            if (barPos_ != -1)
                                    new Point(barPos_, clip.Top),
                                    new Point(barPos_, clip.Bottom), color_);

                            if (p.X < clip.Right && p.X > clip.Left)
                                    new Point(p.X, clip.Top),
                                    new Point(p.X, clip.Bottom), color_);
                                barPos_ = p.X;
                                barPos_ = -1;



                        if (barPos_ != -1)

                            Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                                new Rectangle(

                                new Point(barPos_, clip.Top),
                                new Point(barPos_, clip.Bottom), color_);

                            barPos_ = -1;


                    return false;
                /// <summary>
                /// Draws a rectangle representing selection area. 
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="start">a corner of the rectangle.</param>
                /// <param name="end">a corner of the rectangle diagonally opposite the first.</param>
                /// <param name="ctr">The control to draw to - this may not be us, if we have
                /// been contained by a PlotSurface.</param>
                private void DrawRubberBand(Point start, Point end, System.Windows.Forms.Control ctr)
                    NPlot.PlotSurface2D ps = ((Windows.PlotSurface2D)ctr).Inner;

                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

                    // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
                    Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                        new Rectangle(

                    // convert to screen coords
                    start = ctr.PointToScreen(start);
                    end = ctr.PointToScreen(end);

                    // now, "normalize" the rectangle
                    if (start.X < end.X)
                        rect.X = start.X;
                        rect.Width = end.X - start.X;
                        rect.X = end.X;
                        rect.Width = start.X - end.X;
                    if (start.Y < end.Y)
                        rect.Y = start.Y;
                        rect.Height = end.Y - start.Y;
                        rect.Y = end.Y;
                        rect.Height = start.Y - end.Y;
                    rect = Rectangle.Intersect(rect, clip);

                        new Rectangle((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height),
                        Color.White, FrameStyle.Dashed);
                private void DrawHorizontalSelection(Point start, Point end, System.Windows.Forms.Control ctr)
                    NPlot.PlotSurface2D ps = ((Windows.PlotSurface2D)ctr).Inner;

                    // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
                    Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                        new Rectangle(

                    start = ctr.PointToScreen(start);
                    end = ctr.PointToScreen(end);

                        new Rectangle((int)Math.Min(start.X, end.X), (int)clip.Y, (int)Math.Abs(end.X - start.X), (int)clip.Height),
 public static void ShowNotifyTip(System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox, string text, string title, Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipNotifyIcon icon, int charIndex)
     if ((textBox == null) || textBox.IsDisposed)
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException("textBox", "textBox may not be null or disposed.");
     if ((charIndex < 0) || (charIndex > textBox.TextLength))
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException("charIndex", "charIndex may not be less than zero or greater than the length of the TextBox text.");
     if (charIndex == textBox.TextLength)
         charIndex = System.Math.Max(charIndex - 1, 0);
     System.IntPtr intPtr = Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipProvider.SendMessage(textBox.Handle, 214, new System.IntPtr(System.Math.Max(charIndex, 0)), System.IntPtr.Zero);
     int i = intPtr.ToInt32();
     System.Drawing.Point point = textBox.PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point(i));
     System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(point, new System.Drawing.Size(1, textBox.Font.Height));
     Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipProvider.ShowNotifyTip(textBox, text, title, icon, Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipDisplayOptions.HideOnKeyPress | Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipDisplayOptions.HideOnLostFocus, rectangle);
 private static object GetComponentAtPoint(System.Windows.Forms.Control control, System.Drawing.Point point)
     Skybound.VisualTips.IVisualTipExtender ivisualTipExtender = Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipProvider.GetExtender(control.GetType());
     object obj = ivisualTipExtender != null ? ivisualTipExtender.GetChildAtPoint(control, point.X, point.Y) : null;
     System.Windows.Forms.Control control1 = Skybound.VisualTips.VisualTipProvider.GetNestedChildAtPoint(control, control.PointToScreen(point));
     if (control1 != control)
         return control1;
     return obj;
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示FloatForm。
        /// 显示的坐标根据ctl的定位。OffsetX,OffsetY 是针对ctl的偏移。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctl"></param>
        /// <param name="OffsetX"></param>
        /// <param name="OffsetY"></param>
        protected void ShowForm(System.Windows.Forms.Control ctl, int OffsetX, int OffsetY)
            Point p = ctl.PointToScreen ( new Point ( OffsetX, OffsetY ) ) ;
            Location = p;

Example #9
        public void Show(System.Windows.Forms.Control control, Rectangle area, bool center)
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("control");
            resizableTop = resizableLeft = false;
            Point location = control.PointToScreen(new Point(area.Left, area.Top + area.Height));
            Rectangle screen = Screen.FromControl(control).WorkingArea;
            if (center)
                if (location.X + (area.Width + Size.Width) / 2 > screen.Right)
                    resizableLeft = true;
                    location.X = screen.Right - Size.Width;
                    resizableLeft = true;
                    location.X = location.X - (Size.Width - area.Width) / 2;
                if (location.X + Size.Width > (screen.Left + screen.Width))
                    resizableLeft = true;
                    location.X = (screen.Left + screen.Width) - Size.Width;

            if (location.Y + Size.Height > (screen.Top + screen.Height))
                resizableTop = true;
                location.Y -= Size.Height + area.Height;
            location = control.PointToClient(location);
            Show(control, location, ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowRight);
        private void DrawHorizontalSelection(Point start, Point end, System.Windows.Forms.UserControl ctr)
            // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
            Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                new Rectangle(

            start = ctr.PointToScreen(start);
            end = ctr.PointToScreen(end);
                private void DrawHorizontalSelection(Point start, Point end, System.Windows.Forms.Control ctr)
                    xuzhenzhen.com.chart.PlotSurface2D ps = ((Windows.PlotSurface2D)ctr).Inner;

                    // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
                    Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                        new Rectangle(

                    start = ctr.PointToScreen(start);
                    end = ctr.PointToScreen(end);
                /// <summary>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="e"></param>
                /// <param name="ctr"></param>
                /// <param name="lastKeyEventArgs"></param>
                public override bool DoMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e, System.Windows.Forms.Control ctr, KeyEventArgs lastKeyEventArgs)
                    xuzhenzhen.com.chart.PlotSurface2D ps = ((Windows.PlotSurface2D)ctr).Inner;

                    // if mouse isn't in plot region, then don't draw horizontal line
                    if (e.X > ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Left && e.X < ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Right &&
                        e.Y > ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Top && e.Y < (ps.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Bottom-1))

                        if (ps.PhysicalXAxis1Cache != null)

                            // the clipping rectangle in screen coordinates
                            Rectangle clip = ctr.RectangleToScreen(
                                new Rectangle(

                            Point p = ctr.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

                            if (barPos_ != -1)


                            if (p.Y < clip.Bottom && p.Y > clip.Top)

                                barPos_ = p.Y;
                                barPos_ = -1;



                        if (barPos_ != -1)
                            barPos_ = -1;


                    return false;
Example #13
 internal static ScreenInformation ScreenFromControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control control)
     Rectangle r;
     if (control.Parent != null)
         Point screenLocation = control.PointToScreen(control.Location);
         r = new Rectangle(screenLocation, control.Size);
         r = new Rectangle(control.Location, control.Size);
     if (m_Screens.Count == 0)
     //foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Screen s in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens)
     foreach (ScreenInformation s in m_Screens)
         if (s.Bounds.Contains(r))
             return s;
     System.Windows.Forms.Screen scr = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromControl(control);
     if (scr != null)
         return new ScreenInformation(scr.Bounds, scr.WorkingArea);
     return null;
Example #14
        // Draw the grid or not
        private void DisplayOrHideGrid(Graphics gridGraphics, System.Windows.Forms.Control control)
            Point pControl = control.PointToScreen(new Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y));
            // Dispose the current grid
            if (gridGraphics != null) gridGraphics.Dispose();

            gridGraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
            // Horizontal lines
            gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, 0, 0, control.Height);
            gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, control.Width - 1, 0, control.Width - 1, control.Height);

            for (int X = grid; X < control.Width; X += grid)
                gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, X, 0, X, control.Height);

            // Vertical lines
            gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, 0, control.Width, 0);
            gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, control.Height - 1, control.Width, control.Height - 1);

            for (int Y = grid; Y < control.Height; Y += grid)
                gridGraphics.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, Y, control.Width, Y);
