Example #1
        public override void CloseCurve(GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, PointF[] arrPoints, int count, double yMin, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path)
            if(pane.LineType == LineType.Stack)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Filled lines cannot be stacked");

            FilledLineItem filledCurve = curve as FilledLineItem;
            if(filledCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Curve was of the wrong type.  Expected FilledLineItem but was " + curve.GetType(), "curve");

            // Build another points array consisting of the low points (It gets these from the LowerPoints property of the curve)
            PointF[] arrPoints2;
            int count2;
            BuildLowPointsArray(pane, curve, out arrPoints2, out count2);

            // Add the new points to the GraphicsPath
            float tension = _isSmooth ? _smoothTension : 0f;
            path.AddCurve(arrPoints2, 0, count2 - 2, tension);
Example #2
        public override void AddTabBorder(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path, System.Drawing.Rectangle tabBounds)
            int spread;
            int eigth;
            int sixth;
            int quarter;

            if (this._TabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom){
                spread = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Height * 2/3);
                eigth = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Height * 1/8);
                sixth = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Height * 1/6);
                quarter = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Height * 1/4);
            } else {
                spread = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Width * 2/3);
                eigth = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Width * 1/8);
                sixth = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Width * 1/6);
                quarter = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)tabBounds.Width * 1/4);

            switch (this._TabControl.Alignment) {
                case TabAlignment.Top:

                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Bottom)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + sixth, tabBounds.Bottom - eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + spread - quarter, tabBounds.Y + eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + spread, tabBounds.Y)});
                    path.AddLine(tabBounds.X + spread, tabBounds.Y, tabBounds.Right - spread, tabBounds.Y);
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.Right - spread, tabBounds.Y)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - spread + quarter, tabBounds.Y + eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - sixth, tabBounds.Bottom - eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Bottom)});
                case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Y)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - sixth, tabBounds.Y + eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - spread + quarter, tabBounds.Bottom - eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - spread, tabBounds.Bottom)});
                    path.AddLine(tabBounds.Right - spread, tabBounds.Bottom, tabBounds.X + spread, tabBounds.Bottom);
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.X + spread, tabBounds.Bottom)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + spread - quarter, tabBounds.Bottom - eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + sixth, tabBounds.Y + eigth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Y)});
                case TabAlignment.Left:
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Bottom)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - eigth, tabBounds.Bottom - sixth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + eigth, tabBounds.Bottom - spread + quarter)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Bottom - spread)});
                    path.AddLine(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Bottom - spread, tabBounds.X ,tabBounds.Y + spread);
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Y + spread)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + eigth, tabBounds.Y + spread - quarter)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - eigth, tabBounds.Y + sixth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Y)});

                case TabAlignment.Right:
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Y)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + eigth, tabBounds.Y + sixth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - eigth, tabBounds.Y + spread - quarter)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Y + spread)});
                    path.AddLine(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Y + spread, tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Bottom - spread);
                    path.AddCurve(new Point[] {  new Point(tabBounds.Right, tabBounds.Bottom - spread)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.Right - eigth, tabBounds.Bottom - spread + quarter)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X + eigth, tabBounds.Bottom - sixth)
                                  		,new Point(tabBounds.X, tabBounds.Bottom)});