Example #1
        // Find the point of intersection between
        // the lines p1 --> p2 and p3 --> p4.
        public static PointF?FindIntersection(PointF p1, PointF p2, PointF p3, PointF p4)
            // Get the segments' parameters.
            float dx12 = p2.X - p1.X;
            float dy12 = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            float dx34 = p4.X - p3.X;
            float dy34 = p4.Y - p3.Y;

            // Solve for t1 and t2
            float denominator = (dy12 * dx34 - dx12 * dy34);

            float t1 = ((p1.X - p3.X) * dy34 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) * dx34) / denominator;

            if (float.IsInfinity(t1))
                // The lines are parallel (or close enough to it).

            float t2 = ((p3.X - p1.X) * dy12 + (p1.Y - p3.Y) * dx12) / -denominator;

            // The segments intersect if t1 and t2 are between 0 and 1.
            var segments_intersect =
                ((t1 >= 0) && (t1 <= 1) &&
                 (t2 >= 0) && (t2 <= 1));

            // Find the point of intersection.
            if (segments_intersect)
                return(new PointF(p1.X + dx12 * t1, p1.Y + dy12 * t1));

Example #2
        // Find the point of intersection between
        // the lines p1 --> p2 and p3 --> p4.
        // Находит пересечение отрезков, если точно известно, что они пересекаются
        public static PointF Intersection(PointF p1, PointF p2, PointF p3, PointF p4)
            // Get the segments' parameters.
            float dx12 = p2.X - p1.X;
            float dy12 = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            float dx34 = p4.X - p3.X;
            float dy34 = p4.Y - p3.Y;

            // Solve for t1 and t2
            float denominator = (dy12 * dx34 - dx12 * dy34);

            float t1 = ((p1.X - p3.X) * dy34 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) * dx34) / denominator;

            // Find the point of intersection.
            return(new PointF(p1.X + dx12 * t1, p1.Y + dy12 * t1));
Example #3
        // Find the point of intersection between
        // the lines p1 --> p2 and p3 --> p4.
        public static void FindIntersection(
            PointF p1, PointF p2, PointF p3, PointF p4,
            out bool lines_intersect, out bool segments_intersect,
            out PointF intersection,
            out PointF close_p1, out PointF close_p2)
            // Get the segments' parameters.
            float dx12 = p2.X - p1.X;
            float dy12 = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            float dx34 = p4.X - p3.X;
            float dy34 = p4.Y - p3.Y;

            // Solve for t1 and t2
            float denominator = (dy12 * dx34 - dx12 * dy34);

            float t1 =
                ((p1.X - p3.X) * dy34 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) * dx34)
                / denominator;

            if (float.IsInfinity(t1))
                // The lines are parallel (or close enough to it).
                lines_intersect    = false;
                segments_intersect = false;
                intersection       = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                close_p1           = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                close_p2           = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
            lines_intersect = true;

            float t2 =
                ((p3.X - p1.X) * dy12 + (p1.Y - p3.Y) * dx12)
                / -denominator;

            // Find the point of intersection.
            intersection = new PointF(p1.X + dx12 * t1, p1.Y + dy12 * t1);

            // The segments intersect if t1 and t2 are between 0 and 1.
            segments_intersect =
                ((t1 >= 0) && (t1 <= 1) &&
                 (t2 >= 0) && (t2 <= 1));

            // Find the closest points on the segments.
            if (t1 < 0)
                t1 = 0;
            else if (t1 > 1)
                t1 = 1;

            if (t2 < 0)
                t2 = 0;
            else if (t2 > 1)
                t2 = 1;

            close_p1 = new PointF(p1.X + dx12 * t1, p1.Y + dy12 * t1);
            close_p2 = new PointF(p3.X + dx34 * t2, p3.Y + dy34 * t2);