Example #1
 internal Property(Bridge pBridge, System.Type pType, object pInstance, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pProperty)
     this.lBridge = pBridge;
     this.lType = pType;
     this.lInstance = pInstance;
     this.lProperty = pProperty;
Example #2
 public void SetAutoFetch(object o, string property)
     this._autoFetchObject = o;
     if (o != null)
         this._autoFetchPropInfo = Endogine.Serialization.Access.GetPropertyInfoNoCase(o, property);
         this._autoFetchPropInfo = null;
        public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
            var classAttribute = property.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributeByReflection<AuthorizePropertyAttribute>();
            var propertyAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<AuthorizePropertyAttribute>();

            if (classAttribute != null && propertyAttribute != null) {
                Log.WarnFormat("Class and property level AuthorizeAttributes applied to class {0} - ignoring attribute on property {1}", property.DeclaringType.FullName, property.Name);

            return Create(classAttribute ?? propertyAttribute, holder);
Example #4
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     if ((property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive || TypeUtils.IsEnum(property.PropertyType)) && property.GetCustomAttribute<OptionallyAttribute>() != null) {
         Log.Warn("Ignoring Optionally annotation on primitive or un-readable parameter on " + property.ReflectedType + "." + property.Name);
         return false;
     if (property.GetGetMethod() != null && !property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive) {
         return Process(property, holder);
     return false;
Example #5
        public Animator(object a_obj, string a_sProp)
            m_obj = a_obj;
            System.Type type = a_obj.GetType();
            m_pi = type.GetProperty(a_sProp);

            _slKeys = new SortedList<float, AnimationKey>();

            if (m_pi == null)
                throw new Exception("Property "+a_sProp+" not found for animating "+a_obj.ToString());

            m_fTime = 0.0f;
            m_fStep = 1.0f;

            this.FrameInterval = 1;
Example #6
 public static IEnumerable<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo> GetAllProps(Object obj)
     System.Reflection.BindingFlags propFlags =
         //System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy |
         System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
         System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty |
         System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
         System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static |
         System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public |
     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] props = new System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] { };
     Type objType = obj.GetType();
     while (objType != null)
         props = props.Concat(objType.GetProperties(propFlags)).ToArray();
         objType = objType.BaseType;
     return props;
Example #7
    public MySocket()
        //System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();

        //tcpClient = client;//System.Activator.CreateInstance(GetType().Assembly.FullName, "System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient");

        System.Type testType = typeof(System.Uri);
        System.Type clazz = testType.Assembly.GetType("System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient");
        tcpClient = clazz.GetConstructor(new System.Type[]{}).Invoke(null);

        //tcpClient = System.Activator.CreateInstance(testType.Assembly.FullName, "System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient");

        availableProperty = clazz.GetProperty("Available");
        connectedProperty = clazz.GetProperty("Connected");

        connectMethod = clazz.GetMethod("Connect", new System.Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(int)});
        getStreamMethod = clazz.GetMethod("GetStream");
        closeMethod = clazz.GetMethod("Close");
Example #8
        protected override IView CreateView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath)
            // ptentially this can cause a racing condition when more than one thread will rush to set the manager_property value
            // I think it is still ok because all of them will get back the same value and if it is assigned more than once it should be
            // no problem
            if (manager_property == null)
                manager_property = controllerContext.HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.GetType().GetProperty("DjangoTemplateManager");
                if (manager_property == null || !manager_property.CanWrite || !manager_property.CanRead || manager_property.PropertyType != typeof(ITemplateManager))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Missing or invalid TemplateManager property in Global.asax. The required format is\n        public NDjango.Interfaces.ITemplateManager DjangoTemplateManager { get; set; }");
            var manager = (ITemplateManager) manager_property.GetValue(controllerContext.HttpContext.ApplicationInstance, new object[] { });
            if (manager == null)
                manager = manager_provider.GetNewManager();
                manager_property.SetValue(controllerContext.HttpContext.ApplicationInstance, manager, new object[] { });

            return new DjangoView(manager, viewPath);
Example #9
        public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
            string capitalizedName = property.Name;
            var paramTypes = new[] {property.PropertyType};

            var facets = new List<IFacet> {new PropertyAccessorFacetViaAccessor(property, holder)};

            if (property.PropertyType.IsGenericType && (property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (Nullable<>))) {
                facets.Add(new NullableFacetAlways(holder));

            if (property.GetSetMethod() != null) {
                if (property.PropertyType == typeof (byte[])) {
                    facets.Add(new DisabledFacetAlways(holder));
                else {
                    facets.Add(new PropertySetterFacetViaSetterMethod(property, holder));
                facets.Add(new PropertyInitializationFacetViaSetterMethod(property, holder));
            else {
                //facets.Add(new DerivedFacetInferred(holder));
                facets.Add(new NotPersistedFacetAnnotation(holder));
                facets.Add(new DisabledFacetAlways(holder));
            FindAndRemoveModifyMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, capitalizedName, paramTypes, holder);
            FindAndRemoveClearMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, capitalizedName, holder);

            FindAndRemoveAutoCompleteMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, capitalizedName, property.PropertyType, holder);
            FindAndRemoveChoicesMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, capitalizedName, property.PropertyType, holder);
            FindAndRemoveDefaultMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, capitalizedName, property.PropertyType, holder);
            FindAndRemoveValidateMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, paramTypes, capitalizedName, holder);

            AddHideForSessionFacetNone(facets, holder);
            AddDisableForSessionFacetNone(facets, holder);
            FindDefaultHideMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, MethodType.Object, "PropertyDefault", new Type[0], holder);
            FindAndRemoveHideMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, MethodType.Object, capitalizedName, property.PropertyType, holder);
            FindDefaultDisableMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, MethodType.Object, "PropertyDefault", new Type[0], holder);
            FindAndRemoveDisableMethod(facets, methodRemover, property.DeclaringType, MethodType.Object, capitalizedName, property.PropertyType, holder);

            return FacetUtils.AddFacets(facets);
 /// <summary>
 /// Erstellt eine neue Instanz für eine gefundene Eigenschaft
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initCsvAttribute">CsvAttribut, dass in der Klasse angegeben wurde</param>
 /// <param name="initPropertyInfo">PropertyInfo für die Eigenschaft der Klasse</param>
 public CsvFieldInfo(CsvColumnAttribute initCsvAttribute, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo initPropertyInfo)
     : base()
     csvColumnAttribute = initCsvAttribute;
     propertyInfo = initPropertyInfo;
Example #11
 private bool GetPropertyValue(PropertyInfo pi, PropertyLookupParams paramBag, ref object @value)
         @value = pi.GetValue(paramBag.instance, (object[]) null);
         return true;
     catch(Exception ex)
         paramBag.self.Error("Can't get property " + paramBag.propertyName
             + " as CLR property " + pi.Name + " from "
             + paramBag.prototype.FullName + " instance", ex);
     return false;
Example #12
        public PDFDataBindEventHandler GetDataBindingExpression(string expressionvalue, Type classType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo forProperty)
            BindingItemExpression expr = BindingItemExpression.Create(expressionvalue, forProperty);

            return(new PDFDataBindEventHandler(expr.BindComponent));
 public UndoSetProperty(object obj, string propname, object newValue)
     Object = obj;
     PropertyName = propname;
     prop = Object.GetType().GetProperty(propname);
     NewValue = newValue;
Example #14
 public PropertyMetadata(System.Type ownerType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
Example #15
 Add(string name, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property) =>
 _attributes.Add(name, new MemberPropertyResolverI(name, method, property));
Example #16
 public static System.Object GetValueTSS(
     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo target,
     System.Object obj, System.Object[] index)
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     Attribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<ConcurrencyCheckAttribute>();
     return FacetUtils.AddFacet(Create(attribute, holder));
Example #18
        public void initalize(MaskDAGGraphNode gn)

            startingControlCount = this.Controls.Count;

            int textLeft = 10;

            int objLeft   = 100;
            int objHeight = 20;

            this.Width = 500;

            mOwnerNode = gn;
            this.Text  = mOwnerNode.GetType().ToString() + " Properties";

            Type type = mOwnerNode.GetType();// Get object type

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pi = type.GetProperties();
            for (int i = 0; i < pi.Length; i++)
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = pi[i];

                object[] custAttrib = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false);
                if (custAttrib == null)

                Type ptt = prop.PropertyType;

                for (int k = 0; k < custAttrib.Length; k++)
                    if (custAttrib[k] is ConnectionType)
                        ConnectionType ct = custAttrib[k] as ConnectionType;
                        if (ct.ConnType == "Param")
                            Label ll = new Label();
                            ll.Text = ct.Description;
                            ll.Left = textLeft;
                            ll.Top  = (this.Controls.Count) * objHeight + 5;

                            Control ctrl = giveControlForType(ptt, prop);

                            ctrl.Left  = objLeft;
                            ctrl.Top   = (this.Controls.Count) * objHeight + 5;
                            ctrl.Width = 300;



            button1.Top = (this.Controls.Count) * objHeight;

            this.Height = (this.Controls.Count + 3) * objHeight;

Example #19
        private void CreateSite(Site site)
            List <Role> roles = RoleRepository.GetRoles(site.SiteId, true).ToList();

            if (!roles.Where(item => item.Name == Constants.AllUsersRole).Any())
                RoleRepository.AddRole(new Role {
                    SiteId = null, Name = Constants.AllUsersRole, Description = "All Users", IsAutoAssigned = false, IsSystem = true
            if (!roles.Where(item => item.Name == Constants.HostRole).Any())
                RoleRepository.AddRole(new Role {
                    SiteId = null, Name = Constants.HostRole, Description = "Application Administrators", IsAutoAssigned = false, IsSystem = true

            RoleRepository.AddRole(new Role {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = Constants.RegisteredRole, Description = "Registered Users", IsAutoAssigned = true, IsSystem = true
            RoleRepository.AddRole(new Role {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = Constants.AdminRole, Description = "Site Administrators", IsAutoAssigned = false, IsSystem = true

            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "FirstName", Title = "First Name", Description = "Your First Or Given Name", Category = "Name", ViewOrder = 1, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = true, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "LastName", Title = "Last Name", Description = "Your Last Or Family Name", Category = "Name", ViewOrder = 2, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = true, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "Street", Title = "Street", Description = "Street Or Building Address", Category = "Address", ViewOrder = 3, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "City", Title = "City", Description = "City", Category = "Address", ViewOrder = 4, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "Region", Title = "Region", Description = "State Or Province", Category = "Address", ViewOrder = 5, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "Country", Title = "Country", Description = "Country", Category = "Address", ViewOrder = 6, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "PostalCode", Title = "Postal Code", Description = "Postal Code Or Zip Code", Category = "Address", ViewOrder = 7, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false
            ProfileRepository.AddProfile(new Profile {
                SiteId = site.SiteId, Name = "Phone", Title = "Phone Number", Description = "Phone Number", Category = "Contact", ViewOrder = 8, MaxLength = 50, DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = false, IsPrivate = false

            foreach (PageTemplate pagetemplate in SiteTemplate)
                int?parentid = null;
                if (pagetemplate.Parent != "")
                    List <Page> pages  = PageRepository.GetPages(site.SiteId).ToList();
                    Page        parent = pages.Where(item => item.Name == pagetemplate.Parent).FirstOrDefault();
                    parentid = parent.PageId;

                Page page = new Page
                    SiteId       = site.SiteId,
                    ParentId     = parentid,
                    Name         = pagetemplate.Name,
                    Path         = pagetemplate.Path,
                    Order        = pagetemplate.Order,
                    IsNavigation = pagetemplate.IsNavigation,
                    EditMode     = pagetemplate.EditMode,
                    ThemeType    = site.DefaultThemeType,
                    LayoutType   = site.DefaultLayoutType,
                    Icon         = pagetemplate.Icon,
                    Permissions  = pagetemplate.PagePermissions
                Type type = Type.GetType(page.ThemeType);
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty("Panes");
                page.Panes = (string)property.GetValue(Activator.CreateInstance(type), null);
                page       = PageRepository.AddPage(page);

                if (pagetemplate.ModuleDefinitionName != "")
                    Module module = new Module
                        SiteId = site.SiteId,
                        ModuleDefinitionName = pagetemplate.ModuleDefinitionName,
                        Permissions          = pagetemplate.ModulePermissions,
                    module = ModuleRepository.AddModule(module);

                    PageModule pagemodule = new PageModule
                        PageId        = page.PageId,
                        ModuleId      = module.ModuleId,
                        Title         = pagetemplate.Title,
                        Pane          = pagetemplate.Pane,
                        Order         = 1,
                        ContainerType = pagetemplate.ContainerType
        public virtual void Modify(ref ValidationErrors errors, Apps.Models.SCV.SHIPMENT.SHIPMENT_DETAIL_MODEL model, params string[] updateProperties)
            Apps.Models.SHIPMENT_DETAIL entity = m_Rep.GetById(model.INTERNAL_SHIPMENT_LINE_NUM);
            if (entity == null)
            if (updateProperties.Count() <= 0)
                entity.INTERNAL_SHIPMENT_NUM      = model.INTERNAL_SHIPMENT_NUM;
                entity.WAREHOUSE          = model.WAREHOUSE;
                entity.COMPANY            = model.COMPANY;
                entity.SHIPMENT_ID        = model.SHIPMENT_ID;
                entity.ERP_ORDER          = model.ERP_ORDER;
                entity.ERP_ORDER_LINE_NUM = model.ERP_ORDER_LINE_NUM;
                entity.SHIPMENT_TYPE      = model.SHIPMENT_TYPE;
                entity.ITEM                      = model.ITEM;
                entity.ITEM_DESC                 = model.ITEM_DESC;
                entity.TOTAL_QTY                 = model.TOTAL_QTY;
                entity.REQUEST_QTY               = model.REQUEST_QTY;
                entity.QUANTITY_UM               = model.QUANTITY_UM;
                entity.ALLOCATION_RULE           = model.ALLOCATION_RULE;
                entity.PICK_LOC                  = model.PICK_LOC;
                entity.USER_STAMP                = model.USER_STAMP;
                entity.DATE_TIME_STAMP           = model.DATE_TIME_STAMP;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE_TRACK           = model.ATTRIBUTE_TRACK;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE1                = model.ATTRIBUTE1;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE2                = model.ATTRIBUTE2;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE3                = model.ATTRIBUTE3;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE4                = model.ATTRIBUTE4;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE5                = model.ATTRIBUTE5;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE6                = model.ATTRIBUTE6;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE7                = model.ATTRIBUTE7;
                entity.ATTRIBUTE8                = model.ATTRIBUTE8;
                entity.INVENTORY_STS             = model.INVENTORY_STS;
                entity.DOCK_LOC                  = model.DOCK_LOC;
                entity.PACKING_CLASS             = model.PACKING_CLASS;
                entity.STATUS                    = model.STATUS;
                entity.INTERNAL_WAVE_NUM         = model.INTERNAL_WAVE_NUM;
                entity.TOTAL_WEIGHT              = model.TOTAL_WEIGHT;
                entity.WEIGHT_UM                 = model.WEIGHT_UM;
                entity.TOTAL_VOLUME              = model.TOTAL_VOLUME;
                entity.VOLUME_UM                 = model.VOLUME_UM;
                entity.BACK_ORDER_LINE_NUM       = model.BACK_ORDER_LINE_NUM;
                entity.USER_DEF1                 = model.USER_DEF1;
                entity.USER_DEF2                 = model.USER_DEF2;
                entity.USER_DEF3                 = model.USER_DEF3;
                entity.USER_DEF4                 = model.USER_DEF4;
                entity.USER_DEF5                 = model.USER_DEF5;
                entity.USER_DEF6                 = model.USER_DEF6;
                entity.USER_DEF7                 = model.USER_DEF7;
                entity.USER_DEF8                 = model.USER_DEF8;
                entity.USER_DEF9                 = model.USER_DEF9;
                entity.USER_DEF10                = model.USER_DEF10;
                entity.ITEM_LIST_PRICE           = model.ITEM_LIST_PRICE;
                entity.ITEM_NET_PRICE            = model.ITEM_NET_PRICE;
                entity.SERIAL_NUM_TRACK          = model.SERIAL_NUM_TRACK;
                entity.ORIGINAL_ORDER_NUM        = model.ORIGINAL_ORDER_NUM;
                entity.CREATE_DATE_TIME          = model.CREATE_DATE_TIME;
                entity.CREATE_USER               = model.CREATE_USER;
                entity.HOST_ITEM                 = model.HOST_ITEM;
                Type type  = typeof(Apps.Models.SCV.SHIPMENT.SHIPMENT_DETAIL_MODEL);
                Type typeE = typeof(Apps.Models.SHIPMENT_DETAIL);
                foreach (var item in updateProperties)
                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi  = type.GetProperty(item);
                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo piE = typeE.GetProperty(item);
                    piE.SetValue(entity, pi.GetValue(model), null);

            m_Rep.Modify(entity, updateProperties);
Example #21
        public DataTablePropertyInfo(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, DataTableAttributeBase[] attributes)
            PropertyInfo = propertyInfo;

            Attributes = attributes;
Example #22
 public MongoDbRepository(MongoDatabaseProvider provider)
     this.provider = provider;
     idGetter      = typeof(TEntity).GetProperty("ID");
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     var attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<EagerlyAttribute>();
     return FacetUtils.AddFacet(Create(attribute, holder));
Example #24
 private static bool PropertySatisfiesPredicate <T, PropertyType>(Predicate <PropertyType> predicate, T item, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop)
Example #25
        public string getValue(object v, string name)
            object s = null;

            if (v is DataRowView)
                DataRowView r = (DataRowView)v;
                s = r[name];
            else if (v is DataRow)
                DataRow r = (DataRow)v;
                s = r[name];
            else if (v is DBObject)
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = v.GetType().GetProperty(name);
                if (propInfo != null)
                    s = propInfo.GetValue(v, null);

            if (s == null || Convert.IsDBNull(s))

            if (db != null)
                DBField f = db.getField(name);
                if (f != null && f.transcoder != null)
                    s = f.transcoder.fromDB(s);

            Hashtable map = (Hashtable)values[name];

            if (map != null && s != null)
                object s1 = map[s.ToString()];
                if (s1 == null)
                        s1 = map[Convert.ToInt32(s)];
                    catch (Exception ex)
                if (s1 != null)
                    s = s1;

            s = s.ToString().Trim();
Example #26
        // http://web.archive.org/web/20120101201615/http://beaucrawford.net/post/Enable-HTML-in-ReportViewer-LocalReport.aspx
        private void EnableFormat(string formatName)
            const System.Reflection.BindingFlags Flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;

            System.Type tt = this.m_Viewer.LocalReport.GetType();
            System.Reflection.FieldInfo m_previewService = tt.GetField("m_previewService", Flags);

            if (m_previewService == null)
                m_previewService = tt.GetField("m_processingHost", Flags);

            // Works only for v2005
            if (m_previewService != null)
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo ListRenderingExtensions = m_previewService.FieldType.GetMethod

                object previewServiceInstance = m_previewService.GetValue(this.m_Viewer.LocalReport);

                System.Collections.IList extensions = ListRenderingExtensions.Invoke(previewServiceInstance, null) as System.Collections.IList;

                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo name = null;
                if (extensions.Count > 0)
                    name = extensions[0].GetType().GetProperty("Name", Flags);

                if (name == null)

                foreach (object extension in extensions)
                    string thisFormat = name.GetValue(extension, null).ToString();

                    //    System.Reflection.FieldInfo m_isVisible = extension.GetType().GetField("m_isVisible", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                    //    System.Reflection.FieldInfo m_isExposedExternally = extension.GetType().GetField("m_isExposedExternally", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);

                    //    object valVisible = m_isVisible.GetValue(extension);
                    //    object valExposed = m_isExposedExternally.GetValue(extension);
                    //    System.Console.WriteLine(valVisible);
                    //    System.Console.WriteLine(valExposed);

                    //if (string.Compare(thisFormat, formatName, true) == 0)
                    if (true)
                        System.Reflection.FieldInfo m_isVisible           = extension.GetType().GetField("m_isVisible", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                        System.Reflection.FieldInfo m_isExposedExternally = extension.GetType().GetField("m_isExposedExternally", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                        m_isVisible.SetValue(extension, true);
                        m_isExposedExternally.SetValue(extension, true);
                } // Next extension
            }     // End if (m_previewService != null)
        }         // End Sub EnableFormat
 public ClassProperty(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Property)
     this._Property = Property;
Example #28
 public static System.Reflection.MethodInfo?GetSetMethod(this System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property)
     throw null;
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     return Process(property, holder);
Example #30
 public static System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(this System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, bool nonPublic)
     throw null;
 /// <summary>
 /// コントロールの DoubleBuffered を設定します。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="control">対象となるコントロール。</param>
 /// <param name="flag">設定するフラグ。既定では true です。</param>
 public static void SetDoubleBuffered(System.Windows.Forms.Control control, bool flag = true)
     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = control.GetType().GetProperty("DoubleBuffered", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     prop.SetValue(control, flag, null);
Example #32
 public static System.Reflection.MethodInfo?GetGetMethod(this System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, bool nonPublic)
     throw null;
        public override object Evaluate(ISoqlEvaluateContext context)
            object val;

            if (this.Left == null)
                val = context.GetRootObject();
                val = this.Left.Evaluate(context);

            if (val == null)
                return null;

            if (_propInfoCache == null)
                _propInfoCache = val.GetType().GetProperty(PropertyName);
                if (_propInfoCache == null)
                    throw new SoodaException(PropertyName + " not found in " + val.GetType().Name);

            return _propInfoCache.GetValue(val, null);
Example #34
        public static bool GetGameViewSize(out float width, out float height, out float aspect)
                Editor__gameViewReflectionError = false;

                System.Type gameViewType = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView,UnityEditor");
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetMainGameView = gameViewType.GetMethod("GetMainGameView", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                object mainGameViewInst = GetMainGameView.Invoke(null, null);
                if (mainGameViewInst == null)
                    width = height = aspect = 0;
                System.Reflection.FieldInfo s_viewModeResolutions = gameViewType.GetField("s_viewModeResolutions", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (s_viewModeResolutions == null)
                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo currentGameViewSize = gameViewType.GetProperty("currentGameViewSize", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    object      gameViewSize     = currentGameViewSize.GetValue(mainGameViewInst, null);
                    System.Type gameViewSizeType = gameViewSize.GetType();
                    int         gvWidth          = (int)gameViewSizeType.GetProperty("width").GetValue(gameViewSize, null);
                    int         gvHeight         = (int)gameViewSizeType.GetProperty("height").GetValue(gameViewSize, null);
                    int         gvSizeType       = (int)gameViewSizeType.GetProperty("sizeType").GetValue(gameViewSize, null);
                    if (gvWidth == 0 || gvHeight == 0)
                        width = height = aspect = 0;
                    else if (gvSizeType == 0)
                        width  = height = 0;
                        aspect = (float)gvWidth / (float)gvHeight;
                        width  = gvWidth; height = gvHeight;
                        aspect = (float)gvWidth / (float)gvHeight;
                    Vector2[] viewModeResolutions = (Vector2[])s_viewModeResolutions.GetValue(null);
                    float[]   viewModeAspects     = (float[])gameViewType.GetField("s_viewModeAspects", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null);
                    string[]  viewModeStrings     = (string[])gameViewType.GetField("s_viewModeAspectStrings", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null);
                    if (mainGameViewInst != null &&
                        viewModeStrings != null &&
                        viewModeResolutions != null && viewModeAspects != null)
                        int    aspectRatio        = (int)gameViewType.GetField("m_AspectRatio", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(mainGameViewInst);
                        string thisViewModeString = viewModeStrings[aspectRatio];
                        if (thisViewModeString.Contains("Standalone"))
                            width  = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth; height = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight;
                            aspect = width / height;
                        else if (thisViewModeString.Contains("Web"))
                            width  = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultWebScreenWidth; height = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultWebScreenHeight;
                            aspect = width / height;
                            width  = viewModeResolutions[aspectRatio].x; height = viewModeResolutions[aspectRatio].y;
                            aspect = viewModeAspects[aspectRatio];
                            // this is an error state
                            if (width == 0 && height == 0 && aspect == 0)
            catch (System.Exception e)
                if (Editor__getGameViewSizeError == false)
                    Debug.LogError("GameCamera.GetGameViewSize - has a Unity update broken this?\nThis is not a fatal error !\n" + e.ToString());
                    Editor__getGameViewSizeError = true;
                Editor__gameViewReflectionError = true;
            width = height = aspect = 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DefaultHttpClientFactory"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="setCredentials">Set the credentials for the native <see cref="HttpMessageHandler"/> (<see cref="HttpClientHandler"/>)?</param>
 public DefaultHttpClientFactory(bool setCredentials)
     _proxyProperty = typeof(HttpClientHandler).GetProperty("Proxy");
     _setCredentials = setCredentials;
Example #36
        public virtual System.Reflection.PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo()
            if(this.propertyInfo == null)
                if(this.DeclaringType == null)
                    return null;
                Type t = this.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeType();
                if(t == null)
                    return null;
                if(this.Type == null)
                    return null;
                Type retType = this.Type.GetRuntimeType();
                if(retType == null)
                    return null;
                ParameterList pars = this.Parameters;
                int n = pars == null ? 0 : pars.Count;
                Type[] types = new Type[n];
                for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    Parameter p = pars[i];
                    if(p == null || p.Type == null)
                        return null;
                    Type pt = types[i] = p.Type.GetRuntimeType();
                    if(pt == null)
                        return null;
                System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] members =
                  t.GetMember(this.Name.ToString(), System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Property,
                  BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                foreach(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop in members)
                    if(prop == null || prop.PropertyType != retType)
                    System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] parameters = prop.GetIndexParameters();
                    if(parameters == null || parameters.Length != n)
                    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        System.Reflection.ParameterInfo parInfo = parameters[i];
                        if(parInfo == null || parInfo.ParameterType != types[i])
                            goto tryNext;
                    return this.propertyInfo = prop;
            return this.propertyInfo;
Example #37
 public PDFLoadedEventHandler GetLoadBindingExpression(string expressionvalue, Type classType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo forProperty)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Item Binding is not supported on any other document lifecycle stage than the databinding");
 static CodeGenerationTypeParameterSymbol()
     typeInfo = Type.GetType("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGeneration.CodeGenerationTypeParameterSymbol" + ReflectionNamespaces.WorkspacesAsmName, true);
     constraintTypesProperty = typeInfo.GetProperty("ConstraintTypes");
Example #39
            public void Handle(string text, Color color)
                if (lastText == text && lastColor == color)
                                #if ENABLE_REFLECTION
                if (!this.text)
                System.Type type = this.text.GetType();
                if (type.BaseType == typeof(MonoBehaviour))
                    if (lastText != text)
                        if (textField == null)
                            textField = type.GetField("text");
                        if (textField != null)
                            textField.SetValue(this.text, text);
                        lastText = text;
                    if (lastColor != color)
                        if (colorField == null)
                            colorField = type.GetField("color");
                        if (colorField != null)
                            colorField.SetValue(this.text, color);
                        lastColor = color;
                else if (type != typeof(Transform) && type != typeof(RectTransform))
                    if (lastText != text)
                        if (textProperty == null)
                            textProperty = type.GetProperty("text");
                        if (textProperty != null)
                            textProperty.SetValue(this.text, text, null);
                        lastText = text;
                    if (lastColor != color)
                        if (colorProperty == null)
                            colorProperty = type.GetProperty("color");
                        if (colorProperty != null)
                            colorProperty.SetValue(this.text, color, null);
                        lastColor = color;
                                #if ENABLE_UNITY_TEXT
                if (this.text)
                if (lastText != text)
                    this.text.text = text;
                    lastText       = text;
                if (lastColor != color)
                    this.text.color = color;
                    lastColor       = color;
                                        #if ENABLE_UNITY_TEXT

            else if (textMesh)
                if (lastText != text)
                    textMesh.text = text;
                    lastText      = text;
                if (lastColor != color)
                    textMesh.color = color;
                    lastColor      = color;
Example #40
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     if (property.GetGetMethod() != null) {
         return Process(property, holder);
     return false;
Example #41
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GetDictionaryForMetadataExport(IRfcFunction rfc, string tableName)
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rfc.Metadata.ParameterCount; i++)
                if (rfc.Metadata[i].Name.ToString().ToUpper() == tableName)
                    switch (rfc.Metadata[i].DataType.ToString())
                    case "STRUCTURE":
                        for (int j = 0;
                             j < rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsStructureMetadata.FieldCount;
                            dictionary[rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsStructureMetadata[j].Name] = Activator.CreateInstance(SAPData.GetDataType(rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsStructureMetadata[j].DataType));

                    case "TABLE":
                        IRfcTable detail = rfc[tableName].GetTable();

                        /*for (int j = 0; j < detail.Count(); j++)
                         * {
                         *  var valueObj = detail[j].GetValue(rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[i].Name);
                         *  dictionary[rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[i].Name] = valueObj;
                         * }*/
                        for (int j = 0;
                             j < rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata.LineType.FieldCount;
                            RfcFieldMetadata jd = rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[j];

                            Type   t           = SAPData.GetDataType(rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[j].DataType);
                            var    valueObject = detail.GetValue(rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[j].Name);
                            object value       = new object();
                            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetType().GetProperty("UnderlyingSystemType");
                            if (t.Name != "String")
                                Type type;

                                switch (t.Name)
                                case "Decimal":
                                    type  = (Type)propInfo.GetValue(typeof(System.Decimal), null);
                                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(type, valueObject);

                                case "int":
                                    type  = (Type)propInfo.GetValue(typeof(System.Int64), null);
                                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(type, valueObject);

                                case "double":
                                    type  = (Type)propInfo.GetValue(typeof(System.Double), null);
                                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(type, valueObject);

                                    type  = (Type)propInfo.GetValue(t, null);
                                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(System.String), valueObject);
                                //Type type = (Type)propInfo.GetValue(t, null);
                                value = valueObject.ToString();

                            dictionary[rfc.Metadata[i].ValueMetadataAsTableMetadata[j].Name] = value;
Example #42
        public string getFValue(object v, string name, string format)
            object s = null;

            if (v.GetType() == typeof(DataRowView))
                DataRowView r = (DataRowView)v;
                s = r[name];
            else if (v is DataRow)
                DataRow r = (DataRow)v;
                s = r[name];
            else if (v is DBObject)
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = v.GetType().GetProperty(name);
                if (propInfo != null)
                    s = propInfo.GetValue(v, null);

            if (s == null || Convert.IsDBNull(s))

            if (db != null)
                DBField f = db.getField(name);
                if (f != null && f.transcoder != null)
                    s = f.transcoder.fromDB(s);

            Hashtable map = (Hashtable)values[name];

            if (map != null && s != null)
                object s1 = map[s.ToString()];
                if (s1 == null)
                        s1 = map[Convert.ToInt32(s)];
                    catch (Exception ex)
                if (s1 != null)
                    s = s1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format) && db != null)
                DBField field = db.getField(name);
                if (field != null)
                    s = field.populateValue(s);
                    s = s.ToString().Trim();
            else if (s is DateTime)
                DateTime dt = (DateTime)s;
                if (dt.Ticks == 0)
                if (format != null)
            else if (s is decimal)
                if (format != null)
                    s = ((decimal)s).ToString(format);
            else if (s is double)
                if (Double.IsNaN((double)s))
                    s = "";
                else if (format != null)
                    s = ((double)s).ToString(format);
            else if (s is float)
                if (float.IsNaN((float)s))
                    s = "";
                else if (format != null)
                    s = ((float)s).ToString(format);
            else if (s is int)
                if (format != null)
                    s = ((int)s).ToString(format);
            else if (s is long)
                if (format != null)
                    s = ((long)s).ToString(format);
Example #43
 internal PropertyInfoImpl(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property)
     Debug.Assert(property != null);
     this.Property = property;
 public abstract void ApplyTo(ColDef colDef, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi);
Example #45
        public MouseButtonBinding(String button, KeyBindingType bindingType)
            this.button = button;
            this.bindingType = bindingType;

            buttonProperty = typeof(MouseState).GetProperty(button);
            if (buttonProperty == null || buttonProperty.PropertyType != typeof(ButtonState))
                throw new InvalidProgramException("Could not find button " + button);
Example #46
 private void SetCommandText(string commandText, bool isProc)
     if (OracleDal.clientType > 0)
         Type t = _com.GetType();
         System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty("BindByName");
         if (pi != null)
             pi.SetValue(_com, true, null);
     _com.CommandText = isProc ? commandText : SqlFormat.Compatible(commandText, dalType, false);
     if (!isProc && dalType == DalType.SQLite && _com.CommandText.Contains("charindex"))
         _com.CommandText += " COLLATE NOCASE";//忽略大小写
     //else if (isProc && dalType == DalType.MySql)
     //    _com.CommandText = "Call " + _com.CommandText;
     _com.CommandType = isProc ? CommandType.StoredProcedure : CommandType.Text;
     if (isProc)
         if (commandText.Contains("SelectBase") && !_com.Parameters.Contains("ReturnValue"))
             Tool.DBTool.CreateSelectBaseProc(dalType, conn);//内部分检测是否已创建过。
         if (_com != null && _com.Parameters != null && _com.Parameters.Count > 0)
             bool   needToReplace = (dalType == DalType.Oracle || dalType == DalType.MySql) && _com.CommandText.Contains("@");
             string paraName;
             for (int i = 0; i < _com.Parameters.Count; i++)
                 paraName = _com.Parameters[i].ParameterName.TrimStart(Pre);//默认自带前缀的,取消再判断
                 if (needToReplace && _com.CommandText.IndexOf("@" + paraName) > -1)
                     switch (dalType)
                     case DalType.Oracle:
                     case DalType.MySql:
                         _com.CommandText = _com.CommandText.Replace("@" + paraName, Pre + paraName);
                 if (_com.CommandText.IndexOf(Pre + paraName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
     //    string checkText = commandText.ToLower();
     //    //int index=
     //    //if (checkText.IndexOf("table") > -1 && (checkText.IndexOf("delete") > -1 || checkText.IndexOf("drop") > -1 || checkText.IndexOf("truncate") > -1))
     //    //{
     //    //    Log.WriteLog(commandText);
     //    //}
     if (IsAllowRecordSql)
         tempSql = GetParaInfo(_com.CommandText) + AppConst.BR + "execute time is: ";
        public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
            var attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<EnumDataTypeAttribute>();

            return AddEnumFacet(attribute, holder, property.PropertyType);
Example #48
		/// <summary>
		/// UnBind the cell with the property
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void UnBindValueAtProperty()
			m_LinkPropertyInfo = null;
			m_LinkObject = null;
Example #49
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     if (property.GetGetMethod() != null && TypeUtils.IsString(property.PropertyType)) {
         return Process(property, holder);
     return false;
		static CodeGenerationTypeParameterSymbol ()
			typeInfo = Type.GetType ("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGeneration.CodeGenerationTypeParameterSymbol" + ReflectionNamespaces.WorkspacesAsmName, true);
			constraintTypesProperty = typeInfo.GetProperty ("ConstraintTypes");
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the specified property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">The property that will its value validated.</param>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender who owns the property.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a validation message if validation failed. Otherwise null is returned to indicate a passing validation.
        /// </returns>
        public override IValidationMessage Validate(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, IValidatable sender)
            if (!this.CanValidate(sender))

            // Set up localization if available.

            var validationMessage =
                Activator.CreateInstance(this.ValidationMessageType, this.FailureMessage) as IValidationMessage;

            // Get the property value.
            var propertyValue = property.GetValue(sender, null);

            // Ensure the property value is the same data type we are comparing to.
            if (!this.ValidateDataTypesAreEqual(propertyValue))
                var error = string.Format(
                    "The property '{0}' data type is not the same as the data type ({1}) specified for validation checks. They must be the same Type.",
                throw new ArgumentNullException(error);

            // Check if we need to compare against another property.
            object alternateMaxProperty = null;
            object alternateMinProperty = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MaximumComparisonProperty))
                // Fetch the value of the secondary property specified.
                alternateMaxProperty = this.GetComparisonValue(sender, this.MaximumComparisonProperty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MinimumComparisonProperty))
                alternateMinProperty = this.GetComparisonValue(sender, this.MinimumComparisonProperty);

            IValidationMessage result = null;

            if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Short)
                result = ValidateShortValueInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);
            else if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Int)
                result = this.ValidateIntegerInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);
            else if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Long)
                result = this.ValidateLongInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);
            else if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Float)
                result = this.ValidateFloatInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);
            else if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Double)
                result = this.ValidateDoubleInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);
            else if (this.numberDataType == ValidationNumberDataTypes.Decimal)
                result = this.ValidateDecimalInRange(propertyValue, alternateMaxProperty, alternateMinProperty, validationMessage);

            return(this.RunInterceptedValidation(sender, property, result));
Example #52
 public static bool IsSupportedType(this System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property)
Example #53
		/// <summary>
		/// Bind the cell's value with the property p_Property of the object p_LinkObject
		/// when the cell's value change also the property change
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_Property">linked property</param>
		/// <param name="p_LinkObject">Can be null to call static property</param>
		protected virtual void BindValueAtProperty(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p_Property, object p_LinkObject)
			m_LinkPropertyInfo = p_Property;
			m_LinkObject = p_LinkObject;
Example #54
 public override MapOffset GetMapOffset(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, EventHandler offsetChanged)
     return(new MapOffset(this, property, offsetChanged));
 public override bool Process(PropertyInfo property, IMethodRemover methodRemover, IFacetHolder holder) {
     Attribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>() ?? (Attribute) property.GetCustomAttribute<NamedAttribute>();
     return FacetUtils.AddFacet(CreateProperty(attribute, holder));
Example #56
        public static EditableValue Create(object o, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info)
            var ret = new EditableValue();

            ret.Value = o;

            var p          = info;
            var attributes = p.GetCustomAttributes(false);

            var undo = attributes.Where(_ => _.GetType() == typeof(UndoAttribute)).FirstOrDefault() as UndoAttribute;

            if (undo != null && !undo.Undo)
                ret.IsUndoEnabled = false;
                ret.IsUndoEnabled = true;

            var shown = attributes.Where(_ => _.GetType() == typeof(ShownAttribute)).FirstOrDefault() as ShownAttribute;

            if (shown != null && !shown.Shown)
                ret.IsShown = false;

            var selector_attribute = (from a in attributes where a is Data.SelectorAttribute select a).FirstOrDefault() as Data.SelectorAttribute;

            if (selector_attribute != null)
                ret.SelfSelectorID = selector_attribute.ID;

            // collect selected values
            var selectedAttributes = attributes.OfType <Data.SelectedAttribute>();

            if (selectedAttributes.Count() > 0)
                if (selectedAttributes.Select(_ => _.ID).Distinct().Count() > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Same IDs are required.");

                ret.TargetSelectorID       = selectedAttributes.First().ID;
                ret.RequiredSelectorValues = selectedAttributes.Select(_ => _.Value).ToArray();

            var key     = KeyAttribute.GetKey(attributes);
            var nameKey = key + "_Name";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                nameKey = info.ReflectedType.Name + "_" + info.Name + "_Name";

            if (MultiLanguageTextProvider.HasKey(nameKey))
                ret.Title = new MultiLanguageString(nameKey);
                ret.Title = NameAttribute.GetName(attributes);

            var descKey = key + "_Desc";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                descKey = info.ReflectedType.Name + "_" + info.Name + "_Desc";

            if (MultiLanguageTextProvider.HasKey(descKey))
                ret.Description = new MultiLanguageString(descKey);

            var treeNode = attributes.OfType <TreeNodeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (treeNode != null)
                ret.TreeNodeID   = treeNode.id;
                ret.TreeNodeType = treeNode.type;

                if (MultiLanguageTextProvider.HasKey(treeNode.key))
                    ret.Title = new MultiLanguageString(treeNode.key);
                else if (MultiLanguageTextProvider.HasKey(treeNode.key + "_Name"))
                    ret.Title = new MultiLanguageString(treeNode.key + "_Name");

Example #57
        private static bool IsIndexer(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            if (propertyInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyInfo");

            var indexParameters = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters();
            return indexParameters != null
                && indexParameters.Length > 0
                && indexParameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(string);
Example #58
 /// <summary>
 /// GetPropertyValue
 /// </summary>
 protected override object GetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
     return(propertyInfo.GetValue(target, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture));
        void chk_box_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (((CheckBox)sender).Checked)
                if (list1item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list1item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list1curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list2item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list2item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list2curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list3item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list3item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list3curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list3, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list4item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list4item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list4curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list4, Color.Orange, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list5item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list5item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list5curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list5, Color.Yellow, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list6item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list6item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list6curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list6, Color.Magenta, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list7item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list7item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list7curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list7, Color.Purple, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list8item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list8item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list8curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list8, Color.LimeGreen, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list9item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list9item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list9curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list9, Color.Cyan, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list10item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list10item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list10curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list10, Color.Violet, SymbolType.None);
                    CustomMessageBox.Show("Max 10 at a time.");
                    ((CheckBox)sender).Checked = false;

                string selected = "";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[0].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[1].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[2].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[3].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[4].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[5].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[6].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[7].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[8].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[9].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[10].Label.Text + "|";
                catch { }
                MainV2.config["Tuning_Graph_Selected"] = selected;
                // reset old stuff
                if (list1item != null && list1item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list1item = null;
                if (list2item != null && list2item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list2item = null;
                if (list3item != null && list3item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list3item = null;
                if (list4item != null && list4item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list4item = null;
                if (list5item != null && list5item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list5item = null;
                if (list6item != null && list6item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list6item = null;
                if (list7item != null && list7item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list7item = null;
                if (list8item != null && list8item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list8item = null;
                if (list9item != null && list9item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list9item = null;
                if (list10item != null && list10item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list10item = null;
Example #60
 /// <summary>
 /// SetPropertyValue
 /// </summary>
 protected override void SetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
     propertyInfo.SetValue(target, value, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture);