private void LoadVariables() { cupboardnorefill = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Cupboard inventory access", "Block access", "false")); if (!ConfigChanged) { return; } SaveConfig(); ConfigChanged = false; }
private void LoadVariables() { maxdistanceother = Convert.ToSingle(GetConfig("Healing Others", "Max Distance (2 by default)", "2")); healdurationother = Convert.ToSingle(GetConfig("Healing Others", "Heal duration (4 by default)", "4")); canuseonother = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Healing Others", "Can heal others (true by default)", "true")); healdurationself = Convert.ToSingle(GetConfig("Healing Self", "Heal duration (4 by default)", "4")); canrevive = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Revive", "Can be used to revive (false by default)", "false")); if (!ConfigChanged) { return; } SaveConfig(); ConfigChanged = false; }
private void LoadVariables() { Prefix = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "Prefix", "[PSS] :")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX PrefixColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "PrefixColor", "#42d7f4")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX COLOR ChatColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "ChatColor", "#b7f5ff")); // CHAT COLOR SteamIDIcon = Convert.ToUInt64(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "SteamIDIcon", 76561198859649789)); bonusratemin = Convert.ToSingle(GetConfig("Bonus Playtime", "Value in minutes", "60")); spawnbonus = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Bonus on Spawn", "Give a SupplySignal on first arrival", "true")); if (!ConfigChanged) { return; } SaveConfig(); ConfigChanged = false; }
private void LoadVariables() { Prefix = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "Prefix", "[My CH47] ")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX PrefixColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "PrefixColor", "#149800")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX COLOR ChatColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "ChatColor", "#bbffb1")); // CHAT MESSAGE COLOR SteamIDIcon = Convert.ToUInt64(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "SteamIDIcon", "76561198332562475")); // SteamID FOR PLUGIN ICON - STEAM PROFILE CREATED FOR THIS PLUGIN / NONE YET / withoutdebris = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Debris Settings", "Remove debris", "false")); cooldownmin = Convert.ToSingle(GetConfig("Cooldown (on permission)", "Value in minutes", "60")); if (!ConfigChanged) { return; } SaveConfig(); ConfigChanged = false; }
private void LoadVariables() { /*Prefix = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "Prefix", "[My CH47] ")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX * PrefixColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "PrefixColor", "#149800")); // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX COLOR * ChatColor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "ChatColor", "#bbffb1")); // CHAT MESSAGE COLOR * SteamIDIcon = Convert.ToUInt64(GetConfig("Chat Settings", "SteamIDIcon", "76561198332562475"));*/ sound = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Sound Settings", "play soundfx", "false")); bannerdisplay = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Banner Settings", "display banner", "false")); HUDfontsize = Convert.ToInt32(GetConfig("HUD Settings", "font size", "10")); HUDcolor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("HUD Settings", "color on 3 firsts numbers - opacity on last number", "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.30")); bannercolor = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Banner Settings", "color on 3 firsts numbers - opacity on last number", "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.30")); if (!ConfigChanged) { return; } SaveConfig(); ConfigChanged = false; }
private void HandleSetMultiSelect(Message m) { SetSelectionMode(Convert.ToBoolean((byte)m.LParam)); }