Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the forge is enabled. We us this to set all the components
        /// we require for our forge.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SetupComponents()
            // Removed null entries (script changes can make this happen)
            for (int i = m_Components.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (m_Components[i] == null)
            // Get our current type
            Type forgeType = GetType();
            // Get the attribute
            RequiredWidgetComponetsAttribute requiredWidgets = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(forgeType, typeof(RequiredWidgetComponetsAttribute)) as RequiredWidgetComponetsAttribute;
            // Keep a reference to our list of components so we can remove them at the end if their are extra
            List <ForgeComponent> componentList = new List <ForgeComponent>(m_Components);

            // If it's not null
            if (requiredWidgets != null)
                // Loop over all required types
                foreach (Type requiredType in requiredWidgets.requiredTypes)
                    // Set a flag to see if we have a match.
                    bool foundType = false;
                    // Loop over all components
                    for (int i = componentList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // Check if the type matches
                        if (componentList[i].GetType() == requiredType)
                            // We have a match.
                            foundType = true;
                    // If we did not find a match we have to create one
                    if (!foundType)
                        // Create the instance.
                        ForgeComponent component = CreateInstance(requiredType) as ForgeComponent;
                        // Add it to our list
            // Any components still left in the list are extra and should be removed
            for (int i = 0; i < componentList.Count; i++)
                // Remove it.
                // Destroy the scriptable object.
                DestroyImmediate(componentList[i], true);
            componentList = null;
 public AnnotationDecoration(System.Attribute ann, Net.Vpc.Upa.Config.DecorationSourceType locationType, Net.Vpc.Upa.Config.DecorationTarget targetType, string type, string location, int position, Net.Vpc.Upa.Config.ConfigInfo configInfo)
     this.ann = ann;
     this.decorationSourceType = locationType;
     this.targetType           = targetType;
     this.type       = type;
     this.location   = location;
     this.configInfo = configInfo;
     this.position   = position;
Example #3
 private bool IsAppScoped(SettingsProperty property)
     foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in property.Attributes)
         System.Attribute attrib = (System.Attribute)entry.Value;
         if (attrib is System.Configuration.ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute)
Example #4
 public static OptionSetMetadataAttribute GetMetadata <T>(this T value)
     where T :  struct, System.IConvertible
     System.Type enumType = typeof(T);
     if (!enumType.IsEnum)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("T must be an enum!");
     System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] members = enumType.GetMember(value.ToString());
     for (int i = 0; (i < members.Length); i++
         System.Attribute attribute = System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(members[i], typeof(OptionSetMetadataAttribute));
         if (attribute != null)
     throw new System.ArgumentException("T must be an enum adorned with an OptionSetMetadataAttribute!");
        public RedisCacheAttributes(RedisResource cache, string resourceGroupName)
            Id                = cache.Id;
            Location          = cache.Location;
            Name              = cache.Name;
            Type              = cache.Type;
            HostName          = cache.HostName;
            Port              = cache.Port.HasValue ? cache.Port.Value : 0;
            ProvisioningState = cache.ProvisioningState;
            SslPort           = cache.SslPort.HasValue ? cache.SslPort.Value : 0;

            EnableNonSslPort = cache.EnableNonSslPort.Value;
            RedisVersion     = cache.RedisVersion;
            Size             = SizeConverter.GetSizeInUserSpecificFormat(cache.Sku.Family, cache.Sku.Capacity);
            Sku = cache.Sku.Name;
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName;
            SubnetId          = cache.SubnetId;
            StaticIP          = cache.StaticIP;
            TenantSettings    = cache.TenantSettings;
            ShardCount        = cache.ShardCount;
            MinimumTlsVersion = cache.MinimumTlsVersion;
            Tag  = cache.Tags;
            Zone = cache.Zones;
            RedisConfiguration = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Converting cache.RedisConfiguration Object into a readable dictionary using the json attributes
            if (cache.RedisConfiguration != null)
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in cache.RedisConfiguration.GetType().GetProperties())
                    System.Attribute attr = property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute));
                    if (property.GetValue(cache.RedisConfiguration) != null && attr != null)
                        JsonPropertyAttribute jsonAttr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)attr;
                        RedisConfiguration[jsonAttr.PropertyName] = (string)property.GetValue(cache.RedisConfiguration);
                if (cache.RedisConfiguration.AdditionalProperties != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvPair in cache.RedisConfiguration.AdditionalProperties)
                        RedisConfiguration[kvPair.Key] = (string)kvPair.Value;

            // Converting cache.Identity Object into a readable SystemAssignedIdenty dictionary and UserAssignedIdentities list
            if (cache.Identity != null)
                IdentityType = "";
                if (cache.Identity.PrincipalId != null)
                    SystemAssignedIdentity = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { nameof(cache.Identity.PrincipalId), cache.Identity.PrincipalId.ToString() },
                        { nameof(cache.Identity.TenantId), cache.Identity.TenantId.ToString() }
                    IdentityType = nameof(ManagedServiceIdentityType.SystemAssigned);
                if (cache.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities?.Count > 0)
                    UserAssignedIdentity = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var identity in cache.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities)
                    if (nameof(ManagedServiceIdentityType.SystemAssigned).Equals(IdentityType))
                        IdentityType = nameof(ManagedServiceIdentityType.SystemAssignedUserAssigned);
                        IdentityType = nameof(ManagedServiceIdentityType.UserAssigned);
Example #6
 public bool Matches(System.Attribute attribute)
Example #7
 public bool Contains(System.Attribute attribute)
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the yaml defined on disk if there is one for a Scriptable Forge or
        /// creates a new one.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ReadInstanceFromDiskOrCreateNew()
            // Store our path
            string savePath = GetSavePath();

            ScriptableForge m_Instance      = null;
            List <Widget>   m_LoadedWidgets = new List <Widget>();

            // Does it exist already?
            if (File.Exists(savePath))
                // It does so lets load it
                Object[] loadedObject = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(savePath);

                // Loop over all our objects and find the one we care about (There should really only be one)
                for (int i = 0; i < loadedObject.Length; i++)
                    if (loadedObject[i] is ScriptableForge)
                        // Save our instance
                        m_Instance = loadedObject[i] as ScriptableForge;
                        if (loadedObject[i] is Widget)
                            m_LoadedWidgets.Add(loadedObject[i] as Widget);
                // We don't have a save file so we create a new one.
                m_Instance = CreateInstance <ScriptableForge>();

            // Initialize all the widgets.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_LoadedWidgets.Count; i++)

            // Sort them in order.

            // Save them back to our instance.
            m_Instance.Widgets = m_LoadedWidgets;

            // Regenerate Widgets if they are set to auto build.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_LoadedWidgets.Count; i++)

            // Get all our widget types.
            List <Type> widgetTypes = GetDefinedWidgetTypes(includeAbstractTypes: false);

            // Remove all that are not required.
            for (int i = widgetTypes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(widgetTypes[i], typeof(RequiredWidgetAttribute)) != null)
                    bool foundWidget = false;
                    for (int x = 0; x < m_LoadedWidgets.Count; x++)
                        if (m_LoadedWidgets[x].GetType() == widgetTypes[i])
                            foundWidget = true;
                            // We found the type so we move on.
                    if (!foundWidget)
Example #9
        public static bool IsAcceptableAsRole(System.Attribute primitiveRoleSetAttr)
            var roleSetAttr = (IRoleSetAttribute)primitiveRoleSetAttr;

        public override bool OnGUI(SerializedProperty property, SerializedProperty overrideState, GUIContent title, System.Attribute attribute)
            MinMaxRangeAttribute range    = attribute as MinMaxRangeAttribute;
            SerializedProperty   minRange = property.FindPropertyRelative("minValue");
            SerializedProperty   maxRange = property.FindPropertyRelative("maxValue");
            float minValue = minRange.floatValue;
            float maxValue = maxRange.floatValue;

            Rect startRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();

            Rect  minRect    = new Rect(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth + EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth * 0.7f, startRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth, startRect.height);
            float p          = minRect.x + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing * 2f + EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;
            Rect  sliderRect = new Rect(p, startRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - p - EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth * 1.5f, startRect.height);
            Rect  maxRect    = new Rect(sliderRect.x + sliderRect.width + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing * 2f, startRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth, startRect.height);

            EditorGUI.LabelField(startRect, title.text);
            minValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(minRect, minValue);

            EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(sliderRect, ref minValue, ref maxValue, range.minLimit, range.maxLimit);
            maxValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(maxRect, maxValue);

            minRange.floatValue = minValue;
            maxRange.floatValue = maxValue;

Example #11
 public UnitTestingData(string methodName, System.Attribute attribute)
     m_methodName = methodName;
     m_attribute  = attribute;
 public AnnotationDecoration(System.Attribute ann, Net.Vpc.Upa.Config.DecorationSourceType locationType, Net.Vpc.Upa.Config.DecorationTarget targetType, string type, string location, int position)  : this(ann, locationType, targetType, type, location, position, null)
Example #13
 public StringBuilder VisitAttribute(System.Attribute attribute, int data)
     throw new SLSharpException("SL# does not have attributes.");