Example #1
        public static void AppendTextBetween(SyntaxToken token1, SyntaxToken token2, StringBuilder builder)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(token1.RawKind == 0 && token2.RawKind == 0);

            if (token1.RawKind == 0)
                AppendLeadingTriviaText(token2, builder);

            if (token2.RawKind == 0)
                AppendTrailingTriviaText(token1, builder);

            var token1PartOftoken2LeadingTrivia = token1.FullSpan.Start > token2.FullSpan.Start;

            if (token1.FullSpan.End == token2.FullSpan.Start)
                AppendTextBetweenTwoAdjacentTokens(token1, token2, builder);

            AppendTrailingTriviaText(token1, builder);

            for (var token = token1.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth: true); token.FullSpan.End <= token2.FullSpan.Start; token = token.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth: true))

            AppendPartialLeadingTriviaText(token2, builder, token1.TrailingTrivia.FullSpan.End);
Example #2
 protected override SyntaxToken VisitVariable(VariableSyntaxToken token)
     if (SyntaxToken.Equals(this.Variable, token))
Example #3
 protected override SyntaxToken VisitNamedConstant(NamedConstantSyntaxToken token)
     if (SyntaxToken.Equals(token, SyntaxToken.E))
Example #4
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     return(obj is TriviaMapping other &&
            SourceLine == other.SourceLine &&
            TargetLine == other.TargetLine &&
            SourceTrivia.Equals(other.SourceTrivia) &&
            TargetToken.Equals(other.TargetToken) &&
            IsLeading == other.IsLeading);
        private static TextSpan GetSpanFromTokens(TextSpan span, SyntaxToken token1, SyntaxToken token2)
            var tree = token1.SyntaxTree;

            // adjust span to include all whitespace before and after the given span.
            var start = token1.Span.End;

            // current token is inside of the given span, get previous token's end position
            if (span.Start <= token1.Span.Start)
                token1 = token1.GetPreviousToken();
                start  = token1.Span.End;

                // If token1, that was passed, is the first visible token of the tree then we want to
                // the beginning of the span to start from the beginning of the tree
                if (token1.RawKind == 0)
                    start = 0;

            var end = token2.Span.Start;

            // current token is inside of the given span, get next token's start position.
            if (token2.Span.End <= span.End)
                token2 = token2.GetNextToken();
                end    = token2.Span.Start;

                // If token2, that was passed, was the last visible token of the tree then we want the
                // span to expand till the end of the tree
                if (token2.RawKind == 0)
                    end = tree.Length;

            if (token1.Equals(token2) && end < start)
                // This can happen if `token1.Span` is larger than `span` on each end (due to trivia) and occurs when
                // only a single token is projected into a buffer and the projection is sandwiched between two other
                // projections into the same backing buffer.  An example of this is during broken code scenarios when
                // typing certain Razor `@` directives.
                var temp = end;
                end   = start;
                start = temp;

            return(TextSpan.FromBounds(start, end));
Example #6
        public static bool IsInvalidTokenRange(this SyntaxNode root, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken)
            // given token must be token exist excluding EndOfFile token.
            if (startToken.RawKind == 0 || endToken.RawKind == 0)

            if (startToken.Equals(endToken))

            // regular case.
            // start token can't be end of file token and start token must be before end token if it's not the same token.
            return(root.FullSpan.End == startToken.SpanStart || startToken.FullSpan.End > endToken.FullSpan.Start);
Example #7
 protected override SyntaxToken VisitFunction(FunctionSyntaxToken token)
     if (token.Type == FunctionType.Ln)
         if (!SyntaxToken.Equals(token.Arguments[0], SyntaxToken.E) && token.Arguments[0].TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Constant)
     else if (token.Type == FunctionType.Log)
         if (!SyntaxToken.Equals(token.Arguments[0], token.Arguments[1]))
Example #8
        private static void AnalyzeText(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context)
            var        tree     = context.Tree;
            var        root     = tree.GetRoot();
            List <int> linesWas = new List <int>();

            foreach (var node in root.DescendantNodesAndSelf())
                var tokens = node.DescendantTokens();

                SyntaxToken prevToken = default(SyntaxToken);
                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    if (prevToken.Equals(default(SyntaxToken)))
                        prevToken = token;

                    var trivias = token.LeadingTrivia;
                    foreach (var trivia in trivias)
                        if (token.IsKind(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) ||
                            (prevToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) && !token.IsKind(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) &&
                            if (trivia.Kind().Equals(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia))
                                var location = trivia.GetLocation();
                                var line     = location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line + 1;
                                if (!linesWas.Contains(line))
                                    var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, location);

                    prevToken = token;
Example #9
        private async Task <Document> RemoveWhiteLine(CodeFixContext context)
            var root = await context.Document.GetSyntaxRootAsync();

            List <SyntaxTrivia> triviasForRemove = new List <SyntaxTrivia>();

            foreach (var node in root.DescendantNodesAndSelf())
                var         tokens    = node.DescendantTokens();
                SyntaxToken prevToken = default(SyntaxToken);
                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    if (prevToken.Equals(default(SyntaxToken)))
                        prevToken = token;

                    var trivias = token.LeadingTrivia;

                    foreach (var trivia in trivias)
                        if (token.IsKind(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) ||
                            (prevToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) && !token.IsKind(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) &&
                            if (trivia.Kind().Equals(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia))
                    prevToken = token;

            SyntaxNode newRoot = root.ReplaceTrivia(triviasForRemove, (x, y) => default(SyntaxTrivia));

        private static void AnalyzeAccessorList(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
            var accessorList = (AccessorListSyntax)context.Node;

            SyntaxList <AccessorDeclarationSyntax> accessors = accessorList.Accessors;

            if (accessors.Any(f => f.BodyOrExpressionBody() != null))
                if (DiagnosticDescriptors.AddNewLineBeforeAccessorOfFullProperty.IsEffective(context))
                    SyntaxToken token = accessorList.OpenBraceToken;

                    foreach (AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor in accessors)
                        if (accessor.BodyOrExpressionBody() != null &&
                            accessor.SyntaxTree.IsSingleLineSpan(TextSpan.FromBounds(token.Span.End, accessor.SpanStart)))
                                Location.Create(accessor.SyntaxTree, new TextSpan(accessor.SpanStart, 0)));


                        token = accessor.Body?.CloseBraceToken ?? accessor.SemicolonToken;

                        if (!token.Equals(accessor.GetLastToken()))

                if (DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveNewLinesFromAccessorWithSingleLineExpression.IsEffective(context) &&
                    !accessorList.IsSingleLine(includeExteriorTrivia: false))
                    foreach (AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor in accessors)
                        if (CanRemoveNewLinesFromAccessor(accessor))
                            DiagnosticHelpers.ReportDiagnostic(context, DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveNewLinesFromAccessorWithSingleLineExpression, accessor);
            else if (DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveNewLinesFromAccessorListOfAutoProperty.IsEffective(context))
                SyntaxNode parent = accessorList.Parent;

                switch (parent?.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
                    if (accessors.All(f => !f.AttributeLists.Any()) &&
                        !accessorList.IsSingleLine(includeExteriorTrivia: false))
                        var         propertyDeclaration = (PropertyDeclarationSyntax)parent;
                        SyntaxToken identifier          = propertyDeclaration.Identifier;

                        if (!identifier.IsMissing)
                            SyntaxToken closeBrace = accessorList.CloseBraceToken;

                            if (!closeBrace.IsMissing)
                                TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(identifier.Span.End, closeBrace.SpanStart);

                                if (propertyDeclaration
                                    .All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia()))
                                    DiagnosticHelpers.ReportDiagnostic(context, DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveNewLinesFromAccessorListOfAutoProperty, accessorList);


                case SyntaxKind.IndexerDeclaration:
                    if (accessors.All(f => !f.AttributeLists.Any()) &&
                        !accessorList.IsSingleLine(includeExteriorTrivia: false))
                        var indexerDeclaration = (IndexerDeclarationSyntax)parent;

                        BracketedParameterListSyntax parameterList = indexerDeclaration.ParameterList;

                        if (parameterList != null)
                            SyntaxToken closeBracket = parameterList.CloseBracketToken;

                            if (!closeBracket.IsMissing)
                                SyntaxToken closeBrace = accessorList.CloseBraceToken;

                                if (!closeBrace.IsMissing)
                                    TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(closeBracket.Span.End, closeBrace.SpanStart);

                                    if (indexerDeclaration
                                        .All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia()))
                                        DiagnosticHelpers.ReportDiagnostic(context, DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveNewLinesFromAccessorListOfAutoProperty, accessorList);

        private static TextSpan GetSpanFromTokens(TextSpan span, SyntaxToken token1, SyntaxToken token2)
            var tree = token1.SyntaxTree;

            // adjust span to include all whitespace before and after the given span.
            var start = token1.Span.End;

            // current token is inside of the given span, get previous token's end position
            if (span.Start <= token1.Span.Start)
                token1 = token1.GetPreviousToken();
                start = token1.Span.End;

                // If token1, that was passed, is the first visible token of the tree then we want to
                // the beginning of the span to start from the beginning of the tree
                if (token1.RawKind == 0)
                    start = 0;

            var end = token2.Span.Start;

            // current token is inside of the given span, get next token's start position.
            if (token2.Span.End <= span.End)
                token2 = token2.GetNextToken();
                end = token2.Span.Start;

                // If token2, that was passed, was the last visible token of the tree then we want the
                // span to expand till the end of the tree
                if (token2.RawKind == 0)
                    end = tree.Length;

            if (token1.Equals(token2) && end < start)
                // This can happen if `token1.Span` is larger than `span` on each end (due to trivia) and occurs when
                // only a single token is projected into a buffer and the projection is sandwiched between two other
                // projections into the same backing buffer.  An example of this is during broken code scenarios when
                // typing certain Razor `@` directives.
                var temp = end;
                end = start;
                start = temp;

            return TextSpan.FromBounds(start, end);
Example #12
        protected override SyntaxToken VisitBinary(BinarySyntaxToken token)
            SyntaxToken left = this.Visit(token.Left);
            SyntaxToken right = this.Visit(token.Right);
            BinaryOperationType type = token.Type;
            if (left.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Constant && right.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Constant)
                return this.EvalBinary((ConstantSyntaxToken)left, (ConstantSyntaxToken)right, type);
            // swap constant to the right
            if ((type == BinaryOperationType.Add || type == BinaryOperationType.Multiply) && (left.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Constant))
                SyntaxToken temp = right;
                right = left;
                left = temp;
            // add
            if (type == BinaryOperationType.Add)
                if (right.HasValue(0))
                    return left;
            // subtract
            else if (type == BinaryOperationType.Subtract)
                if (right.HasValue(0))
                    return left;
                if (SyntaxToken.Equals(left, right))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(0);
            // multiply
            else if (type == BinaryOperationType.Multiply)
                if (right.HasValue(0))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(0);
                if (right.HasValue(1))
                    return left;
                if (left.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Binary && right.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Binary)
                    BinarySyntaxToken bl = (BinarySyntaxToken)left;
                    BinarySyntaxToken br = (BinarySyntaxToken)right;
                    if (bl.Type == BinaryOperationType.Power && br.Type == BinaryOperationType.Power && SyntaxToken.Equals(bl.Left, br.Left))
                        return this.Visit(SyntaxToken.Pow(bl.Left, SyntaxToken.Add(bl.Right, br.Right)));
            // divide
            else if (type == BinaryOperationType.Divide)
                if (left.HasValue(0))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(0);
                if (SyntaxToken.Equals(left, right))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(1);
            // modulus
            else if (type == BinaryOperationType.Modulus)
                if (left.HasValue(0))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(0);
                if (SyntaxToken.Equals(left, right))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(0);
            // pow
            else if (type == BinaryOperationType.Power)
                if (right.HasValue(0))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(1);
                if (right.HasValue(1))
                    return left;
                if (left.HasValue(0))
                    return SyntaxToken.Constant(1);
                if (left.TokenType == SyntaxTokenType.Binary)
                    BinarySyntaxToken bl = (BinarySyntaxToken)left;
                    if (bl.Type == BinaryOperationType.Power)
                        return this.Visit(SyntaxToken.Pow(bl.Left, SyntaxToken.Multiply(bl.Right, right)));

            return SyntaxToken.Binary(left, right, type);