public void inform(ResourceLoader loader)
		TokenizerFactory factory = tokenizerFactory == null ? null : loadTokenizerFactory(loader, tokenizerFactory);

		Analyzer analyzer = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, factory);

		  string formatClass = format;
		  if (format == null || format.Equals("solr"))
			formatClass = typeof(SolrSynonymParser).Name;
		  else if (format.Equals("wordnet"))
			formatClass = typeof(WordnetSynonymParser).Name;
		  // TODO: expose dedup as a parameter?
		  map = loadSynonyms(loader, formatClass, true, analyzer);
		catch (ParseException e)
		  throw new IOException("Error parsing synonyms file:", e);
 public AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestWordnetSynonymParser outerInstance, SynonymMap map)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance; = map;
        public async Task <Response <SynonymMap> > CreateOrUpdateAsync(string synonymMapName, SynonymMap synonymMap, string ifMatch = null, string ifNoneMatch = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (synonymMapName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(synonymMapName));
            if (synonymMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(synonymMap));

            using var message = CreateCreateOrUpdateRequest(synonymMapName, synonymMap, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch);
            await _pipeline.SendAsync(message, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            switch (message.Response.Status)
            case 200:
            case 201:
                SynonymMap value = default;
                using var document = await JsonDocument.ParseAsync(message.Response.ContentStream, default, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                value = SynonymMap.DeserializeSynonymMap(document.RootElement);
                return(Response.FromValue(value, message.Response));
 public AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestRemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter outerInstance, SynonymMap map, bool ignoreCase)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;           = map;
     this.ignoreCase    = ignoreCase;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new synonym map or updates a synonym map if it already exists.
 /// <see href="" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='synonymMapName'>
 /// The name of the synonym map to create or update.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='synonymMap'>
 /// The definition of the synonym map to create or update.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='searchRequestOptions'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='accessCondition'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation
 /// </param>
 public static SynonymMap CreateOrUpdate(this ISynonymMapsOperations operations, string synonymMapName, SynonymMap synonymMap, SearchRequestOptions searchRequestOptions = default(SearchRequestOptions), AccessCondition accessCondition = default(AccessCondition))
     return(operations.CreateOrUpdateAsync(synonymMapName, synonymMap, searchRequestOptions, accessCondition).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new synonym map or updates a synonym map if it already exists.
 /// <see href="" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='synonymMapName'>
 /// The name of the synonym map to create or update.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='synonymMap'>
 /// The definition of the synonym map to create or update.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='searchRequestOptions'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='accessCondition'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <SynonymMap> CreateOrUpdateAsync(this ISynonymMapsOperations operations, string synonymMapName, SynonymMap synonymMap, SearchRequestOptions searchRequestOptions = default(SearchRequestOptions), AccessCondition accessCondition = default(AccessCondition), CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(synonymMapName, synonymMap, searchRequestOptions, accessCondition, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new synonym map or updates a synonym map if it
 /// already exists.
 /// <see href="" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='synonymMap'>
 /// The definition of the synonym map to create or update.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='searchRequestOptions'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='accessCondition'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='customHeaders'>
 /// Headers that will be added to request.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="CloudException">
 /// Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="Microsoft.Rest.SerializationException">
 /// Thrown when unable to deserialize the response.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="Microsoft.Rest.ValidationException">
 /// Thrown when a required parameter is null.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
 /// Thrown when a required parameter is null.
 /// </exception>
 /// <returns>
 /// A response object containing the response body and response headers.
 /// </returns>
 public Task <AzureOperationResponse <SynonymMap> > CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(SynonymMap synonymMap, SearchRequestOptions searchRequestOptions = default(SearchRequestOptions), AccessCondition accessCondition = default(AccessCondition), Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     return(CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(synonymMap?.Name, synonymMap, searchRequestOptions, accessCondition, customHeaders, cancellationToken));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new synonym map.
 /// <see href="" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='synonymMap'>
 /// The definition of the synonym map to create.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='searchRequestOptions'>
 /// Additional parameters for the operation
 /// </param>
 public static SynonymMap Create(this ISynonymMapsOperations operations, SynonymMap synonymMap, SearchRequestOptions searchRequestOptions = default(SearchRequestOptions))
     return(operations.CreateAsync(synonymMap, searchRequestOptions).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
 public virtual Response <SynonymMap> CreateOrUpdate(string synonymMapName, SynonymMap synonymMap, Guid?xMsClientRequestId = null, string ifMatch = null, string ifNoneMatch = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
     return(RestClient.CreateOrUpdate(synonymMapName, synonymMap, xMsClientRequestId, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, cancellationToken));
 public virtual async Task <Response <SynonymMap> > CreateOrUpdateAsync(string synonymMapName, SynonymMap synonymMap, Guid?xMsClientRequestId = null, string ifMatch = null, string ifNoneMatch = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
     return(await RestClient.CreateOrUpdateAsync(synonymMapName, synonymMap, xMsClientRequestId, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
 public virtual Response <SynonymMap> Create(SynonymMap synonymMap, Guid?xMsClientRequestId = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
     return(RestClient.Create(synonymMap, xMsClientRequestId, cancellationToken));
 public virtual async Task <Response <SynonymMap> > CreateAsync(SynonymMap synonymMap, Guid?xMsClientRequestId = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
     return(await RestClient.CreateAsync(synonymMap, xMsClientRequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
        public async Task CreateIndexerAsync()
            await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.CreateWithBlobStorageAsync(this, populate : true);

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT", resources.Endpoint.ToString());
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY", resources.PrimaryApiKey);
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING", resources.StorageAccountConnectionString);
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_CONTAINER", resources.BlobContainerName);
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("COGNITIVE_SERVICES_KEY", resources.CognitiveServicesKey);

            // Define clean up tasks to be invoked in reverse order added.
            Stack <Func <Task> > cleanUpTasks = new Stack <Func <Task> >();

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateSynonymMap
                // Create a new SearchIndexClient
                Uri endpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT"));
                AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(
                SearchIndexClient indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(endpoint, credential);
                indexClient = resources.GetIndexClient();

                // Create a synonym map from a file containing country names and abbreviations
                // using the Solr format with entry on a new line using \n, for example:
                // United States of America,US,USA\n
                string synonymMapName = "countries";
                synonymMapName = Recording.Random.GetName();
                string synonymMapPath = "countries.txt";
                synonymMapPath = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Samples", "countries.txt");

                SynonymMap synonyms;
                using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(synonymMapPath))
                    synonyms = new SynonymMap(synonymMapName, file);
                synonyms = new SynonymMap(synonymMapName, CountriesSolrSynonymMap);

                await indexClient.CreateSynonymMapAsync(synonyms);

                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateSynonymMap

                // Make sure our synonym map gets deleted, which is not deleted when our
                // index is deleted when our SearchResources goes out of scope.
                cleanUpTasks.Push(() => indexClient.DeleteSynonymMapAsync(synonymMapName));

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateIndex
                // Create the index
                string indexName = "hotels";
                indexName = Recording.Random.GetName();
                SearchIndex index = new SearchIndex(indexName)
                    Fields =
                        new SimpleField("hotelId",                    SearchFieldDataType.String)
                            IsKey = true,                             IsFilterable = true, IsSortable  = true
                        new SearchableField("hotelName")
                            IsFilterable = true,                      IsSortable   = true
                        new SearchableField("description")
                            AnalyzerName = LexicalAnalyzerName.EnLucene
                        new SearchableField("descriptionFr")
                            AnalyzerName = LexicalAnalyzerName.FrLucene
                        new SearchableField("tags",                   collection: true)
                            IsFilterable = true,                      IsFacetable  = true
                        new ComplexField("address")
                            Fields =
                                new SearchableField("streetAddress"),
                                new SearchableField("city")
                                    IsFilterable = true,             IsSortable                 = true, IsFacetable = true
                                new SearchableField("stateProvince")
                                    IsFilterable = true,             IsSortable                 = true, IsFacetable = true
                                new SearchableField("country")
                                    SynonymMapNames = new[] { synonymMapName },IsFilterable               = true, IsSortable  = true,IsFacetable          = true
                                new SearchableField("postalCode")
                                    IsFilterable = true,             IsSortable                 = true, IsFacetable = true

                await indexClient.CreateIndexAsync(index);

                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateIndex

                // Make sure our synonym map gets deleted, which is not deleted when our
                // index is deleted when our SearchResources goes out of scope.
                cleanUpTasks.Push(() => indexClient.DeleteIndexAsync(indexName));

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateDataSourceConnection
                // Create a new SearchIndexerClient
                SearchIndexerClient indexerClient = new SearchIndexerClient(endpoint, credential);
                indexerClient = resources.GetIndexerClient();

                string dataSourceConnectionName = "hotels";
                dataSourceConnectionName = Recording.Random.GetName();
                SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection = new SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection(
                    new SearchIndexerDataContainer(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_CONTAINER")));

                await indexerClient.CreateDataSourceConnectionAsync(dataSourceConnection);

                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateDataSourceConnection

                // Make sure our data source gets deleted, which is not deleted when our
                // index is deleted when our SearchResources goes out of scope.
                cleanUpTasks.Push(() => indexerClient.DeleteDataSourceConnectionAsync(dataSourceConnectionName));

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_Skillset
                // Translate English descriptions to French.
                // See for details of the Text Translation skill.
                TextTranslationSkill translationSkill = new TextTranslationSkill(
                    inputs: new[]
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("text")
                        Source = "/document/description"
                    outputs: new[]
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("translatedText")
                        TargetName = "descriptionFrTranslated"
                    Name    = "descriptionFrTranslation",
                    Context = "/document",
                    DefaultFromLanguageCode = TextTranslationSkillLanguage.En

                // Use the human-translated French description if available; otherwise, use the translated description.
                // See for details of the Conditional skill.
                ConditionalSkill conditionalSkill = new ConditionalSkill(
                    inputs: new[]
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("condition")
                        Source = "= $(/document/descriptionFr) == null"
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("whenTrue")
                        Source = "/document/descriptionFrTranslated"
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("whenFalse")
                        Source = "/document/descriptionFr"
                    outputs: new[]
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("output")
                        TargetName = "descriptionFrFinal"
                    Name    = "descriptionFrConditional",
                    Context = "/document",

                // Create a SearchIndexerSkillset that processes those skills in the order given below.
                string skillsetName = "translations";
                skillsetName = Recording.Random.GetName();
                SearchIndexerSkillset skillset = new SearchIndexerSkillset(
                    new SearchIndexerSkill[] { translationSkill, conditionalSkill })
                    CognitiveServicesAccount = new CognitiveServicesAccountKey(

                await indexerClient.CreateSkillsetAsync(skillset);

                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_Skillset

                // Make sure our skillset gets deleted, which is not deleted when our
                // index is deleted when our SearchResources goes out of scope.
                cleanUpTasks.Push(() => indexerClient.DeleteSkillsetAsync(skillsetName));

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateIndexer
                string indexerName = "hotels";
                indexerName = Recording.Random.GetName();
                SearchIndexer indexer = new SearchIndexer(
                    // We only want to index fields defined in our index, excluding descriptionFr if defined.
                    FieldMappings =
                        new FieldMapping("hotelId"),
                        new FieldMapping("hotelName"),
                        new FieldMapping("description"),
                        new FieldMapping("tags"),
                        new FieldMapping("address")
                    OutputFieldMappings =
                        new FieldMapping("/document/descriptionFrFinal")
                            TargetFieldName = "descriptionFr"
                    Parameters = new IndexingParameters
                        // Tell the indexer to parse each blob as a separate JSON document.
                        IndexingParametersConfiguration = new IndexingParametersConfiguration
                            ParsingMode = BlobIndexerParsingMode.Json
                    SkillsetName = skillsetName

                // Create the indexer which, upon successful creation, also runs the indexer.
                await indexerClient.CreateIndexerAsync(indexer);

                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_CreateIndexer

                // Make sure our indexer gets deleted, which is not deleted when our
                // index is deleted when our SearchResources goes out of scope.
                cleanUpTasks.Push(() => indexerClient.DeleteIndexerAsync(indexerName));

                // Wait till the indexer is done.
                await WaitForIndexingAsync(indexerClient, indexerName);

                #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_Query
                // Get a SearchClient from the SearchIndexClient to share its pipeline.
                SearchClient searchClient = indexClient.GetSearchClient(indexName);
                searchClient = InstrumentClient(new SearchClient(endpoint, indexName, credential, GetSearchClientOptions()));

                // Query for hotels with an ocean view.
                SearchResults <Hotel> results = await searchClient.SearchAsync <Hotel>("ocean view");

                bool found = false;
                await foreach (SearchResult <Hotel> result in results.GetResultsAsync())
                    Hotel hotel = result.Document;
                    if (hotel.HotelId == "6")
                        Assert.IsNotNull(hotel.DescriptionFr); found = true;

                    Console.WriteLine($"{hotel.HotelName} ({hotel.HotelId})");
                    Console.WriteLine($"  Description (English): {hotel.Description}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"  Description (French):  {hotel.DescriptionFr}");
                #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_CreateIndexerAsync_Query

                Assert.IsTrue(found, "Expected hotel #6 not found in search results");
                // We want to await these individual to create a deterministic order for playing back tests.
                foreach (Func <Task> cleanUpTask in cleanUpTasks)
                    await cleanUpTask();