Example #1
        private void OnSynapticsPacket()
            var numberOfFingers = synPacket.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState);

            numberOfFingers &= 0b11;

            if (numberOfFingers == 2)
                cumulativeYDelta += synPacket.YDelta;
                if (Math.Abs(cumulativeYDelta) > 100)
                    Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        Decorator listViewBorder          = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(SearchResultsListView, 0) as Decorator;
                        ScrollViewer listViewScrollViewer = listViewBorder.Child as ScrollViewer;
                        double vOffset = cumulativeYDelta < 0 ? -3 : 3;
                        listViewScrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(listViewScrollViewer.VerticalOffset + vOffset);
                    }), DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle);
                    cumulativeYDelta = 0;
                cumulativeYDelta = 0;
Example #2
 private bool LoadPacket()
     // if (_disposed) return false;
         return(_device.LoadPacket(_packet) == 0);
     catch (COMException ex) when(ex.ErrorCode == (int)SynError.Sequence)
         // From Synaptics SDK documentation:
         // Packet data was correctly exported but the packet's sequence
         // number was not sequential with the previously exported packet.
         Debug.WriteLine("Packet sequence out of order");
     catch (COMException ex) when(ex.ErrorCode == (int)SynError.Fail)
         // From Synaptics SDK documentation:
         // The device packet queue is empty.
         Debug.WriteLine("Packet queue is empty");
    static private void SynTP_Dev_OnPacket()
        var            result = device.LoadPacket(packet);
        SynFingerFlags fingerState;

        if (Enum.TryParse(packet.FingerState.ToString(), out fingerState))
            if (fingerState.HasFlag(SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerTap3))
                Console.WriteLine($"Tapped {counter++}");
        static private void SynTP_Dev_OnPacket()
            var result = device.LoadPacket(packet);

            SynFingerFlags             fingerState;
            SynMultiFingerGestureFlags multiFingerGestureState = SynMultiFingerGestureFlags.SF_UnacquireAllGestures;

            // if (Enum.TryParse(packet.FingerState.ToString(), out fingerState))
            // {
            //     if (fingerState.HasFlag(SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerTap3))
            //     {
            //         Console.WriteLine($"You tapped with 3 fingers and moved");
            //     }
            // }
            Console.WriteLine("FingerState: " + packet.FingerState + ", ExtendedState: " + packet.ExtendedState);
Example #5
        //Event handler
        public void SynTP_Dev_OnPacket()
            int loadPck = SynTP_Dev.LoadPacket(SynTP_Pack);

            if (loadPck == 1)
                //ERR (12/3): Outputing 0s for FingerState, X, Y
                //ERR (2/11): Not detecting X,Y from touch
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "Finger State: {0}", SynTP_Pack.FingerState);
                currFingerX = SynTP_Pack.X;
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "Finger X:{0} Y:{1}", SynTP_Pack.X, SynTP_Pack.Y);
                currFingerY = SynTP_Pack.Y;

                //Interpret absolute (x, y) into 1 of 5 regions on touchpad
                //currRegion = getRegion(currFingerX, currFingerY);

                //currUnicode = getUnicode(currRegion);
Example #6
        static public void SynTP_Dev_OnPacket()
            var result = device.LoadPacket(packet);

            if (packet.X > 1)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 1);
                Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 1);
                Console.WriteLine("X:" + packet.X + " Y:" + packet.Y);
                x = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
                y = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;

                targetx = (int)((packet.X - Xmin) / (Xmax - Xmin) * x);
                targety = (int)(((Ymax - Ymin) - (packet.Y - Ymin)) / (Ymax - Ymin) * y);

                SetCursorPos((int)targetx, (int)targety);

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 5);
                Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 5);
                Console.WriteLine("X:" + targetx + " Y:" + targety);
Example #7
        /* Event handler for Synaptics API touch events */
        void SynDevCtrl_OnPacket()
            SynPacketCtrl SynPacCtrl = new SynPacketCtrl();


            if (SynPacCtrl.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState) == 2)
                isMultitouch = true;
            else if (SynPacCtrl.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState) == 1)
                isMultitouch = false;
            else if (SynPacCtrl.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState) == 0)
                isMultitouch = false;

            // 8 is a "magic number" made through testing. It specifies the boundary for a "normal" finger width.
            // This should probably be configurable in the future.

            if ((SynPacCtrl.W > 8) || isMultitouch)
                // Width is higher than normal. We probably have two fingers on the touchpad.
                // OR We actually found a native multitouch!
                // Disable touchpad input to the OS.
                // We will be exclusively handling the touchpad during these events.

                // Native multitouch caveat! Native two-finger scrolling WILL compete with this.
                // Disable it if you prever MultiTouchEnabler's scrolling.

                // Todo.. This is for coexisting nicely with native multitouch non-scrolling gestures.

                /*if (SynPacCtrl.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState) == 2)
                 * {
                 *  //Check space between fingers. We don't want to interfere with other gestures...
                 *  if (SynPacCtrl.XMickeys > 5)
                 *  {
                 *      if (isExclusivityAcquired)
                 *          SynDevCtrl.Unacquire();
                 *      isExclusivityAcquired = false;
                 *      gestureMode = 1;
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                if (!isExclusivityAcquired && gestureMode == 0)
                        // This gives us exclusive control of the touchpad.
                        // Other software, like the OS, will not recieve the touch events.
                        isExclusivityAcquired = true;
                        // This might happen sometimes. It's okay.
                        isExclusivityAcquired = false;
                if (gestureMode == 0)
                    // Scroll the mouse!
                    // Use the user-defined scroll speed factor and the inversion setting to determine the scroll amount
                    mouse_event(2048, 0, 0, SynPacCtrl.YMickeys * scrollSpeed * scrollInversion, GetMessageExtraInfo());
                    gestureMode = 1;
                // We need to relinquish exclusivity of the touchpad.
                if (isExclusivityAcquired)
                isExclusivityAcquired = false;

            // We build up a lot of memory usage if we let this go on normally
            // Force the Garbage Collector to do its job!
            SynPacCtrl = null;
Example #8
        private void OnPacket()
            var packet = new SynPacketCtrl();



            var nof    = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_ExtraFingerState) & 3;
            var fstate = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_FingerState);
            var xd     = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_XDelta);
            var yd     = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_YDelta);
            var y      = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_Y);
            var x      = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_X);

            _log.LogDebug("got packet");
            _log.LogDebug("nof=" + nof);
            _log.LogDebug("fstate=" + fstate);
            _log.LogDebug("xd=" + xd);
            _log.LogDebug("yd=" + yd);
            _log.LogDebug("x=" + x);
            _log.LogDebug("y=" + y);

            if (nof > _tapMaxNof)
                _tapMaxNof = nof;
            //handle tapping
            if (nof > _tapLastNof) // on press
                _tapDone = false;
                if (nof >= 2) //on press of more than one finger
                    _tapStartTime = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_TimeStamp);

                if (_tapLastNof == 0) //first touch
                    _tapTouchTime = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_TimeStamp);
                    NativeMethods.GetCursorPos(ref _tapTouchPos);
                    _tapFirstTouchPos = new Point(x, y);
            else if (nof < _tapLastNof) // on release
                if (nof == 0)
                    _tapDone   = false;
                    _tapMaxNof = 0;
                if (_tapLastNof >= 1 && !_tapDone)
                    var ok     = false;
                    var tstamp = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_TimeStamp);
                    if (tstamp - _tapTouchTime < _config.SwipeBorderSpeedMs &&
                        (_tapFirstTouchPos.X > (_xmax - _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetX) ||
                         _tapFirstTouchPos.X < (_xmin + _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetX) ||
                         _tapFirstTouchPos.Y > (_ymax - _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetY) ||
                         _tapFirstTouchPos.Y < (_xmin + _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetY)))
                        _log.LogDebug("first touch: " + _tapFirstTouchPos.X + "/" + _tapFirstTouchPos.Y);
                        _log.LogDebug("current touch: " + x + "/" + y);
                        if (_tapFirstTouchPos.X > (_xmax - _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetX) && x < _tapFirstTouchPos.X - _config.SwipeBorderInsetX)
                            _log.LogDebug("swipe border right");
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.SwipeBorderRight);
                            NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(_tapTouchPos.X, _tapTouchPos.Y);
                        else if (_tapFirstTouchPos.X < (_xmin + _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetX) && x > _tapFirstTouchPos.X + _config.SwipeBorderInsetX)
                            _log.LogDebug("swipe border left");
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.SwipeBorderLeft);
                            NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(_tapTouchPos.X, _tapTouchPos.Y);
                        else if (_tapFirstTouchPos.Y > (_ymax - _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetY) && y < _tapFirstTouchPos.Y - _config.SwipeBorderInsetY)
                            _log.LogDebug("swipe border top");
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.SwipeBorderTop);
                            NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(_tapTouchPos.X, _tapTouchPos.Y);
                        else if (_tapFirstTouchPos.Y < (_ymin + _config.SwipeBorderStartInsetY) && y > _tapFirstTouchPos.Y + _config.SwipeBorderInsetY)
                            _log.LogDebug("swipe border bottom");
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.SwipeBorderBottom);
                            NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(_tapTouchPos.X, _tapTouchPos.Y);
                    else if (tstamp - _tapTouchTime < _config.TapMaxMsBetween &&
                             Math.Abs(_tapFirstTouchPos.X - x) < _config.TapMaxDistance &&
                             Math.Abs(_tapFirstTouchPos.Y - y) < _config.TapMaxDistance) //time between now and first touch < _config
                        if (_tapLastNof == 1 && _tapMaxNof <= 1)
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapOne);
                        else if (_tapLastNof == 2 && _tapMaxNof <= 2)
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapTwo);
                        else if (_tapLastNof == 3 && _tapMaxNof <= 3)
                            ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapThree);
                    else if (tstamp - _tapTouchTime > _config.MouseTapsLongMs && !_tapDone)
                        if (Math.Abs(_tapFirstTouchPos.X - x) < _config.MouseTapsLongMovingArea &&
                            Math.Abs(_tapFirstTouchPos.Y - y) < _config.MouseTapsLongMovingArea)
                            if (_tapLastNof == 1 && _tapMaxNof <= 1)
                                ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapOneLong);
                            else if (_tapLastNof == 2 && _tapMaxNof <= 2)
                                ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapTwoLong);
                            else if (_tapLastNof == 3 && _tapMaxNof <= 3)
                                ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapThreeLong);
                    #region old code

                     * if (tstamp - tapTouchTime < _config.TapMaxMsBetween) //time between now and first touch < _config
                     * {
                     *  if (tapLastNof == 1)
                     *  {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapOne);
                     *  }
                     *  else if (tapLastNof == 2)
                     *  {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapTwo);
                     *  }
                     *  else if (tapLastNof == 3) {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapThree);
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * else if (
                     *  tstamp - tapTouchTime >= _config.TapMaxMsBetween && //time between now and first touch > _config
                     *  tstamp - tapStartTime < _config.TapMaxMsBetween) //time between now and last touch < _config
                     * {
                     *  if (tapLastNof == 2)
                     *  {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapOneOne);
                     *  }
                     *  else if (tapLastNof == 3)
                     *  {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapTwoOne);
                     *  }
                     *  //if only one touch has been recognized and time is longer than xyz ms, check if long press
                     * }
                     * else if (tapLastNof == 1 && tstamp - tapTouchTime > _config.MouseTapOneLongMs)
                     * {
                     *  //compare end point to start point
                     *  Point releasePoint = tapTouchPos;
                     *  NativeMethods.GetCursorPos(ref releasePoint);
                     *  //only catch difference of 100 (px?)
                     *  if (Math.Abs(releasePoint.X - tapTouchPos.X) < _config.MouseTapOneLongMovingArea && Math.Abs(releasePoint.Y - tapTouchPos.Y) < _config.MouseTapOneLongMovingArea)
                     *  {
                     *      ok = OnActionEvent(ActionType.MouseTapOneLong);
                     *  }
                     * }
                    //if there is an action, move cursor back to start position where the action has been performed
                    if (ok)
                        _tapDone = true;
                        //NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(tapTouchPos.X, tapTouchPos.Y);
                        //tapStartTime -= _config.TapMaxMsBetween;
                    _tapStartTime -= _config.TapMaxMsBetween;
                    _tapLastNof    = nof;

             * if (isDeviceTapLocked)
             * {
             *  if (Math.Abs(xd) < 800) tapDistance += Math.Abs(xd);
             *  if (Math.Abs(yd) < 800) tapDistance += Math.Abs(yd);
             *  if ((fstate & (int)SYNCTRLLib.SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerPresent) == 0)
             *      LockDeviceTap(false);
             * }
            _tapLastNof = nof;

            //handle scrolling
            if ((fstate & (int)SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerPresent) != 0)
                if (_scrollTouchTime == 0)
                    NativeMethods.GetCursorPos(ref _scrollTouchPos);
                    _scrollTouchTime = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_TimeStamp);
                if (nof == 2)
                    if (_isPadAcquired && _scrollLinearEdgeY && (_scrollDir == ScrollDirection.Up || _scrollDir == ScrollDirection.Down))
                        if (_ylo <= y && y <= _yhi)
                            _scrollNotEdgeY = true;
                        else if (_scrollNotEdgeY && ((y < _ylo && _scrollLastYDelta < 0) ||
                                                     (y > _yhi && _scrollLastYDelta > 0)))
                            DoScroll(_scrollLastXDelta, _scrollLastYDelta);
                    if (_isPadAcquired && _scrollLinearEdgeX && (_scrollDir == ScrollDirection.Left || _scrollDir == ScrollDirection.Right))
                        if (_xlo <= x && x <= _xhi)
                            _scrollNotEdgeX = true;
                        else if (_scrollNotEdgeX && ((x < _xlo && _scrollLastXDelta < 0) ||
                                                     (x > _xhi && _scrollLastXDelta > 0)))
                            DoScroll(_scrollLastXDelta, _scrollLastYDelta);

                         * if (ylo <= y && x <= yhi) scrollNotEdgeY = true;
                         * else if (scrollNotEdgeY && ((y < ylo && scrollLastYDelta < 0) ||
                         *  (y > yhi && scrollLastYDelta > 0)))
                         * {
                         *  DoScroll(scrollLastXDelta, scrollLastYDelta);
                         *  return;
                         * }
                    if ((fstate & (int)SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerMotion) != 0)
                        if (!_isPadAcquired)
                            _swipeDone = false; //start left/right swipe

                            var tstamp = packet.GetLongProperty(SynPacketProperty.SP_TimeStamp);
                            if (tstamp - _scrollTouchTime < 1000)
                                NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(_scrollTouchPos.X, _scrollTouchPos.Y);
                        if (_isPadAcquired)
                            _swipeXDelta += xd;
                            _swipeYDelta += yd;
                            if (_swipeXDelta < -1 * _config.SwipeTwoMovementXDirection && Math.Abs(_swipeYDelta) < _config.SwipeTwoMovementXOrthogonal)
                            {  //left
                                _scrollDir = ScrollDirection.Left;
                                if (!_swipeDone)
                                _swipeDone = true;
                            else if (_swipeXDelta > _config.SwipeTwoMovementXDirection && Math.Abs(_swipeYDelta) < _config.SwipeTwoMovementXOrthogonal)
                            {  //right
                                _scrollDir = ScrollDirection.Right;
                                if (!_swipeDone)
                                _swipeDone = true;
                            else if (Math.Abs(_swipeXDelta) < _config.SwipeTwoMovementYDirection && _swipeYDelta < -1 * _config.SwipeTwoMovementYOrthogonal)
                            { //down
                                _swipeDone = true;
                                _scrollDir = ScrollDirection.Down;
                            else if (Math.Abs(_swipeXDelta) < _config.SwipeTwoMovementYDirection && _swipeYDelta > _config.SwipeTwoMovementYOrthogonal)
                            { //up
                                _swipeDone = true;
                                _scrollDir = ScrollDirection.Up;
                            _scrollLastXDelta = xd;
                            _scrollLastYDelta = yd;
                            if (_scrollDir != ScrollDirection.None)
                                DoScroll(xd, yd);
                else if (nof == 3)
                    if ((fstate & (int)SynFingerFlags.SF_FingerMotion) != 0)
                        if (!_isPadAcquired)
                            _swipeDone = false;
                        if (_isPadAcquired && !_swipeDone)
                            _swipeXDelta += xd;
                            _swipeYDelta += yd;
                            if (_swipeXDelta < -1 * _config.SwipeThreeMovementXDirection && Math.Abs(_swipeYDelta) < _config.SwipeThreeMovementXOrthogonal)
                            {  //left
                                _swipeDone = true;
                            else if (_swipeXDelta > _config.SwipeThreeMovementXDirection && Math.Abs(_swipeYDelta) < _config.SwipeThreeMovementXOrthogonal)
                            {  //right
                                _swipeDone = true;
                            else if (Math.Abs(_swipeXDelta) < _config.SwipeThreeMovementYOrthogonal && _swipeYDelta < -1 * _config.SwipeThreeMovementYDirection)
                            { //down
                                _swipeDone = true;
                            else if (Math.Abs(_swipeXDelta) < _config.SwipeThreeMovementYOrthogonal && _swipeYDelta > _config.SwipeThreeMovementYDirection)
                            {  //up
                                _swipeDone = true;
                    _scrollLastXDelta = _scrollLastYDelta = 0;
                    _swipeXDelta      = _swipeYDelta = 0;
                    _swipeDone        = false;
                    _scrollDir        = ScrollDirection.None;
                    _scrollBufferX  = _scrollBufferY = 0;
                    _scrollNotEdgeX = _scrollNotEdgeY = false;
                _scrollTouchTime  = 0;
                _scrollLastXDelta = _scrollLastYDelta = 0;
                _swipeXDelta      = _swipeYDelta = 0;
                _swipeDone        = false;
                _scrollDir        = ScrollDirection.None;
                _scrollBufferX  = _scrollBufferY = 0;
                _scrollNotEdgeX = _scrollNotEdgeY = false;
Example #9
        void synDev_OnPacket()
            if (calibrateState == 0)
                int X, Y;
                X = Clamp(Clamp(synPacket.X - XMin, XMax, 0) * wWidth / (XMax - XMin), wWidth, 0);
                Y = Clamp(Clamp(YMax - synPacket.Y, YMax, 0) * wHeight / (YMax - YMin), wHeight, 0);
                if (contacts[0].PointerInfo.PointerId == 0 && synPacket.FingerState != 0 && synPacket.X > 1 && synPacket.Y > 1)
                    contacts[0] = MakePointerTouchInfo(X, Y, synPacket.W, 1);
                    //contacts[1] = MakePointerTouchInfo(650, 500, 2, 2);
                    bool success = TouchInjector.InjectTouchInput(1, contacts);
                else if (synPacket.FingerState != 0 && synPacket.X > 1 && synPacket.Y > 1)
                    contacts[0].PointerInfo.PtPixelLocation.X = X;
                    contacts[0].PointerInfo.PtPixelLocation.Y = Y;
                    contacts[0].ContactArea.left         = X - synPacket.W;
                    contacts[0].ContactArea.right        = X + synPacket.W;
                    contacts[0].ContactArea.top          = Y - synPacket.W;
                    contacts[0].ContactArea.bottom       = Y + synPacket.W;
                    contacts[0].PointerInfo.PointerFlags = PointerFlags.UPDATE | PointerFlags.INRANGE | PointerFlags.INCONTACT;
                    //contacts[1].PointerInfo.PointerFlags = PointerFlags.UPDATE | PointerFlags.INRANGE | PointerFlags.INCONTACT;

                    bool s = TouchInjector.InjectTouchInput(1, contacts);
                else if ((contacts[0].PointerInfo.PointerFlags & PointerFlags.UP) != PointerFlags.UP)
                    //release them
                    contacts[0].PointerInfo.PointerFlags = PointerFlags.UP;
                    //contacts[1].PointerInfo.PointerFlags = PointerFlags.UP;

                    bool success2 = TouchInjector.InjectTouchInput(1, contacts);
                    contacts[0].PointerInfo.PointerId = 0;
                touchLabel.Text = "X: " + X + ", Y: " + Y + ", W: " + synPacket.W + ", Z: " + synPacket.Z;
                if (synPacket.FingerState != 0 && lastFingerState == 0)
                    switch (calibrateState)
                    case 1:
                        XMin = synPacket.X;
                        calibrateLabel.Text = "Swipe from top.";
                        calibrateState      = 2;

                    case 2:
                        YMax = synPacket.Y;
                        calibrateLabel.Text = "Swipe from right.";
                        calibrateState      = 3;

                    case 3:
                        XMax = synPacket.X;
                        calibrateLabel.Text = "Swipe from bottom.";
                        calibrateState      = 4;

                    case 4:
                        YMin = synPacket.Y;
                        calibrateLabel.Text   = "Done.";
                        calibrateState        = 5;
                        Settings.Default.XMin = XMin;
                        Settings.Default.XMax = XMax;
                        Settings.Default.YMin = YMin;
                        Settings.Default.YMax = YMax;

                    case 5:
                        calibrateState = 0;
            lastFingerState = synPacket.FingerState;