Example #1
 public void GetTasksInProgressTest2()
     Assert.AreEqual(0, _tasksManager.GetTasksInProgress(1).Count);
     _task.Add(1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, _tasksManager.GetTasksInProgress(1).Count);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Check if the incompleteInformation model is on
        ///     If so, check if the task is blocked (has incomplete information)
        ///     and ask help from teammates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the task is blocked</returns>
        public bool CheckBlockerIncompleteInformation(SymuTask task)
            if (task is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

            var murphy = Environment.MainOrganization.Murphies.IncompleteInformation;

            if (!murphy.On ||
                Math.Abs(task.WorkToDo) < Tolerance || // Task is done
                !task.IsAssigned ||
                !task.HasCreator ||
                task.Creator.Equals(AgentId)) // Worker can't be blocked by himself

            var blocked = murphy.CheckInformation();

            if (!blocked)

            var blocker = task.Add(Murphy.IncompleteInformation, Schedule.Step);

            TryRecoverBlocker(task, blocker);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Agent has checked its beliefs against the task.
        ///     Now the agent must define its answer given the mandatory and required scores
        ///     By default, mandatoryScore is checked against MurphyIncompleteBeliefs.ThresholdForReacting
        ///     The task is blocked if necessary.
        ///     Override this method to implement your own answer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <param name="knowledgeId"></param>
        /// <param name="mandatoryScore"></param>
        /// <param name="requiredScore"></param>
        /// <param name="mandatoryIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="requiredIndex"></param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        protected virtual void CheckBlockerIncompleteBelief(SymuTask task, IAgentId knowledgeId, float mandatoryScore,
                                                            float requiredScore, byte mandatoryIndex, byte requiredIndex)
            if (task == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

            // Cognitive.InternalCharacteristics.RiskAversionThreshold should be > Environment.Organization.Murphies.IncompleteBelief.ThresholdForReacting
            if (mandatoryScore > -Environment.MainOrganization.Murphies.IncompleteBelief.ThresholdForReacting)

            // mandatoryScore is not enough => agent don't want to do the task, the task is blocked
            var blocker = task.Add(Murphy.IncompleteBelief, Schedule.Step, knowledgeId, mandatoryIndex);

            TryRecoverBlockerIncompleteBelief(task, blocker);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Check a particular beliefId from Task.BeliefBits against Agent.Beliefs
        ///     Prevent the agent from acting on a particular belief
        ///     Task may be blocked if it is the case
        /// </summary>
        public void CheckRiskAversion(SymuTask task, IAgentId knowledgeId)
            if (task is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

            if (!BeliefsModel.On)

            var   taskBits       = task.KnowledgesBits.GetBits(knowledgeId);
            float mandatoryScore = 0;
            byte  mandatoryIndex = 0;

            var belief      = BeliefsModel.GetBeliefFromKnowledgeId(knowledgeId);
            var actorBelief = BeliefsModel.GetActorBelief(knowledgeId);

            MurphyIncompleteBelief.CheckRiskAversion(belief, taskBits, actorBelief, ref mandatoryScore,
                                                     ref mandatoryIndex, -Cognitive.InternalCharacteristics.RiskAversionValue());
            if (!(mandatoryScore <= -Cognitive.InternalCharacteristics.RiskAversionValue()))

            var murphy = Environment.MainOrganization.Murphies.IncompleteBelief;

            // Prevent the agent from acting on a particular belief
            if (murphy.ShouldGuess((byte)task.HasBeenCancelledBy.Count))
                // to avoid complete blocking, we allow the agent, depending on the Murphies.IncompleteBelief parameters
                // to unblock the task
                var blocker = task.Add(Murphy.IncompleteBelief, Schedule.Step, knowledgeId, mandatoryIndex);
                RecoverBlockerIncompleteBeliefByGuessing(task, blocker);
                // Agent can cancel the task a certain number of times
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Check Task.KnowledgesBits for a specific KnowledgeBit against WorkerAgent.expertise
        ///     If Has expertise Task will be complete
        ///     If has expertise for mandatoryKnowledgesBits but not for requiredKnowledgesBits, he will guess, and possibly
        ///     complete the task incorrectly
        ///     If hasn't expertise for mandatoryKnowledgesBits && for requiredKnowledgesBits, he will ask for help (co workers,
        ///     internet forum, ...) && learn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <param name="knowledgeId"></param>
        protected virtual void CheckBlockerIncompleteKnowledge(SymuTask task, IAgentId knowledgeId)
            if (task == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

            if (!Environment.MainOrganization.Murphies.IncompleteKnowledge.On ||
                Math.Abs(task.WorkToDo) < Tolerance || // Task is done

            var taskBits = task.KnowledgesBits.GetBits(knowledgeId);
            // If taskBits.Mandatory.Any => mandatoryCheck is false unless workerKnowledge has the good knowledge or there is no mandatory knowledge
            var mandatoryOk = taskBits.GetMandatory().Length == 0;
            // If taskBits.Required.Any => RequiredCheck is false unless workerKnowledge has the good knowledge or there is no required knowledge
            var  requiredOk     = taskBits.GetRequired().Length == 0;
            byte mandatoryIndex = 0;
            byte requiredIndex  = 0;

            Environment.MainOrganization.Murphies.IncompleteKnowledge.CheckKnowledge(knowledgeId, taskBits,
                                                                                     KnowledgeModel, ref mandatoryOk, ref requiredOk,
                                                                                     ref mandatoryIndex, ref requiredIndex, Schedule.Step);
            if (!mandatoryOk)
                // mandatoryCheck is false => Task is blocked
                var blocker = task.Add(Murphy.IncompleteKnowledge, Schedule.Step, knowledgeId, mandatoryIndex);
                TryRecoverBlockerIncompleteKnowledge(task, blocker);
            else if (!requiredOk)
                RecoverBlockerIncompleteKnowledgeByGuessing(task, null, knowledgeId, requiredIndex,
Example #6
 public void IsBlockedTest()
     _task.Add(1, 0);