Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the OpenPGP encoded representation of the ESK Sequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a byte array that represents the encoded
        /// ESKSequence.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
        public override byte[] GetEncoded()
            byte[] bOutput = new byte[0];

            if (!bUpdated)
                //nothing was updated, we can reconstruct the message
                //in the exact same order
                IEnumerator ieKeys = alAllKeys.GetEnumerator();
                while (ieKeys.MoveNext())
                    Packet pKey       = (Packet)ieKeys.Current;
                    byte[] bKey       = pKey.Generate();
                    byte[] bOldOutput = new byte[bOutput.Length];
                    bOutput.CopyTo(bOldOutput, 0);
                    bOutput = new byte[bOldOutput.Length + bKey.Length];

                    bOldOutput.CopyTo(bOutput, 0);
                    bKey.CopyTo(bOutput, bOldOutput.Length);
                // At first we will produce the Symmetrically encrypted
                // session key packets
                IEnumerator ieSymKeys = alSymKeys.GetEnumerator();
                while (ieSymKeys.MoveNext())
                    SymSessionKeyPacket sskpKey = (SymSessionKeyPacket)ieSymKeys.Current;
                    byte[] bKey       = sskpKey.Generate();
                    byte[] bOldOutput = new byte[bOutput.Length];
                    bOutput.CopyTo(bOldOutput, 0);
                    bOutput = new byte[bOldOutput.Length + bKey.Length];

                    bOldOutput.CopyTo(bOutput, 0);
                    bKey.CopyTo(bOutput, bOldOutput.Length);

                // Now come the Public Key encrypted session key packets
                IEnumerator ieAsymKeys = alAsymKeys.GetEnumerator();
                while (ieAsymKeys.MoveNext())
                    AsymSessionKeyPacket askpKey = (AsymSessionKeyPacket)ieAsymKeys.Current;
                    byte[] bKey       = askpKey.Generate();
                    byte[] bOldOutput = new byte[bOutput.Length];
                    bOutput.CopyTo(bOldOutput, 0);
                    bOutput = new byte[bOldOutput.Length + bKey.Length];

                    bOldOutput.CopyTo(bOutput, 0);
                    bKey.CopyTo(bOutput, bOldOutput.Length);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypts the encrypted message if it is a symmetrically encrypted
        /// message with the passphrase given as argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPassphrase">The passphrase that was used to encrypt
        /// the message</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the message that was encrypted. Usually this is
        /// an compressed or literal message.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
        public Message Decrypt(string strPassphrase)
            if (esKeys.SymKeys.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("This message is not symmetrically encrypted. Please provide a keyring rather than a passphrase!");

            Packet[] pContent = new Packet[0];
            Packet[] pReturn  = new Packet[0];

            IEnumerator ieKeys = esKeys.SymKeys.GetEnumerator();

            while (ieKeys.MoveNext())
                SymSessionKeyPacket skpKey = (SymSessionKeyPacket)ieKeys.Current;
                byte[] key = skpKey.S2KSpecifier.GetKey(strPassphrase, CipherHelper.CipherKeySize(skpKey.Algorithm));

                try {
                    SymmetricAlgorithm saAlgo = CipherHelper.CreateSymAlgorithm(skpKey.Algorithm);
                    pContent = sepData.Decrypt(key, saAlgo);
                } catch (System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException) {}
                if (pContent.Length > 0)
                    pReturn = pContent;

            if (pReturn.Length == 0)
                throw new System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException("Wrong passphrase!");

            // now we need to look what kind of message was hidden in the
            // encrypted data

            // it can be either a literal message
            LiteralMessage lmLiteral = new LiteralMessage();

            try {
                int iPos = lmLiteral.ParseMessage(pReturn);
            } catch (Exception) {}

            // or an compressed Message
            CompressedMessage cmCompressed = new CompressedMessage();

            try {
                int iPos = cmCompressed.ParseMessage(pReturn);
            } catch (Exception) {}

            throw new System.ArgumentException("Encrypted package content is not a valid message!");
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an symmetrically encrypted session key to the ESK
 /// Sequence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sskpKey">A symmetrical Session key packet that
 /// is to be added the the ESKSequence.</param>
 /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
 public void AddSymSessionKey(SymSessionKeyPacket sskpKey)
     bUpdated = true;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an symmetrically encrypted session key to the ESK
 /// Sequence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sskpKey">A symmetrical Session key packet that
 /// is to be added the the ESKSequence.</param>
 /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
 public void AddSymSessionKey(SymSessionKeyPacket sskpKey)
     bUpdated = true;