public static List <Word> GetPhonemeRhymes(Syllable syllable, int maxSyllables = 0) { var rhymes = new Dictionary <string, Word>(); foreach (var word in English.GetWords()) { // todo: Temporary hack, this should be removed //if (word.Syllables.Count <= 0) { // continue; //} if (rhymes.ContainsKey(word.Text)) { continue; } if (maxSyllables > 0 && word.Syllables.Count > maxSyllables) { continue; } if (word.Text.Trim().Length <= 1 || word.Text.Contains(".")) { continue; } if (IsRhyme(syllable, word.Syllables.Last())) { rhymes.Add(word.Text, word); } } //return rhymes.GroupBy(each => each.Value).SelectMany(each => each.ToList()).OrderByDescending(each => each.Value).Select(each => each.Key).ToList(); return(rhymes.Values.ToList()); }
public Language(Inventory inventory, Syllable syllable, Rules rules, Affixes affixes) { this.inventory = inventory; this.syllable = syllable; this.rules = rules; this.affixes = affixes; }
public List <Syllable> ReadSyllables() { List <string> syllableIds; using (var dc = ChatbotEntities.GetDataContext()) { syllableIds = dc.chatbot_syllable.Select(p =>; } WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); List <Syllable> syllables = new List <Syllable>(); foreach (string syllableId in syllableIds) { Syllable syllable = new Syllable(); string url = m_urlSoundTemplate.Replace("{syllable}", syllableId); string filename = Path.GetFileName(url); string filepath = Path.Combine(m_path, "Sound", Source.ykyi.ToString(), filename); filepath = Path.GetFullPath(filepath); syllable.Name = syllableId; syllable.SoundPath = filepath; if (!File.Exists(filepath)) { webClient.DownloadFile(url, filepath); } syllables.Add(syllable); } return(syllables); }
public void UpdateSymbol1() { Sign s = databaseManager.GetSign(ID); if (s == null) { SetSyllables(null, null, null); Image1.color = Color.clear; Image2.color = Color.clear; Image3.color = Color.clear; isMade = false; } else if (s.SyllableSequence.Count == 2) { Syllable s1 = databaseManager.GetSyllable(s.SyllableSequence[0]); Syllable s2 = databaseManager.GetSyllable(s.SyllableSequence[1]); SetSyllables(s1.ImageName, s2.ImageName); // transform.parent.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color32(94, 40, 40, 106); isMade = true; } else if (s.SyllableSequence.Count == 3) { Syllable s1 = databaseManager.GetSyllable(s.SyllableSequence[0]); Syllable s2 = databaseManager.GetSyllable(s.SyllableSequence[1]); Syllable s3 = databaseManager.GetSyllable(s.SyllableSequence[2]); SetSyllables(s1.ImageName, s2.ImageName, s3.ImageName); // transform.parent.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color32(94, 40, 40, 106); isMade = true; } }
public void ParseSyllableTest_Exception() { // Arrange Parser sut = new Parser(null); string syllable = "[]"; // Act Syllable result = sut.ParseSyllable(syllable); }
private void DoParseSyllableTest(string s, Syllable expectedSyllable) { // Arrange Parser sut = new Parser(null); // Act Syllable result = sut.ParseSyllable(s); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(expectedSyllable?.Chord?.Text, result?.Chord?.Text); Assert.AreEqual(expectedSyllable?.Text, result?.Text); }
public static bool IsRhyme(Syllable syllable1, Syllable syllable2, out string reason) { var phonemes1 = syllable1.FromNucleus().ToList(); var phonemes2 = syllable2.FromNucleus().ToList(); if (phonemes1.Count == 0 || phonemes2.Count == 0) { reason = "No phonemes found."; return(false); } List <Phoneme> mostPhonemes; List <Phoneme> lessPhonemes; if (phonemes1.Count > phonemes2.Count) { mostPhonemes = phonemes1; lessPhonemes = phonemes2; } else { mostPhonemes = phonemes2; lessPhonemes = phonemes1; } var limit = lessPhonemes.Count - 1; for (var index = 0; index < mostPhonemes.Count; index++) { var phoneme1 = mostPhonemes[index]; var phoneme2 = lessPhonemes[index > limit ? limit : index]; if (lessPhonemes.Count < index + 1) { if (mostPhonemes[index - 1].Id != phoneme2.Id) { reason = "Invalid number of phonemes"; return(false); } } if (!phoneme1.SoundsLike(phoneme2)) { reason = "Phonemes do not sound alike."; return(false); } } reason = string.Empty; return(true); }
private static int syllableIndices(string text) { int mask = 0; text = Syllable.Syllabify(text); int i = text.IndexOf('∙'); while (i != -1) { mask |= (1 << (i)); i = text.IndexOf('∙', i + 1); } return(mask); }
public Document GetDocument(string Text) { var Document1 = new Document(); var KoreanText1 = new KoreanText(); var NonKoreanText1 = new NonKoreanText(); foreach (var Character in Text) { if (Syllable.IsSyllable(Character)) { var Syllable = new Syllable(Character); if (NonKoreanText1.Content != "") { Document1.Text.Add(NonKoreanText1); NonKoreanText1 = new NonKoreanText(); } KoreanText1.Syllables.Add(Syllable); } else { if (KoreanText1.Syllables.Any()) { Document1.Text.Add(KoreanText1); KoreanText1 = new KoreanText(); } NonKoreanText1.Content += Character; } } if (NonKoreanText1.Content != "") { Document1.Text.Add(NonKoreanText1); NonKoreanText1 = new NonKoreanText(); } if (KoreanText1.Syllables.Any()) { Document1.Text.Add(KoreanText1); KoreanText1 = new KoreanText(); } return Document1; }
void SetLang() { if (Atlas.ExampleWord != null && Atlas.Dict.Has(Atlas.ExampleWord)) { string word = $" ({Atlas.ExampleWord})."; string phonemes = $" ({Syllable.ToString(Atlas.Dict.Get(Atlas.ExampleWord))})."; labelWord.Text = Lang.Get("addword_word_example_word") + word; labelPhonemes.Text = Lang.Get("addword_phonemes_example_word") + phonemes; } else { labelWord.Text = Lang.Get("addword_word"); labelPhonemes.Text = Lang.Get("addword_phonemes"); } Text = Lang.Get("addword_title"); buttonOk.Text = Lang.Get("button_ok"); buttonCancel.Text = Lang.Get("button_cancel"); }
public static List <Word> GetRhymes(Syllable match, int maxSyllables = 0) { var results = new List <Word>(); return(GetPhonemeRhymes(match, maxSyllables)); /*SyllableMapper.Syllables.Values.ForEachParallel(syllable => { * if (IsRhyme(match, syllable)) { * foreach (var rhymeWord in syllable.Words) { * if ((maxSyllables == 0 || rhymeWord.Syllables.Count <= maxSyllables) && rhymeWord.Syllables.Last() == syllable) { * lock (results) { * results.Add(rhymeWord); * } * } * } * } * });*/ return(results); }
public void ReadSyllableLink(WebClient wc, string link) { string data = wc.DownloadString(link); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(data); HtmlNodeCollection nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tr"); foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes) { HtmlNode syllableNode = node.SelectSingleNode("./td[1]"); HtmlNode soundNode = node.SelectSingleNode("./td[2]/a"); HtmlNodeCollection symbolNodes = node.SelectNodes("./td[3]/a"); if (syllableNode != null && soundNode != null && symbolNodes.Count > 0) { string soundPattern = @"sound.php\?s=(\w+)"; Match match = Regex.Match(soundNode.Attributes["href"].Value, soundPattern); string syllableName = match.Groups[1].Value; string soundUrl = m_soundUrlTemplate.Replace("{syllable}", syllableName); string filename = Path.GetFileName(soundUrl); string soundPath = Path.Combine(m_folder, "Sound", Source.cuhk.ToString(), filename); soundPath = Path.GetFullPath(soundPath); if (!File.Exists(soundPath)) { wc.DownloadFile(soundUrl, soundPath); } Syllable syllable = new Syllable(); syllable.Name = syllableName; syllable.SoundPath = soundPath; foreach (HtmlNode symbolNode in symbolNodes) { syllable.Symbols.Add(symbolNode.InnerText); } m_syllables.Add(syllable); } } }
public static GameObject Instantiate(string name, Syllable syllable, bool keepInvisible = false) { var go = GameObject.Instantiate(Prefab_s); = name; go.SetActive(false); var goText = go.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(); goText.text = syllable.Text; // Calculate scales for appropriate text display float textScale = goText.characterSize; float maxXScale = 1.5f; float totalCharacterSpace = goText.text.Length / 5.0f; float xScale = (totalCharacterSpace > textScale * 5) ? totalCharacterSpace / (textScale * 5) : 1; // Assumes five characters can comfortably fit within the space originally granted float yScale = (xScale > maxXScale) ? xScale / maxXScale : 1; if (yScale > 1) { xScale = (int)((xScale / yScale) + 1) * maxXScale; } // Set scales go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(xScale, yScale, go.transform.localScale.z); //goText.characterSize = totalCharacterSpace; // Register information for the syllable plane script var plane = go.GetComponentInChildren <SyllablePlane>(); plane.Register(syllable, plane.gameObject); if (!keepInvisible) { go.SetActive(true); } return(go); }
public override string Romanise(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable = null, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable = null) { var StringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder1.Append(RomaniseInitial(Syllable1, PrecedingSyllable, SucceedingSyllable)); StringBuilder1.Append(RomaniseMedial(Syllable1, PrecedingSyllable, SucceedingSyllable)); StringBuilder1.Append(RomaniseFinal(Syllable1, PrecedingSyllable, SucceedingSyllable)); return StringBuilder1.ToString(); }
private string RomaniseFinal(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable) { if (Syllable1.HasFinal) { if (SucceedingSyllable != null) { if (FinalPronunciationChangesRomanisationRules.Any(c => c.Final == Syllable1.Final && c.SucceedingInitial == SucceedingSyllable.Value.Initial)) { return FinalPronunciationChangesRomanisationRules.First(c => c.Final == Syllable1.Final && c.SucceedingInitial == SucceedingSyllable.Value.Initial).Romanisation; } } return FinalRomanisationRules.First(f => f.Final == Syllable1.Final).Romanisation; } return ""; }
public SyllableContext(List <Phoneme> phonemes) { CurrentSyllable = new Syllable(); Syllables = new List <Syllable>(); Phonemes = new SteppableList <Phoneme>(phonemes); }
public static bool IsRhyme(Syllable syllable1, Syllable syllable2) { return(IsRhyme(syllable1, syllable2, out _)); }
private string RomaniseMedial(Syllable Syllable1) { return MedialRomanisationRules.First(m => m.Jamo == Syllable1.Medial).Romanisation; }
private string RomaniseMedial(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable) { if (PrecedingSyllable != null && (PrecedingSyllable.Value.Medial == Jamo.A || PrecedingSyllable.Value.Medial == Jamo.O) && !PrecedingSyllable.Value.HasFinal && Syllable1.Initial == Jamo.Ieung && Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.E) { return "ë"; } return MedialRomanisationRules.First(m => m.Jamo == Syllable1.Medial).Romanisation; }
public Element(Syllable syllable) { Syllable = syllable; }
public static string GenerateName(Genders gender, int seed) { //Basic idea: Take a bunch of syllables and smash 'em together. //Every syllable has a beginning and ending letter. //These beginnings and endings can be split into three groups: // 1. Vowels -- can follow any consonant, but should usually not follow a vowel // 2. Ending consonant -- shouldn't follow an ending consonant, MIGHT follow a continuing consonant, can follow any vowel // 3. Continuing consonant -- can follow any continuing consonants or vowels, but not ending consonants. //These syllables are hard-coded and stored in the below "syllables" collection. PRNG rng = new PRNG(seed); const int minSyllables = 2, maxSyllables = 4; const float chance_VowelToVowel = 0.05f, chance_ContinuingConsonantToEndingConsonant = 0.5f; int nSyllables = rng.NextInt(minSyllables, maxSyllables + 1); //Start with a completely random syllable. System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); Syllable firstSyllable = syllables.ElementAt(rng.NextInt(0, syllables.Count)); sb.Append(firstSyllable.Value); //Add successive syllables making sure they don't conflict with what came before. HashSet <Syllable> acceptableSyllables = new HashSet <Syllable>(); Syllable lastSyllable = firstSyllable; for (int i = 1; i < nSyllables; ++i) { //Get all acceptable syllables. acceptableSyllables.Clear(); foreach (Syllable syllable in syllables) { float chanceOfAccepting; switch (syllable.StartType) { case Syllable.Types.Vowel: switch (lastSyllable.EndType) { case Syllable.Types.Vowel: chanceOfAccepting = chance_VowelToVowel; break; case Syllable.Types.ContinuingConsonant: case Syllable.Types.EndingConsonant: chanceOfAccepting = 1.0f; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(lastSyllable.EndType.ToString()); } break; case Syllable.Types.EndingConsonant: switch (lastSyllable.EndType) { case Syllable.Types.Vowel: chanceOfAccepting = 1.0f; break; case Syllable.Types.ContinuingConsonant: chanceOfAccepting = chance_ContinuingConsonantToEndingConsonant; break; case Syllable.Types.EndingConsonant: chanceOfAccepting = 0.0f; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(lastSyllable.EndType.ToString()); } break; case Syllable.Types.ContinuingConsonant: switch (lastSyllable.EndType) { case Syllable.Types.Vowel: case Syllable.Types.ContinuingConsonant: chanceOfAccepting = 1.0f; break; case Syllable.Types.EndingConsonant: chanceOfAccepting = 0.0f; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(lastSyllable.EndType.ToString()); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(syllable.StartType.ToString()); } if (chanceOfAccepting <= 0.0f || syllable == lastSyllable) { continue; } if (chanceOfAccepting >= 1.0f || rng.NextFloat() < chanceOfAccepting) { acceptableSyllables.Add(syllable); } } //Pick one randomly. var nextSyllable = acceptableSyllables.ElementAt(rng.NextInt(0, acceptableSyllables.Count)); lastSyllable = nextSyllable; sb.Append(nextSyllable.Value); } sb[0] = char.ToUpper(sb[0]); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static new List <string> SelectPattern(string[] args) { try { bool no_pattern = true; Regex wifi = new Regex(@"sfr|livebox-sagem"); Regex hex = new Regex(@"^hex.{6,6}$"); Regex numeric = new Regex(@"^numeric.{0,6}$"); Regex symbols = new Regex(@"^symbols.{0,10}$"); Regex usyllable = new Regex(@"^usyllable.{0,23}$"); Regex lsyllable = new Regex(@"^lsyllable.{0,23}$"); Regex mixsyllable = new Regex(@"^mixsyllable.{0,23}$"); Regex ualpha = new Regex(@"^ualpha.{0,23}$"); Regex lalpha = new Regex(@"^lalpha.{0,23}$"); Regex mixalpha = new Regex(@"^mixalpha.{0,23}$"); Regex ualpha_sv = new Regex(@"^sv-ualpha.{0,23}"); Regex lalpha_sv = new Regex(@"^sv-lalpha.{0,23}$"); Regex mixalpha_sv = new Regex(@"^sv-mixalpha.{0,23}$"); Regex lcyrillic = new Regex(@"^lcyrillic.{0,23}"); Regex ucyrillic = new Regex(@"^ucyrillic.{0,23}"); Regex mixcyrillic = new Regex(@"^mixcyrillic.{0,23}"); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (hex.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Special charset = new Special(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListHexa(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (numeric.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Special charset = new Special(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListNumeric(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (symbols.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Special charset = new Special(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListSymbols(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (usyllable.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Syllable charset = new Syllable(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListSyllableUpperCase_fr(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (lsyllable.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Syllable charset = new Syllable(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListSyllableLowerCase_fr(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (mixsyllable.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Syllable charset = new Syllable(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListMixsyllable_fr(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (ualpha.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha charset = new Alpha(); charsetSelecting = charset.Ualpha_List(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (lalpha.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha charset = new Alpha(); charsetSelecting = charset.Lalpha_List(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (mixalpha.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha charset = new Alpha(); charsetSelecting = charset.MixAlphaList(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (ualpha_sv.IsMatch(args[i].ToString())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha_sv charset = new Alpha_sv(); charsetSelecting = charset.Ualpha_svList(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (lalpha_sv.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha_sv charset = new Alpha_sv(); charsetSelecting = charset.Lalpha_svList(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (mixalpha_sv.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Alpha_sv charset = new Alpha_sv(); charsetSelecting = charset.MixAlpha_svList(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (wifi.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Special charset = new Special(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListWifiCharset(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (lcyrillic.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Cyrillic charset = new Cyrillic(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListcyrillicLowerCase(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (ucyrillic.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Cyrillic charset = new Cyrillic(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListCyrillicUpperCase(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (mixcyrillic.IsMatch(args[i].ToString().ToLower())) { no_pattern = false; Cyrillic charset = new Cyrillic(); charsetSelecting = charset.ListMixCyrillic(args[i].ToString().ToLower()); break; } else if (Wordlist.CUSTOM) { string s = null; if (args.Length == 1) { s = args[0].ToString(); } for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { charsetSelecting.Add(s[x].ToString()); } break; } } if (no_pattern) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length - 1; i++) { if ((i > 1 & i < args.Length & args[i] == "-f")) { string s = args[i + 1].ToString(); if (s.Length > 1 & s != null) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { charsetSelecting.Add(s[x].ToString()); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\n {0} \n", e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } return(charsetSelecting); }
public abstract string Romanise(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable = null, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable = null);
static void Main(string[] args) { Syllable syllable = new Syllable(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > palavras = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); // DITONGOS E TRITONGOS: palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("aumento", "au-men-to")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("pinheiro", "pi-nhei-ro")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("água", "á-gua")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("outros", "ou-tros")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("coisas", "coi-sas")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("iguais", "i-guais")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("Paraguai", "Pa-ra-guai")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("quaisquer", "quais-quer")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("saguões", "sa-guões")); //DÍGRAFOS LH, CH, NH, GU, QU: palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("maravilha", "ma-ra-vi-lha")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("chuva", "chu-va")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("carinho", "ca-ri-nho")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("guindaste", "guin-das-te")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("quente", "quen-te")); // ENCONTROS CONSONANTAIS PUROS (BL, CL, GL, PL, FL, BR, CR, DR, GR, PR, TR, FR, VR) palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("bloco", "blo-co")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("claridade", "cla-ri-da-de")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("glóbulo", "gló-bu-lo")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("planeta", "pla-ne-ta")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("flamingo", "fla-min-go")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("Brasil", "Bra-sil")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("cravo", "cra-vo")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("dragão", "dra-gão")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("gravidade", "gra-vi-da-de")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("praticamente", "pra-ti-ca-men-te")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("trevas", "tre-vas")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("francês", "fran-cês")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("livre", "li-vre")); // GRUPOS CONSONANTAIS INICIAIS (PS, MN, PN, GN,...): palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("psicólogo", "psi-có-lo-go")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("mnésico", "mné-si-co")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("pneumático", "pneu-má-ti-co")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("gnóstico", "gnós-ti-co")); //HIATOS: palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("moeda", "mo-e-da")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("saída", "sa-í-da")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("saúde", "sa-ú-de")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("poesia", "po-e-sia")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("navio", "na-vi-o")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("dia", "di-a")); //DÍGRAFOS RR, SS, SC, SÇ, XC, XS: palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("carro", "car-ro")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("pássaro", "pas-sá-ro")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nascer", "nas-cer")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nasço", "nas-ço")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("exceção", "ex-ce-ção")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("exsudativo", "ex-su-da-ti-vo")); //ENCONTROS CONSONANTAIS DISJUNTOS: palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("advogado", "ad-vo-ga-do")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("afta", "af-ta")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("alface", "al-fa-ce")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("força", "for-ça")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("magnético", "mag-né-ti-co")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("objeto", "ob-je-to")); palavras.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("desmentir", "des-men-tir")); int countRightWords = 0; foreach (var palSep in palavras) { var palavra = palSep.Key; var split = syllable.word2syllables(palavra); var spliString = string.Join("-", split.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Palavra: " + palavra); Console.WriteLine("Separa automaticamente: " + spliString); Console.WriteLine("Separação correta: " + palSep.Value); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------\n"); if (spliString.Equals(palSep.Value)) { countRightWords++; } } Console.WriteLine("Total de palavras: " + palavras.Count); Console.WriteLine("Total separações certas: " + countRightWords); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // build up a very simple vowel inventory // make sure features are within simple set in Inventory's place/manner/voicing Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.AddConsonant("b", "voiced", "bilabial", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("p", "voiceless", "bilabial", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("g", "voiced", "velar", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("k", "voiceless", "velar", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("d", "voiced", "dental", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("t", "voiceless", "dental", "plosive"); inventory.AddConsonant("h", "voiceless", "glottal", "fricative"); inventory.AddConsonant("l", "voiced", "alveolar", "lateral"); inventory.AddConsonant("r", "voiced", "alveolar", "approximant"); inventory.AddConsonant("w", "voiced", "velar", "approximant"); // build up very simple consonant inventory // make sure features are within simple set in Inventory's height/backness/rounding inventory.AddVowel("i", "close", "front", "unrounded"); inventory.AddVowel("a", "open", "central", "unrounded"); inventory.AddVowel("u", "close", "back", "rounded"); // recall features using any letter Debug.Log(inventory.GetFeatures("b")); // This finds "b": List <string> testFeaturesList = new List <string> { "voiced", "bilabial", "plosive" }; inventory.GetLetter(testFeaturesList); // This will not find "b": testFeaturesList [0] = "bilabial"; testFeaturesList [1] = "voiced"; inventory.GetLetter(testFeaturesList); Syllable syllableStructure = new Syllable(); syllableStructure.AddStructure(new List <string> { "C", "V" }); syllableStructure.AddStructure(new List <string> { "C", "V", "V" }); syllableStructure.AddStructure(new List <string> { "C", "V", "C" }); syllableStructure.AddStructure(new List <string> { "C", "V", "V", "C" }); Rules rules = new Rules(); rules.AddRule("voiced", "voiceless", "_ voiceless"); Affixes affixes = new Affixes(); // add prefixes and suffixes // trusts you to use only characters found in inventory (matters for rule application) affixes.AddAffix("human", "-", "g", "u", "d"); affixes.AddAffix("nonhuman", "-", "i", "d"); affixes.AddAffix("strong", "t", "-"); affixes.AddAffix("small", "l", "-"); affixes.AddAffix("strange", "g", "-"); // TODO structure language Language language = new Language(inventory, syllableStructure, rules, affixes); // build a long proper noun List <string> properNoun = language.BuildWord(3, true, "strong", "nonhuman"); Debug.Log(string.Join("", properNoun.ToArray())); // build a short regular noun List <string> justSomeNoun = language.BuildWord(2); // add both to the dictionary language.AddEntry(properNoun, "Wolf"); language.AddEntry(justSomeNoun, "food"); Debug.Log(language.PrintDictionary()); }
private string RomaniseFinal(Syllable Syllable1) { if (Syllable1.HasFinal) { return FinalRomanisationRules.First(f => f.Final == Syllable1.Final).Romanisation; } return ""; }
private string RomaniseInitial(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable) { if (PrecedingSyllable != null) { if (InitialPronunciationChangesRomanisationRules.Any(c => c.PrecedingFinal == PrecedingSyllable.Value.Final && c.Initial == Syllable1.Initial)) { return InitialPronunciationChangesRomanisationRules.First(c => c.PrecedingFinal == PrecedingSyllable.Value.Final && c.Initial == Syllable1.Initial).Romanisation; } } if (PrecedingSyllable == null) { var IsIMedial = (Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.I || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Ya || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Yae || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Yeo || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Ye || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Yo || Syllable1.Medial == Jamo.Yu); if (UseSh && Syllable1.Initial == Jamo.Shiot && IsIMedial) { return "sh"; } if (UseSh && Syllable1.Initial == Jamo.SsangShiot && IsIMedial) { return "ssh"; } } return InitialRomanisationRules.First(r => r.Initial == Syllable1.Initial).Romanisation; }
private void syllabifier_method() { string enterredText = enter_text.Text.ToString(); List <string> words = enterredText.Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "").Replace(":", "").Split(' ').ToList(); int i = 0; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { Syllable.Text = ""; foreach (string word in words) { for (i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { Syllable.Text = Syllable.Text + word[i].ToString(); if (i + 5 <= word.Length - 1) { if (isVowel(word, i)) { if (word[i + 1].Equals('\u0302') || word[i + 1].Equals('\u030c')) { if (word[i + 2].Equals('w') || word[i + 2].Equals('W')) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); if (!isVowel(word, i + 3)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); } Syllable.Text += ","; i += 3; } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 2; } } } else if ((!isVowel(word, i) && isVowel(word, i + 1) && (word[i + 2].Equals('\u0302') || word[i + 2].Equals('\u030c')))) { if (word[i + 3].Equals('w') || word[i + 3].Equals('W')) { if (word[i + 4].Equals('n') || word[i + 4].Equals('N')) { if (word[i + 5].Equals('G') || word[i + 5].Equals('g')) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 4].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 5].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 5; } } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); if (!isVowel(word, i + 4)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 4].ToString(); } Syllable.Text += ","; i += 4; } } else if (!isVowel(word, i + 3)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 3; } } else if ((!isVowel(word, i) && isVowel(word, i + 1) && !isVowel(word, i + 1 + 1))) { if (word[i + 1 + 1].Equals('W') || word[i + 1 + 1].Equals('w')) { if (!isVowel(word, i + 1 + 1 + 1)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 3; } } else if (word[i + 1 + 1 + 1].Equals('G') || word[i + 1 + 1 + 1].Equals('g')) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 3].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 3; } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 2; } } else if ((word[i].Equals('A') || word[i].Equals('a')) && (word[i + 1].Equals('W') || word[i + 1].Equals('w')) && !isVowel(word, i + 1 + 1)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 2; } else if ((word[i].Equals('N') || word[i].Equals('n')) && (word[i + 1].Equals('g') || word[i + 1].Equals('G'))) { if (!isVowel(word, i + 1 + 1)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); } i++; } else if ((word[i].Equals('C') || word[i].Equals('c')) && (word[i + 1].Equals('h') || word[i + 1].Equals('H'))) { if (!isVowel(word, i + 1 + 1)) { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); } i++; } else if (!isVowel(word, i) && !isVowel(word, i + 1)) { Syllable.Text += ","; } else if ((isVowel(word, i) && isVowel(word, i + 1)) && (word[i] != word[i + 1])) { Syllable.Text += ","; } else if ((!isVowel(word, i) && isVowel(word, i + 1)) || (isVowel(word, i) && !isVowel(word, i + 1))) { if (word[i + 1 + 1] == 'g' || word[i + 1 + 1] == 'G') { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += word[i + 2].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i += 2; } else { Syllable.Text += word[i + 1].ToString(); Syllable.Text += ","; i++; } } } else { continue; } } Syllable.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } }); }
private string RomaniseMedial(Syllable Syllable1, Syllable? PrecedingSyllable, Syllable? SucceedingSyllable) { return MedialRomanisationRules.First(m => m.Jamo == Syllable1.Medial).Romanisation; }
public static ReturnModel Handle(string text, MSCGJson son) { string[][] sentences = son.result; string[] originalSentences = text.Split(' '); int originIndex = 0; int wordIndex = 0; Word[][] postags = new Word[sentences.Length][]; List <Word> list; for (int i = 0; i < sentences.Length; ++i) { list = new List <Word>(); foreach (string j in sentences[i]) { if (!isMSCGSymbol(j)) { list.Add(new Word(originalSentences[originIndex], POSType(j), syllableIndices(originalSentences[originIndex]), Syllable.Syllabify(originalSentences[originIndex++]), wordIndex++)); } } postags[i] = list.ToArray(); } return(new ReturnModel(postags, GenerateHTML(postags, true))); }
private string RomaniseInitial(Syllable Syllable1) { return InitialRomanisationRules.First(r => r.Initial == Syllable1.Initial).Romanisation; }