public SwapRateHelper(double rate, SwapIndex swapIndex, Handle <Quote> spread = null, Period fwdStart = null, // exogenous discounting curve Handle <YieldTermStructure> discount = null, Pillar.Choice pillarChoice = Pillar.Choice.LastRelevantDate, Date customPillarDate = null) : base(rate) { settlementDays_ = swapIndex.fixingDays(); tenor_ = swapIndex.tenor(); pillarChoice_ = pillarChoice; calendar_ = swapIndex.fixingCalendar(); fixedConvention_ = swapIndex.fixedLegConvention(); fixedFrequency_ = swapIndex.fixedLegTenor().frequency(); fixedDayCount_ = swapIndex.dayCounter(); spread_ = spread ?? new Handle <Quote>(); fwdStart_ = fwdStart ?? new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days); discountHandle_ = discount ?? new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(); // take fixing into account iborIndex_ = swapIndex.iborIndex().clone(termStructureHandle_); // We want to be notified of changes of fixings, but we don't // want notifications from termStructureHandle_ (they would // interfere with bootstrapping.) iborIndex_.registerWith(update); spread_.registerWith(update); discountHandle_.registerWith(update); pillarDate_ = customPillarDate; initializeDates(); }
public void testFairRate() { // Testing Hagan-pricer flat-vol equivalence for coupons CommonVars vars = new CommonVars(); SwapIndex swapIndex = new SwapIndex("EuriborSwapIsdaFixA", new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years), vars.iborIndex.fixingDays(), vars.iborIndex.currency(), vars.iborIndex.fixingCalendar(), new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, vars.iborIndex.dayCounter(),//?? vars.iborIndex); // FIXME //shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndex(new // EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(10*Years, vars.iborIndex->termStructure())); Date startDate = + new Period(20, TimeUnit.Years); Date paymentDate = startDate + new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years); Date endDate = paymentDate; double nominal = 1.0; double?infiniteCap = null; double?infiniteFloor = null; double gearing = 1.0; double spread = 0.0; CappedFlooredCmsCoupon coupon = new CappedFlooredCmsCoupon(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, swapIndex.fixingDays(), swapIndex, gearing, spread, infiniteCap, infiniteFloor, startDate, endDate, vars.iborIndex.dayCounter()); for (int j = 0; j < vars.yieldCurveModels.Count; ++j) { vars.numericalPricers[j].setSwaptionVolatility(vars.atmVol); coupon.setPricer(vars.numericalPricers[j]); double rate0 = coupon.rate(); vars.analyticPricers[j].setSwaptionVolatility(vars.atmVol); coupon.setPricer(vars.analyticPricers[j]); double rate1 = coupon.rate(); double difference = Math.Abs(rate1 - rate0); double tol = 2.0e-4; bool linearTsr = j == vars.yieldCurveModels.Count - 1; if (difference > tol) { QAssert.Fail("\nCoupon payment date: " + paymentDate + "\nCoupon start date: " + startDate + "\nCoupon floor: " + (infiniteFloor) + "\nCoupon gearing: " + (gearing) + "\nCoupon swap index: " + + "\nCoupon spread: " + (spread) + "\nCoupon cap: " + (infiniteCap) + "\nCoupon DayCounter: " + vars.iborIndex.dayCounter() + "\nYieldCurve Model: " + vars.yieldCurveModels[j] + "\nNumerical Pricer: " + (rate0) + (linearTsr ? " (Linear TSR Model)" : "") + "\nAnalytic Pricer: " + (rate1) + "\ndifference: " + (difference) + "\ntolerance: " + (tol)); } } }